Beispiel #1
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            using (var db = new skistore_seContext())
                var shops = await db.PsShop.Where(x => x.Name == "Mtbstore").ToListAsync();

                foreach (var shop in shops)
                    var langs = await db.PsLang.ToListAsync();

                    foreach (var lang in langs)
                        var imageNames = new List <string>();
                        var exports    = new List <ExportModel>();
                        Console.WriteLine($"Starting export for {lang.IsoCode} on {shop.Name}");
                        await ExportProductsFromCategory(db, shop.IdCategory, new List <string>(), shop.IdShop, lang, exports, imageNames);

                        var fileName = $"export-{shop.Name}-{lang.IsoCode}.csv";
                        await CsvExporter.Export(File.OpenWrite(fileName), exports, new ExportOptions { WriteSep = false });

                        GenerateImageDownloadFilelist(shop, imageNames);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Exported {exports.Count} products");

            Console.WriteLine("Finished! Press any key to exit");
Beispiel #2
        private static async Task ExportProductsFromCategory(skistore_seContext db, int parentCategoryId, List <string> categoryPath, int shopId, PsLang lang, List <ExportModel> exports, List <string> imageNames)
            Console.WriteLine($"About to find children to category {parentCategoryId}({categoryPath.LastOrDefault() ?? ""})");

            var categories = await db.PsCategory
                             .Where(x => x.IdParent == parentCategoryId)
                             .Join(db.PsCategoryLang.Where(x => x.IdLang == lang.IdLang && x.IdShop == shopId),
                                   x => x.IdCategory, x => x.IdCategory, (a, b) => new { a.IdCategory, a.IdParent, a.IsRootCategory, b.Name })

            foreach (var category in categories)
                var localCategoryPath = categoryPath.Append(category.Name).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine($"Processing category {category.Name}");

                var products = await db.PsCategoryProduct
                               .Where(x => x.IdCategory == category.IdCategory)
                               .Join(db.PsProduct, x => x.IdProduct, x => x.IdProduct, (a, b) => b)

                foreach (var product in products)
                    var productLang = await db.PsProductLang.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IdLang == lang.IdLang && x.IdProduct == product.IdProduct);

                    if (productLang == null)

                    var manufacturer = await db.PsManufacturer.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IdManufacturer == product.IdManufacturer);

                    var images = await db.PsImage.Where(x => x.IdProduct == product.IdProduct).OrderBy(x => x.Position).ToListAsync();

                    imageNames.AddRange(images.Select(x => $"{x.IdImage}.jpg"));

                    var tags = await db.PsTag
                               .Where(x => x.IdLang == lang.IdLang)
                               .Join(db.PsProductTag.Where(x => x.IdProduct == product.IdProduct), x => x.IdTag, x => x.IdTag, (a, b) => a.Name)

                    var productAttributes = await db.PsProductAttribute.Where(x => x.IdProduct == product.IdProduct).ToListAsync();

                    if (productAttributes.Any())
                        //Add parent row
                        AddOrReplaceExportModel(exports, new ExportModel
                            Ean           = product.Ean13,
                            Reference     = product.Reference,
                            Title         = productLang.Name,
                            Description   = productLang.DescriptionShort,
                            Text          = productLang.Description,
                            Manufacturer  = manufacturer?.Name ?? "",
                            Parent        = "",
                            Category      = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(0) ?? "",
                            SubCategory1  = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(1) ?? "",
                            SubCategory2  = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(2) ?? "",
                            SubCategory3  = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(3) ?? "",
                            Measurment    = $"{Convert.ToInt32(product.Width)}x{Convert.ToInt32(product.Height)}x{Convert.ToInt32(product.Depth)}",
                            Weight        = Convert.ToInt32(product.Weight).ToString(),
                            Image1        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(0) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(0).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Image2        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(1) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(1).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Image3        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(2) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(2).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Image4        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(3) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(3).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Image5        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(4) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(4).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Tags          = string.Join(',', tags),
                            CategoryDepth = localCategoryPath.Count

                        //Add child rows
                        foreach (var productAttribute in productAttributes)
                            var attributes = await db.PsProductAttributeCombination
                                             .Where(x => x.IdProductAttribute == productAttribute.IdProductAttribute)
                                             .Join(db.PsAttribute, x => x.IdAttribute, x => x.IdAttribute, (a, b) => b)
                                             .Join(db.PsAttributeLang.Where(x => x.IdLang == lang.IdLang), x => x.IdAttribute, x => x.IdAttribute, (a, b) => new
                                GroupName = db.PsAttributeGroupLang
                                            .Where(x => x.IdLang == lang.IdLang && x.IdAttributeGroup == a.IdAttributeGroup)
                                            .Select(x => x.PublicName)

                            AddOrReplaceExportModel(exports, new ExportModel
                                Ean          = productAttribute.Ean13,
                                Reference    = productAttribute.Reference,
                                Price        = product.Price.ToString(),
                                Title        = productLang.Name,
                                Description  = productLang.DescriptionShort,
                                Text         = productLang.Description,
                                Manufacturer = manufacturer?.Name ?? "",
                                Parent       = product.Reference,
                                Category     = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(0) ?? "",
                                SubCategory1 = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(1) ?? "",
                                SubCategory2 = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(2) ?? "",
                                SubCategory3 = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(3) ?? "",
                                Attributes   = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                    { attributes?.GroupName ?? "", attributes?.Name ?? "" }
                                Measurment    = $"{Convert.ToInt32(product.Width)}x{Convert.ToInt32(product.Height)}x{Convert.ToInt32(product.Depth)}",
                                Weight        = Convert.ToInt32(productAttribute.Weight).ToString(),
                                Image1        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(0) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(0).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                                Image2        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(1) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(1).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                                Image3        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(2) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(2).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                                Image4        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(3) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(3).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                                Image5        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(4) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(4).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                                Tags          = string.Join(',', tags),
                                CategoryDepth = localCategoryPath.Count
                        //Add parent row
                        AddOrReplaceExportModel(exports, new ExportModel
                            Ean           = product.Ean13,
                            Reference     = product.Reference,
                            Title         = productLang.Name,
                            Description   = productLang.DescriptionShort,
                            Text          = productLang.Description,
                            Manufacturer  = manufacturer?.Name ?? "",
                            Price         = product.Price.ToString(),
                            Category      = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(0) ?? "",
                            SubCategory1  = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(1) ?? "",
                            SubCategory2  = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(2) ?? "",
                            SubCategory3  = localCategoryPath.ElementAtOrDefault(3) ?? "",
                            Measurment    = $"{Convert.ToInt32(product.Width)}x{Convert.ToInt32(product.Height)}x{Convert.ToInt32(product.Depth)}",
                            Weight        = Convert.ToInt32(product.Weight).ToString(),
                            Image1        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(0) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(0).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Image2        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(1) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(1).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Image3        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(2) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(2).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Image4        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(3) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(3).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Image5        = images.ElementAtOrDefault(4) != null ? $"{images.ElementAtOrDefault(4).IdImage}.jpg" : "",
                            Tags          = string.Join(',', tags),
                            CategoryDepth = localCategoryPath.Count

                await ExportProductsFromCategory(db, category.IdCategory, localCategoryPath, shopId, lang, exports, imageNames);