Beispiel #1
        public override IterationResults Solve(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper)
            int    nIteration = 0;
            double root;
            double f_lo, f_up, f_mid;
            double x_lo, x_up, x_mid;

            x_lo = x_lower;
            x_up = x_upper;

            f_lo = funct(x_lo);
            f_up = funct(x_up);

            if ((f_lo < 0.0 && f_up < 0.0) || (f_lo > 0.0 && f_up > 0.0))
                throw new Exception("Bisection: root is not bracketed");

            if (f_lo == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_lo, x_lo, f_lo));
            if (f_up == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_up, x_up, x_up, f_up));

            root = 0.5 * (x_lo + x_up);

                x_mid = root;
                f_mid = funct(x_mid);

                if (f_mid == 0.0)
                    return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, x_mid, f_mid));

                if ((f_lo > 0.0 && f_mid < 0.0) || (f_lo < 0.0 && f_mid > 0.0))
                    x_up = x_mid;
                    f_up = f_mid;
                    x_lo = x_mid;
                    f_lo = f_mid;
                root = 0.5 * (x_lo + x_up);
            } while (nIteration < m_nMaxIt && !CheckConvergence(f_mid, x_lo, x_up, root, x_mid));

            return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, root, f_mid));
Beispiel #2
        public static IterationResults Find(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper, RootAlgorithm algorithm)
            RootBase root;

            switch (algorithm)
            case RootAlgorithm.Bisection:
                root = new Bisection();

            case RootAlgorithm.Brent:
                root = new Brent();

            case RootAlgorithm.FalsePosition:
                root = new FalsePosition();

            case RootAlgorithm.Secant:
                root = new Secant();

            case RootAlgorithm.Ridders:
                root = new Ridders();

            case RootAlgorithm.Steffenson:
                root = new Steffenson();

                root = new Brent();
            return(root.Solve(funct, x_lower, x_upper));
Beispiel #3
        public override IterationResults Solve(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper)
            int    nIteration = 0;
            double root;
            double f_lo, f_up;
            double x_lo, x_up;
            double x, x_new, x_prev;
            double f, df, df_new, f_new;

            x_lo = x_lower;
            x_up = x_upper;

            f_lo = funct(x_lo);
            f_up = funct(x_up);

            if (f_lo == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_lo, x_lo, f_lo));
            if (f_up == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_up, x_up, x_up, f_up));

            if (Abs(f_lo) < Abs(f_up))
                root = x_lo;
                f    = f_lo;
                root = x_up;
                f    = f_up;

            x = root;

            df = (f_lo - f_up) / (x_lo - x_up);

                x_prev = x;
                x      = root;
                x_new  = x - (f / df);

                f_new  = funct(x_new);
                df_new = (f_new - f) / (x_new - x);

                if (nIteration < 3)
                    root = x_new;
                    double u = (x - x_prev);
                    double v = (x_new - 2 * x + x_prev);

                    if (v == 0)
                        root = x_new;  // avoid division by zero
                        root = x_prev - u * u / v;  // accelerated value
                    f_new  = funct(root);
                    df_new = (f_new - f) / (root - x_new);

                f  = f_new;
                df = df_new;

                if (x_new < x)
                    x_lo = x_new;
                    x_up = x;
                    x_lo = x;
                    x_up = x_new;
            } while (nIteration < m_nMaxIt && !CheckConvergence(f_new, x_lo, x_up, root, x));

            return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, root, f_new));
Beispiel #4
        public override IterationResults Solve(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper)
            int    nIteration = 0;
            double root;
            double f_lo, f_up, f_mid;
            double x_lo, x_up, x_mid;
            double s, x_new, f_new;

            x_lo = x_lower;
            x_up = x_upper;

            f_lo = funct(x_lo);
            f_up = funct(x_up);

            if ((f_lo < 0.0 && f_up < 0.0) || (f_lo > 0.0 && f_up > 0.0))
                throw new Exception("Ridders: root is not bracketed");

            if (f_lo == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_lo, x_lo, f_lo));
            if (f_up == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_up, x_up, x_up, f_up));


                x_mid = 0.5 * (x_lo + x_up);
                f_mid = funct(x_mid);

                s = Sqrt(f_mid * f_mid - f_lo * f_up);

                if (s == 0.0)
                    return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, x_mid, f_mid));

                x_new = x_mid + (x_mid - x_lo) * ((f_lo >= f_up ? 1.0 : -1.0) * f_mid / s);

                root  = x_new;
                f_new = funct(root);

                if (f_new == 0.0)
                    return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, root, f_new));

                if (SIGN(f_mid, f_new) != f_mid)
                    x_lo = x_mid;
                    f_lo = f_mid;
                    x_up = root;
                    f_up = f_new;
                else if (SIGN(f_lo, f_new) != f_lo)
                    x_up = root;
                    f_up = f_new;
                else if (SIGN(f_up, f_new) != f_up)
                    x_lo = root;
                    f_lo = f_new;
                    throw new Exception("Ridders: root is not bracketed");
            } while (nIteration < m_nMaxIt && !CheckConvergence(f_new, x_lo, x_up, root, x_mid));

            return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, root, f_new));
Beispiel #5
 public static double Find(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper)
     return(Find(funct, x_lower, x_upper, RootAlgorithm.Brent).Root);
Beispiel #6
        public override IterationResults Solve(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper)
            int    nIteration = 0;
            double root;
            double f_lo, f_up;
            double x_lo, x_up;
            double x, x_new;
            double f, df, df_new, f_new;

            x_lo = x_lower;
            x_up = x_upper;

            f_lo = funct(x_lo);
            f_up = funct(x_up);

            if (f_lo == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_lo, x_lo, f_lo));
            if (f_up == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_up, x_up, x_up, f_up));

            if (Abs(f_lo) < Abs(f_up))
                root = x_lo;
                f    = f_lo;
                root = x_up;
                f    = f_up;

            df = (f_lo - f_up) / (x_lo - x_up);

                x     = root;
                x_new = x - (f / df);

                f_new  = funct(x_new);
                df_new = (f_new - f) / (x_new - x);

                root = x_new;
                f    = f_new;
                df   = df_new;

                if (x_new < x)
                    x_lo = x_new;
                    x_up = x;
                    x_lo = x;
                    x_up = x_new;
            } while (nIteration < m_nMaxIt && !CheckConvergence(f_new, x_lo, x_up, root, x));

            return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, root, f_new));
Beispiel #7
        public override IterationResults Solve(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper)
            int    nIteration = 0;
            double root, prev_root;
            double f_lo, f_up;
            double x_lo, x_up;

            double a, b, c;
            double fa, fb, fc;
            double d, e;
            double tol, m;

            x_lo = x_lower;
            x_up = x_upper;

            f_lo = funct(x_lo);
            f_up = funct(x_up);

            if ((f_lo < 0.0 && f_up < 0.0) || (f_lo > 0.0 && f_up > 0.0))
                throw new Exception("Brent: root is not bracketed");

            if (f_lo == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_lo, x_lo, f_lo));
            if (f_up == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_up, x_up, x_up, f_up));

            a  = x_lo;
            fa = f_lo;

            b  = x_up;
            fb = f_up;

            c  = x_up;
            fc = f_up;

            d = x_up - x_lo;
            e = x_up - x_lo;

            root = 0.5 * (x_lo + x_up);

                int ac_equal = 0;

                //Insure that b is the best result so far, a is the previous
                //value of b, and c is on the opposite of the zero from b.
                if ((fb < 0 && fc < 0) || (fb > 0 && fc > 0))
                    ac_equal = 1;
                    c        = a;
                    fc       = fa;
                    d        = e = b - a;

                if (Abs(fc) < Abs(fb))
                    ac_equal = 1;
                    a        = b;
                    b        = c;
                    c        = a;
                    fa       = fb;
                    fb       = fc;
                    fc       = fa;

                tol = 2.0 * Const.epsilon * Max(1.0, Abs(b));
                m   = 0.5 * (c - b);

                if (fb == 0)
                    return(new IterationResults(nIteration, b, b, b, fb));

                if (Abs(m) <= tol)
                    root = b;

                    if (b < c)
                        x_lo = b;
                        x_up = c;
                        x_lo = c;
                        x_up = b;
                    return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, root, fb));

                // use bisection
                if (Abs(e) < tol || Abs(fa) <= Abs(fb))
                    d = m;
                    e = m;
                    // use inverse quadratic interpolation
                    double p, q, r;
                    double s = fb / fa;

                    if (ac_equal == 1)
                        p = 2 * m * s;
                        q = 1 - s;
                        q = fa / fc;
                        r = fb / fc;
                        p = s * (2 * m * q * (q - r) - (b - a) * (r - 1));
                        q = (q - 1) * (r - 1) * (s - 1);

                    if (p > 0)
                        q = -q;
                        p = -p;

                    if (2 * p < Min(3 * m * q - Abs(tol * q), Abs(e * q)))
                        // interpolation
                        e = d;
                        d = p / q;
                        // interpolation failed, use bisection

                        d = m;
                        e = m;

                a  = b;
                fa = fb;

                if (Abs(d) > tol)
                    b += d;
                    b += (m > 0 ? +tol : -tol);

                fb = funct(b);

                // Update the best estimate of the root and bounds on each iteration
                prev_root = root;
                root      = b;

                if ((fb < 0 && fc < 0) || (fb > 0 && fc > 0))
                    c = a;

                if (b < c)
                    x_lo = b;
                    x_up = c;
                    x_lo = c;
                    x_up = b;
            } while (nIteration < m_nMaxIt && !CheckConvergence(fb, x_lo, x_up, root, prev_root));

            return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, root, fb));
Beispiel #8
        public override IterationResults Solve(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper)
            int    nIteration = 0;
            double root;
            double f_lo, f_up, f_pos;
            double x_lo, x_up, x_pos;
            int    side = 0;

            x_lo = x_lower;
            x_up = x_upper;

            f_lo = funct(x_lo);
            f_up = funct(x_up);

            if ((f_lo < 0.0 && f_up < 0.0) || (f_lo > 0.0 && f_up > 0.0))
                throw new Exception("FalsePosition: root is not bracketed");

            if (f_lo == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_lo, x_lo, f_lo));
            if (f_up == 0.0)
                return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_up, x_up, x_up, f_up));

            root = x_up - (f_up * (x_up - x_lo) / (f_up - f_lo));

                x_pos = root;
                f_pos = funct(x_pos);

                if (f_pos == 0.0)
                    return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_pos, x_pos, x_pos, f_pos));

                if ((f_lo > 0.0 && f_pos < 0.0) || (f_lo < 0.0 && f_pos > 0.0))
                    x_up = x_pos;
                    f_up = f_pos;
                    if (side == -1)
                        f_lo = 0.5 * f_lo;
                    side = -1;
                    x_lo = x_pos;
                    f_lo = f_pos;
                    if (side == 1)
                        f_up = 0.5 * f_up;
                    side = 1;
                root = x_up - (f_up * (x_up - x_lo) / (f_up - f_lo));
            } while (nIteration < m_nMaxIt && !CheckConvergence(f_pos, x_lo, x_up, root, x_pos));

            return(new IterationResults(nIteration, x_lo, x_up, root, f_pos));
Beispiel #9
 public double SolveSimple(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper)
     return(Solve(funct, x_lower, x_upper).Root);
Beispiel #10
 public abstract IterationResults Solve(obj_function funct, double x_lower, double x_upper);