public void BiHarmonicAlg(int n, number ev1, number ev2)
            number t = ((number)1) / n;
            number s = ((number)1) - t;

            number _ev1 = n - 1, _ev2 = ((number)1), _ev3 = ((number)1) * _ev2;
            //number _ev1 = 1f / ev1 + n, _ev2 = 1f / ev2, _ev3 = .5f * _ev2;

            double power = 1; //1.2f;
            _ev1 = (number)Math.Pow((double)_ev1, power);
            _ev2 = (number)Math.Pow((double)_ev2, power);
            _ev3 = (number)Math.Pow((double)_ev3, power);

            number total = _ev1 + _ev2 + _ev3;
            CombineStrats(_ev1 / total, _ev2 / total, _ev3 / total);
        public DegreeAngle(int circles, int degrees, int minutes, number seconds, bool isNegative)
            Assert.IsGreaterThanOrEqual(circles, 0, nameof(circles));
            Assert.IsInRange(degrees, MinDegrees, MaxDegrees, nameof(degrees));
            Assert.IsInRange(minutes, MinMinutes, MaxMinutes, nameof(minutes));
            Assert.IsInRange(seconds, _secondsRange, nameof(seconds));
            number totalSeconds = (circles * Constants.ArcsecondsPerTurn + degrees * Constants.ArcsecondsPerDegree + minutes * Constants.ArcsecondsPerArcminute + seconds);

            if (isNegative)
                totalSeconds *= -1;
            Assert.IsInRange(totalSeconds, MinTotalSeconds, MaxTotalSeconds, nameof(totalSeconds));
            TotalSeconds = totalSeconds;
            _circles     = circles;
            _degrees     = degrees;
            _minutes     = minutes;
            _seconds     = seconds;
Beispiel #3
 private void TimerShiftStarFood_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (counterStarFood ==
         sFood.visible = true;
     else if (counterStarFood == number.five && sFood.visible == true)
         sFood.visible   = false;
         counterStarFood =;
     if ((int)counterStarFood == 10)
         counterStarFood =;
        public static Angle operator %(Angle nominator, number denominator)
            if (denominator == Constants.Zero)
                throw new DivideByZeroException("Denominator is zero.");

            var nominatorUnit = nominator.Unit;

            if (nominatorUnit.IsEquivalentOf(DefaultUnit))
                return(new Angle(nominator.Turns % denominator, value: null, unit: nominator._unit));
                number resultValue = nominator.Value % denominator;
                number turns       = GetTurns(resultValue, nominatorUnit);
                return(new Angle(turns, resultValue, nominatorUnit));
            public void MultipleSerialConversion_ShouldHaveSameValueAtTheEnd(number value)
                // arrange
                var units = new List <AngleUnit>
                var   initialAngle = new Angle(value, units.First());
                Angle?finalAngle   = null;

                // act
                units.ForEach(u => finalAngle = (finalAngle ?? initialAngle).Convert(u));

                // assert
Beispiel #6
            public void MultipleSerialConversion_ShouldHaveSameValueAtTheEnd(number value)
                // arrange
                var units = new List <WeightUnit>
                var    initialWeight = new Weight(value, units.First());
                Weight?finalWeight   = null;

                // act
                units.ForEach(u => finalWeight = (finalWeight ?? initialWeight).Convert(u));

                // assert
Beispiel #7
        public RadianAngle GetBearingTo(GeoCoordinate destination)
            if (IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot compute bearing from unknown coordinate.");
            if (destination.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot compute bearing to unknown coordinate.");

            var φ1 = LatitudeRadians;
            var λ1 = LongitudeRadians;
            var φ2 = destination.LatitudeRadians;
            var λ2 = destination.LongitudeRadians;
            var Δλ = λ2 - λ1;

            number y = MathA.Sin(Δλ) * MathA.Cos(φ2);
            number x = MathA.Cos(φ1) * MathA.Sin(φ2) - MathA.Sin(φ1) * MathA.Cos(φ2) * MathA.Cos(Δλ);

            return(MathA.Atan2(y, x));
            private static IEnumerable <DestinationPointTestData> GetDestinationPointTestData()
                const number zero = (number)0m;
                const number half = (number)0.5m;
                const number one  = (number)1m;
                const number two  = (number)2m;
                const number ten  = (number)10m;

                yield return(new DestinationPointTestData(zero, zero, TenDegreeOfLatitudeInMeters, zero, ten, zero));

                yield return(new DestinationPointTestData(zero, zero, TenDegreeOfLatitudeInMeters, Constants.PI, -ten, zero));

                yield return(new DestinationPointTestData(zero, zero, TenDegreeOfLatitudeInMeters, -Constants.PI, -ten, zero));

                yield return(new DestinationPointTestData(zero, zero, TenDegreeOfLatitudeInMeters, 2 * Constants.PI, ten, zero));

                yield return(new DestinationPointTestData(zero, zero, TenDegreeOfLongitudeInMetersAtTheEquator, half * Constants.PI, zero, ten));

                yield return(new DestinationPointTestData(zero, zero, TenDegreeOfLongitudeInMetersAtTheEquator, (one + half) * Constants.PI, zero, -ten));

                yield return(new DestinationPointTestData(zero, zero, TenDegreeOfLongitudeInMetersAtTheEquator, (two + half) * Constants.PI, zero, ten));
Beispiel #9
        public Length GetDistanceTo(GeoCoordinate destination)
            if (IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot compute distance from unknown coordinate.");
            if (destination.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot compute distance to unknown coordinate.");

            var    φ1 = LatitudeRadians;
            var    λ1 = LongitudeRadians;
            var    φ2 = destination.LatitudeRadians;
            var    λ2 = destination.LongitudeRadians;
            var    Δφ = φ2 - φ1;
            var    Δλ = λ2 - λ1;
            number a  = MathA.Sin(Δφ * Constants.Half) * MathA.Sin(Δφ * Constants.Half) + MathA.Cos(φ1) * MathA.Cos(φ2) * MathA.Sin(Δλ * Constants.Half) * MathA.Sin(Δλ * Constants.Half);
            number c  = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));

            return(c * EarthRadius);
Beispiel #10
        public GeoCoordinate GetDestinationPoint(Length distance, RadianAngle bearing)
            if (IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot compute destination point from unknown coordinate.");

            var φ1 = LatitudeRadians;
            var λ1 = LongitudeRadians;
            var δ  = new RadianAngle(distance / EarthRadius);

            var φ2 = MathA.Asin(MathA.Sin(φ1) * MathA.Cos(δ) + MathA.Cos(φ1) * MathA.Sin(δ) * MathA.Cos(bearing));

            number y  = MathA.Sin(bearing) * MathA.Sin(δ) * MathA.Cos(φ1);
            number x  = MathA.Cos(δ) - MathA.Sin(φ1) * MathA.Sin(φ2);
            var    Δλ = MathA.Atan2(y, x);
            var    λ2 = λ1 + Δλ;

            // Normalize longitude to range -π ... +π (that is, -180° ... +180°)
            λ2 = (λ2 + 3 * RadianAngle.PI) % (2 * Constants.PI) - RadianAngle.PI;

            return(new GeoCoordinate(φ2, λ2));
            private static IEnumerable <ITestDataProvider> GetBearingTestData()
                const number zero = (number)0;
                const number pi   = Constants.PI;

                yield return(new BearingTestData(zero, zero, 90, zero, zero * pi / 180));

                yield return(new BearingTestData(zero, zero, zero, 90, 90 * pi / 180));

                yield return(new BearingTestData(zero, zero, -90, zero, 180 * pi / 180));

                yield return(new BearingTestData(zero, zero, zero, -90, -90 * pi / 180));

                yield return(new BearingTestData(zero, zero, 45, 90, 45 * pi / 180));

                yield return(new BearingTestData(zero, zero, -45, 90, 135 * pi / 180));

                yield return(new BearingTestData(zero, zero, -45, -90, -135 * pi / 180));

                yield return(new BearingTestData(zero, zero, 45, -90, -45 * pi / 180));

                yield return(new BearingTestData(50.233620m, 18.991077m, 52.256371m, 21.011800m, 0.54517783m));
        private static ParsingExpression TranslateNumber(number num)
            uint min = 0, max = uint.MaxValue;

            if (num.quantor.strings.Any(s => s == "+"))
                min = 1;
            else if (num.quantor.strings.Any(s => s == "?"))
                max = 1;
            else if (num.quantor.strings.Any(s => s == "*"))
                ;                                              // ok
                throw new NotImplementedException("");

            return(new ParsingExpression.Number(min, max, TranslateTrivial(num.trivial)));
 public override object Run()
         var   Expr_13 = Expr;
         LNode L, R;
         if (Expr_13.Calls(CodeSymbols.Assign, 2) && (L = Expr_13.Args[0]) != null && (R = Expr_13.Args[1]) != null || Expr_13.Calls(CodeSymbols.Eq, 2) && (L = Expr_13.Args[0]) != null && (R = Expr_13.Args[1]) != null)
             EquationMode       = true;
             number[,] results  = RunCore(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Sub, LNode.List(L, R)).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Operator), true);
             number[,] results2 = new number[results.GetLength(0) - 1, results.GetLength(1) - 1];
             for (int i = 0; i < results.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
                 for (int j = 0; j < results.GetLength(1) - 1; j++)
                     int sign = Math.Sign(results[i, j]);
                     if (sign == 0 || sign != Math.Sign(results[i + 1, j]) ||
                         sign != Math.Sign(results[i, j + 1]) ||
                         sign != Math.Sign(results[i + 1, j + 1]))
                         results2[i, j] = (number)1;
                         results2[i, j] = (number)0;
             return(Results = results2);
             EquationMode = Expr.ArgCount == 2 && Expr.Name.IsOneOf(
                 CodeSymbols.GT, CodeSymbols.LT, CodeSymbols.GE, CodeSymbols.LE, CodeSymbols.Neq, CodeSymbols.And, CodeSymbols.Or);
             return(Results = RunCore(Expr, false));
Beispiel #14
 publick static void Main(string[] args)
     string[] names = new string[3] {
         "Tom", "John", "George";
     for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
         Console.WriteLine(names [i] + "\n");
     int[] array = new int[5];
     array[0] = 24;
     array[1] = 4;
     array[2] = 2;
     array[3] = 7;
     array[4] = 56;
     for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
         Console.WriteLine(array [i] + "\n");
     int[,] number = new number[5, 5];
     number [1, 2] = 23;
Beispiel #15
 private static number GetValue(number metres, PowerUnit targetUnit) =>
 metres / targetUnit.ValueInWatts;
Beispiel #16
 private static number GetWatts(number value, PowerUnit sourceUnit) =>
 value * sourceUnit.ValueInWatts;
Beispiel #17
 public RadianAngle(number radians)
     Assert.IsNotNaN(radians, nameof(radians));
     Assert.IsInRange(radians, MinRadians, MaxRadians, nameof(radians));
     _radians = radians;
Beispiel #18
 number = CapNumber(number, min, max);
Beispiel #19
            public void ShouldReturnProperValue(number lat1, number lon1, number lat2, number lon2, bool expectedResult)
                // arrange
                var sut = new GeoCoordinate(lat1, lon1);

                // act
                bool result = sut.Equals(new GeoCoordinate(lat2, lon2));

                // assert
Beispiel #20
 public Card(mast Mast, number number)
     this.mast   = Mast;
     this.number = number;
Beispiel #21
            public void ConstructorForTotalSeconds_ShouldCreateValidTime(number totalSeconds, int expectedHours, int expectedMinutes, number expectedSeconds, bool expectedIsNegative)
                // arrange
                // act
                var time = new Time(totalSeconds);

                // assert
Beispiel #22
 methods.Add(new ClaimTime(number, module));
Beispiel #23
    static public void Main()
        number [] numbers = new number[10]; //an array of number to store the top 10 highest sequence numbers with the highest step counts
        ulong     input   = 10000;          //***input is the starting sequence number***

        //fills the array with a the sequence number and step count to 0 for each number
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            numbers[i].num   = 0;
            numbers[i].steps = 0;

        ulong control = input;  //variable that controls when the all of the sequence numbers have been tested

        //uses the control variable to stop the while loop until every sequence number starting from in is tested
        while (control != 0)
            ulong count = 0;        //sets the step count to 0
            input = control;        //sets input to the control (current sequence number), to make sure the current sequence number is being tested
            while (input > 1)       //compute the sequence count until input = 1
                if (input % 2 == 0) //tests is input is even
                    input = input / 2;
                else    //input is odd
                    input = (input * 3) + 1;
                count++;                            //increments the step count
            input = control;                        //resets input to be equal to the current sequence number
            bool  dup           = false;            //duplicate flag
            int   dupIndex      = 0;                //index of a number with a duplicate step count
            int   smallestIndex = 0;                //index with the smallest number of steps
            ulong smallest      = numbers[0].steps; //number with the smallest step count

            //goes through the array numbers to see which element has the smallest step count and if there are duplicate sequence numbers with the same
            //step count
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (numbers[i].steps <= smallest)     //checks to see which element has the smallest step count
                    smallest      = numbers[i].steps; //reassigns the number with the smallest number of steps
                    smallestIndex = i;                //saves the index with the smallest number of steps
                if (numbers[i].steps == count)        //checks to see if there is a number in the array with the same step count as the current sequence number
                    dup      = true;                  //sets the duplicate flag to true
                    dupIndex = i;                     //saves the index where the duplicate step count occurs

            //if the current sequence number being tested has a higher step count than the smallest step count in the array and the step count is not
            //a duplicate replace the information at the smallest index to match the current sequence number
            if (count > numbers[smallestIndex].steps && dup == false)
                numbers[smallestIndex].steps = count;
                numbers[smallestIndex].num   = input;

            //if the current sequence number being tested is < the sequence number at the duplicate index and the duplicate flag is true, set the number
            //at the duplicate index to the current sequence number
            if (input < numbers[dupIndex].num && dup == true)
                numbers[dupIndex].num = input;
            control--;  //decrement the sequence number

        //sorts the numbers based on step count
        Console.WriteLine("Sorted based on step count size: ");
        Array.Sort(numbers, (x, y) => y.steps.CompareTo(x.steps));

        //prints the numbers array to show the sequence number and the step count for that sequence number
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            Console.WriteLine(numbers[i].num + "        " + numbers[i].steps);

        //sorted the numbers based on the size of the sequence number
        Console.WriteLine("Sorted based on sequence number size: ");
        Array.Sort(numbers, (x, y) => y.num.CompareTo(x.num));

        //prints the numbers array to show the sequence number and the step count for that sequence number
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            Console.WriteLine(numbers[i].num + "        " + numbers[i].steps);
Beispiel #24
 SomeQuantity ILinearQuantityFactory <SomeQuantity, SomeUnit> .Create(number value, SomeUnit unit) =>
 Create(value, unit);
Beispiel #25
 public static SomeQuantity Create(number value, SomeUnit unit) =>
 new SomeQuantity(value, unit);
			if (numberResolver(number))
Beispiel #27
 yield return(new Line(number, hits.Any() ? string.Join(string.Empty, hits) : null));
Beispiel #28
 public void remove_nanny(number nanny_id)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #29
 public List <Child> Mothers_children(number mother_id)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #30
 private SomeUnit(number valueInUnits)
     ValueInUnits = valueInUnits;
Beispiel #31
            /// Optional. The number of versions to retrieve per "page" of results. If
there are more remaining results than this number, the response message
Beispiel #32
 public SomeQuantity(number value, SomeUnit unit)
     Value = value;
     Unit  = unit;