Beispiel #1
        void BuildCamera(pxr.UsdGeomCamera usdCamera, GameObject go)
            var cam          = go.AddComponent <Camera>();
            var cameraSample = usdCamera.GetCamera(m_scene.Time);

            cam.fieldOfView   = cameraSample.GetFieldOfView(pxr.GfCamera.FOVDirection.FOVHorizontal);
            cam.nearClipPlane = cameraSample.GetClippingRange().GetMin();
            cam.farClipPlane  = cameraSample.GetClippingRange().GetMax();
Beispiel #2
        public void SetupScene()

            // Is the stage already loaded?
            if (m_scene != null && m_scene.Stage.GetRootLayer().GetIdentifier() == m_usdFile)

            // Does the path exist?
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(m_usdFile))

            // Clear out the old scene.

            // Load the new scene.
            m_scene = Scene.Open(m_usdFile);
            if (m_scene == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to load");

            // Set the time at which to read samples from USD.
            m_scene.Time = 0;

            // Handle configurable up-axis (Y or Z).
            Vector3 up     = GetUpVector(m_scene);
            var     rootXf = new GameObject("root");

            rootXf.transform.SetParent(transform, worldPositionStays: false);

            if (up != Vector3.up)
                rootXf.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, up);

            // Convert from right-handed (USD) to left-handed (Unity).
            // The math below works out to either (1, -1, 1) or (1, 1, -1), depending on up.
            rootXf.transform.localScale = up + -1 * ( - up - Vector3.right) + Vector3.right;

            // Assign this transform as the root.
            m_primMap.Add("/", rootXf);

            // Load transforms.
            foreach (var path in m_scene.AllXforms)
                var xf = new USD.NET.Unity.XformSample();
                m_scene.Read(path, xf);
                var go = new GameObject(path.GetName());
                AssignTransform(xf, go);
                AssignParent(path, go);

            // Load meshes.
            foreach (var path in m_scene.AllMeshes)
                var mesh = new USD.NET.Unity.MeshSample();
                m_scene.Read(path, mesh);
                var go = new GameObject(path.GetName());
                AssignTransform(mesh, go);
                AssignParent(path, go);
                BuildMesh(mesh, go);

            // Load cameras.
            foreach (var prim in m_scene.Stage.GetAllPrimsByType("Camera"))
                pxr.UsdGeomCamera camera = new pxr.UsdGeomCamera(prim);
                var go = new GameObject(prim.GetName());
                var xf = new USD.NET.Unity.XformSample();
                m_scene.Read(prim.GetPath(), xf);
                AssignTransform(xf, go);
                BuildCamera(camera, go);
                AssignParent(prim.GetPath(), go);

            // Ensure the file and the identifier match.
            m_usdFile = m_scene.Stage.GetRootLayer().GetIdentifier();