Beispiel #1
        static HsqlResult NewResult()
            int        columnCount = columns.GetUpperBound(1);
            HsqlResult result      = new HsqlResult(columnCount);

            object[]  row          = new object[columnCount];
            int       i            = 0;
            const int TypeOrdinal  = 0;
            const int ValueOrdinal = 1;


            foreach (object[] column in columns)
                HsqlProviderType dataType = (HsqlProviderType)column[TypeOrdinal];
                row[i] = column[ValueOrdinal];
                int scale = 0;

                switch (dataType)
                case HsqlProviderType.Decimal:
                case HsqlProviderType.Numeric: {
                    scale = 4;

                int size = HsqlTypes.getPrecision((int)dataType);

                result.metaData.catalogNames[i]  = "mem:test";
                result.metaData.classNames[i]    = HsqlTypes.getTypeName((int)dataType);
                result.metaData.colLabels[i]     = "COLUMN_" + i;
                result.metaData.colNames[i]      = "C" + i;
                result.metaData.colNullable[i]   = (int)BaseColumnNullability.Nullable;
                result.metaData.colScales[i]     = scale;
                result.metaData.colSizes[i]      = size;
                result.metaData.colTypes[i]      = (int)dataType;
                result.metaData.isIdentity[i]    = false;
                result.metaData.isLabelQuoted[i] = false;
                result.metaData.isWritable[i]    = false;
                result.metaData.paramMode[i]     = (int)ParameterMode.Unknown;
                result.metaData.schemaNames[i]   = "PUBLIC";
                result.metaData.tableNames[i]    = "ALL_COL_TYPES";

Beispiel #2
 private static int ToDefaultPrecision(int type)
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a <c>DataTable</c> object representing the column
        /// metadata of the given data reader's current result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">
        /// A reader object for which to retrieve the column metadata.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <c>DataTable</c> object representing the column metadata of the
        /// given data reader's current result.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="HsqlDataSourceException">
        /// If a data access error occurs.
        /// </exception>
        public static DataTable CreateSchemaTable(HsqlDataReader reader)
            Result         result         = reader.m_result;
            int            columnCount    = result.getColumnCount();
            ResultMetaData metaData       = result.metaData;
            DataTable      table          = CreateTable(columnCount);
            bool           includeKeyInfo = reader.HasCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo);
            Dictionary <ColumnIdentifier, KeyInfo> keyInfoMap = (includeKeyInfo)
                ? HsqlResultSetMetaData.GetKeyInfo(reader)
                : null;

            string catalogName = reader.OriginatingConnection.Database;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                bool   isAutoIncrement  = metaData.isIdentity[i];
                string columnName       = metaData.colLabels[i];
                int    columnOrdinal    = i;
                int    columnSize       = metaData.colSizes[i];
                int    numericPrecision = metaData.colSizes[i];
                int    numericScale     = metaData.colScales[i];
                bool   isUnique         = false; // isAutoIncrement;
                bool   isKey            = isAutoIncrement;
                string baseServerName   = null;
                string baseCatalogName  = catalogName;//metaData.catalogNames[i];
                string baseColumnName   = metaData.colNames[i];
                string baseSchemaName   = metaData.schemaNames[i];
                string baseTableName    = metaData.tableNames[i];
                int    providerType     = metaData.colTypes[i];
                Type   dataType         = HsqlConvert.ToDataType(providerType);
                int    nullability      = metaData.colNullable[i];
                bool   allowDBNull      = isAutoIncrement || (nullability != 0);
                bool   isAliased        = (columnName != baseColumnName);
                bool   isExpression     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseTableName);
                bool   isIdentity       = isAutoIncrement;
                bool   isRowVersion     = false;
                bool   isHidden         = false;
                bool   isLong           = HsqlConvert.ToIsLongProviderType(providerType);
                bool   isReadOnly       = !metaData.isWritable[i];

                if ((columnSize == 0) &&
                    columnSize = HsqlTypes.getPrecision(providerType);

                if ((numericPrecision == 0) &&
                    numericPrecision = HsqlTypes.getPrecision(providerType);

                if (includeKeyInfo)
                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseTableName) ||
                        ColumnIdentifier key = new ColumnIdentifier(
                            baseSchemaName, baseTableName, baseColumnName);
                        KeyInfo keyInfo;

                        if (keyInfoMap.TryGetValue(key, out keyInfo))
                            isKey    = keyInfo.m_isKey;
                            isUnique = keyInfo.m_isUnique;

                HsqlResultSetMetaData.AddRow(table, columnName, columnOrdinal,
                                             columnSize, numericPrecision, numericScale, isUnique,
                                             isKey, baseServerName, baseCatalogName, baseColumnName,
                                             baseSchemaName, baseTableName, dataType, allowDBNull,
                                             providerType, isAliased, isExpression, isIdentity,
                                             isAutoIncrement, isRowVersion, isHidden, isLong,

            DataColumnCollection columns = table.Columns;
            int count = columns.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                columns[i].ReadOnly = true;

Beispiel #4
        internal static string ResultMetaDataToString(ResultMetaData rmd)
            StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder();
            int           columnCount = rmd.colTypes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                if (i > 0)

                sb.AppendFormat("{0}: ", i);

                ColumnMetaData cmd  = new ColumnMetaData();
                int            type = rmd.colTypes[i];

                cmd.catalogName = (rmd.catalogNames[i] == null) ?
                                  "" : rmd.catalogNames[i];
                cmd.schemaName = (rmd.schemaNames[i] == null) ?
                                 "" : rmd.schemaNames[i];
                cmd.tableName = rmd.tableNames[i] == null ?
                                "" : rmd.tableNames[i];
                cmd.columnName = rmd.colNames[i] == null ?
                                 "" : rmd.colNames[i];
                cmd.columnLabel = rmd.colLabels[i] == null ?
                                  "" : rmd.colLabels[i];
                cmd.columnType      = type;
                cmd.columnTypeName  = HsqlTypes.getTypeString(type);
                cmd.isWritable      = rmd.isWritable[i];
                cmd.isReadOnly      = !cmd.isWritable;
                cmd.isAutoIncrement = rmd.isIdentity[i];
                cmd.isNullable      = rmd.colNullable[i];

                cmd.columnClassName = rmd.classNames[i];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.columnClassName))
                    cmd.columnClassName = HsqlTypes.getColStClsName(type);

                if (HsqlTypes.acceptsPrecisionCreateParam(type))
                    if (rmd.colSizes[i] == 0)
                        cmd.columnDisplaySize = HsqlTypes.getMaxDisplaySize(type);
                        cmd.columnDisplaySize = rmd.colSizes[i];

                        if (HsqlTypes.acceptsScaleCreateParam(type))
                            if (rmd.colScales[i] != 0)
                                cmd.columnDisplaySize += (1 + rmd.colScales[i]);
                    cmd.columnDisplaySize = HsqlTypes.getMaxDisplaySize(type);

                if (HsqlTypes.isNumberType(type) &&
                    cmd.precision = rmd.colSizes[i];

                    if (cmd.precision == 0)
                        cmd.precision = HsqlTypes.getPrecision(type);
                    cmd.precision = HsqlTypes.getPrecision(type);

                if (HsqlTypes.acceptsScaleCreateParam(type))
                    cmd.scale = rmd.colScales[i];

                JavaBoolean iua = HsqlTypes.isUnsignedAttribute(type);

                cmd.isSigned = ((iua != null) && !iua.booleanValue());

                JavaBoolean ics = HsqlTypes.isCaseSensitive(type);

                cmd.isCaseSensitive = ((ics != null) && ics.booleanValue());
                cmd.isSearchable    = HsqlTypes.isSearchable(type);

