Beispiel #1
        public virtual void testPlannedWasteICS()
            JDFAmountPool ap   = rlOut.getCreateAmountPool();
            JDFAmountPool apIn = rlMediaIn.getCreateAmountPool();

            JDFComponent    cover = (JDFComponent)outComp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "Cover");
            JDFAttributeMap map   = cover.getPartMap();

            ap.appendXMLComment("Want 10000-10400 good cover sheets and allow for 500 waste cover sheets", null);
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Good");
            rlOut.setAmount(10000, map);
            rlOut.setMaxAmount(10400, map);
            apIn.appendXMLComment("Amount[Good]: planned consumption for good production\n" + "MaxAmount[Good]: planned maximum consumption for good production\n" + "MaxAmount[Waste]: planned Media for waste", null);
            rlMediaIn.setAmount(10500, map);
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Waste");
            rlMediaIn.setMaxAmount(500, map);

            ap.appendXMLComment("Want 20000 good first insert sheets and allow for 200 waste insert sheets", null);
            JDFComponent sheet1 = (JDFComponent)outComp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "Sheet1");

            map = sheet1.getPartMap();
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Good");
            rlOut.setAmount(20000, map);
            rlOut.setMaxAmount(20800, map);
            rlMediaIn.setAmount(21000, map);
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Waste");
            rlMediaIn.setMaxAmount(200, map);

            ap.appendXMLComment("Want 20000 good second insert sheets and allow for 100 waste insert sheets", null);
            JDFComponent sheet2 = (JDFComponent)outComp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "Sheet2");

            map = sheet2.getPartMap();
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Good");
            rlOut.setAmount(20000, map);
            rlOut.setMaxAmount(20800, map);
            rlMediaIn.setAmount(20900, map);
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Waste");
            rlMediaIn.setMaxAmount(100, map);

            d.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "plannedWasteICS.jdf", 2, true);

            //		 * map=cover.getPartMap(); map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Good");
            //		 * rl.getAmountPool().getPartAmount(map,0).appendXMLComment(
            //		 * "Actually produced covers: 10200\nWaste put on output stack:100");
            //		 * rlIn.getAmountPool().getPartAmount(map,0).appendXMLComment(
            //		 * "Total consumed sheets: 10400\nOf that: sheets wasted: 200");
            //		 * rl.setActualAmount(10200, map); rlIn.setActualAmount(10200, map);
            //		 * map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Waste"); rl.setActualAmount(100,
            //		 * map); rlIn.setActualAmount(200, map);
            //		 *
            //		 * d.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp+"actualWasteICS.jdf", 2, true);
Beispiel #2
        public virtual void testContentDataFinishing()
            JDFComponent c  = (JDFComponent)n.addResource(ElementName.COMPONENT, EnumUsage.Output);
            JDFComponent c1 = (JDFComponent)c.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.BlockName, "Stack1");
            JDFComponent c2 = (JDFComponent)c.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.BlockName, "Stack2");

            c1.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList("0~8"));
            c2.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList("9~16"));
            c.setXMLComment("this is the output component with two stacks\n the imposition engine is aware of the pagelist index and can set it appropriately");
            d.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "ContentMetaDataStack.jdf", 2, false);
Beispiel #3
        public virtual void testIsPresentPartition()
            JDFAction act = devicecap.appendActionPool().appendActionTest(EnumTerm.IsPresentEvaluation, true);
            JDFTest   tst = act.getTest();

            JDFIsPresentEvaluation ipe = (JDFIsPresentEvaluation)tst.getTerm();

            Assert.AreEqual(ptState.getID(), ipe.getrRef());

            JDFDoc  doc  = new JDFDoc("JDF");
            JDFNode node = doc.getJDFRoot();

            node.setType("fnarf", false);
            JDFComponent comp = (JDFComponent)node.addResource("Component", null, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);


            XMLDoc   rep     = new XMLDoc("root", null);
            KElement eRep    = rep.getRoot();
            bool     fitsJDF = tst.fitsJDF(comp, eRep);

            comp    = (JDFComponent)comp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "s1");
            fitsJDF = tst.fitsJDF(comp, eRep);
            Assert.IsTrue(fitsJDF, "also partition leaves ");
Beispiel #4
        public virtual void testPartAmountVirtual()
            JDFDoc  d = new JDFDoc(ElementName.JDF);
            JDFNode n = d.getJDFRoot();

            n.setType("ConventionalPrinting", true);
            JDFComponent comp = (JDFComponent)n.appendMatchingResource(ElementName.COMPONENT, EnumProcessUsage.AnyOutput, null);

            JDFResourceLink cpLink = n.getLink(comp, null);
            JDFAttributeMap mapBad = new JDFAttributeMap("Condition", "Waste");

            cpLink.setActualAmount(42, mapBad);
            Assert.AreEqual(42.0, cpLink.getActualAmount(mapBad), 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(n.isValid(EnumValidationLevel.Incomplete), "allow part amounts to non-existing partitions");

            cpLink.removeChild(ElementName.AMOUNTPOOL, null, 0);
            comp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "Sheet1");
            mapBad.put(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName.getName(), "Sheet1");
            cpLink.setActualAmount(42, mapBad);
            Assert.AreEqual(42.0, cpLink.getActualAmount(mapBad), 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(n.isValid(EnumValidationLevel.Incomplete), "allow partamounts to non-existing partitions");
            mapBad.put(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName.getName(), "Sheet2");
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, cpLink.getActualAmount(mapBad), 0);
            JDFAttributeMap m2 = new JDFAttributeMap("Condition", "Waste");

            Assert.AreEqual(42.0, cpLink.getActualAmount(m2), 0);
            m2.put("SheetName", "Sheet1");
            Assert.AreEqual(42.0, cpLink.getActualAmount(m2), 0);
            m2.put("Side", "Front");
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, cpLink.getActualAmount(m2), 0);
Beispiel #5
        public virtual void testAmountPalletteCompleteManifest()
            JDFDoc  d = new JDFDoc("JDF");
            JDFNode n = d.getJDFRoot();

            n.setTypes(new VString("Binding Stacking BoxPacking Palletizing", " "));
            JDFComponent    comp = (JDFComponent)n.addResource(ElementName.COMPONENT, null, EnumUsage.Output, null, null, null, null);
            JDFResourceLink rl   = n.getLink(comp, null);

            rl.setAmount(2, null);
            rl.setDescriptiveName("The link point to 2 pallets with a total comtent of 10000 brochures in 200 boxes");
            JDFComponent compBrochure = (JDFComponent)n.addResource(ElementName.COMPONENT, null, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);

            compBrochure.setResStatus(EnumResStatus.Available, true);
            compBrochure.setDescriptiveName("The individual Brochures");
            JDFResourceLink rlB = n.getLink(compBrochure, null);

            rlB.setAmount(10000, null);
            rlB.setActualAmount(9700, null);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                // create a pallet partition - may also use the root
                JDFComponent compPallet = (JDFComponent)comp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.DeliveryUnit0, "Pallet" + i);
                compPallet.setProductID("Pallet_" + i);

                JDFBundle bundlePallet = compPallet.getCreateBundle();
                int       nBox         = i == 0 ? 100 : 94;
                bundlePallet.setDescriptiveName("Pallet Bundle describing " + nBox + " boxes with " + nBox * 50 + " Brochures Contents total");
                bundlePallet.setTotalAmount(nBox * 50);

                for (int j = 0; j < nBox; j++)
                    JDFBundleItem biBoxes = bundlePallet.appendBundleItem();
                    JDFComponent  compBox = (JDFComponent)compPallet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.DeliveryUnit1, "Box_" + i + "_" + j);
                    compBox.setProductID("Box_" + i + "_" + j);

                    JDFBundle bundleBox = compBox.appendBundle();
                    bundleBox.setDescriptiveName("Bundle describing box #" + j + " with 50 Brochures Contents per box");

                    JDFBundleItem biBrochures = bundleBox.appendBundleItem();

            d.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "MISFinAmountCompleteManifest.jdf", 2, false);
Beispiel #6
        public virtual void testPlannedWaste()
            d = new JDFDoc("JDF");
            n = d.getJDFRoot();
            outComp = (JDFComponent)n.addResource(ElementName.COMPONENT, null, EnumUsage.Output, null, null, null, null);
            rlOut   = n.getLink(outComp, null);
            JDFAmountPool ap = rlOut.getCreateAmountPool();

            JDFComponent    cover = (JDFComponent)outComp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "Cover");
            JDFAttributeMap map   = cover.getPartMap();

            ap.appendXMLComment("Want 10000-10500 good cover sheets and allow for 500 waste cover sheets", null);
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Good");
            rlOut.setAmount(10000, map);
            rlOut.setMaxAmount(10500, map);
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Waste");
            rlOut.setMaxAmount(500, map);

            ap.appendXMLComment("Want 20000 good first insert sheets and allow for 200 waste insert sheets", null);
            JDFComponent sheet1 = (JDFComponent)outComp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "Sheet1");

            map = sheet1.getPartMap();
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Good");
            rlOut.setAmount(20000, map);
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Waste");
            rlOut.setMaxAmount(200, map);

            ap.appendXMLComment("Want 20000 good second insert sheets and allow for 200 waste insert sheets", null);
            JDFComponent sheet2 = (JDFComponent)outComp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "Sheet2");

            map = sheet2.getPartMap();
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Good");
            rlOut.setAmount(20000, map);
            map.put(EnumPartIDKey.Condition, "Waste");
            rlOut.setMaxAmount(100, map);

            d.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "plannedWaste.jdf", 2, true);
Beispiel #7
        public virtual void testAmount()
            JDFDoc  d = new JDFDoc("JDF");
            JDFNode n = d.getJDFRoot();

            n.setTypes(new VString("Binding Stacking BoxPacking Palletizing", " "));
            JDFComponent    comp = (JDFComponent)n.addResource(ElementName.COMPONENT, null, EnumUsage.Output, null, null, null, null);
            JDFResourceLink rl   = n.getLink(comp, null);

            rl.setAmount(2, null);
            rl.setDescriptiveName("The link point to 2 pallets with a total comtent of 10000 brochures in 200 boxes");

            // create a pallet partition - may also use the root
            JDFComponent compPallet = (JDFComponent)comp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.DeliveryUnit0, "Pallet");

            JDFComponent compBox      = (JDFComponent)compPallet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.DeliveryUnit1, "Box");
            JDFBundle    bundlePallet = compPallet.appendBundle();

            bundlePallet.setDescriptiveName("Bundle describing 100 boxes with 5000 Brochures Contents total");
            JDFBundleItem biBoxes = bundlePallet.appendBundleItem();


            JDFComponent compBrochure = (JDFComponent)compBox.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.DeliveryUnit2, "Brochure");
            JDFBundle    bundleBox    = compBox.appendBundle();

            bundleBox.setDescriptiveName("Bundle describing 1 boxes with 50 Brochures Contents per box");

            JDFBundleItem biBrochures = bundleBox.appendBundleItem();


            JDFBundle bundleBrochure = compBrochure.appendBundle();

            bundleBrochure.setDescriptiveName("Dummy Bundle to inhibit inheritence of the box Bundle");
            d.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "MISFinAmount.jdf", 2, false);
Beispiel #8
        public virtual void testVariableManifests()
            ruli.setXMLComment("the set / doc / ... structure is transferred from the pre-impositioning pdl");

            JDFPageList pl = (JDFPageList)n.addResource(ElementName.PAGELIST, null);

            pl.setResStatus(EnumResStatus.Available, false);

            JDFContentList cl = (JDFContentList)pl.appendContentList().makeRootResource(null, null, true);

            cl.setResStatus(EnumResStatus.Available, false);
            cl.setXMLComment("Should we allow for content-data cross references to forther contentdata fields?");
            int pageCount = 0;

            digiParams.setXMLComment("the sides attribute may be overridden by explicitly or implicitly missing runlist input elements");

            VString vRun = new VString("Letter BrochureMale BrochureFemale", null);

            JDFStitchingParams sp = (JDFStitchingParams)n.addResource(ElementName.STITCHINGPARAMS, EnumUsage.Input);

            med.setXMLComment("Media Partitioning is convenience only- the actual media selection is done by the digitalprintingparams MediaRef");
            for (int i = 0; i < vRun.Count; i++)
                string   part      = vRun[i];
                JDFMedia partMedia = (JDFMedia)med.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, part);
                partMedia.setProductID(part + "Media");

                JDFDigitalPrintingParams digiPart = (JDFDigitalPrintingParams)digiParams.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, part);

                sp.setXMLComment("how are multiple runs stitched together e.g. cover + body?");
                JDFStitchingParams spPart = (JDFStitchingParams)sp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, part);
                if (i == 0)
                    spPart.setDescriptiveName("The letter is a loose leaf collection");

            // loop over records
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                JDFContentData letter = cl.appendContentData();
                JDFContentData brochure = cl.appendContentData();
                KElement lMeta = letter.appendElement("ContentMetadata");
                // TODO apply new example
                lMeta.setAttribute("Record", "" + i);
                string gender = i % 2 == 0 ? "Male" : "Female";
                lMeta.setAttribute("Gender", gender);
                lMeta.setXMLComment("Note that the final format of the metadata element is open");
                KElement bMeta = brochure.appendElement("Metadata");
                bMeta.setAttribute("Record", "" + i);
                bMeta.setAttribute("Gender", gender);

                JDFRunList runSet = (JDFRunList)ruli.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunSet, "Record" + i);
                JDFRunList run    = runSet.addRun("file://server/tifs/testLetter" + i + ".tif", 0, -1);
                JDFComponent compSet = (JDFComponent)comp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.RunSet, runSet.getRunSet());
                JDFComponent co      = (JDFComponent)compSet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, run.getRun());
                int          page    = (3 * i) % 7 + 1;
                run.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList(new JDFIntegerRange(pageCount, pageCount + page - 1)));
                co.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList(new JDFIntegerRange(pageCount, pageCount + page - 1)));
                co.setSurfaceCount(2 * ((page + 1) / 2));
                run.setPages(new JDFIntegerRangeList("0~" + (page - 1)));
                run.setXMLComment("Cover Letter - record " + i);
                JDFPageData pd = pl.appendPageData();
                pd.setAttribute("PageIndex", pageCount + " ~ " + (pageCount + page - 1));
                pageCount += page;

                run = runSet.addRun("file://server/tifs/testBrochure" + i + ".tif", 0, -1);
                run.setRun("Brochure" + gender);

                co   = (JDFComponent)compSet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Run, run.getRun());
                page = 2 * ((7 * i) % 13) + 2;
                run.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList(new JDFIntegerRange(pageCount, pageCount + page - 1)));
                co.setPageListIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList(new JDFIntegerRange(pageCount, pageCount + page - 1)));
                co.setSurfaceCount(2 * ((page + 1 + 1) / 2)); // the 2nd +1 is for
                // the blank inside
                // cover
                run.setPages(new JDFIntegerRangeList("0~" + (page - 1)));
                run.setXMLComment("Brochure - record " + i);
                run.setAttribute("SkipBlankOrds", "1");
                run.setNPage(page + 1);
                run.setXMLComment("SkipBlankOrds specifies the relative position of pages to skip\n1 specifies that the first back sheet is skipped\nNPage MUST be incremented by the # of skipped pages.");
                pd = pl.appendPageData();
                pd.setAttribute("PageIndex", pageCount + " ~ " + (pageCount + page - 1));
                pageCount += page;
            doc.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "RunlistManifest.jdf", 2, false);
Beispiel #9
        public virtual void testTaggedAutomatedBooklet()
            n.setXMLComment("This is a simple Automated Booklet using negative ords and meta data tags\n" + "New Attribute @OrdsConsumed limits the number of ords consumed by an automated Layout\n" + "Negative Ord values are assumed to flow backwards\n" + "New Attribute @OrdReset defines the scope of ords\n" + "MaxOrd is not specified and must be calculated by counting the number of different ord values\n" + "If we want to keep maxord, it would have to be replaced by an xypair that specifies hom many are consumed from back and from front\n" + "If the number of pages is not mod 4, blank pages are retained at the back of the layout");

            n.setTypes(new VString("Interpreting Rendering DigitalPrinting Inserting Stitching", null));
            rl.setDescriptiveName("This is any RunList...");
            lo = (JDFLayout)n.appendMatchingResource(ElementName.LAYOUT, EnumProcessUsage.AnyInput, null);
            lo.setResStatus(EnumResStatus.Available, true);

            JDFMedia media        = (JDFMedia)n.addResource("Media", EnumUsage.Input);
            JDFMedia mediaC       = (JDFMedia)media.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "TheCover");
            JDFMedia mediaCMale   = (JDFMedia)mediaC.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SetTags, "Male");
            JDFMedia mediaCFemale = (JDFMedia)mediaC.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SetTags, "Female");

            JDFComponent insert = (JDFComponent)n.addResource("Component", null, EnumUsage.Input, EnumProcessUsage.Child, null, null, null);

            // JDFComponent insertExist=(JDFComponent)
            insert.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.DocTags, "Exist");
            // JDFComponent insertProspect=(JDFComponent)
            insert.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.DocTags, "Prospect");

            JDFLayout cover = (JDFLayout)lo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "TheCover");

            JDFLayout coverMale = (JDFLayout)cover.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SetTags, "Male");

            JDFLayout coverMaleHi = (JDFLayout)coverMale.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.PageTags, "Hi");
            JDFLayout coverMaleLo = (JDFLayout)coverMale.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.PageTags, "Low");

            JDFLayout coverFemale = (JDFLayout)cover.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SetTags, "Female");

            JDFLayout coverFemaleHi = (JDFLayout)coverFemale.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.PageTags, "Hi");
            JDFLayout coverFemaleLo = (JDFLayout)coverFemale.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.PageTags, "Low");

            JDFLayout[] lo4 = new JDFLayout[4];
            lo4[0] = coverMaleHi;
            lo4[1] = coverFemaleHi;
            lo4[2] = coverMaleLo;
            lo4[3] = coverFemaleLo;
            JDFContentObject co;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                JDFLayout lolo = lo4[i];

                JDFLayout coverFront = (JDFLayout)lolo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Side, "Front");

                co = coverFront.appendContentObject();
                co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0));
                co.setDescriptiveName("Front Cover Page Outside");
                co = coverFront.appendContentObject();
                co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 8.5 * 72, 0, 0));
                co.setDescriptiveName("Back Cover Page Outside");
                if (i < 2)
                    JDFLayout coverBack = (JDFLayout)lolo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Side, "Back");
                    co = coverBack.appendContentObject();
                    co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0));
                    co.setDescriptiveName("Front Cover Page Inside");
                    co = coverBack.appendContentObject();
                    co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 8.5 * 72, 0, 0));
                    co.setDescriptiveName("Back Cover Page Inside");
            JDFLayout sheet = (JDFLayout)lo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "TheSheet");

            sheet.setAttribute("OrdReset", "Set Doc");
            sheet.setAttribute("OrdsConsumed", "0 -1");
            sheet = (JDFLayout)sheet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SetTags, "Male Female").addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.PageTags, "Hi Lo");
            JDFLayout sheetFront = (JDFLayout)sheet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Side, EnumSide.Front);

            co = sheetFront.appendContentObject();
            co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0));
            co.setDescriptiveName("Front left Page 0,2,4...");

            co = sheetFront.appendContentObject();
            co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 8.5 * 72, 0));
            co.setDescriptiveName("Back right page after folding -1 -3 -5 ... (Front sheet)");

            JDFLayout sheetBack = (JDFLayout)sheet.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Side, EnumSide.Back);

            co = sheetBack.appendContentObject();
            co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 8.5 * 72, 0));
            co.setDescriptiveName("Back left Page 1,3,5");

            co = sheetBack.appendContentObject();
            co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0));
            co.setDescriptiveName("Front Right Page Page -2 -4 -6");
            string s = doc.write2String(2);

            s = StringUtil.replaceString(s, "SetTags", "Meta0");
            s = StringUtil.replaceString(s, "DocTags", "Meta1");
            s = StringUtil.replaceString(s, "PageTags", "Meta2");

            FileInfo f  = new FileInfo(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "TaggedAutomatedBooklet.jdf");
            Stream   os = new FileStream(f.FullName, FileMode.Append);

            byte[] ba = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s);
            os.Write(ba, 0, ba.Length);