Beispiel #1
 public static void Add(string key, System.Action<NetworkingPlayer, NetworkingStream> action)
     if(Networking.PrimarySocket != null) {
         Debug_Console.i.add("RPC dump adding: " + key + ", with id: " + EventHelper.GetEventId(key));
         Networking.PrimarySocket.AddCustomDataReadEvent(EventHelper.GetEventId(key), action);
     } else {
         pair combined = new pair();
         combined.key = key;
         combined.action = action;
Beispiel #2
 bool isBallOur(int i, bal[] data, pair ball)
     return(data[i].x == ball.x && data[i].y == ball.y);
Beispiel #3
        private static unsafe ulong Hash64UO(byte *s, uint len)
            const ulong seed0 = 81;
            const ulong seed1 = 0;

                // For strings over 64 bytes we loop.  Internal state consists of
                // 64 bytes: u, v, w, x, y, and z.
                ulong x = seed0;
                ulong y = (seed1 * k2) + 113;
                ulong z = ShiftMix(y * k2) * k2;
                pair  v = make_pair(seed0, seed1);
                pair  w = make_pair(0, 0);
                ulong u = x - z;
                x *= k2;
                ulong mul = k2 + (u & 0x82);

                // Set end so that after the loop we have 1 to 64 bytes left to process.
                byte *end    = s + ((len - 1) / 64 * 64);
                byte *last64 = end + ((len - 1) & 63) - 63;

                    ulong a0 = Fetch64(s);
                    ulong a1 = Fetch64(s + 8);
                    ulong a2 = Fetch64(s + 16);
                    ulong a3 = Fetch64(s + 24);
                    ulong a4 = Fetch64(s + 32);
                    ulong a5 = Fetch64(s + 40);
                    ulong a6 = Fetch64(s + 48);
                    ulong a7 = Fetch64(s + 56);
                    x        += a0 + a1;
                    y        += a2;
                    z        += a3;
                    v.first  += a4;
                    v.second += a5 + a1;
                    w.first  += a6;
                    w.second += a7;

                    x         = Rotate64(x, 26);
                    x        *= 9;
                    y         = Rotate64(y, 29);
                    z        *= mul;
                    v.first   = Rotate64(v.first, 33);
                    v.second  = Rotate64(v.second, 30);
                    w.first  ^= x;
                    w.first  *= 9;
                    z         = Rotate64(z, 32);
                    z        += w.second;
                    w.second += z;
                    z        *= 9;
                    swap(ref u, ref y);

                    z        += a0 + a6;
                    v.first  += a2;
                    v.second += a3;
                    w.first  += a4;
                    w.second += a5 + a6;
                    x        += a1;
                    y        += a7;

                    y        += v.first;
                    v.first  += x - y;
                    v.second += w.first;
                    w.first  += v.second;
                    w.second += x - y;
                    x        += w.second;
                    w.second  = Rotate64(w.second, 34);
                    swap(ref u, ref z);
                    s += 64;
                }while (s != end);

                // Make s point to the last 64 bytes of input.
                s        = last64;
                u       *= 9;
                v.second = Rotate64(v.second, 28);
                v.first  = Rotate64(v.first, 20);
                w.first += (len - 1) & 63;
                u       += y;
                y       += u;
                x        = Rotate64(y - x + v.first + Fetch64(s + 8), 37) * mul;
                y        = Rotate64(y ^ v.second ^ Fetch64(s + 48), 42) * mul;
                x       ^= w.second * 9;
                y       += v.first + Fetch64(s + 40);
                z        = Rotate64(z + w.first, 33) * mul;
                v        = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.second * mul, x + w.first);
                w        = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + 32, z + w.second, y + Fetch64(s + 16));
                           HashLen16(v.first + x, w.first ^ y, mul) + z - u,
                           H(v.second + y, w.second + z, k2, 30) ^ x,
Beispiel #4
    public static List <int> Pathfind(Dungeon d, int start, int end, int mode = 1)
        /* initialize datastructs
         * open:    list of open nodes, potential to be visited
         * closed:  set of closed nodes, done visiting
         * nodes:   Dictionary of all nodes for easy reference

        List <pair>            open   = new List <pair>();
        Dictionary <int, node> nodes  = new Dictionary <int, node>();
        HashSet <int>          closed = new HashSet <int>();

        // create and add the starting node to the open list
        node first = new node(0, Manhattan(start, end, d.width), start);

        nodes.Add(start, first);
        open.Add(new pair(first.G + first.H, start));

        // Loop until we have reached the end, or we have run out of nodes
        int current = start;

        while (current != end && open.Count > 0)
            // Check the node with the lowest F-Value
            current = open.First().idx;
            node currentNode = nodes[current];

            // Check all the current node's neighbors
            foreach (int n in neighbors(current, d, mode))
                int neighbor = current + n;
                if (!closed.Contains(neighbor))
                    // calculate neighbor's G value
                    int G = currentNode.G + d.GetTile(current + n).Cost();
                    // If the neighbor is not in open, add it to open
                    int openidx = open.FindIndex(e => e.idx == neighbor);
                    if (openidx < 0)
                        int H = Manhattan(current, end, d.width);
                        nodes[neighbor] = new node(G, H, current);
                        open.Add(new pair(G + H, neighbor));
                    // Otherwise, check if the path from the new parent is shorter
                        node neighborNode = nodes[neighbor];
                        if (G < neighborNode.G)
                            // Update the neighbor node since hte new path is shorter
                            neighborNode.G      = G;
                            neighborNode.Parent = current;
                            open[openidx]       = new pair(neighborNode.G + neighborNode.H, neighbor);

        // Check if we reached the end
        List <int> path = new List <int>();

        if (current == end)
            // Start from the end node and construct the path to the start
            int next = end;
            while (next != start)
                next = nodes[next].Parent;

Beispiel #5
 static invertedList GetandCreateList(Hashtable ht, int i, int len)
     invertedList L = GetList(ht, i, len);
     if (L != null)
         return L;
         L = new invertedList();
         pair x = new pair();
         x.l = len;
         x.i = i;
         ht.Add(x, L);
         //add the list to hashtable
         ArrayList LL = (ArrayList)invlist_length[len];
         if (LL == null)
             LL = new ArrayList();
             invlist_length.Add(len, LL);
     return L;
Beispiel #6
    void makelevel(int level)
        int jumlahvertex = level + 2;

        if (jumlahvertex >= 25)
            jumlahvertex = 25;

        vertexnya = new GameObject[jumlahvertex];
        edgenya   = new GameObject[3 + (2 * level - 1)];

        graph = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

        List <pair> mypair   = new List <pair>();
        List <int>  counting = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)

        for (int i = 0; i < vertexnya.Length; i++)
            int coba, temp2;
            coba  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, counting.Count);
            temp2 = counting[coba];

            int linex = temp2 % 5;
            int liney = temp2 / 5;

            spawnvalue    = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(koorx[linex], (koorx[linex + 1] - 0.2F)), UnityEngine.Random.Range(koory[liney] + 0.1F, (koory[liney + 1])));
            spawnrotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
            vertexnya[i]  = Instantiate(vertexku, spawnvalue, spawnrotation);
            vertexnya[i].SendMessage("SetNumber", i);
            graph[i] = new List <int>();
        spawnvalue    = new Vector2(0, 0);
        spawnrotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
        int u, v;

        for (int i = 0; i < vertexnya.Length - 1; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < vertexnya.Length; j++)
                u = i;
                v = j;
                pair temp = new pair(u, v);

        for (int i = 0; i < edgenya.Length; i++)
            pair temp2 = new pair();
            int  coba;
            while (true)
                coba  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, mypair.Count);
                temp2 = mypair[coba];
                if (graph[temp2.a].Count >= 7 || graph[temp2.b].Count >= 7)
            edgenya[i] = Instantiate(edgeku, spawnvalue, spawnrotation);
            Vector2 foo = vertexnya[temp2.a].GetComponent <Transform>().position;
            Vector2 bar = vertexnya[temp2.b].GetComponent <Transform>().position;


            edgenya[i].GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPosition(0, foo);
            edgenya[i].GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPosition(1, bar);
Beispiel #7
 static invertedList GetList(Hashtable ht, int i, int len)
     pair x = new pair();
     x.l = len;
     x.i = i;
     invertedList L = null;
     if (ht.ContainsKey(x))
         L = (invertedList)ht[x];
     return L;
Beispiel #8
 public int CompareTo(pair <T, U> a) => v1.CompareTo(a.v1) != 0 ? v1.CompareTo(a.v1) : v2.CompareTo(a.v2);
Beispiel #9
 public fact(pair p = default, relation r = default)
     this.p = p;
     this.r = r;
Beispiel #10
    public void insert(K key, V value)
        pair <K, V> p = new pair <K, V>(key, value);

Beispiel #11
 int System.IComparable <pair <F, S> > .CompareTo(pair <F, S> obj)
Beispiel #12
 public int CompareTo(pair <F, S> obj)
Beispiel #13
        public static bool operator <(period p1, period p2)
            // special cases
            if (p1.length == 0)
                return(p2.length > 0);
            if (p2.length == 0)
                return(p1.length < 0);

            // exact comparisons
            if (p1.unit == p2.unit)
                return(p1.length < p2.length);
            if (p1.unit == timeUnit.quarters && p2.unit == timeUnit.years)
                return(p1.length < 4 * p2.length);
            if (p1.unit == timeUnit.years && p2.unit == timeUnit.quarters)
                return(4 * p1.length < p2.length);
            if (p1.unit == timeUnit.quarters && p2.unit == timeUnit.months)
                return(3 * p1.length < p2.length);
            if (p1.unit == timeUnit.months && p2.unit == timeUnit.quarters)
                return(p1.length < 3 * p2.length);
            if (p1.unit == timeUnit.months && p2.unit == timeUnit.years)
                return(p1.length < 12 * p2.length);
            if (p1.unit == timeUnit.years && p2.unit == timeUnit.months)
                return(12 * p1.length < p2.length);
            if (p1.unit == timeUnit.days && p2.unit == timeUnit.weeks)
                return(p1.length < 7 * p2.length);
            if (p1.unit == timeUnit.weeks && p2.unit == timeUnit.days)
                return(7 * p1.length < p2.length);

            // inexact comparisons (handled by converting to days and using limits)
            pair p1lim = new pair(p1), p2lim = new pair(p2);

            if (p1lim.hi < p2lim.lo || p2lim.hi < p1lim.lo)
                return(p1lim.hi < p2lim.lo);
                throw new ArgumentException("Undecidable comparison between " + p1.ToString() + " and " + p2.ToString());
Beispiel #14
        public bool shouldSkip(Type type, string fieldName)
            var pair = new pair <Type, string>(type, fieldName);

Beispiel #15
    private int kuncijawaban()
        pair[] arr     = new pair[graph.Count];
        int[]  dipake  = new int[graph.Count];
        bool[] visit   = new bool[graph.Count];
        int    current = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
            arr[i]    = new pair(i, graph[i].Count);
            dipake[i] = 0;
            visit[i]  = false;

        Array.Sort <pair>(arr, (x, y) => y.b.CompareTo(x.b));
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
            Debug.Log(arr[i].a + " " + arr[i].b);

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
            if (visit[arr[i].a] == true)
                List <int> pakewarnaini = new List <int>();
                dipake[arr[i].a] = current;
                visit[arr[i].a]  = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < arr.Length; j++)
                    bool hehe;
                    if (visit[arr[j].a] == true)
                        hehe = true;
                        for (int k = 0; k < pakewarnaini.Count; k++)
                            if (graph[pakewarnaini[k]].Contains(arr[j].a))
                                hehe = false;

                        if (hehe == true)
                            dipake[arr[j].a] = current;
                            visit[arr[j].a]  = true;
        Debug.Log("current" + current);
Beispiel #16
 public int CompareTo(pair <T, U> a)
     return(v1.CompareTo(a.v1) != 0 ? v1.CompareTo(a.v1) : v2.CompareTo(a.v2));
Beispiel #17
        int FindMinSequence(int[,] infoAmountMatrix)
            int minIndex = 0;

            int[,] infoMatrix = new int[6, 6];
            for (int i = 0; i < infoAmountMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < infoAmountMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                    infoMatrix[i, j] = infoAmountMatrix[i, j];
            List <pair> timesOfTrials = new List <pair>();

            foreach (sequence c in variants)
                //Переставляем матрицу количества передач
                for (int i = 0; i < infoAmountMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < infoAmountMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                        infoMatrix[i, j] = infoAmountMatrix[i, j];
                int[,] priorityMatrix = GetPrioritiesMatrix(c);
                int firstMagStationsToParallel  = 0;
                int secondMagStationsToParallel = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                        if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 1 && c.firstMag.Contains(i + 1))
                        else if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 1 && c.secondMag.Contains(i + 1))
                bool sended            = false;
                pair firstMagMaxInd    = new pair(0, 0);
                pair secondMagMaxInd   = new pair(0, 0);
                int  firstMagMaxTrans  = 0;
                int  secondMagMaxTrans = 0;
                bool firstFrozen       = false;
                bool secondFrozen      = false;
                //Список для теста, составлять для каждой ситуации - слишком жирно по производительности
                //List<magistralPiece> firstMagistralOut = new List<magistralPiece>();
                //List<magistralPiece> secondMagistralOut = new List<magistralPiece>();
                int checker = 0;
                int time    = 0;
                while (!sended)
                    if (!firstFrozen)
                        firstMagMaxTrans = 0;
                    if (!secondFrozen)
                        secondMagMaxTrans = 0;
                    checker = 0;
                    if (secondMagStationsToParallel == 0 || firstMagStationsToParallel == 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) //Проходим по массиву в поисках подходящих для передачи элементов
                        for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                            if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 1 && infoMatrix[i, j] != 0)
                                if (c.firstMag.Contains(i + 1) && !firstFrozen)
                                    if (infoMatrix[i, j] > firstMagMaxTrans)
                                        firstMagMaxTrans      = infoMatrix[i, j];
                                        firstMagMaxInd.first  = i;
                                        firstMagMaxInd.second = j;
                                else if (c.secondMag.Contains(i + 1) && !secondFrozen)
                                    if (infoMatrix[i, j] > secondMagMaxTrans)
                                        secondMagMaxTrans      = infoMatrix[i, j];
                                        secondMagMaxInd.first  = i;
                                        secondMagMaxInd.second = j;
                    if (secondMagMaxTrans > firstMagMaxTrans && infoMatrix[firstMagMaxInd.first, firstMagMaxInd.second] > 0)
                        infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] -= firstMagMaxTrans;
                        infoMatrix[firstMagMaxInd.first, firstMagMaxInd.second]   -= firstMagMaxTrans;
                        secondMagMaxTrans -= firstMagMaxTrans;
                        time += firstMagMaxTrans;
                        //secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(secondMagMaxInd.first + 1, secondMagMaxInd.second + 1, firstMagMaxTrans));
                        //firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(firstMagMaxInd.first + 1, firstMagMaxInd.second + 1, firstMagMaxTrans));
                        secondFrozen = true;
                        firstFrozen  = false;
                    else if (secondMagMaxTrans < firstMagMaxTrans && infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] > 0)
                        infoMatrix[firstMagMaxInd.first, firstMagMaxInd.second]   -= secondMagMaxTrans;
                        infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] -= secondMagMaxTrans;
                        firstMagMaxTrans -= secondMagMaxTrans;
                        time += secondMagMaxTrans;
                        //firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(firstMagMaxInd.first + 1, firstMagMaxInd.second + 1, secondMagMaxTrans));
                        //secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(secondMagMaxInd.first + 1, secondMagMaxInd.second + 1, secondMagMaxTrans));
                        secondFrozen = false;
                        firstFrozen  = true;
                    else if (secondMagMaxTrans == firstMagMaxTrans && infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] > 0)
                        infoMatrix[firstMagMaxInd.first, firstMagMaxInd.second]   -= firstMagMaxTrans;
                        infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] -= secondMagMaxTrans;
                        time += secondMagMaxTrans;
                        //firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(firstMagMaxInd.first + 1, firstMagMaxInd.second + 1, firstMagMaxTrans));
                        //secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(secondMagMaxInd.first + 1, secondMagMaxInd.second + 1, secondMagMaxTrans));
                        secondFrozen = false;
                        firstFrozen  = false;
                    if (checker == 0)
                        sended = true;
                //Добавляем оставшиеся передачи по одной магистрали,а затем полные передачи
                bool over = false;
                while (!over)
                    checker = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                            if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 1 && infoMatrix[i, j] != 0)
                                if (c.firstMag.Contains(i + 1))
                                    time            += infoMatrix[i, j];
                                    infoMatrix[i, j] = 0;
                                else if (c.secondMag.Contains(i + 1))
                                    time            += infoMatrix[i, j];
                                    infoMatrix[i, j] = 0;
                    if (checker == 0)
                        over = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                        if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 2 && infoMatrix[i, j] != 0)
                            time            += infoMatrix[i, j];
                            infoMatrix[i, j] = 0;
                timesOfTrials.Add(new pair(time, c.num));
            int minTime = timesOfTrials.First <pair>().first;

            foreach (pair p in timesOfTrials)
                if (minTime > p.first)
                    minIndex = p.second;
                    minTime  = p.first;
Beispiel #18
 static invertedList GetList(int i, int len)
     pair x = new pair();
     x.l = len;
     x.i = i;
     invertedList L = null;
     if (invertedlists.ContainsKey(x))
         L = (invertedList)invertedlists[x];
     return L;
Beispiel #19
 static invertedList GetandCreateList(Hashtable ht, int i, int len)
     invertedList L = GetList(ht, i, len);
     if (L != null)
         return L;
         L = new invertedList();
         pair x = new pair();
         x.l = len;
         x.i = i;
         ht.Add(x, L);
     return L;
Beispiel #20
        static invertedList getList(int i, int len)
            pair x = new pair();
            x.l = len;
            x.i = i;
            invertedList L = null;
            if (invertedlists.ContainsKey(x))
                L = (invertedList)invertedlists[x];
                L = new invertedList();
                invertedlists.Add(x, L);
            //added to the inverted by the length

            if (invertedlists_by_length.ContainsKey(len))
                ArrayList l = (ArrayList)invertedlists_by_length[len];
                ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
                invertedlists_by_length.Add(len, l);

            return L;
Beispiel #21
        public static bool operator <(Period p1, Period p2)
            // special cases
            if (p1.length() == 0) return (p2.length() > 0);
            if (p2.length() == 0) return (p1.length() < 0);

            // exact comparisons
            if (p1.units() == p2.units()) return p1.length() < p2.length();
            if (p1.units() == TimeUnit.Months && p2.units() == TimeUnit.Years) return p1.length() < 12 * p2.length();
            if (p1.units() == TimeUnit.Years && p2.units() == TimeUnit.Months) return 12 * p1.length() < p2.length();
            if (p1.units() == TimeUnit.Days && p2.units() == TimeUnit.Weeks) return p1.length() < 7 * p2.length();
            if (p1.units() == TimeUnit.Weeks && p2.units() == TimeUnit.Days) return 7 * p1.length() < p2.length();

            // inexact comparisons (handled by converting to days and using limits)
            pair p1lim = new pair(p1), p2lim = new pair(p2);
            if (p1lim.hi < p2lim.lo || p2lim.hi < p1lim.lo)
                return p1lim.hi < p2lim.lo;
                throw new ArgumentException("Undecidable comparison between " + p1.ToString() + " and " + p2.ToString());
Beispiel #22
        /// добавление слова и всех его форм в словарь
        /// wordBase   - marshaled-слово
        /// morphoType - морфотип
        /// nounType   - тип сущетсвительного
        public void AddWord(char *wordBase, MorphoTypeNative morphoType, ref MorphoAttributePair?nounType)
            var baseMorphoForm = new BaseMorphoFormNative(wordBase, morphoType);

            for (TreeDictionaryNative _this = this, _this_next; ;)
                var first_char = _UPPER_INVARIANT_MAP[*wordBase];

                #region [.сохранение характеристик if end-of-word.]
                if (first_char == '\0')
                    // sort & merge after insert - may be faster/better (30.04.2014)!!!!
                    var len = morphoType.MorphoFormEndingUpperAndMorphoAttributes.Length;
                    SortedListIntPtrKey <pair[]> .Tuple[] tuples;
                    int tuplesOffset;
                    if (!_this.HasEndings())
                        tuplesOffset = 0;
                        tuples       = new SortedListIntPtrKey <pair[]> .Tuple[len];
                        tuplesOffset = _this._Endings.Count;
                        tuples       = new SortedListIntPtrKey <pair[]> .Tuple[len + tuplesOffset];

                        for (int i = 0; i < tuplesOffset; i++)
                            tuples[i] = _this._Endings.Array[i];

                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        var p = morphoType.MorphoFormEndingUpperAndMorphoAttributes[i];
                        var pairs_current_len = p.MorphoAttributes.Length;
                        var pairs_current     = new pair[pairs_current_len];
                        for (int j = 0; j < pairs_current_len; j++)
                            var ma = MorphoAttributePair.GetMorphoAttribute(morphoType, p.MorphoAttributes[j], ref nounType);
                            pairs_current[j] = new pair(baseMorphoForm, ma);
                        tuples[i + tuplesOffset] = new SortedListIntPtrKey <pair[]> .Tuple()
                            Key = p.EndingUpper, Value = pairs_current

                    MergeSorted(ref tuples);

                if (!_this._Slots.TryGetValue(first_char, out _this_next))
                    /// добавление новой буквы
                    _this_next = new TreeDictionaryNative();
                    _this._Slots.Add(first_char, _this_next);
                _this = _this_next;
Beispiel #23
 .Select((pair, i) => CalculateRound(pair, i, rounds))
Beispiel #24
    public void Generate()
        grid = new bool[width + 1, width + 1];
        maze = new Tile[width + 1, width + 1];

        List <pair> frontiers = new List <pair>(); //cells to visit

        //starting tile
        int pos = width / 2 + 1;

        grid[pos, pos] = true;
        //frontiers.Add(new pair(1, width - 3));
        //frontiers.Add(new pair(3, width - 1));

        frontiers.Add(new pair(pos - 2, pos));
        frontiers.Add(new pair(pos + 2, pos));
        frontiers.Add(new pair(pos, pos - 2));
        frontiers.Add(new pair(pos, pos + 2));

        while (frontiers.Count > 0)
            int  index  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, frontiers.Count); //get random cell from list
            pair coords = frontiers[index];

            List <pair> neighbors = getNeighbors(coords.a, coords.b); //get random neighbor
            int         index2    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, neighbors.Count);
            pair neighbor = neighbors[index2];

            int dx = (neighbor.a - coords.a) / 2;
            int dy = (neighbor.b - coords.b) / 2;

            //Debug.Log("dx: " + dx);
            //Debug.Log("dy: " + dy);

            grid[coords.a, coords.b]           = true;
            grid[coords.a + dx, coords.b + dy] = true; //passage between selected frontier cell and selected neighbor

            if (valid(coords.a + 2, coords.b))         //add chosen cell's frontier cells
                if (!grid[coords.a + 2, coords.b])
                    //Debug.Log(grid[coords.a + 2, coords.b]);

                    pair p1 = new pair(coords.a + 2, coords.b);
                    if (!frontiers.Contains(p1))
                        frontiers.Add(new pair(coords.a + 2, coords.b));
            if (valid(coords.a, coords.b + 2))
                if (!grid[coords.a, coords.b + 2])
                    // Debug.Log(grid[coords.a, coords.b + 2]);

                    pair p2 = new pair(coords.a, coords.b + 2);
                    if (!frontiers.Contains(p2))
                        frontiers.Add(new pair(coords.a, coords.b + 2));
            if (valid(coords.a - 2, coords.b))
                if (!grid[coords.a - 2, coords.b])
                    //  Debug.Log(grid[coords.a - 2, coords.b]);

                    pair p3 = new pair(coords.a - 2, coords.b);
                    if (!frontiers.Contains(p3))
                        frontiers.Add(new pair(coords.a - 2, coords.b));
            if (valid(coords.a, coords.b - 2))
                if (!grid[coords.a, coords.b - 2])
                    // Debug.Log(grid[coords.a, coords.b - 2]);

                    pair p4 = new pair(coords.a, coords.b - 2);
                    if (!frontiers.Contains(p4))
                        frontiers.Add(new pair(coords.a, coords.b - 2));

            frontiers.Remove(coords); //remove chosen cell from list of frontier cells

        //positions of start and end rooms (along top and bottom rows)
        int start = 2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, width / 2) - 1;
        int end   = 2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, width / 2) - 1;

        grid[0, start]   = true; //passage from start room to maze
        grid[width, end] = true; //passage from maze to end room (use width not width-1 because grid is actually width+1 wide)

        startRoom                         = Instantiate(startRoomPrefab) as StartRoom;                    = "Start Room";
        startRoom.transform.parent        = transform;
        startRoom.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);

        endRoom                         = Instantiate(endRoomPrefab) as EndRoom;                    = "End Room";
        endRoom.transform.parent        = transform;
        endRoom.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(StartRoom.WIDTH / 2 + width + 2f + EndRoom.WIDTH / 2, 0, end + 1f - EndRoom.WIDTH / 2 - start + 1f);

        int catX = 2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, width / 2 + 1) - 3;
        int catZ = 2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, width / 2 + 1) - 3;

        cat                         = Instantiate(catPrefab) as Cat;                    = "Cat";
        cat.transform.parent        = transform;
        cat.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(catX + 1f + StartRoom.WIDTH / 2, 0f, catZ + 1f - start + 1f);

        for (int z = 0; z < width + 1; ++z)
            for (int x = 0; x < width + 1; ++x)
                if (grid[x, z]) //if a passage
                    Passage pass = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as Passage;
                    maze[x, z]                   = pass;
                              = "Tile " + x + ", " + z;
                    pass.transform.parent        = transform;
                    pass.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x + 1f + StartRoom.WIDTH / 2, 0f, z - start); //want tile at (1,1) to be at position x = 0 z = 0 so player starts in top left
                else //else a wall
                    Wall wall = Instantiate(wallPrefab) as Wall;
                    maze[x, z]                   = wall;
                              = "Tile " + x + ", " + z;
                    wall.transform.parent        = transform;
                    wall.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x + 1f + StartRoom.WIDTH / 2, 0f, z - start); //want tile at (1,1) to be at position x = 0 z = 0 so player starts in top left
Beispiel #25
        private void addPiece()
            pair pos = generateUnoccupiedPosition();

            m[pos.first, pos.second] = 2;
Beispiel #26
 public node(double a, pair b)
     x = a;
     y = b;
Beispiel #27
        public static void ParseMessage(UserMessage message)
            switch (message.type)
            case 1:
                pair <int, byte[]> data = (pair <int, byte[]>);
                Friend             f    =[data.Key];
                f.ip       = new System.Net.IPAddress(data.Value);
                f.isOnline = true;
                f.Father.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { f.Father.Updata(); });

            case 2:
                int    id = (int);
                Friend f  =[id];
                f.isOnline = false;
                f.Father.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { f.Father.Updata(); });

            case 3:
                List <int> data      = as List <int>;
                int        plugin_id = data[0];
                int        user_id   = data[1];
                var        m         = new MessageInvite(user_id, plugin_id);
                string name   =[user_id].nickname;
                string p_name = AppData.plugin_dic[plugin_id].Name;
                m.message = string.Format("{0} 邀请您一同使用 {1}", name, p_name);

            case 4:
                User friend = as User;
                var  m      = new MessageAddFriend(friend);
                m.type    = 1;
                m.message = string.Format("{0} 请求加您为好友", friend.nickname);

            case 5:
                User   F      = as User;
                Friend friend =[F.user_id];
                friend.Father.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { friend.Father.Updata(); });

            case 6:
                List <object> data = (List <object>);
                var           m    = new MessageInformShow(;
                m.type = 2;
                String temp = "拒绝";
                if ((int)data[1] == 1)
                    temp = "同意";
                m.message = string.Format("{0} {1}加您为好友", ((User)data[0]).name, temp);

Beispiel #28
 public node()
     x = -1;
     y = new pair();
Beispiel #29
        void goToPos(bal[] mine, bal[] wher, pair ball)//определяет куда бежать
            int d;

            pairr[] poss;

            if (ENgols % 2 == 0)
                poss = topPos;
                d    = 5;
                poss = botPos;
                d    = -5;

            int[] whithout = new int[4];
            whithout[0] = -1; whithout[1] = -1; whithout[2] = -1; whithout[3] = -1;


            farer         = clos(mine, poss[1].x, poss[1].y, whithout);
            whithout[0]   = farer;
            wher[farer].x = poss[1].x;
            wher[farer].y = poss[1].y;
            if (isBallnear(farer, mine, ball))
                wher[farer].x = ball.x;
                wher[farer].y = ball.y;


            closer         = clos(mine, poss[2].x, poss[2].y, whithout);
            whithout[1]    = closer;
            wher[closer].x = poss[2].x;
            wher[closer].y = poss[2].y;

            if (isBallnear(closer, mine, ball))
                wher[closer].x = ball.x;
                wher[closer].y = ball.y;


            attaker1         = clos(mine, ball.x, ball.y, whithout);
            whithout[2]      = attaker1;
            wher[attaker1].x = ball.x;
            wher[attaker1].y = ball.y;


            golkeep         = clos(mine, poss[0].x, poss[0].y, whithout);
            whithout[3]     = golkeep;
            wher[golkeep].x = poss[0].x;
            wher[golkeep].y = ball.y;

            if (isBallnear(golkeep, mine, ball))
                wher[golkeep].x = ball.x;
                wher[golkeep].y = ball.y;


            attaker2         = clos(mine, ball.x, ball.y, whithout);
            wher[attaker2].x = wher[attaker1].x;
            wher[attaker2].y = wher[attaker1].y + d;
Beispiel #30
 public async Task <IEnumerable <Users> > GetUsers([FromBody] pair p)
     return(await _usersRepository.GetByID(p.username, p.password));
Beispiel #31
        bool isBallnear(int i, bal[] data, pair ball)
            double d = Math.Sqrt((data[i].x - ball.x) * (data[i].x - ball.x) + (data[i].y - ball.y) * (data[i].y - ball.y));

            return(Math.Abs(d) <= 7 && Math.Abs(d) >= 0.1);
Beispiel #32
    bool SamecolorErase(int y, int x, int color)
        Queue <int> qy = new Queue <int>();
        Queue <int> qx = new Queue <int>();

        int[] dx = new int[4] {
            0, 1, 0, -1
        int[] dy = new int[4] {
            1, 0, -1, 0
        int cnt = 0;

        int[,] qm = new int[maxY, maxX];

        for (int i = 0; i < maxY; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < maxX; j++)
                if (mapGenerateScript.getMap(i, j) == color)
                    qm[i, j] = (int)1e5;
                //else if (mapGenerateScript.getMap(i, j) == color) qm[i, j] = 1;
                    qm[i, j] = -1;
                //qm[i, j] = (int)1e5;
        while (qy.Count > 0)
            pair p = new pair();
            p.first  = qy.Peek();
            p.second = qx.Peek();
            qy.Dequeue(); qx.Dequeue();
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                int ny = p.first + dy[i], nx = p.second + dx[i];
                // int _color = mapGenerateScript.getMap(ny, nx);

                if (nx >= 0 && nx < maxX && 0 <= ny && ny < maxY && mapGenerateScript.getMap(ny, nx) == color && qm[ny, nx] == 1e5)
                    Debug.Log("x,y" + x + " " + y);
                    qy.Enqueue(ny); qx.Enqueue(nx);
                    qm[ny, nx] = 0;

        if (cnt >= 4)
            foreach (GameObject obj in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)))
                // シーン上に存在するオブジェクトならば処理.
                if (obj.activeInHierarchy)
                    string eraseObject = "";
                    switch (color)
                    case (int)
                        eraseObject = rp;

                    case (int)
                        eraseObject = bp;

                    case (int)
                        eraseObject = gp;

                    case (int)Puyo.yellow:
                        eraseObject = yp;

                    case (int)Puyo.purple:
                        eraseObject = pp;

                    default: break;

                    // GameObjectの名前を表示.
                    if ( == eraseObject)
                        int xx = CalcError(obj.transform.position.x);
                        int yy = CalcError(obj.transform.position.y);
                        Debug.Log("yy,xx,qm" + yy + " " + xx + " " + qm[yy, xx]);
                        //if (qm[yy, xx] == 0) obj.tag = "erase";
                        if (qm[yy, xx] == 0)
                            mapGenerateScript.setMap(yy, xx, 0);
Beispiel #33
 /// <summary>
 /// returns the item in the list closest to the selected pair
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pairlist"></param>
 /// <param name="_pair"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static int closest_less(List<pair> pairlist, pair _pair)
     int shortest = 0;
     int dist = select_dist(pairlist[0], _pair);
     for (int i = 1; i < pairlist.Count; i++) {
         int k = select_dist(pairlist[i], _pair);
         if (k < dist) {
             dist = k;
             shortest = i;
     return shortest;
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary>
 /// finds the node within an island that has the shortest manhattan distance to another node
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target"></param>
 /// <param name="nodes"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static pair q_closest(pair target, ArrayList nodes)
     pair closest = (nodes[0] as pair);
     int dist = Math.Abs(closest.x - target.x) + Math.Abs(closest.y - target.y);
     for (int i = 1; i < nodes.Count; i += 5) {
         int dist2 = Math.Abs((nodes[i] as pair).x - target.x) + Math.Abs((nodes[i] as pair).y - target.y);
         if (dist2 < dist) {
             dist = dist2;
             closest = (nodes[i] as pair);
     return closest;
Beispiel #35
        void SetOutputData(int[,] infoAmountMatrix, sequence top)
            int[,] infoMatrix = new int[6, 6];
            for (int i = 0; i < infoAmountMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < infoAmountMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                    infoMatrix[i, j] = infoAmountMatrix[i, j];
            sequence c = top;

            //Переставляем матрицу количества передач
            for (int i = 0; i < infoAmountMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < infoAmountMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                    infoMatrix[i, j] = infoAmountMatrix[i, j];
            int[,] priorityMatrix = GetPrioritiesMatrix(c);
            int firstMagStationsToParallel  = 0;
            int secondMagStationsToParallel = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 1 && c.firstMag.Contains(i + 1))
                    else if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 1 && c.secondMag.Contains(i + 1))
            bool sended            = false;
            pair firstMagMaxInd    = new pair(0, 0);
            pair secondMagMaxInd   = new pair(0, 0);
            int  firstMagMaxTrans  = 0;
            int  secondMagMaxTrans = 0;
            bool firstFrozen       = false;
            bool secondFrozen      = false;
            //Список для теста, составлять для каждой ситуации - слишком жирно по производительности
            int checker = 0;
            int time    = 0;

            while (!sended)
                if (!firstFrozen)
                    firstMagMaxTrans = 0;
                if (!secondFrozen)
                    secondMagMaxTrans = 0;
                checker = 0;
                if (secondMagStationsToParallel == 0 || firstMagStationsToParallel == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) //Проходим по массиву в поисках подходящих для передачи элементов
                    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                        if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 1 && infoMatrix[i, j] != 0)
                            if (c.firstMag.Contains(i + 1) && !firstFrozen)
                                if (infoMatrix[i, j] > firstMagMaxTrans)
                                    firstMagMaxTrans      = infoMatrix[i, j];
                                    firstMagMaxInd.first  = i;
                                    firstMagMaxInd.second = j;
                            else if (c.secondMag.Contains(i + 1) && !secondFrozen)
                                if (infoMatrix[i, j] > secondMagMaxTrans)
                                    secondMagMaxTrans      = infoMatrix[i, j];
                                    secondMagMaxInd.first  = i;
                                    secondMagMaxInd.second = j;
                if (secondMagMaxTrans > firstMagMaxTrans && infoMatrix[firstMagMaxInd.first, firstMagMaxInd.second] > 0)
                    infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] -= firstMagMaxTrans;
                    infoMatrix[firstMagMaxInd.first, firstMagMaxInd.second]   -= firstMagMaxTrans;
                    secondMagMaxTrans -= firstMagMaxTrans;
                    time += firstMagMaxTrans;
                    secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(secondMagMaxInd.first + 1, secondMagMaxInd.second + 1, firstMagMaxTrans));
                    firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(firstMagMaxInd.first + 1, firstMagMaxInd.second + 1, firstMagMaxTrans));
                    secondFrozen = true;
                    firstFrozen  = false;
                else if (secondMagMaxTrans < firstMagMaxTrans && infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] > 0)
                    infoMatrix[firstMagMaxInd.first, firstMagMaxInd.second]   -= secondMagMaxTrans;
                    infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] -= secondMagMaxTrans;
                    firstMagMaxTrans -= secondMagMaxTrans;
                    time += secondMagMaxTrans;
                    firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(firstMagMaxInd.first + 1, firstMagMaxInd.second + 1, secondMagMaxTrans));
                    secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(secondMagMaxInd.first + 1, secondMagMaxInd.second + 1, secondMagMaxTrans));
                    secondFrozen = false;
                    firstFrozen  = true;
                else if (secondMagMaxTrans == firstMagMaxTrans && infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] > 0)
                    infoMatrix[firstMagMaxInd.first, firstMagMaxInd.second]   -= firstMagMaxTrans;
                    infoMatrix[secondMagMaxInd.first, secondMagMaxInd.second] -= secondMagMaxTrans;
                    time += secondMagMaxTrans;
                    firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(firstMagMaxInd.first + 1, firstMagMaxInd.second + 1, firstMagMaxTrans));
                    secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(secondMagMaxInd.first + 1, secondMagMaxInd.second + 1, secondMagMaxTrans));
                    secondFrozen = false;
                    firstFrozen  = false;
                if (checker == 0)
                    sended = true;
            //Добавляем оставшиеся передачи по одной магистрали,а потом полные передачи
            bool over = false;

            while (!over)
                checker = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                        if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 1 && infoMatrix[i, j] != 0)
                            if (c.firstMag.Contains(i + 1))
                                firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(i + 1, j + 1, infoMatrix[i, j]));
                                secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(0, 0, infoMatrix[i, j]));
                                infoMatrix[i, j] = 0;
                            else if (c.secondMag.Contains(i + 1))
                                secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(i + 1, j + 1, infoMatrix[i, j]));
                                firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(0, 0, infoMatrix[i, j]));
                                infoMatrix[i, j] = 0;
                if (checker == 0)
                    over = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    if (priorityMatrix[i, j] == 2 && infoMatrix[i, j] != 0)
                        firstMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(i + 1, j + 1, infoMatrix[i, j]));
                        secondMagistralOut.Add(new magistralPiece(i + 1, j + 1, infoMatrix[i, j]));
                        infoMatrix[i, j] = 0;
Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Concatenates all individual islands on the map into a single tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <param name="mod"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static int[,] q_get_islands_2(int width, int height, int[,] mod)
            Console.WriteLine("Making islands");
            ArrayList islandList = q_islandGet(mod, width, height);

            Console.WriteLine(islandList.Count + " islands found");

            List<pair> centers = new List<pair>();
            List<int> sizes = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < islandList.Count; i++) {
                centers.Add(q_center(islandList[i] as ArrayList));
                sizes.Add((islandList[i] as ArrayList).Count);

            Console.WriteLine("Centers determined for all islands");

            while (islandList.Count > 3) {
                //declare four islands, pick one
                int[] islandstouse = new int[] { rand.Next(islandList.Count), -1, -1, -1 }; //array of places in list to use

                //pick the three closest islands
                for (int i = 0; i < islandList.Count; i++)
                    if (islandstouse.Contains(i))
                    else {
                        for (int change = 0; change < 3; change++)
                            if (islandstouse[(change + mod_rythm) % 3 + 1] == -1) {
                                islandstouse[(change + mod_rythm) % 3 + 1] = i;
                            else if (Math.Abs(centers[i].x - centers[islandstouse[0]].x) + Math.Abs(centers[i].y - centers[islandstouse[0]].y) <
                                Math.Abs(centers[(change + mod_rythm) % 3 + 1].x - centers[islandstouse[0]].x) + Math.Abs(centers[(change + mod_rythm) % 3 + 1].y - centers[islandstouse[0]].y)) {
                                islandstouse[(change + mod_rythm) % 3 + 1] = i;

            #region r
                //select the center of each of these islands
                pair centerA = centers[islandstouse[0]];
                pair centerB = centers[islandstouse[1]];
                pair centerC = centers[islandstouse[2]];
                pair centerD = centers[islandstouse[3]];

                //determine shortest path between each of these islands and the target island
                pair ACloseB = q_closest(centerB, islandList[islandstouse[0]] as ArrayList);
                pair BCloseA = q_closest(ACloseB, islandList[islandstouse[1]] as ArrayList);
                int length_AB = Math.Abs(ACloseB.x - BCloseA.x) + Math.Abs(ACloseB.y - BCloseA.y) + (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ACloseB.x - BCloseA.x, 2) + Math.Pow(ACloseB.y - BCloseA.y, 2));

                pair ACloseC = q_closest(centerC, islandList[islandstouse[0]] as ArrayList);
                pair CCloseA = q_closest(ACloseC, islandList[islandstouse[2]] as ArrayList);
                int length_AC = Math.Abs(ACloseC.x - CCloseA.x) + Math.Abs(ACloseC.y - CCloseA.y) + (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ACloseC.x - CCloseA.x, 2) + Math.Pow(ACloseC.y - CCloseA.y, 2));

                pair ACloseD = q_closest(centerD, islandList[islandstouse[0]] as ArrayList);
                pair DCloseA = q_closest(ACloseD, islandList[islandstouse[3]] as ArrayList);
                int length_AD = Math.Abs(ACloseD.x - DCloseA.x) + Math.Abs(ACloseD.y - DCloseA.y) + (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ACloseD.x - DCloseA.x, 2) + Math.Pow(ACloseD.y - DCloseA.y, 2));

                List<int> sel = new List<int> { length_AB, length_AC, length_AD };
                int shortest = Shortest(sel);

                if (shortest == 0) {
                    //join the hallways
                    Hallway_2(ACloseB.x, ACloseB.y, BCloseA.x, BCloseA.y, mod);

                    //add item B to our base island
                    (islandList[islandstouse[0]] as ArrayList).AddRange(islandList[islandstouse[1]] as ArrayList);

                    //adjust center points - this isn't perfect, it just averages the centers
                    //maybe later I will make it take size into account - would mean I'd have to actually list size again :)
                    centers[islandstouse[0]] = new pair((centers[islandstouse[0]].x * sizes[islandstouse[0]] + centers[islandstouse[1]].x * sizes[islandstouse[1]]) / 2 * (sizes[islandstouse[1]] + sizes[islandstouse[0]]),
                        (centers[islandstouse[0]].y * sizes[islandstouse[0]] + centers[islandstouse[1]].y * sizes[islandstouse[1]]) / 2 * (sizes[islandstouse[1]] + sizes[islandstouse[0]]));

                    //remove items from lists
                else if (shortest == 1) {
                    //join the hallways
                    Hallway_2(ACloseC.x, ACloseC.y, CCloseA.x, CCloseA.y, mod);

                    //add item C to our base island
                    (islandList[islandstouse[0]] as ArrayList).AddRange(islandList[islandstouse[2]] as ArrayList);

                    //adjust center points - this isn't perfect, it just averages the centers
                    //maybe later I will make it take size into account - would mean I'd have to actually list size again :)
                    centers[islandstouse[0]] = new pair((centers[islandstouse[0]].x * sizes[islandstouse[0]] + centers[islandstouse[2]].x * sizes[islandstouse[2]]) / 2 * (sizes[islandstouse[2]] + sizes[islandstouse[0]]),
                        (centers[islandstouse[0]].y * sizes[islandstouse[0]] + centers[islandstouse[2]].y * sizes[islandstouse[2]]) / 2 * (sizes[islandstouse[2]] + sizes[islandstouse[0]]));

                    //remove items from lists
                else if (shortest == 2) {
                    //join the hallways
                    Hallway_2(ACloseD.x, ACloseD.y, DCloseA.x, DCloseA.y, mod);

                    //add item D to our base island
                    (islandList[islandstouse[0]] as ArrayList).AddRange(islandList[islandstouse[3]] as ArrayList);

                    //adjust center points - this isn't perfect, it just averages the centers
                    //maybe later I will make it take size into account - would mean I'd have to actually list size again :)
                    centers[islandstouse[0]] = new pair((centers[islandstouse[0]].x * sizes[islandstouse[0]] + centers[islandstouse[3]].x * sizes[islandstouse[3]]) / 2 * (sizes[islandstouse[3]] + sizes[islandstouse[0]]),
                        (centers[islandstouse[0]].y * sizes[islandstouse[0]] + centers[islandstouse[3]].y * sizes[islandstouse[3]]) / 2 * (sizes[islandstouse[3]] + sizes[islandstouse[0]]));

                    //remove items from lists

            for (int i = 1; i < islandList.Count; i++) {//(islandList.Count > 1) {
                pair centerA = centers[0];
                pair centerB = centers[i];

                pair AClose = q_closest(centerB, islandList[0] as ArrayList);
                pair BClose = q_closest(AClose, islandList[i] as ArrayList);

                Hallway_2(AClose.x, AClose.y, BClose.x, BClose.y, mod);

                (islandList[0] as ArrayList).AddRange(islandList[i] as ArrayList);//(islandList[0] as ArrayList).AddRange(islandList[i] as ArrayList);

            Console.WriteLine("Connected all islands");
            return mod;
Beispiel #37
    public int CompareTo(pair <T, U> a)
        int c = Comparer <T> .Default.Compare(v1, a.v1);

        return(c != 0 ? c : Comparer <U> .Default.Compare(v2, a.v2));
Beispiel #38
        static int[,] q_get_islands_3(int width, int height, int[,] mod)
            Console.WriteLine("Making islands");
            ArrayList islandList = q_islandGet(mod, width, height);

            Console.WriteLine(islandList.Count + " islands found");

            List<pair> centers = new List<pair>();
            List<int> sizes = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < islandList.Count; i++) {
                centers.Add(q_center(islandList[i] as ArrayList));
                sizes.Add((islandList[i] as ArrayList).Count);

            Console.WriteLine("Centers determined for all islands");

            while (islandList.Count > 1) {
                //pick an islands
                int island = rand.Next(islandList.Count);
                int compar = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < islandList.Count; i++) {
                    if (i == island) //match case
                    if (compar == -1) { //base case
                        compar = i;
                        //now we need to select indices

                    //check to see if lower distance:
                    if (select_dist(centers[compar], centers[island]) > select_dist(centers[island], centers[i]))
                        compar = i;

                pair centerA = centers[island];
                pair centerB = centers[compar];

                pair AClose = q_closest(centerB, islandList[island] as ArrayList);
                pair BClose = q_closest(AClose, islandList[compar] as ArrayList);

                Hallway_2(AClose.x, AClose.y, BClose.x, BClose.y, mod);
                centers[island] = new pair((centers[island].x + centers[compar].x) / 2, (centers[island].y + centers[compar].y) / 2);
                (islandList[island] as ArrayList).AddRange(islandList[compar] as ArrayList);


            return mod;
Beispiel #39
 private static List<pair> sort(Primitive array)
     bNumber = true;
     List<pair> values = new List<pair>();
     Type PrimitiveType = typeof(Primitive);
     Dictionary<Primitive, Primitive> _arrayMap;
     array = Utilities.CreateArrayMap(array);
     _arrayMap = (Dictionary<Primitive, Primitive>)PrimitiveType.GetField("_arrayMap", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(array);
     foreach (KeyValuePair<Primitive, Primitive> kvp in _arrayMap)
         pair _pair = new pair(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
     return values;
Beispiel #40
        /// <summary>
        /// uses scanfill to run through an island identifying it's exact bounds !WOAH  -this one seems to have variable speeds - sometimes faster, sometimes
        /// slower than q_scanIsland_3
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="xs"></param>
        /// <param name="ys"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static ArrayList q_scanIsland_3(int width, int height, int[,] map, int xs, int ys)
            Queue<pair> q = new Queue<pair>();
            ArrayList beacon = new ArrayList();

            pair pr = new pair(xs, ys);
            while (q.Count != 0) {
                pair p = q.Dequeue();
                int x = p.x;
                int y = p.y;
                bool topClosed = true;
                bool botClosed = true;
                if (!beacon.Contains(p) && map[x, y] == 1) {
                    int ct = 0;
                    while (map[x + ct, y] == 1)
                    if (y - 1 >= 0)
                        q.Enqueue(new pair(x, y - 1));
                    if (y + 1 >= 0)
                        q.Enqueue(new pair(x, y + 1));

                    while (x + ct < width && map[x + ct, y] == 1) {
                        beacon.Add(new pair(x + ct, y));
                        if (map[x + ct, y + 1] == 0)
                            topClosed = true;
                        else if (topClosed) {
                            q.Enqueue(new pair(x + ct, y + 1));
                            topClosed = false;
                        if (map[x + ct, y - 1] == 0)
                            botClosed = true;
                        else if (botClosed) {
                            q.Enqueue(new pair(x + ct, y - 1));
                            botClosed = false;

            return beacon;
Beispiel #41
        static invertedList getList(Hashtable ht, int i, int len)
            pair x = new pair();
            x.l = len;
            x.i = i;
            invertedList L = null;
            if (ht.ContainsKey(x))
                L = (invertedList)ht[x];
                L = new invertedList();
                ht.Add(x, L);

            return L;
Beispiel #42
 //applies distance calculation to a pair
 static int select_dist(pair x, pair y)
     int dist = Math.Abs(x.x - y.x) + Math.Abs(x.y - y.y);
     dist += (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x.x - y.x, 2) + Math.Pow(x.y - y.y, 2));
     return dist / 2;
Beispiel #43
    private void generateBloc(Vector2 translation, int x, int y, Direction dir)
        if (x >= 9 || y >= 9 || x <= 0 || y <= 0 || map[y][x] == true)
        List<bloc> list = new List<bloc> ();
        int size = 0;

        if (dir == Direction.UP) {
            foreach (bloc w in  this.tuples) {
                if (w.up == true && w.nbtime > 0) {
                    list.Add (w);
        } else if (dir == Direction.DOWN) {
            foreach (bloc w in  this.tuples) {
                if (w.down == true && w.nbtime > 0) {
                    list.Add (w);
        } else if (dir == Direction.LEFT) {
            foreach (bloc w in  this.tuples) {
                if (w.left == true && w.nbtime > 0) {
                    list.Add (w);
        } else if (dir == Direction.RIGHT) {
            foreach (bloc w in  this.tuples) {
                if (w.right == true && w.nbtime > 0) {
                    list.Add (w);

        if (size == 0) {

        map [y] [x] = true;

        int j = Random.Range (0, size);
        bloc a = list [j];

        for (int i = 0; i != this.tuples.Length; ++i) {
            if (this.tuples[i].name == {
                this.tuples[i].nbtime -= 1;

        pair ed = new pair();
        print (;
        GameObject zez = Instantiate (;
        ed.gameobject = zez;
        ed.pos = new Vector2 (translation.x, translation.y);
        this.level.Add (ed);

        if (a.up == true) {

            Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2 (translation.x, translation.y);
            newPosition.y += 10;
            generateBloc(newPosition, x, y - 1, Direction.UP);
        if (a.down == true) {

            Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2 (translation.x, translation.y);
            newPosition.y -= 10;
            generateBloc(newPosition, x, y + 1, Direction.DOWN);
        if (a.right == true) {

            Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2 (translation.x, translation.y);
            newPosition.x += 21;
            generateBloc(newPosition, x + 1, y, Direction.RIGHT);
        if (a.left == true) {

            Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2 (translation.x, translation.y);
            newPosition.x -= 21;
            generateBloc(newPosition, x - 1, y, Direction.LEFT);
Beispiel #44
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     cardState   = STATE.FRONT;
     currentPair = front;
     cost        = 50;