public DICOMImageSet(string[] paths)
            dd = new openDicom.Registry.DataElementDictionary(s_dictionarypath, openDicom.Registry.DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);

            /*For the first image, grab the absolute image position. This
             * only matters for the z-coordinate, because the x and y position
             * of the top-left pixel won't change with each image.

            NumberOfImages = paths.Length;
        public DICOMImageFile(string path)
            dd = new openDicom.Registry.DataElementDictionary(s_dictionarypath, openDicom.Registry.DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
            s_path = path;
            file = new openDicom.File.DicomFile(path, false);

            //edf = new DicomFile(path);
            openDicom.Image.PixelData pd = new openDicom.Image.PixelData(file.DataSet);
            ba_PixelData = pd.ToBytesArray();

            i_bitsallocated = pd.BitsAllocated;
            i_width = pd.Columns;
            i_height = pd.Rows;
            //PlanarConfig = pd.PlanarConfiguration;
            i_samples = pd.SamplesPerPixel;