Beispiel #1
    private void tappedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (popSound)
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(popSound, transform.position);
        var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;

        obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
        ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>();
        ps.good = true;
        gsscript.popped = gsscript.popped + 1;
Beispiel #2
    private void tappedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
        gsscript.popped = gsscript.popped + 1;
        if (popSound)
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(popSound, transform.position);
        var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;

        obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
        ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>(); //get the component for this
        ps.good = true;                           // right now it is good or bad bool, but we can make it into an integer if we want varying score results

Beispiel #3
    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D target)
        // safeguard: check if the audio clip is assigned
        if (target.gameObject.tag == "Wall")
            //print ("Test");
            gsscript.liters = gsscript.liters + 1;             //purple gets liter added

            Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0);
            water.transform.position += temp;             // purple water level goes up
            var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;
            obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
            ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>();
            ps.good = false;
        if (target.gameObject.tag == "Ball")
            this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(0.1f * Random.insideUnitCircle);

        if (target.gameObject.tag == "Fish")
            //gsscript2.lostbubbles = gsscript2.lostbubbles + 1;

            gsscript.liters = gsscript.liters + 0.25f;   //purple gets slight penatly with .25 liters added
            Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0, -0.2f, 0);
            water.transform.position += temp;            //purple water level goes up
            var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;
            obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
            ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>();
            ps.good = true;
        if (target.gameObject.tag == "BlueFish")
            //gsscript2.liters = gsscript2.liters - 1; //blue recovers bubble

            gsscript.liters = gsscript.liters + 1;             //purple water level goes up
            Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0);
            //Vector3 temp2 = new Vector3(0,-0.2f,0);
            //water2.transform.position += temp2; // blue water goes down
            water.transform.position += temp;             //purple water goes up
            var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;
            obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
            ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>();
            ps.good = false;
        if (target.gameObject.tag == "Sponge")
            gsscript.liters = gsscript.liters - 1;             //purple water level goes down
            Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0);
            //Vector3 temp2 = new Vector3 (0, -0.2f, 0);
            water.transform.position -= temp;             //purple goes down
            var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;
            obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
            ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>();
            ps.good = true;

        if (collisionSound)
            // simple audio clip playback
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(collisionSound, transform.position);
Beispiel #4
    // Collision handling: make a bouncing sound when hit a wall
    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D target)
        // safeguard: check if the audio clip is assigned
        if (target.gameObject.tag == "Wall")
            //print ("Test");
            lit += 1;             //blue team gets a liter added

            Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0);
            water.transform.position += temp;             //blue water level moves up

            var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;
            obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
            ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>();
            ps.good = false;

        if (target.gameObject.tag == "BlueFish")
            lit += 0.25f;                     //blue team gets slight penalty of .25 liters
            Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0, -0.2f, 0);
            water.transform.position += temp; //blue water level goes down
            var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;
            obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
            ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>(); //get the component for this
            ps.good = true;                           // right now it is good or bad bool, but we can make it into an integer if we want varying score results

        if (target.gameObject.tag == "Fish")
            lit += 1;                         //blue gets a liter added
            Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0);
            water.transform.position += temp; //blue goes up

            var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;
            obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
            ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>(); //get the component for this
            ps.good = false;                          // right now it is good or bad bool, but we can make it into an integer if we want varying score results

        if (target.gameObject.tag == "Sponge")
            lit -= 1;             //blue gets a liter added

            //gsscript2.lostbubbles = gsscript2.lostbubbles - 1; //purple recovers a bubble
            Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0);
            //Vector3 temp2 = new Vector3 (0, -0.2f, 0);
            water.transform.position -= temp;             //blue goes down
            //water2.transform.position += temp2; //purple goes down
            var obj2 = Instantiate(pointss) as Transform;
            obj2.transform.position = new Vector3(this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0);
            ps      = obj2.GetComponent <popstuff>(); //get the component for this
            ps.good = true;                           // right now it is good or bad bool, but we can make it into an integer if we want varying score results

        if (target.gameObject.tag == "Ball")
            this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(0.1f * Random.insideUnitCircle);