public Particle RequestParticle(sSubstance substanceRequested) { // If the list is empty return null. if (notInUse.Count <= 0) { // Create a new substance for the empty list. GameObject substanceInstance = Instantiate(particlePrefab, transform); Particle substanceScript = substanceInstance.GetComponent <Particle> (); substanceScript.Deactivate(); notInUse.Add(substanceScript); // Debug to increase the number. Debug.Log("The object pool went over " + MAX_Particules); } // Select the first particle. Particle particleScript = notInUse [0]; // Update the list. notInUse.Remove(particleScript); inUse.Add(particleScript); // Activate the substance. particleScript.Activate(substanceRequested); return(particleScript); }
public bool AddParticule(sSubstance substanceParticule) { // Update substance if none is inside. if (substance == null) { GreenBackground(); particules = 1; substance = substanceParticule; return(true); } // Check if there is the right substance. else if (substance == substanceParticule) { GreenBackground(); particules += 5; return(true); } // Let the player know if the wrong substance is inside. else { Blink(); MessageManager.getInstance().DissplayMessage("There is an other substance inside this container.", 1f); return(false); } }
public void FillWith(float particulesCount, sSubstance newSubstance) { particules = particulesCount; substance = newSubstance; UpdateContainerUI(); }
public sSubstance ReleaseParticule() { // Check if there is any substance in the container. if (substance == null) { Blink(); return(null); } // Check if there is any substance left inside the container. else if (particules == 0) { Blink(); substance = null; return(null); } // Return particle of the substance. else { RedBackground(); particules--; return(substance); } }
private void Relase() { state = ContainersState.Releasing; axisTriggered = true; if (availableContainers == 0) { return; } // Play corresponding sound. if (!audioS.isPlaying) { audioS.loop = true; audioS.clip = releaseSound; audioS.Play(); } // Get the substance from the current container. sSubstance particleSubstanceToRelease = containers[currentIndex].ReleaseParticule(); // Release a particle of the substance. if (particleSubstanceToRelease != null) { generator.Release(particleSubstanceToRelease); } }
private void MixContainers(Container cont1, Container cont2, Container destContainer) { // If there is one more empty container there is nothing to mix. if (cont1.isEmpty() || cont2.isEmpty()) { return; } // Simulate the reaction between the 2 substances. sSubstance result = cont1.substance.CollidingWith(cont2.substance); // Check the result of the new substance. if (result == null) { MessageManager.getInstance().DissplayMessage("Substances can't mix", 1f); } else { // Calculate the number of the particules for the new container. float resultPart = cont1.particules + cont2.particules; // Empty the used containers. cont1.EmptyContainer(); cont2.EmptyContainer(); // Fill the destination container with the result. destContainer.FillWith(resultPart, result); } }
public Particle CreateSubstance(sSubstance substanceToRelase) { if (nextRelease <= Time.time && substanceToRelase != null) { // It is time to spawn a new particle. // Create the new particle object. Particle newParticle = ParticlePool.instance.RequestParticle(substanceToRelase); // Update particle parameters. Vector3 spawnPosition = transform.position; spawnPosition.z = 0f; newParticle.transform.position = spawnPosition; newParticle.ChangeSubstanceState(substanceToRelase); newParticle.rb.AddForce(transform.right * relaseForce); // Set the timer. nextRelease = Time.time + releaseInterval; return(newParticle); } else { return(null); } }
public ReactionEq(sSubstance _first, sSubstance _second, sSubstance _result) { first = _first; second = _second; result = _result; reversible = false; }
public void EmptyContainer() { // Clear all data about the container. particules = 0; substance = null; UpdateContainerUI(); }
public void ReactWith(sSubstance otherSubstance) { // Run the collision on the current substance scriptable object. sSubstance newSubstance = currentSubstance.CollidingWith(otherSubstance); // Update current substance if the answer is not null. if (newSubstance != null) { ChangeSubstanceState(newSubstance); } }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { // The the other substance script. Particle otherParticle = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Particle>(); if (otherParticle != null) { // Handle the collision between them in the current state. sSubstance otherSubstance = otherParticle.currentSubstance; ReactWith(otherSubstance); } }
public sSubstance CollidingWith(sSubstance otherSubstance) { for (int i = 0; i < reactions.Count; i++) { if (reactions[i].second == otherSubstance) { return(reactions[i].result); } } return(null); }
public void ChangeSubstanceState(sSubstance newSubstance) { // Set substance reference currentSubstance = newSubstance; // Update the life time. totalLifeTime = newSubstance.particleLifeTime; currentLifeTime = 0; // Set the rigidbody for the particle.. rb.gravityScale = newSubstance.particleGravity; rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.None; rb.velocity =; // Move it to the corresponding layer. gameObject.layer = (int)newSubstance.particleLayer; // Update the material used by the mesh renderer. rend.material = newSubstance.particleMaterial; }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { FiniteBarrel barrel = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <FiniteBarrel>(); if (barrel != null) { sSubstance particleInsideBarrel = barrel.CheckParticle(); if (particleInsideBarrel != null) { StartFeedBack(); } } // Get information about the current collision. Particle collectedParticle = collision.GetComponent <Particle>(); //Escape collisions with ground or other objects or the players is not collecting now. if (collectedParticle != null) { StartFeedBack(); } }
public List <ReactionEq> GetReactionsFor(sSubstance substToFind) { // Create new empty list. List <ReactionEq> searchedList = new List <ReactionEq>(); foreach (ReactionEq reaction in table) { // if the substance is found on the first place, add it. if (reaction.first == substToFind) { searchedList.Add(reaction); } // if the substance is found on the second place and the reaction is reversible, add the reaction reverse. else if (reaction.second == substToFind && reaction.reversible) { ReactionEq newReaction = new ReactionEq(reaction.second, reaction.first, reaction.result); searchedList.Add(newReaction); } } return(searchedList); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { bool success = false; Color collectedColor =; if (collecting == false) { return; } FiniteBarrel barrel = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <FiniteBarrel>(); if (barrel != null) { sSubstance particleInsideBarrel = barrel.CheckParticle(); if (particleInsideBarrel != null) { success = containerToFill.AddParticule(particleInsideBarrel); if (success) { sSubstance collectedSubstance = barrel.GetParticle(); collectedColor = collectedSubstance.particleColor; } else { MessageManager.getInstance().DissplayMessage("There is a problem with this barrel", 1f); } } else { MessageManager.getInstance().DissplayMessage("There is no substance inside the barrel", 1f); } } // Get information about the current collision. Particle collectedParticle = collision.GetComponent <Particle>(); //Escape collisions with ground or other objects or the players is not collecting now. if (collectedParticle != null) { // Add the substance to the current container sent. success = containerToFill.AddParticule(collectedParticle.currentSubstance); // Destory particle if collected. if (success) { collectedColor = collectedParticle.currentSubstance.particleColor; Destroy(collectedParticle.gameObject); } } if (success) { particleFeedback.startColor = collectedColor; var vel = particleFeedback.velocityOverLifetime; PlayerMovement player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerMovement>(); Vector3 direction = player.transform.position - particleFeedback.transform.position; direction = direction.normalized * 10f; vel.x = direction.x; vel.y = direction.y; vel.z = direction.z; particleFeedback.Play(); } }
public void Activate(sSubstance newSubstance) { ChangeSubstanceState(newSubstance); ChangeActiveState(true); }
public void SetSubstance(sSubstance newSubst) { particleSubstance = newSubst; }
public ContainerData(sSubstance _subst, float _count) { subst = _subst; count = _count; }
public void UpdateContainerSubstance(sSubstance newSubstance) { substance = newSubstance; }
public void Release(sSubstance substanceToCreate) { Particle newParticle = CreateSubstance(substanceToCreate); }