Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// show the tracked polygons within the given image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img"></param>
        /// <param name="img_width"></param>
        /// <param name="img_height"></param>
        public void Show(byte[] img, int img_width, int img_height, int minimum_persistence)
            for (int i = 0; i < tracked.Count; i++)
                polygon2DTrackerData poly = (polygon2DTrackerData)tracked[i];

                if (poly.persistence > minimum_persistence)
                    int x = (int)poly.centre_x;
                    int y = (int)poly.centre_y;
                    int perimeter_radius = (int)(poly.av_radius / poly.persistence);

                    drawing.drawCircle(img, img_width, img_height,
                                       x, y, perimeter_radius,
                                       poly.colour[0], poly.colour[1], poly.colour[2], 1);

                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                        int x2 = x + (int)(perimeter_radius * Math.Sin(poly.orientation[k]));
                        int y2 = y - (int)(perimeter_radius * Math.Cos(poly.orientation[k]));
                        drawing.drawLine(img, img_width, img_height,
                                         x, y, x2, y2,
                                         poly.colour[0], poly.colour[1], poly.colour[2],
                                         1, false);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// update the position and orientation of all tracked polygons
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdatePositionOrientation()
            DateTime current_t = DateTime.Now;

            for (int j = tracked.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                polygon2DTrackerData polytrack = (polygon2DTrackerData)tracked[j];

                // time since the last sighting
                TimeSpan dt = current_t.Subtract(polytrack.last_seen);
                float    seconds_elapsed = (float)dt.TotalSeconds;

                if (dt.TotalMilliseconds > timeout_milliseconds)
                    // remove a polygon if it hasn't been seen for a while
                    // predict the new state
                    float new_centre_x = polytrack.centre_x + (seconds_elapsed * polytrack.vx);
                    float new_centre_y = polytrack.centre_y + (seconds_elapsed * polytrack.vy);
                    //float new_angular = polytrack.orientation + (seconds_elapsed * polytrack.v_angular);

                    // update the state
                    polytrack.centre_x = new_centre_x;
                    polytrack.centre_y = new_centre_y;
                    //polytrack.orientation = new_angular;
Beispiel #3
        public void Update(ArrayList polygons)
            DateTime current_t = DateTime.Now;

            // forward prediction: update the state of all tracked polygons

            // matching: do any of the tracked polygons match what we can currently see?
            for (int i = 0; i < polygons.Count; i++)
                polygon2D poly = (polygon2D)polygons[i];

                float   poly_width  = poly.right() - poly.left();
                float   poly_height = poly.bottom() -;
                float   av_radius   = (poly_width + poly_height) / 4.0f;
                float[] orient      = poly.getOrientations();
                float[] grad        = poly.getGradients();

                if ((poly_width > minimum_dimension) &&
                    (poly_height > minimum_dimension))
                    // find the centre of the polygon
                    float centre_x = 0, centre_y = 0;
                    poly.getCentreOfGravity(ref centre_x, ref centre_y);

                    // are any existing centre points close to this?
                    float min_displacement = 9999;
                    int   index            = -1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < tracked.Count; j++)
                        polygon2DTrackerData polytrack = (polygon2DTrackerData)tracked[j];

                        // exclusion zone
                        float perimeter_radius = polytrack.av_radius * 1.4f / polytrack.persistence;

                        float cx = polytrack.centre_x;
                        float dx = Math.Abs(cx - centre_x);
                        if (dx < perimeter_radius)
                            float cy = polytrack.centre_y;
                            float dy = Math.Abs(cy - centre_y);
                            if (dy < perimeter_radius)
                                float displacement = (float)Math.Sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
                                if ((displacement < min_displacement) ||
                                    (min_displacement == 9999))
                                    min_displacement = displacement;
                                    index            = j;

                    if (index > -1)
                        polygon2DTrackerData matched = (polygon2DTrackerData)tracked[index];

                        // update the position and velocities
                        float dx = centre_x - matched.centre_x;
                        float dy = centre_y - matched.centre_y;
                        //float dorient = orient - matched.orientation;
                        TimeSpan dt_seconds = current_t.Subtract(matched.last_seen);

                        if (dt_seconds.TotalSeconds > 0)
                            // use running averages here to smooth out error
                            float momentum = 0.99f;
                            matched.vx = (matched.vx * momentum) + ((dx / (float)dt_seconds.TotalSeconds) * (1.0f - momentum));
                            matched.vy = (matched.vy * momentum) + ((dy / (float)dt_seconds.TotalSeconds) * (1.0f - momentum));
                            //matched.v_angular = ((matched.v_angular * momentum) + (dorient / (float)dt_seconds.TotalSeconds) * (1.0f - momentum));

                        matched.centre_x = centre_x;
                        matched.centre_y = centre_y;

                        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                            matched.orientation[k] = orient[k];

                        // find the closest orientation

                         * float min_diff = 9999;
                         * int closest_index = -1;
                         * for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                         * {
                         *  float diff = Math.Abs(orient[k] - matched.orientation);
                         *  if (diff < min_diff)
                         *  {
                         *      min_diff = diff;
                         *      closest_index = k;
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * // update the orientation
                         * if (closest_index > -1)
                         * {
                         *  matched.orientation = (orient[closest_index] * 0.01f) + (matched.orientation * 0.99f);
                         * }

                        matched.last_seen = current_t;
                        matched.av_radius += (long)av_radius;

                        // avoid overflows
                        if (matched.persistence > 99999)
                            matched.persistence /= 2;
                            matched.av_radius   /= 2;
                         * float min_orient = 9999;
                         * for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                         * {
                         *  if (orient[k] < min_orient)
                         *  {
                         *      min_orient = orient[k];
                         *  }
                         * }

                        // add a new tracked polygon to the list
                        polygon2DTrackerData new_poly = new polygon2DTrackerData();
                        new_poly.centre_x    = centre_x;
                        new_poly.centre_y    = centre_y;
                        new_poly.orientation = orient;
                        new_poly.colour[0]   = (byte)(100 + rnd.Next(155));
                        new_poly.colour[1]   = (byte)(100 + rnd.Next(155));
                        new_poly.colour[2]   = (byte)(100 + rnd.Next(155));
                        new_poly.av_radius   = (long)av_radius;
Beispiel #4
        public void Update(ArrayList polygons)
            DateTime current_t = DateTime.Now;

            // forward prediction: update the state of all tracked polygons

            // matching: do any of the tracked polygons match what we can currently see?
            for (int i = 0; i < polygons.Count; i++)
                polygon2D poly = (polygon2D)polygons[i];

                float poly_width = poly.right() - poly.left();
                float poly_height = poly.bottom() -;
                float av_radius = (poly_width + poly_height) / 4.0f;
                float[] orient = poly.getOrientations();
                float[] grad = poly.getGradients();

                if ((poly_width > minimum_dimension) &&
                    (poly_height > minimum_dimension))
                    // find the centre of the polygon
                    float centre_x = 0, centre_y = 0;
                    poly.getCentreOfGravity(ref centre_x, ref centre_y);

                    // are any existing centre points close to this?
                    float min_displacement = 9999;
                    int index = -1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < tracked.Count; j++)
                        polygon2DTrackerData polytrack = (polygon2DTrackerData)tracked[j];

                        // exclusion zone
                        float perimeter_radius = polytrack.av_radius * 1.4f / polytrack.persistence;

                        float cx = polytrack.centre_x;
                        float dx = Math.Abs(cx - centre_x);
                        if (dx < perimeter_radius)
                            float cy = polytrack.centre_y;
                            float dy = Math.Abs(cy - centre_y);
                            if (dy < perimeter_radius)
                                float displacement = (float)Math.Sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
                                if ((displacement < min_displacement) ||
                                    (min_displacement == 9999))
                                    min_displacement = displacement;
                                    index = j;

                    if (index > -1)
                        polygon2DTrackerData matched = (polygon2DTrackerData)tracked[index];

                        // update the position and velocities
                        float dx = centre_x - matched.centre_x;
                        float dy = centre_y - matched.centre_y;
                        //float dorient = orient - matched.orientation;
                        TimeSpan dt_seconds = current_t.Subtract(matched.last_seen);

                        if (dt_seconds.TotalSeconds > 0)
                            // use running averages here to smooth out error
                            float momentum = 0.99f;
                            matched.vx = (matched.vx * momentum) + ((dx / (float)dt_seconds.TotalSeconds) * (1.0f - momentum));
                            matched.vy = (matched.vy * momentum) + ((dy / (float)dt_seconds.TotalSeconds) * (1.0f - momentum));
                            //matched.v_angular = ((matched.v_angular * momentum) + (dorient / (float)dt_seconds.TotalSeconds) * (1.0f - momentum));

                        matched.centre_x = centre_x;
                        matched.centre_y = centre_y;

                        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                            matched.orientation[k] = orient[k];

                        // find the closest orientation
                        float min_diff = 9999;
                        int closest_index = -1;
                        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                            float diff = Math.Abs(orient[k] - matched.orientation);
                            if (diff < min_diff)
                                min_diff = diff;
                                closest_index = k;

                        // update the orientation
                        if (closest_index > -1)
                            matched.orientation = (orient[closest_index] * 0.01f) + (matched.orientation * 0.99f);

                        matched.last_seen = current_t;
                        matched.av_radius += (long)av_radius;

                        // avoid overflows
                        if (matched.persistence > 99999)
                            matched.persistence /= 2;
                            matched.av_radius /= 2;
                        float min_orient = 9999;
                        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                            if (orient[k] < min_orient)
                                min_orient = orient[k];

                        // add a new tracked polygon to the list
                        polygon2DTrackerData new_poly = new polygon2DTrackerData();
                        new_poly.centre_x = centre_x;
                        new_poly.centre_y = centre_y;
                        new_poly.orientation = orient;
                        new_poly.colour[0] = (byte)(100 + rnd.Next(155));
                        new_poly.colour[1] = (byte)(100 + rnd.Next(155));
                        new_poly.colour[2] = (byte)(100 + rnd.Next(155));
                        new_poly.av_radius = (long)av_radius;