// Get all available sites for the current time and those who were not selected yet for the new route.
        private List <sites> getAvailableSites(smart_trip_dbEntities se, List <sites> sitesDbInfo, List <sites> newRoute, string currentTime)
            // Remove all sites that were already assigned to previous hours in the new route.
            foreach (sites siteInNewRoute in newRoute)
                foreach (sites siteInDb in sitesDbInfo.ToList())
                    if (siteInDb.id == siteInNewRoute.id)

            // Remove all closed sites for the current time.
            foreach (sites siteInDb in sitesDbInfo.ToList())
                bool isOpen = checkIfSiteIsOpen(se, siteInDb, currentTime);
                if (!isOpen)
 public HttpResponseMessage getRoute(int routeId)
     using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
         var route = se.routes.Where(s => s.id == routeId).ToList();
         return(rh.HandleResponse(new { route = route }));
 public HttpResponseMessage getAllSeasons()
     using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
         var seasons = se.seasons.ToList();
         return(rh.HandleResponse(new { seasons = seasons }));
 public HttpResponseMessage getAllCompositions()
     using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
         var compositions = se.composition.ToList();
         return(rh.HandleResponse(new { compositions = compositions }));
 public HttpResponseMessage getSiteOpeningHours(int siteId)
     using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
         var openingHours = se.sites_opening_hours.Where(s => s.id == siteId).ToList();
         return(rh.HandleResponse(new { site_opening_hours = openingHours }));
 public HttpResponseMessage getAllCitySitesTypes(CitySiteType siteType)
     using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
         var sites = se.sites.Where(s => s.city_id != null && s.city_id == siteType.cityId && s.types != null && s.types.Contains(siteType.typeId.ToString())).ToList();
         return(rh.HandleResponse(new { city_sites = sites }));
 public HttpResponseMessage getAllSites(int city_id)
     using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
         var sites = se.sites.Where(s => s.city_id != null && s.city_id == city_id).ToList();
         return(rh.HandleResponse(new { city_sites = sites }));
 public HttpResponseMessage getAll()
     using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
         var cities = se.cities.ToList();
         return(rh.HandleResponse(new { cities = cities }));
 private users getUserIfExists(smart_trip_dbEntities se, String userName, String password, String deviceToken)
         return(se.users.FirstOrDefault(o => (o.uname.Equals(userName) && o.password.Equals(password)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.device_token) && o.device_token.Equals(deviceToken))));
     catch (Exception ex)
        // Add new route to the saved route in the DB.
        private void addToSavedRoute(smart_trip_dbEntities se, List <sites> newRoute, int cityId)
            var route = new routes();

            route.name        = "Route number " + (se.routes.Count() + 1).ToString();
            route.city_id     = cityId;
            route.user_id     = ADMIN_ID;
            route.sites       = getSitesString(newRoute);
            route.image_url   = NEW_YORK_IMAGE_URL;
            route.rate        = DEFAULT_RATE;
            route.description = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;
        // Check if site is open for a visit in the current time.
        private bool checkIfSiteIsOpen(smart_trip_dbEntities se, sites siteInDb, String currentTime)
            // Get current day number.
            String openingHours = getSiteHours(se, (int)siteInDb.id);

            if (openingHours.Equals(OPEN_24_HOURS))
            else if (openingHours.Equals(CLOSED))
                return(currentTimeInRange(currentTime, openingHours));
        public HttpResponseMessage calcualte(RouteRequest userRequest)
            using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
                String        currentTime            = userRequest.startTime;
                int           numberOfSitesInRoute   = getNumberOfSites(currentTime, userRequest.endTime);
                List <sites>  sitesByUserPerferances = se.sites.Where(s => (s.compositions != null && s.compositions.Contains(userRequest.compositionId.ToString())) && (s.seasons != null && s.seasons.Contains(userRequest.seasonId.ToString())) && (s.city_id != null && s.city_id == userRequest.cityId)).ToList();
                List <String> hoursPerSite           = new List <String>();
                if (sitesByUserPerferances.Count == 0)
                    return(rh.HandleResponse(new { HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, failed_calculation = ROUTE_FINDER_ERROR_MEASSAGE }));
                    List <sites> newRoute         = new List <sites>();
                    Random       rnd              = new Random();
                    bool         endOfCalculation = false;

                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < numberOfSitesInRoute && !endOfCalculation; i++)
                        // Get all available sites full info.
                        List <sites> availableSites = new List <sites>(sitesByUserPerferances);
                        availableSites = getAvailableSites(se, availableSites, newRoute, currentTime);

                        if (availableSites.Count == 0)
                            endOfCalculation = true;
                            // Rand a site from avaialable sites for a visit and add for the new route.
                            int siteIndex = rnd.Next(0, availableSites.Count);
                            currentTime = getTimeForNextSite(currentTime);
                    addToSavedRoute(se, newRoute, userRequest.cityId);
                    return(rh.HandleResponse(new { route = newRoute, hours = hoursPerSite }));
        // --------------------------------- Server internal methods --------------------------------- //

        // Check if user exits in the DB.
        private bool isUserExists(smart_trip_dbEntities se, String userName, String password, String deviceToken)
                bool userExists = se.users.Any(o => (o.uname.Equals(userName) && o.password.Equals(password)) || (o.device_token.Equals(deviceToken)));
                if (userExists)
            catch (Exception)
        // Get site opening hours from today.
        private string getSiteHours(smart_trip_dbEntities se, int id)
            DateTime ClockInfoFromSystem = DateTime.Now;
            int      day          = (int)ClockInfoFromSystem.DayOfWeek;
            string   openingHours = null;

            switch (day)
            case 0:     // Sunday.
                openingHours = (from h in se.sites_opening_hours where h.id == id select h.sunday).FirstOrDefault();

            case 1:     // Monday.
                openingHours = (from h in se.sites_opening_hours where h.id == id select h.monday).FirstOrDefault();

            case 2:     // Tueday.
                openingHours = (from h in se.sites_opening_hours where h.id == id select h.tuesday).FirstOrDefault();

            case 3:     // Wednesday.
                openingHours = (from h in se.sites_opening_hours where h.id == id select h.wednesday).FirstOrDefault();

            case 4:     // Thursday.
                openingHours = (from h in se.sites_opening_hours where h.id == id select h.thursday).FirstOrDefault();

            case 5:     // Friday.
                openingHours = (from h in se.sites_opening_hours where h.id == id select h.friday).FirstOrDefault();

            case 6:     // Saturday.
                openingHours = (from h in se.sites_opening_hours where h.id == id select h.saturday).FirstOrDefault();

        public HttpResponseMessage login(UserConnection user)
            using (smart_trip_dbEntities se = new smart_trip_dbEntities())
                var user_ = getUserIfExists(se, user.userName, user.password, user.deviceToken);
                if (user_ == null)
                    user_              = new users();
                    user_.uname        = user.userName;
                    user_.password     = user.password;
                    user_.device_token = user.deviceToken;

                var cities            = se.cities.ToList();
                var sites             = se.sites.Where(s => s.city_id == 1).ToList();
                var categories        = se.sites_types.ToList();
                var recommandedRoutes = se.routes.Where(s => s.rate != null && s.rate >= 4).ToList();

                return(rh.HandleResponse(new { user = user_, sites = sites, cities = cities, categories = categories, recommanded_routes = recommandedRoutes }));