public void CellReaction(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { type = Map.brush; switch (type) { case objects.wall: Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); break; case objects.player: Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); break; case objects.exit: Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); break; case objects.empty: Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); break; default: break; } }
public void AddAuto() { var nums = (from a in select a.num).ToList(); foreach (string num in nums) { if (num == this.num.ToUpper()) { throw new Exception("Данный автомобиль уже зарегестрирован в базе"); } } int new_id = db.objects.Max(n => n.id_o) + 1; objects obj = new objects { id_o = new_id, type_o = "a" }; auto auto = new auto { id_a = new_id, model = model, num = num.ToUpper(), year_a = year }; db.objects.Add(obj);; db.SaveChanges(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.InitialDirectory = _lastPath; ofd.Filter = "iSpy Files (*.ispy)|*.ispy|XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml"; if (ofd.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { string fileName = ofd.FileName; try { var fi = new FileInfo(fileName); _lastPath = fi.DirectoryName; } catch { } if (fileName.Trim() != "") { try { _c = MainForm.GetObjects(fileName.Trim()); ListObjects(_c); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, LocRm.GetString("Error")); } } } } }
public objects.Card Defence(objects.Card card, objects.Suits suit) { if (card.Suit == suit) { foreach (objects.Card c in _hand) { if (c.Suit == suit && c.Number > card.Number) { _hand.Remove(c); return c; } } return null; } else { foreach (objects.Card c in _hand) { if ((c.Suit == card.Suit && c.Number > card.Number) || (c.Suit == suit)) { _hand.Remove(c); return c; } } return null; } }
private void ListObjects(objects c) { clbAdd.Items.Clear(); foreach (var cam in c.cameras) { clbAdd.Items.Add(new clb(cam)); } }
public VisibleObject(int x, int y, objects t) { coordX = x; coordY = y; type = t; Click += CellReaction; PreviewMouseDown += methodeMouseDown; PreviewMouseUp += methodeMouseUp; }
AddOperations(objects, bulkUpdateSelector, o => new BulkUpdateDescriptor <T, TPartialDocument>().IdFrom(o));
public string Delete(string token) { //int objectId, int userId, bool final string message = ""; token = TokenManager.readToken(HttpContext.Current.Request); var strP = TokenManager.GetPrincipal(token); if (strP != "0") //invalid authorization { return(TokenManager.GenerateToken(strP)); } else { int objectId = 0; int userId = 0; bool final = false; IEnumerable <Claim> claims = TokenManager.getTokenClaims(token); foreach (Claim c in claims) { if (c.Type == "objectId") { objectId = int.Parse(c.Value); } else if (c.Type == "userId") { userId = int.Parse(c.Value); } else if (c.Type == "final") { final = bool.Parse(c.Value); } } if (final) { try { using (incposdbEntities entity = new incposdbEntities()) { objects Deleterow = entity.objects.Find(objectId); entity.objects.Remove(Deleterow); message = entity.SaveChanges().ToString(); // return Ok("OK"); return(TokenManager.GenerateToken(message)); // return Ok("OK"); } } catch { return(TokenManager.GenerateToken("0")); } } else { try { using (incposdbEntities entity = new incposdbEntities()) { objects Obj = entity.objects.Find(objectId); Obj.isActive = 0; Obj.updateUserId = userId; Obj.updateDate = DateTime.Now; message = entity.SaveChanges().ToString(); // return Ok("OK"); return(TokenManager.GenerateToken(message)); } } catch { return(TokenManager.GenerateToken("0")); } } } //var re = Request; //var headers = re.Headers; //string token = ""; //if (headers.Contains("APIKey")) //{ // token = headers.GetValues("APIKey").First(); //} //Validation validation = new Validation(); //bool valid = validation.CheckApiKey(token); //if (valid) //{ // if (final) // { // try // { // using (incposdbEntities entity = new incposdbEntities()) // { // objects Deleterow = entity.objects.Find(objectId); // entity.objects.Remove(Deleterow); // entity.SaveChanges(); // return Ok("OK"); // } // } // catch // { // return NotFound(); // } // } // else // { // try // { // using (incposdbEntities entity = new incposdbEntities()) // { // objects Obj = entity.objects.Find(objectId); // Obj.isActive = 0; // Obj.updateUserId = userId; // Obj.updateDate = DateTime.Now; // entity.SaveChanges(); // return Ok("Ok"); // } // } // catch // { // return NotFound(); // } // } //} //else // return NotFound(); }
public String Save(string token) { //string Object string message = ""; token = TokenManager.readToken(HttpContext.Current.Request); var strP = TokenManager.GetPrincipal(token); if (strP != "0") //invalid authorization { return(TokenManager.GenerateToken(strP)); } else { string Object = ""; objects newObject = null; IEnumerable <Claim> claims = TokenManager.getTokenClaims(token); foreach (Claim c in claims) { if (c.Type == "Object") { Object = c.Value.Replace("\\", string.Empty); Object = Object.Trim('"'); newObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <objects>(Object, new IsoDateTimeConverter { DateTimeFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy" }); break; } } if (newObject != null) { // bondes tmpObject = null; try { if (newObject.updateUserId == 0 || newObject.updateUserId == null) { Nullable <int> id = null; newObject.updateUserId = id; } if (newObject.createUserId == 0 || newObject.createUserId == null) { Nullable <int> id = null; newObject.createUserId = id; } using (incposdbEntities entity = new incposdbEntities()) { var sEntity = entity.Set <objects>(); if (newObject.objectId == 0) { newObject.createDate = DateTime.Now; newObject.updateDate = DateTime.Now; newObject.updateUserId = newObject.createUserId; sEntity.Add(newObject); entity.SaveChanges(); message = newObject.objectId.ToString(); } else { var tmps = entity.objects.Where(p => p.objectId == newObject.objectId).FirstOrDefault(); tmps.objectId = newObject.objectId; =; tmps.note = newObject.note; tmps.note = newObject.note; tmps.createDate = newObject.createDate; tmps.updateDate = DateTime.Now;// server current date tmps.parentObjectId = newObject.parentObjectId; tmps.objectType = newObject.objectType; tmps.updateUserId = newObject.updateUserId; entity.SaveChanges(); message = tmps.objectId.ToString(); } } // return message; ; return(TokenManager.GenerateToken(message)); } catch { message = "0"; return(TokenManager.GenerateToken(message)); } } return(TokenManager.GenerateToken(message)); } //var re = Request; //var headers = re.Headers; //string token = ""; //string message =""; //if (headers.Contains("APIKey")) //{ // token = headers.GetValues("APIKey").First(); //} //Validation validation = new Validation(); //bool valid = validation.CheckApiKey(token); //if (valid) //{ // newObject = newObject.Replace("\\", string.Empty); // newObject = newObject.Trim('"'); // objects Object = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<objects>(newObject, new JsonSerializerSettings { DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None }); // try // { // if (Object.updateUserId == 0 || Object.updateUserId == null) // { // Nullable<int> id = null; // Object.updateUserId = id; // } // if (Object.createUserId == 0 || Object.createUserId == null) // { // Nullable<int> id = null; // Object.createUserId = id; // } // using (incposdbEntities entity = new incposdbEntities()) // { // var sEntity = entity.Set<objects>(); // if (Object.objectId == 0) // { // Object.createDate = DateTime.Now; // Object.updateDate = DateTime.Now; // Object.updateUserId = Object.createUserId; // sEntity.Add(Object); // entity.SaveChanges(); // message = Object.objectId.ToString(); // } // else // { // var tmps = entity.objects.Where(p => p.objectId == Object.objectId).FirstOrDefault(); // tmps.objectId=Object.objectId; // =; // tmps.note = Object.note; // tmps.note=Object.note; // tmps.createDate=Object.createDate; // tmps.updateDate = DateTime.Now;// server current date // tmps.parentObjectId = Object.parentObjectId; // tmps.objectType = Object.objectType; // tmps.updateUserId = Object.updateUserId; // entity.SaveChanges(); // message = tmps.objectId.ToString(); // } // } // return message; ; // } // catch // { // return "-1"; // } //} //else // return "-1"; }
public static void WriteComponent(List <object> objects, byte *memory, in T component) => _writeComponentAction(objects, memory, component);
private void SaveObjects(string fileName) { if (_shuttingDown) return; if (fileName == "") fileName = Program.AppDataPath + @"XML\objects.xml"; var c = new objects { Version = Convert.ToInt32(Application.ProductVersion.Replace(".", "")), actions = new objectsActions {entries = _actions.ToArray()} }; foreach (objectsCamera oc in Cameras) { CameraWindow occ = GetCameraWindow(; if (occ != null) { oc.width = occ.Width; oc.height = occ.Height; oc.x = occ.Location.X; oc.y = occ.Location.Y; } } c.cameras = Cameras.ToArray(); foreach (objectsMicrophone om in Microphones) { VolumeLevel omc = GetVolumeLevel(; if (omc != null) { om.width = omc.Width; om.height = omc.Height; om.x = omc.Location.X; om.y = omc.Location.Y; } } c.microphones = Microphones.ToArray(); foreach (objectsFloorplan of in FloorPlans) { FloorPlanControl fpc = GetFloorPlan(; if (fpc != null) { of.width = fpc.Width; of.height = fpc.Height; of.x = fpc.Location.X; of.y = fpc.Location.Y; } } c.floorplans = FloorPlans.ToArray(); c.remotecommands = RemoteCommands.ToArray(); lock (ThreadLock) { var s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(objects)); var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var writer = new StringWriter(sb)) { try { s.Serialize(writer, c); File.WriteAllText(fileName, sb.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8); } catch (Exception e) { LogExceptionToFile(e); } } } }
private void SaveObjects(string fileName) { if (fileName == "") fileName = Program.AppDataPath + @"XML\objects.xml"; var c = new objects(); foreach (objectsCamera oc in Cameras) { CameraWindow occ = GetCameraWindow(; if (occ != null) { oc.width = occ.Width; oc.height = occ.Height; oc.x = occ.Location.X; oc.y = occ.Location.Y; //occ.SaveFileList(); } } c.cameras = Cameras.ToArray(); foreach (objectsMicrophone om in Microphones) { VolumeLevel omc = GetMicrophone(; if (omc != null) { om.width = omc.Width; om.height = omc.Height; om.x = omc.Location.X; om.y = omc.Location.Y; //omc.SaveFileList(); } } c.microphones = Microphones.ToArray(); foreach (objectsFloorplan of in FloorPlans) { FloorPlanControl fpc = GetFloorPlan(; if (fpc != null) { of.width = fpc.Width; of.height = fpc.Height; of.x = fpc.Location.X; of.y = fpc.Location.Y; } } c.floorplans = FloorPlans.ToArray(); c.remotecommands = RemoteCommands.ToArray(); var s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(objects)); using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)) { using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs)) { fs.Position = 0; s.Serialize(writer, c); writer.Close(); } fs.Close(); } }
public void CardToHand(objects.Card card) { _hand.Add(card); }
public void OnDone(objects sender, string result) { Console.WriteLine(result); }
public void Delete(DataGridView dataGridView, int activeTable) { try { if (dataGridView.SelectedCells.Count == 1) { switch (activeTable) { case (1): case (2): { List <users> query = (from us in db.users select us).ToList(); users item = query.First(n => n.id_u.ToString() == dataGridView.SelectedCells[0].OwningRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); objects obj = (from o in db.objects where o.id_o == item.id_u select o).First(); if (MessageBox.Show("Вы уверены?", "Удаление", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { db.users.Remove(item); db.objects.Remove(obj); db.SaveChanges(); } break; } case (3): { List <auto> query = (from au in select au).ToList(); auto item = query.First(n => n.id_a.ToString() == dataGridView.SelectedCells[0].OwningRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); objects obj = (from o in db.objects where o.id_o == item.id_a select o).First(); if (MessageBox.Show("Вы уверены?", "Удаление", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) {; db.objects.Remove(obj); db.SaveChanges(); } break; } case (4): { List <payment> query = (from p in db.payment select p).ToList(); payment item = query.First(n => n.id_p.ToString() == dataGridView.SelectedCells[0].OwningRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); if (MessageBox.Show("Вы уверены?", "Удаление", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { db.payment.Remove(item); db.SaveChanges(); } break; } } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Ошибка удаления данных"); } }
objects[index].SetParent(objects[parent], false);
static void Main() { int width = 22; int height = 13; Console.SetWindowSize(width, height); Console.SetBufferSize(width, height); int playground = width - 1; List<objects> rocks = new List<objects>(); List<objects> moreRocks = new List<objects>(); Random rocksGenerator = new Random(); char[] rockChars = "^@*&+%$#!.;".ToCharArray(); objects dwarf = new objects(); dwarf.x = playground / 2; dwarf.y = height - 1; dwarf.c = '0'; while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < rocks.Count; i++) { objects newRock = rocks[i]; newRock.y++; rocks.Remove(rocks[i]); moreRocks.Add(newRock); } int rocksNumber = rocksGenerator.Next(1, 8); for (int j = 0; j < rocksNumber; j++) { objects newRock = new objects(); newRock.y = 0; newRock.x = rocksGenerator.Next(0, playground); int r = rocksGenerator.Next(rockChars.Length); newRock.c = rockChars[r]; rocks.Add(newRock); } while (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); while (Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.ReadKey(true); } if ((key.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) && (dwarf.x != 0)) { dwarf.x--; } else if ((key.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) && (dwarf.x != playground - 1)) { dwarf.x++; } } Console.Clear(); PrintOnPosition(dwarf.x, dwarf.y, dwarf.c); foreach (objects newRock in moreRocks) { PrintOnPosition(newRock.x, newRock.y, newRock.c); } moreRocks.Clear(); Thread.Sleep(500); } // // fortmat the console //int width = 41; //int height = 13; //Console.SetWindowSize(width, height); //Console.SetBufferSize(width, height + 2); //Console.CursorVisible = false; //Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); // //----- // string hero = " 0 "; // Console.Write("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + hero); // //while (true) // //{ // // ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); // // int action = (int)key.Key; // // if (action == 37) // // { // // hero = hero.Remove(0, 1); // // hero = hero + " "; // // Console.Clear(); // // Console.Write("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + hero); // // } // // if (action == 39) // // { // // hero = hero.Remove(40, 1); // // hero = " " + hero; // // Console.Clear(); // // Console.Write("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + hero); // // } // //} // //generator-rocks, gravity: on // string[] rocks = new string[15]; // var chars = "^@*&+%$#!.; "; // var stringChars = new char[41]; // var random = new Random(); // while (true) // { // for (int i = 0; i < stringChars.Length; i++) // { // stringChars[i] = chars[random.Next(chars.Length)]; // } // rocks[0] = new String(stringChars); // for (int i = 12; i >= 1; i--) // { // rocks[i] = rocks[i - 1]; // } // for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) // { // Console.Write(rocks[i]); // } // Thread.Sleep(150); // Console.Clear(); // //ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); // //int action = (int)key.Key; // //if (action == 37) // //{ // // hero = hero.Remove(0, 1); // // hero = hero + " "; // // Console.Clear(); // // Console.Write(hero); // //} // //if (action == 39) // //{ // // hero = hero.Remove(40, 1); // // hero = " " + hero; // // Console.Clear(); // // Console.Write(hero); // //} // } // //----- }
public static objects GetObjects(string path) { var c = new objects(); try { lock (ThreadLock) { using (var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { var s = new XmlSerializer(typeof (objects)); using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fs)) { fs.Position = 0; c = (objects) s.Deserialize(reader); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogExceptionToFile(ex); switch (MessageBox.Show($"Error loading file ({ex.Message}) Try again?", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { case DialogResult.Yes: return GetObjects(path); } } if (c.cameras==null) c.cameras = new objectsCamera[] {}; bool addActions = c.actions?.entries == null; if (addActions) c.actions = new objectsActions {entries = new objectsActionsEntry[] {}}; if (c.cameras.Select(oc => oc.settings.desktopresizewidth).Any(rw => rw == 0)) { throw new Exception("err_old_config"); } if (c.microphones==null) c.microphones = new objectsMicrophone[] {}; if (c.floorplans == null) c.floorplans = new objectsFloorplan[] {}; if (c.remotecommands == null) c.remotecommands = new objectsCommand[] {}; if (c.remotecommands.Length == 0) { c.remotecommands = GenerateRemoteCommands(); } bool bVlc = VlcHelper.VlcInstalled; bool bAlertVlc = false; int camid = 0; string path2; //load non clones first c.cameras = c.cameras.ToList().OrderByDescending(p => p.settings.sourceindex != 10).ToArray(); c.microphones = c.microphones.ToList().OrderByDescending(p => p.settings.typeindex != 5).ToArray(); foreach (objectsCamera cam in c.cameras) { if ( >= camid) camid = + 1; path2 = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(cam.settings.directoryIndex) + "video\\" + + "\\"; if (cam.settings.sourceindex == 5 && !bVlc) { bAlertVlc = true; } if ( == null) { = new objectsCameraSettingsYoutube { category = Conf.YouTubeDefaultCategory, tags = "iSpy, Motion Detection, Surveillance", @public = true }; } if (cam.ptzschedule == null) { cam.ptzschedule = new objectsCameraPtzschedule { active = false, entries = new objectsCameraPtzscheduleEntry[] {} }; } if (cam.settings.storagemanagement == null) { cam.settings.storagemanagement = new objectsCameraSettingsStoragemanagement { enabled = false, maxage = 72, maxsize = 1024 }; } bool migrate = false; if (cam.alertevents == null) { cam.alertevents = new objectsCameraAlertevents(); migrate = true; } if (cam.settings.cloudprovider==null) cam.settings.cloudprovider = new objectsCameraSettingsCloudprovider(); if (cam.alertevents.entries == null) cam.alertevents.entries = new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry[] {}; if (migrate) { var l = new List<objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.alerts.executefile)) { l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry { type = "Exe", param1 = cam.alerts.executefile, param2 = cam.alerts.arguments }); } if (cam.notifications.sendemail) { l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry { type = "E", param1 = cam.settings.emailaddress, param2 = "True" }); } if (cam.notifications.sendsms) { l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry {type = "SMS", param1 = cam.settings.smsnumber}); } if (cam.alerts.maximise) { l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry {type = "M"}); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.alerts.playsound)) { l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry {type = "S", param1 = cam.alerts.playsound}); } string[] alertOptions = cam.alerts.alertoptions.Split(','); //beep,restore if (Convert.ToBoolean(alertOptions[0])) l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry {type = "B"}); if (Convert.ToBoolean(alertOptions[1])) l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry {type = "SW"}); if (cam.notifications.sendtwitter) { l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry {type = "TM"}); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.alerts.trigger)) { l.Add(new objectsCameraAlerteventsEntry {type = "TA", param1 = cam.alerts.trigger}); } cam.alertevents.entries = l.ToArray(); } if (addActions) { var l = c.actions.entries.ToList(); l.AddRange(cam.alertevents.entries.Select(a => new objectsActionsEntry { mode = "alert", objectid =, objecttypeid = 2, type = a.type, param1 = a.param1, param2 = a.param2, param3 = a.param3, param4 = a.param4 })); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.settings.emailondisconnect)) { l.Add(new objectsActionsEntry { mode = "disconnect", objectid =, objecttypeid = 2, type = "E", param1 = cam.settings.emailondisconnect, param2 = "False" }); } c.actions.entries = l.ToArray(); } cam.newrecordingcount = 0; if (cam.settings.maxframerate == 0) cam.settings.maxframerate = 10; if (cam.settings.maxframeraterecord == 0) cam.settings.maxframeraterecord = 10; if (cam.settings.timestampfontsize == 0) cam.settings.timestampfontsize = 10; if (cam.recorder.timelapsesave == 0) cam.recorder.timelapsesave = 60; if (cam.x < 0) cam.x = 0; if (cam.y < 0) cam.y = 0; if (cam.detector.minwidth == 0) { cam.detector.minwidth = 20; cam.detector.minheight = 20; cam.detector.highlight = true; cam.settings.reconnectinterval = 0; } if (cam.settings.accessgroups == null) cam.settings.accessgroups = ""; if (cam.settings.ptztimetohome == 0) cam.settings.ptztimetohome = 100; if (cam.settings.ptzautohomedelay == 0) cam.settings.ptzautohomedelay = 30; if (cam.settings.ptzurlbase == null) cam.settings.ptzurlbase = ""; if (cam.settings.audioport <= 0) cam.settings.audioport = 80; if (cam.ftp.intervalnew < 0) cam.ftp.intervalnew = cam.ftp.interval; if (cam.ftp.server.Length>10) { var ftp = Conf.FTPServers.FirstOrDefault(p => == cam.ftp.server && p.username==cam.ftp.username); if (ftp == null) { ftp = new configurationServer { ident = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), name=cam.ftp.server, password = cam.ftp.password, port = cam.ftp.port, rename = cam.ftp.rename, server = cam.ftp.server, usepassive = cam.ftp.usepassive, username = cam.ftp.username }; var l = Conf.FTPServers.ToList(); l.Add(ftp); Conf.FTPServers = l.ToArray(); cam.ftp.ident = ftp.ident; cam.ftp.server = ""; } } if (Conf.MediaDirectories.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == cam.settings.directoryIndex) == null) cam.settings.directoryIndex = Conf.MediaDirectories.First().ID; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.settings.emailondisconnect)) { if (cam.settings.notifyondisconnect) { cam.settings.emailondisconnect = cam.settings.emailaddress; } } cam.detector.type = cam.detector.type.Replace("Modelling", "Modeling");//fix typo if (cam.recorder.quality == 0) cam.recorder.quality = 8; if (cam.recorder.timelapseframerate == 0) cam.recorder.timelapseframerate = 5; if (cam.detector.movementintervalnew < 0) cam.detector.movementintervalnew = cam.detector.movementinterval; if (cam.detector.nomovementintervalnew < 0) cam.detector.nomovementintervalnew = cam.detector.nomovementinterval; if ( == null) throw new Exception("err_old_config"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.settings.ptzpelcoconfig)) cam.settings.ptzpelcoconfig = "COM1|9600|8|One|Odd|1"; if (cam.savelocal == null) { cam.savelocal = new objectsCameraSavelocal { counter = cam.ftp.counter, countermax = cam.ftp.countermax, mode = cam.ftp.mode, enabled = cam.ftp.savelocal, filename = cam.ftp.localfilename, intervalnew = cam.ftp.intervalnew, minimumdelay = cam.ftp.minimumdelay, quality = cam.ftp.quality, text = cam.ftp.text }; } if (cam.alerts.processmode == null) cam.alerts.processmode = "continuous"; if (cam.alerts.pluginconfig == null) cam.alerts.pluginconfig = ""; if (cam.ftp.quality == 0) cam.ftp.quality = 75; if (cam.ftp.countermax == 0) cam.ftp.countermax = 20; if (cam.settings.audiousername == null) { cam.settings.audiousername = ""; cam.settings.audiopassword = ""; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.settings.timestampforecolor) || cam.settings.timestampforecolor == "0") { cam.settings.timestampforecolor = "255,255,255"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.settings.timestampbackcolor) || cam.settings.timestampbackcolor == "0") { cam.settings.timestampbackcolor = "70,70,70"; } if (Math.Abs(cam.detector.minsensitivity - 0) < double.Epsilon) { cam.detector.maxsensitivity = 100; //fix for old setting conversion cam.detector.minsensitivity = 100 - cam.detector.sensitivity; if (Math.Abs(cam.detector.minsensitivity - 100) < double.Epsilon) { cam.detector.minsensitivity = 20; } } if (cam.detector.minsensitivity > cam.detector.maxsensitivity) { //reset cam.detector.maxsensitivity = 100; cam.detector.minsensitivity = 20; } if (!Directory.Exists(path2)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(path2); } catch (IOException e) { LogExceptionToFile(e); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.ftp.localfilename)) { cam.ftp.localfilename = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss_fff}.jpg"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.settings.audiomodel)) cam.settings.audiomodel = "None"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.settings.timestampfont)) { cam.settings.timestampfont = FontXmlConverter.ConvertToString(Drawfont); cam.settings.timestampshowback = true; } path2 = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(cam.settings.directoryIndex) + "video\\" + + "\\thumbs\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(path2)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(path2); } catch { // ignored } } path2 = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(cam.settings.directoryIndex) + "video\\" + + "\\grabs\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(path2)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(path2); } catch { // ignored } } if (cam.alerts.trigger == null) cam.alerts.trigger = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.rotateMode)) { cam.rotateMode = "RotateNoneFlipNone"; if (cam.rotate90) { cam.rotateMode = RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone.ToString(); } if (cam.flipx) { cam.rotateMode = RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX.ToString(); } if (cam.flipy) { cam.rotateMode = RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY.ToString(); } if (cam.flipx && cam.flipy) { cam.rotateMode = RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipXY.ToString(); } } if (cam.settings.pip == null) { cam.settings.pip = new objectsCameraSettingsPip {enabled = false, config = ""}; } } int micid = 0; foreach (objectsMicrophone mic in c.microphones) { if ( >= micid) micid = + 1; if ( == null) throw new Exception("err_old_config"); mic.newrecordingcount = 0; path2 = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(mic.settings.directoryIndex) + "audio\\" + + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(path2)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path2); if (mic.settings.accessgroups == null) mic.settings.accessgroups = ""; if (mic.settings.storagemanagement == null) { mic.settings.storagemanagement = new objectsMicrophoneSettingsStoragemanagement { enabled = false, maxage = 72, maxsize = 1024 }; } if (Math.Abs(mic.detector.minsensitivity - (-1)) < double.Epsilon) { mic.detector.minsensitivity = mic.detector.sensitivity; mic.detector.maxsensitivity = 100; } if (mic.detector.minsensitivity > mic.detector.maxsensitivity) { //reset mic.detector.maxsensitivity = 100; mic.detector.minsensitivity = 20; } if (Conf.MediaDirectories.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == mic.settings.directoryIndex) == null) mic.settings.directoryIndex = Conf.MediaDirectories.First().ID; bool migrate = false; if (mic.alertevents == null) { mic.alertevents = new objectsMicrophoneAlertevents(); migrate = true; } if (mic.alertevents.entries == null) { mic.alertevents.entries = new objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry[] { }; } if (migrate) { var l = new List<objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mic.alerts.executefile)) { l.Add(new objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry { type = "Exe", param1 = mic.alerts.executefile, param2 = mic.alerts.arguments }); } if (mic.notifications.sendemail) { l.Add(new objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry { type = "E", param1 = mic.settings.emailaddress, param2 = "True" }); } if (mic.notifications.sendsms) { l.Add(new objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry { type = "SMS", param1 = mic.settings.smsnumber }); } string[] alertOptions = mic.alerts.alertoptions.Split(','); //beep,restore if (Convert.ToBoolean(alertOptions[0])) l.Add(new objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry { type = "B" }); if (Convert.ToBoolean(alertOptions[1])) l.Add(new objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry { type = "SW" }); if (mic.notifications.sendtwitter) { l.Add(new objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry { type = "TM" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mic.alerts.trigger)) { l.Add(new objectsMicrophoneAlerteventsEntry { type = "TA", param1 = mic.alerts.trigger }); } mic.alertevents = new objectsMicrophoneAlertevents() {entries = l.ToArray()}; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mic.settings.emailondisconnect)) { if (mic.settings.notifyondisconnect) { mic.settings.emailondisconnect = mic.settings.emailaddress; } } if (addActions) { var l = c.actions.entries.ToList(); l.AddRange(mic.alertevents.entries.Select(a => new objectsActionsEntry { mode = "alert", objectid =, objecttypeid = 1, type = a.type, param1 = a.param1, param2 = a.param2, param3 = a.param3, param4 = a.param4 })); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mic.settings.emailondisconnect)) { l.Add(new objectsActionsEntry { mode = "disconnect", objectid =, objecttypeid = 1, type = "E", param1 = mic.settings.emailondisconnect, param2 = "False" }); } c.actions.entries = l.ToArray(); } if (mic.x < 0) mic.x = 0; if (mic.y < 0) mic.y = 0; if (mic.settings.gain <= 0) mic.settings.gain = 1; if (mic.alerts.trigger == null) mic.alerts.trigger = ""; } int fpid = 0; foreach (objectsFloorplan ofp in c.floorplans) { if ( >= fpid) fpid = + 1; if (ofp.x < 0) ofp.x = 0; if (ofp.y < 0) ofp.y = 0; if (ofp.accessgroups == null) ofp.accessgroups = ""; } int rcid = 0; foreach (objectsCommand ocmd in c.remotecommands) { if ( >= rcid) rcid = + 1; } if (bAlertVlc) { MessageBox.Show(Program.Platform == "x64" ? LocRm.GetString("InstallVLCx64") .Replace("[DIR]", Environment.NewLine + Program.AppPath + "VLC64" + Environment.NewLine) : LocRm.GetString("InstallVLCx86")); OpenUrl(Program.Platform == "x64" ? VLCx64 : VLCx86); } SaveConfig(); NeedsSync = true; LogMessageToFile("Loaded " + c.cameras.Length + " cameras, " + c.microphones.Length + " mics and " + c.floorplans.Length + " floorplans"); return c; }
private void SaveObjects(string fileName) { if (fileName == "") fileName = Program.AppPath + @"XML\objects.xml"; var c = new objects(); foreach (objectsCamera oc in Cameras) { CameraWindow occ = GetCameraWindow(; if (occ != null) { oc.width = occ.Width; oc.height = occ.Height; oc.x = occ.Location.X; oc.y = occ.Location.Y; } } c.cameras = Cameras.ToArray(); foreach (objectsMicrophone om in Microphones) { VolumeLevel omc = GetMicrophone(; if (omc != null) { om.width = omc.Width; om.height = omc.Height; om.x = omc.Location.X; om.y = omc.Location.Y; } } c.microphones = Microphones.ToArray(); var s = new XmlSerializer(typeof (objects)); var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs); fs.Position = 0; s.Serialize(writer, c); fs.Close(); }