Beispiel #1
        public void HandleChat(string[] str2, string str)
            if (str2[0] == "@go")
                if (str2.Count() > 1)
            else if (str2[0] == "@commands")
                UpdateChat("@go, @bug, @rank, @reset, @automp 0.10, @autohp 0.10, ");
                UpdateChat("@addstat str 100, @remitee, @autoloot, @autohit ");
                UpdateChat("@bankslot 0 (1,2..), @ping, @stats, @pkstats ");
            else if (str[0] == '!')
                var message = str.Remove(0, 1);
                message = "[" + player.Name + "] : " + message;
                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Serial, "all", new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 0x95, (short)message.Count(), message).Compile()));
            else if (str[0] == '~' || str2[0] == "@tele" || str2[0] == "@learn" ||
                     str2[0] == "@invis" || str2[0] == "@createitem" || str2[0] == "@kick")
            else if (str == "promote me")
                var AronNpc = World.NewNpcs.Where(xe => xe.Value.Name == "Aron").FirstOrDefault();
                if (AronNpc.Value != null && World.Dist2d(player.X, player.Y, AronNpc.Value.X, AronNpc.Value.Y) < 7 &&
                    player.Level >= 80)
                    if (AronStage == 0)
                        string achat = "[Aron]: Bring the life of drug from Alias.";
                        SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
                        AronStage = 4;
            else if (str2[0] == "@drops")
            else if (str2[0] == "@ping")
                long totalTime = 0;
                int  timeout   = 60;
                System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping pingSender = new Ping();

                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    PingReply reply = pingSender.Send(connection.RemoteEndPoint.Address, timeout);
                    if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
                        totalTime += reply.RoundtripTime;
                long   res   = totalTime / 1;
                string achat = res + " ms";
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str == "give me the life drug")
                if (player.m_Map == "Village1" && World.Dist2d(player.Loc, new Point2D(90, 173)) <= 4)
                    AliasStage = 1;
                    string achat = "[Alias]: I have a life drug. Do you need it?";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@bug")
                if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - 3000 > lastcmd)
                    lastcmd = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                    string bug = player.Name + " : " + str.Substring(4);
                    string achat = "Bug report sent.";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
                    string achat = "Please wait before issuing another command.";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@bankslot")
                try { Convert.ToInt32(str2[1]); }
                catch { return; }
                player.BankTab = Convert.ToInt32(str2[1]);
                var invslots = (player.BankTab * 12) + 40;
                for (int x = 0; x < 12; x++)
                    SendPacket(new DeleteEntrustSlot((byte)x).Compile());
                foreach (var itm in player.BankContent.Where(xe => xe.InvSlot >= invslots && xe.InvSlot < (invslots + 12)))
                    SendPacket(new AddItemToEntrust(itm).Compile());
            else if (str == "@reset")
                if (player.GetFreeSlots() > 5)
                    foreach (var it in player.Equipped2.Values)
                        it.Unequip(player, it.InvSlot);

                    var total = player.m_Str + player.m_Dex + player.m_Men + player.m_Vit + player.Extra;
                    player.Extra   = (uint)total;
                    player.m_Str   = 0;
                    player.m_Dex   = 0;
                    player.m_Men   = 0;
                    player.m_Vit   = 0;
                    player.m_HPCur = player.HP;
                    player.m_MPCur = player.MP;
                    SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile());
                    string achat = "Free up 5 slots";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str == "give me the magic drug")
                if (player.m_Map == "Village1" && World.Dist2d(player.Loc, new Point2D(90, 173)) <= 2)
                    AliasStage = 2;
                    string achat = "[Alias]: I have a magic drug. Do you need it?";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str == "yes")
                if (player.m_Map == "Village1" && World.Dist2d(player.Loc, new Point2D(90, 173)) <= 2 &&
                    AliasStage > 0)
                    if (AliasStage == 1)
                        AliasStage = 0;
                        var newitem = new script.item.PromoteLifeDrug().Inventory(player);
                        World.NewItems.TryAdd(newitem.m_Serial, newitem);
                        SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(newitem).Compile());
                    if (AliasStage == 2)
                        AliasStage = 0;
                        var newitem = new script.item.PromoteMagicDrug().Inventory(player);
                        World.NewItems.TryAdd(newitem.m_Serial, newitem);
                        SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(newitem).Compile());

                var AronNpc = World.NewNpcs.Where(xe => xe.Value.Name == "Aron").FirstOrDefault();
                if (AronNpc.Value != null && World.Dist2d(player.X, player.Y, AronNpc.Value.X, AronNpc.Value.Y) < 7 &&
                    (player.Level >= 80 && player.Level <= 99) || (player.Level == (100 + (20 * player.Promo))))
                    if (player.Promo == 12)
                    if (player.Promo == 7)

                    if (AronStage >= 1)
                        AronStage = 0;
                        if (player.Promo == 0)
                            player.XP     = 0;
                            player.Level  = 101;
                            player.Extra += 30;
                        else if (player.Promo >= 1)
                            player.XP = 0;
                            if (player.Promo == 1)
                                player.Extra += 50;
                            if (player.Promo == 2)
                                player.Extra += 80;
                            if (player.Promo == 3)
                                player.Extra += 120;
                            if (player.Promo == 4)
                                player.Extra += 180;
                            if (player.Promo == 5)
                                player.Extra += 260;
                            if (player.Promo == 6)
                                player.Extra += 360;
                            if (player.Promo == 7)
                                player.Extra += 480;
                            if (player.Promo == 8)
                                player.Extra += 620;
                            if (player.Promo == 9)
                                player.Extra += 780;
                            if (player.Promo == 10)
                                player.Extra += 960;
                            if (player.Promo == 11)
                                player.Extra += 1160;
                            if (player.Promo == 6 && player.GetFreeSlots() > 0)
                                script.item.Item prize = null;
                                if (player.Class == LKCamelot.library.Class.Knight)
                                    prize = new script.item.Excalibur().Inventory(player);
                                if (player.Class == LKCamelot.library.Class.Swordsman)
                                    prize = new script.item.DaeungDaegum().Inventory(player);
                                if (player.Class == LKCamelot.library.Class.Wizard)
                                    prize = new script.item.Kassandra().Inventory(player);
                                if (player.Class == LKCamelot.library.Class.Shaman)
                                    prize = new script.item.TaegkFan().Inventory(player);
                                    World.NewItems.TryAdd(prize.m_Serial, prize);
                                    SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(prize).Compile());
                                catch { Console.WriteLine("failed to add promo item"); }

                        SendPacket(new SetLevelGold(player).Compile());
                        SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@automp")
                if (!player.AutoMana)
                    player.AutoMana = true;
                    player.AutoMana = false;
                if (str2.Count() > 1)
                        var temp = Convert.ToDouble(str2[1]);
                        if (temp > 1)
                            temp = 1;
                        if (temp < 0)
                            temp = 0;
                        player.AutoManaP = temp;
                    catch { }
            else if (str2[0] == "@stats")
                string hpmp  = string.Format("HP:{0}, MP:{1}, Level:{2}", player.HP, player.MP, player.Level);
                string stats = string.Format("Str:{0}, Men:{1}, Dex:{2}, Vit:{3}",
                                             player.GetStat("str"), player.GetStat("men"), player.GetStat("dex"), player.GetStat("vit"));
                string ats = string.Format("AC:{0}, Dam:{1}, Hit:{2}, Extra:{3}",
                                           player.AC, player.Dam, player.Hit, player.Extra);
                string golds = string.Format("Gold:{0}, Diamonds:{1}",
                                             player.Gold, 0);
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)hpmp.Count(), hpmp).Compile());
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)stats.Count(), stats).Compile());
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)ats.Count(), ats).Compile());
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)golds.Count(), golds).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@pkstats")
                string hpmp = string.Format("TempPKCount:{0}, RedTime:{1}",
                                            player.pklastpk.Count, ((player.pklastpk.Count * player.pkRedDelay) / 1000) / 60 + "m");
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)hpmp.Count(), hpmp).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@addstat")
                    var extras = Convert.ToUInt16(str2[2]);
                    var stat   = str2[1];
                    if (player.Extra >= extras)
                        if (stat == "str")
                            player.AddStat(ref player.m_Str, extras);
                        if (stat == "men")
                            player.AddStat(ref player.m_Men, extras);
                        if (stat == "dex")
                            player.AddStat(ref player.m_Dex, extras);
                        if (stat == "vit")
                            player.AddStat(ref player.m_Vit, extras);
                        SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile());
                    string rankr = "Failed. Use: @addstat stat amount ";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@autohp")
                if (!player.AutoHP)
                    player.AutoHP = true;
                    player.AutoHP = false;

                if (str2.Count() > 1)
                        var temp = Convert.ToDouble(str2[1]);
                        if (temp > 1)
                            temp = 1;
                        if (temp < 0)
                            temp = 0;
                        player.AutoHPP = temp;
                    catch { }
            else if (str2[0] == "@tele")
                if (player.Name != "SIR" && player.Name != "PATHFINDER")
                if (str2.Count() == 2)
                    var teleon = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Name == str2[1]).FirstOrDefault().Value;
                    if (teleon != null)
                        player.Loc = new Point2D(teleon.Loc.X, teleon.Loc.Y);
                        player.Map = teleon.Map;
                else if (str2.Count() == 4)
                    player.Loc = new Point2D(Convert.ToInt16(str2[2]), Convert.ToInt16(str2[3]));
                    player.Map = str2[1];
            else if (str2[0] == "@learn")
                if (player.Name != "SIR" && player.Name != "PATHFINDER")
                    string activatorstring = "LKCamelot.script.spells.";
                    var    tempspell       = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(activatorstring + str2[1]));
                    (tempspell as script.spells.Spell).Slot    = player.GetFreeSpellSlot();
                    (tempspell as script.spells.Spell).SLevel2 = 99;
                    (tempspell as script.spells.Spell).Level   = 12;
                    player.m_MagicLearned.Add((tempspell as script.spells.Spell));
                    SendPacket(new CreateSlotMagic2((tempspell as script.spells.Spell)).Compile());
                catch { return; }
            else if (str2[0] == "@invis")
                if (player.Name != "SIR" && player.Name != "PATHFINDER")
                if (player.Transparancy == 0)
                    player.Transparancy = 100;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new SetObjectEffectsPlayer(player).Compile()));
                    player.Transparancy = 0;
            else if (str2[0] == "@createitem")
                if (player.Name != "SIR")
                script.item.Item temp;
                    temp = (script.item.Item)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("LKCamelot.script.item." + str2[1]));
                catch { return; }

                var newitem = temp.Inventory(player);
                World.NewItems.TryAdd(newitem.m_Serial, newitem);
                SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(newitem).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@kick")
                if (player.Name != "SIR" && player.Name != "PATHFINDER")

                if (str2[1] != "")
                    var plr = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Name == str2[1].ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault().Value;
                    plr.loggedIn = false;
            else if (str2[0] == "@remitee")
                if (str2.Count() <= 2 || player.m_Map != "Loen")
                    if (Convert.ToUInt64(str2[2]) < 0)
                catch { return; }

                var tradep = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Key != null && xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Name == str2[1].ToUpper() && xe.Value.Map == "Loen").FirstOrDefault().Value;
                if (tradep != null && tradep != null && tradep.Name != player.Name && player.Gold >= Convert.ToUInt64(str2[2]))
                    player.Gold -= Convert.ToUInt64(str2[2]);
                    tradep.Gold += Convert.ToUInt64(str2[2]);
            else if (str2[0] == "@cast")
                /*   if (str2.Count() <= 7)
                 *     return;
                 * int par;
                 * for (int x = 1; x < 9; x++)
                 * {
                 *     if (int.TryParse(str2[x], out par) == false)
                 *         return;
                 * }
                 * World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, Convert.ToInt16(str2[1]), Convert.ToInt16(str2[2]), new script.spells.SpellSequence(Convert.ToInt32(str2[3]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[4]),
                 *     Convert.ToInt32(str2[5]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[6]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[7]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[8]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[9]))).Compile()));
            else if (str2[0] == "@rank")
                if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - 2000 > ChatTimeout)
                    ChatTimeout = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    string rankr = "Ranks: ";
                    var    keys  = handler.add.Values.Where(xe => xe != null && xe.Name.ToUpper() != "PATHFINDER" && xe.Name.ToUpper() != "SIR").ToList();
                    var    kl    = keys.OrderByDescending(xe => xe.Level).ToList();
                    if (kl.Count > 25)
                        kl.RemoveRange(24, kl.Count - 24 - 1);

                    foreach (var rnk in kl)
                        rankr += rnk.Name + ", ";
                        if (rankr.Count() / 35 >= 1)
                            rankr = rankr.Substring(0, rankr.Count() - 2);
                            SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());
                            rankr = "";
                    if (rankr.Count() > 0)
                        rankr = rankr.Substring(0, rankr.Count() - 2);
                        SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());
                        rankr = "";
                    var online = handler.add.Values.Where(xe => xe != null && xe.Name.ToUpper() != "PATHFINDER" && xe.Name.ToUpper() != "SIR" && xe.loggedIn && xe.apistate == 0).ToList();
                    rankr = string.Format("Players Online: {0}", online.Count);
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());

                /*8          if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - ChatTimeout > LastAttack)
                 *        {
                 *            ChatTimeout = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                 *            string rankr = "Highest Ranks: ";
                 *            foreach (var rnk in World.DBConnect.GetRank(this))
                 *            {
                 *                rankr += rnk.Name +", ";
                 *                rankr = rankr.Substring(0, rankr.Count()-2);
                 *                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());
                 *            }
                 *        }*/
            else if (str2[0] == "@autoloot")
                var strloot = "";
                if (player.AutoLoot)
                    player.AutoLoot = false;
                    strloot         = "Autoloot disabled.";
                    player.AutoLoot = true;
                    strloot         = "Autoloot enabled.";
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)strloot.Count(), strloot).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@autohit")
                var strloot = "";
                if (player.AutoHit)
                    player.AutoHit = false;
                    strloot        = "Autohit disabled.";
                    player.AutoHit = true;
                    strloot        = "Autohit enabled.";
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)strloot.Count(), strloot).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "make" && str2[1] == "me" && str2[2] == "a")
                var AronNpc = World.NewNpcs.Where(xe => xe.Value.Name == "Aron").FirstOrDefault();
                if (AronNpc.Value != null && World.Dist2d(player.X, player.Y, AronNpc.Value.X, AronNpc.Value.Y) < 7 &&
                    player.Level >= 5 && player.Promo == 0)
                    switch (str2[3])
                    case "knight":
                        player.Class = LKCamelot.library.Class.Knight;

                    case "swordman":
                        player.Class = LKCamelot.library.Class.Swordsman;

                    case "wizard":
                        player.Class = LKCamelot.library.Class.Wizard;

                    case "shaman":
                        player.Class = LKCamelot.library.Class.Shaman;
            else if (str[0] == '/')
                if (str2.Count() <= 1)
                var str3 = player.Name + "> " + str.Substring(str2[0].Count());

                var parsename = str2[0].ToString().Substring(1).ToUpper();
                var whisp     = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Name == parsename).FirstOrDefault();
                if (whisp.Key != null && whisp.Value != null && whisp.Value.loggedIn)
                    var str1 = whisp.Value.Name + "< " + str.Substring(str2[0].Count());
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0x70, 1, (short)str1.Count(), str1).Compile());
                    whisp.Value.client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0x70, 1, (short)str3.Count(), str3).Compile());
                str = "[" + player.Name + "] : " + str;
                World.SendToAllRange(new QueDele(player.Map, new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)str.Count(), str).Compile()), player, 10);
Beispiel #2
        public void HandleChat(string[] str2, string str)
            if (str2[0] == "@go")
                if (str2.Count() > 1)
            else if (str2[0] == "@commands")
                UpdateChat("@go, @bug, @rank, @reset, @automp 0.10, @autohp 0.10, ");
                UpdateChat("@addstat str 100, @remitee, @autoloot, @autohit ");
                UpdateChat("@bankslot 0 (1,2..), @ping, @stats, @pkstats ");
            else if (str[0] == '!')
                var message = str.Remove(0, 1);
                message = "[" + player.Name + "] : " + message;
                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Serial, "all", new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 0x95, (short)message.Count(), message).Compile()));
            else if (str[0] == '~' || str2[0] == "@tele" || str2[0] == "@learn"
                || str2[0] == "@invis" || str2[0] == "@createitem" || str2[0] == "@kick")
            else if (str == "promote me")
                var AronNpc = World.NewNpcs.Where(xe => xe.Value.Name == "Aron").FirstOrDefault();
                if (AronNpc.Value != null && World.Dist2d(player.X, player.Y, AronNpc.Value.X, AronNpc.Value.Y) < 7
                    && player.Level >= 80)
                    if (AronStage == 0)
                        string achat = "[Aron]: Bring the life of drug from Alias.";
                        SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
                        AronStage = 4;
            else if (str2[0] == "@drops")

            else if (str2[0] == "@ping")

                long totalTime = 0;
                int timeout = 60;
                System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping pingSender = new Ping();

                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    PingReply reply = pingSender.Send(connection.RemoteEndPoint.Address, timeout);
                    if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
                        totalTime += reply.RoundtripTime;
                long res = totalTime / 1;
                string achat = res + " ms";
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str == "give me the life drug")
                if (player.m_Map == "Village1" && World.Dist2d(player.Loc, new Point2D(90, 173)) <= 4)
                    AliasStage = 1;
                    string achat = "[Alias]: I have a life drug. Do you need it?";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@bug")
                if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - 3000 > lastcmd)
                    lastcmd = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                    string bug = player.Name + " : " + str.Substring(4);
                    string achat = "Bug report sent.";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
                    string achat = "Please wait before issuing another command.";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@bankslot")
                try { Convert.ToInt32(str2[1]); }
                catch { return; }
                player.BankTab = Convert.ToInt32(str2[1]);
                var invslots = (player.BankTab * 12) + 40;
                for (int x = 0; x < 12; x++)
                    SendPacket(new DeleteEntrustSlot((byte)x).Compile());
                foreach (var itm in player.BankContent.Where(xe => xe.InvSlot >= invslots && xe.InvSlot < (invslots + 12)))
                    SendPacket(new AddItemToEntrust(itm).Compile());
            else if (str == "@reset")
                if (player.GetFreeSlots() > 5)
                    foreach (var it in player.Equipped2.Values)
                        it.Unequip(player, it.InvSlot);

                    var total = player.m_Str + player.m_Dex + player.m_Men + player.m_Vit + player.Extra;
                    player.Extra = (uint)total;
                    player.m_Str = 0;
                    player.m_Dex = 0;
                    player.m_Men = 0;
                    player.m_Vit = 0;
                    player.m_HPCur = player.HP;
                    player.m_MPCur = player.MP;
                    SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile());
                    string achat = "Free up 5 slots";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str == "give me the magic drug")
                if (player.m_Map == "Village1" && World.Dist2d(player.Loc, new Point2D(90, 173)) <= 2)
                    AliasStage = 2;
                    string achat = "[Alias]: I have a magic drug. Do you need it?";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile());
            else if (str == "yes")
                if (player.m_Map == "Village1" && World.Dist2d(player.Loc, new Point2D(90, 173)) <= 2
                    && AliasStage > 0)
                    if (AliasStage == 1)
                        AliasStage = 0;
                        var newitem = new script.item.PromoteLifeDrug().Inventory(player);
                        World.NewItems.TryAdd(newitem.m_Serial, newitem);
                        SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(newitem).Compile());
                    if (AliasStage == 2)
                        AliasStage = 0;
                        var newitem = new script.item.PromoteMagicDrug().Inventory(player);
                        World.NewItems.TryAdd(newitem.m_Serial, newitem);
                        SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(newitem).Compile());

                var AronNpc = World.NewNpcs.Where(xe => xe.Value.Name == "Aron").FirstOrDefault();
                if (AronNpc.Value != null && World.Dist2d(player.X, player.Y, AronNpc.Value.X, AronNpc.Value.Y) < 7
                    && (player.Level >= 80 && player.Level <= 99) || (player.Level == (100 + (20 * player.Promo))))
                    if (player.Promo == 12)
                    if (player.Promo == 7)

                    if (AronStage >= 1)
                        AronStage = 0;
                        if (player.Promo == 0)
                            player.XP = 0;
                            player.Level = 101;
                            player.Extra += 30;
                        else if (player.Promo >= 1)
                            player.XP = 0;
                            if (player.Promo == 1) player.Extra += 50;
                            if (player.Promo == 2) player.Extra += 80;
                            if (player.Promo == 3) player.Extra += 120;
                            if (player.Promo == 4) player.Extra += 180;
                            if (player.Promo == 5) player.Extra += 260;
                            if (player.Promo == 6) player.Extra += 360;
                            if (player.Promo == 7) player.Extra += 480;
                            if (player.Promo == 8) player.Extra += 620;
                            if (player.Promo == 9) player.Extra += 780;
                            if (player.Promo == 10) player.Extra += 960;
                            if (player.Promo == 11) player.Extra += 1160;
                            if (player.Promo == 6 && player.GetFreeSlots() > 0)
                                script.item.Item prize = null;
                                if (player.Class == LKCamelot.library.Class.Knight)
                                    prize = new script.item.Excalibur().Inventory(player);
                                if (player.Class == LKCamelot.library.Class.Swordsman)
                                    prize = new script.item.DaeungDaegum().Inventory(player);
                                if (player.Class == LKCamelot.library.Class.Wizard)
                                    prize = new script.item.Kassandra().Inventory(player);
                                if (player.Class == LKCamelot.library.Class.Shaman)
                                    prize = new script.item.TaegkFan().Inventory(player);
                                    World.NewItems.TryAdd(prize.m_Serial, prize);
                                    SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(prize).Compile());
                                catch { Console.WriteLine("failed to add promo item"); }


                        SendPacket(new SetLevelGold(player).Compile());
                        SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile());

            else if (str2[0] == "@automp")
                if (!player.AutoMana)
                    player.AutoMana = true;
                    player.AutoMana = false;
                if (str2.Count() > 1)
                        var temp = Convert.ToDouble(str2[1]);
                        if (temp > 1) temp = 1;
                        if (temp < 0) temp = 0;
                        player.AutoManaP = temp;
                    catch { }
            else if (str2[0] == "@stats")
                string hpmp = string.Format("HP:{0}, MP:{1}, Level:{2}", player.HP, player.MP, player.Level);
                string stats = string.Format("Str:{0}, Men:{1}, Dex:{2}, Vit:{3}",
                    player.GetStat("str"), player.GetStat("men"), player.GetStat("dex"), player.GetStat("vit"));
                string ats = string.Format("AC:{0}, Dam:{1}, Hit:{2}, Extra:{3}",
                    player.AC, player.Dam, player.Hit, player.Extra);
                string golds = string.Format("Gold:{0}, Diamonds:{1}",
                     player.Gold, 0);
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)hpmp.Count(), hpmp).Compile());
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)stats.Count(), stats).Compile());
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)ats.Count(), ats).Compile());
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)golds.Count(), golds).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@pkstats")
                string hpmp = string.Format("TempPKCount:{0}, RedTime:{1}", 
                    player.pklastpk.Count, ((player.pklastpk.Count * player.pkRedDelay) / 1000) / 60 +"m" );
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)hpmp.Count(), hpmp).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@addstat")
                    var extras = Convert.ToUInt16(str2[2]);
                    var stat = str2[1];
                    if (player.Extra >= extras)
                        if (stat == "str") player.AddStat(ref player.m_Str, extras);
                        if (stat == "men") player.AddStat(ref player.m_Men, extras);
                        if (stat == "dex") player.AddStat(ref player.m_Dex, extras);
                        if (stat == "vit") player.AddStat(ref player.m_Vit, extras);
                        SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile());
                    string rankr = "Failed. Use: @addstat stat amount ";
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@autohp")
                if (!player.AutoHP)
                    player.AutoHP = true;
                    player.AutoHP = false;

                if (str2.Count() > 1)
                        var temp = Convert.ToDouble(str2[1]);
                        if (temp > 1) temp = 1;
                        if (temp < 0) temp = 0;
                        player.AutoHPP = temp;
                    catch { }
            else if (str2[0] == "@tele")
                if (player.Name != "SIR" && player.Name != "PATHFINDER")
                if (str2.Count() == 2)
                    var teleon = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Name == str2[1]).FirstOrDefault().Value;
                    if (teleon != null)
                        player.Loc = new Point2D(teleon.Loc.X, teleon.Loc.Y);
                        player.Map = teleon.Map;

                else if (str2.Count() == 4)
                    player.Loc = new Point2D(Convert.ToInt16(str2[2]), Convert.ToInt16(str2[3]));
                    player.Map = str2[1];
            else if (str2[0] == "@learn")
                if (player.Name != "SIR" && player.Name != "PATHFINDER")
                    string activatorstring = "LKCamelot.script.spells.";
                    var tempspell = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(activatorstring + str2[1]));
                    (tempspell as script.spells.Spell).Slot = player.GetFreeSpellSlot();
                    (tempspell as script.spells.Spell).SLevel2 = 99;
                    (tempspell as script.spells.Spell).Level = 12;
                    player.m_MagicLearned.Add((tempspell as script.spells.Spell));
                    SendPacket(new CreateSlotMagic2((tempspell as script.spells.Spell)).Compile());
                catch { return; }
            else if (str2[0] == "@invis")
                if (player.Name != "SIR" && player.Name != "PATHFINDER")
                if (player.Transparancy == 0)
                    player.Transparancy = 100;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new SetObjectEffectsPlayer(player).Compile()));
                else player.Transparancy = 0;
            else if (str2[0] == "@createitem")
                if (player.Name != "SIR")
                script.item.Item temp;
                    temp = (script.item.Item)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("LKCamelot.script.item." + str2[1]));
                catch { return; }

                var newitem = temp.Inventory(player);
                World.NewItems.TryAdd(newitem.m_Serial, newitem);
                SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(newitem).Compile());

            else if (str2[0] == "@kick")
                if (player.Name != "SIR" && player.Name != "PATHFINDER")

                if (str2[1] != "")
                    var plr = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Name == str2[1].ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault().Value;
                    plr.loggedIn = false;
            else if (str2[0] == "@remitee")
                if (str2.Count() <= 2 || player.m_Map != "Loen")
                    if (Convert.ToUInt64(str2[2]) < 0)
                catch { return; }

                var tradep = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Key != null && xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Name == str2[1].ToUpper() && xe.Value.Map == "Loen").FirstOrDefault().Value;
                if (tradep != null && tradep != null && tradep.Name != player.Name && player.Gold >= Convert.ToUInt64(str2[2]))
                    player.Gold -= Convert.ToUInt64(str2[2]);
                    tradep.Gold += Convert.ToUInt64(str2[2]);
            else if (str2[0] == "@cast")
                /*   if (str2.Count() <= 7)

                   int par;
                   for (int x = 1; x < 9; x++)
                       if (int.TryParse(str2[x], out par) == false)

                   World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, Convert.ToInt16(str2[1]), Convert.ToInt16(str2[2]), new script.spells.SpellSequence(Convert.ToInt32(str2[3]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[4]),
                       Convert.ToInt32(str2[5]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[6]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[7]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[8]), Convert.ToInt32(str2[9]))).Compile()));
            else if (str2[0] == "@rank")
                if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - 2000 > ChatTimeout)
                    ChatTimeout = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    string rankr = "Ranks: ";
                    var keys = handler.add.Values.Where(xe => xe != null && xe.Name.ToUpper() != "PATHFINDER" && xe.Name.ToUpper() != "SIR").ToList();
                    var kl = keys.OrderByDescending(xe => xe.Level).ToList();
                    if (kl.Count > 25)
                        kl.RemoveRange(24, kl.Count - 24 - 1);

                    foreach (var rnk in kl)
                        rankr += rnk.Name + ", ";
                        if (rankr.Count() / 35 >= 1)
                            rankr = rankr.Substring(0, rankr.Count() - 2);
                            SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());
                            rankr = "";

                    if (rankr.Count() > 0)
                        rankr = rankr.Substring(0, rankr.Count() - 2);
                        SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());
                        rankr = "";
                    var online = handler.add.Values.Where(xe => xe != null && xe.Name.ToUpper() != "PATHFINDER" && xe.Name.ToUpper() != "SIR" && xe.loggedIn && xe.apistate == 0).ToList();
                    rankr = string.Format("Players Online: {0}", online.Count);
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());

                /*8          if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - ChatTimeout > LastAttack)
                              ChatTimeout = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                              string rankr = "Highest Ranks: ";
                              foreach (var rnk in World.DBConnect.GetRank(this))
                                  rankr += rnk.Name +", ";
                                  rankr = rankr.Substring(0, rankr.Count()-2);
                                  SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)rankr.Count(), rankr).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@autoloot")
                var strloot = "";
                if (player.AutoLoot)
                    player.AutoLoot = false;
                    strloot = "Autoloot disabled.";
                    player.AutoLoot = true;
                    strloot = "Autoloot enabled.";
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)strloot.Count(), strloot).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "@autohit")
                var strloot = "";
                if (player.AutoHit)
                    player.AutoHit = false;
                    strloot = "Autohit disabled.";
                    player.AutoHit = true;
                    strloot = "Autohit enabled.";
                SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)strloot.Count(), strloot).Compile());
            else if (str2[0] == "make" && str2[1] == "me" && str2[2] == "a")
                var AronNpc = World.NewNpcs.Where(xe => xe.Value.Name == "Aron").FirstOrDefault();
                if (AronNpc.Value != null && World.Dist2d(player.X, player.Y, AronNpc.Value.X, AronNpc.Value.Y) < 7
                    && player.Level >= 5 && player.Promo == 0)
                    switch (str2[3])
                        case "knight":
                            player.Class = LKCamelot.library.Class.Knight;
                        case "swordman":
                            player.Class = LKCamelot.library.Class.Swordsman;
                        case "wizard":
                            player.Class = LKCamelot.library.Class.Wizard;
                        case "shaman":
                            player.Class = LKCamelot.library.Class.Shaman;
            else if (str[0] == '/')
                if (str2.Count() <= 1)
                var str3 = player.Name + "> " + str.Substring(str2[0].Count());

                var parsename = str2[0].ToString().Substring(1).ToUpper();
                var whisp = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Name == parsename).FirstOrDefault();
                if (whisp.Key != null && whisp.Value != null && whisp.Value.loggedIn)
                    var str1 = whisp.Value.Name + "< " + str.Substring(str2[0].Count());
                    SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0x70, 1, (short)str1.Count(), str1).Compile());
                    whisp.Value.client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0x70, 1, (short)str3.Count(), str3).Compile());
                str = "[" + player.Name + "] : " + str;
                World.SendToAllRange(new QueDele(player.Map, new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)str.Count(), str).Compile()), player, 10);