private double weights(List <newGene> genes1, List <newGene> genes2) { //WEIGHTS Dictionary <int, newGene> i2 = new Dictionary <int, newGene>(); for (int i = 0; i < genes2.Count; i++) { newGene gene = genes2[i]; i2[gene.innovation] = gene; //GENE DICTIONARY } double sum = 0; double coincident = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genes1.Count; i++) { newGene gene = genes1[i]; if (i2.Keys.Contains(gene.innovation)) { newGene gene2 = i2[gene.innovation]; sum = sum + Math.Abs(gene.weight - gene2.weight); coincident = coincident + 1; } } return(sum / coincident); }
public Dictionary <string, bool> evaluateNetwork(List <double> inputs) { //GET OUTPUT AS BOOLEAN Inputs = inputs.ToArray(); //SET INPUTS inputs.Add(1); if (inputs.Count != InputsCount) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect number of neural network inputs."); return(null); } for (int i = 0; i < InputsCount; i++) { neurons[i].value = inputs[i]; } foreach (int neuron in neurons.Keys.ToList()) //LOOP NEVER INPUTS { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < neurons[neuron].incoming.Count; i++) { newGene incoming = neurons[neuron].incoming[i]; newNeuron other = neurons[incoming.into]; sum = sum + incoming.weight * other.value; //WEIGHT CALCULATION } if (neurons[neuron].incoming.Count > 0) { neurons[neuron].value = Sigmoid(sum); //SIGMOID FUNCTION } } Dictionary <string, bool> outputs = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); for (int i = 0; i < OutputsCount; i++) { string button = OutputKeys[i]; //GET BUTTON NAMES if (neurons[MaxNodes + i].value > 0) { outputs.Add(button, true); //OUTPUT IS TRUE } else { outputs.Add(button, false); //OUTPUT IS FALSE } Outputs[i] = neurons[MaxNodes + i].value; //SET OUTPUTS } //REFRESH IO PANEL NetMain.IO.setIO(Inputs, Outputs); NetMain.IO.SecureRefesh(); return(outputs); }
private bool containsLink(List <newGene> genes, newGene link) { //CONTAINS LINK if (genes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < genes.Count; i++) //LOOP GENES { newGene gene = genes[i]; if (gene.into == link.into && gene.output == link.output) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
private double disjoint(List <newGene> genes1, List <newGene> genes2) { //DISJOINT Dictionary <int, bool> i1 = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); //LOOP GENES1 for (int i = 0; i < genes1.Count; i++) { newGene gene = genes1[i]; i1[gene.innovation] = true; } Dictionary <int, bool> i2 = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); //LOOP GENES2 for (int i = 0; i < genes2.Count; i++) { newGene gene = genes2[i]; i2[gene.innovation] = true; } //DISJOINT GENES1 int disjointGenes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genes1.Count; i++) { newGene gene = genes1[i]; if (i2.Keys.Contains(gene.innovation) && !i2[gene.innovation]) //i2.Keys.Contains(gene.innovation) ADD AFTER ERROR (KEY DON'T FIND) { disjointGenes = disjointGenes + 1; } } //DISJOINT GENES2 for (int i = 0; i < genes2.Count; i++) { newGene gene = genes2[i]; if (i1.Keys.Contains(gene.innovation) && !i1[gene.innovation]) //i1.Keys.Contains(gene.innovation) ADD AFTER ERROR (KEY DON'T FIND) { disjointGenes = disjointGenes + 1; } } int n = Max(genes1.Count, genes2.Count); return((double)disjointGenes / n); }
private newGenome crossover(newGenome g1, newGenome g2) { //MAKE SURE G1 IS THE HIGHER FITNESS GENOME if ( > { newGenome tempg = g1; g1 = g2; g2 = tempg; } newGenome child = new newGenome(); Dictionary <int, newGene> innovations2 = new Dictionary <int, newGene>(); for (int i = 0; i < g2.genes.Count; i++) { newGene gene = g2.genes[i]; innovations2[gene.innovation] = gene; } for (int i = 0; i < g1.genes.Count; i++) { newGene gene1 = g1.genes[i]; newGene gene2 = innovations2[gene1.innovation]; //COPY GENE1 OR GENE2 if (gene2 != null && Random(1, 2) == 1 && gene2.enabled) { child.genes.Add(gene2.Copy()); } else { child.genes.Add(gene1.Copy()); } } //GET MAXIMUM child.maxneuron = Max(g1.maxneuron, g2.maxneuron); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> item in g1.mutationRates) { child.mutationRates[item.Key] = item.Value; } return(child); }
private void linkMutate(newGenome genome, bool forceBias) { //LINK MUTATE int neuron1 = randomNeuron(genome.genes, false); int neuron2 = randomNeuron(genome.genes, true); newGene newLink = new newGene(); if (neuron1 <= InputsCount && neuron2 <= InputsCount) //BOTH INPUT NODES { return; } if (neuron2 <= InputsCount) //SWAP OUTPUT AND INPUT { int temp = neuron1; neuron1 = neuron2; neuron2 = temp; } newLink.into = neuron1; newLink.output = neuron2; if (forceBias) { newLink.into = InputsCount; } if (containsLink(genome.genes, newLink)) { return; } newLink.innovation = newInnovation(Pool); newLink.weight = Random() * 4 - 2; //ADD TO GENES LIST genome.genes.Add(newLink); }
private void nodeMutate(newGenome genome) { //NODE MUTATE if (genome.genes.Count == 0) { return; } genome.maxneuron = genome.maxneuron + 1; //GET RANDOM GENE newGene gene = genome.genes[Random(0, genome.genes.Count - 1)]; if (!gene.enabled) //IF FALSE RETURN { return; } gene.enabled = false; //ADD GENE1 newGene gene1 = gene.Copy(); gene1.output = genome.maxneuron; gene1.weight = 1.0; gene1.innovation = newInnovation(Pool); gene1.enabled = true; genome.genes.Add(gene1); //ADD GENE2 newGene gene2 = gene.Copy(); gene2.into = genome.maxneuron; gene2.innovation = newInnovation(Pool); gene2.enabled = true; genome.genes.Add(gene2); }
private void enableDisableMutate(newGenome genome, bool enable) { //ENABLE DISABLE MUTATE List <newGene> candidates = new List <newGene>(); //GET ENABLES GENES foreach (newGene item in genome.genes) { if (item.enabled == !enable) { candidates.Add(item); } } if (candidates.Count == 0) { return; } //GET RANDOM GENE FROM CANIDATES newGene gene = candidates[Random(0, candidates.Count - 1)]; gene.enabled = !gene.enabled; }
public generateNetwork(newGenome genome) { //INPUTS for (int i = 0; i < InputsCount; i++) { neurons[i] = new newNeuron(); } //OUTPUTS for (int i = 0; i < OutputsCount; i++) { neurons[MaxNodes + i] = new newNeuron(); } genome.genes.Sort(); //table.sort(genome.genes, function(a, b) return (a.output < b.output) end) for (int i = 0; i < genome.genes.Count; i++) { newGene gene = genome.genes[i]; if (gene.enabled) { if (!neurons.Keys.Contains(gene.output)) { neurons[gene.output] = new newNeuron(); } newNeuron neuron = neurons[gene.output]; neuron.incoming.Add(gene); if (!neurons.Keys.Contains(gene.into)) { neurons[gene.into] = new newNeuron(); } } = this; } }
public void Load() { //LOAD string[] path = Mod_File.FileOpenDialog(false, FILTER.TXT); //ABBRUCH if (path == null) { return; } //START LOADING UniLoad.loadingStart(); //READ TXT FILE string[] file = Mod_TXT.readTXT(path[0]); int x = 0; //GET DURATION Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Mod_Convert.StringToDouble(file[x++])); //GET OUTPUT KEYS OutputKeys = file[x++].Split(' '); //INITIALIZE POOL Initialize(OutputKeys, true); Pool.generation = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(file[x++]); Pool.maxFitness = Mod_Convert.StringToDouble(file[x++]); int numSpecies = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(file[x++]); for (int j = 0; j < numSpecies; j++) //SPECIES { newSpecies species = new newSpecies(); Pool.species.Add(species); species.topFitness = Mod_Convert.StringToDouble(file[x++]); species.staleness = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(file[x++]); int numGenomes = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(file[x++]); for (int i = 0; i < numGenomes; i++) //GENOME { newGenome genome = new newGenome(); species.genomes.Add(genome); = Mod_Convert.StringToDouble(file[x++]); genome.maxneuron = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(file[x++]); string line = file[x++]; while (line != "done") { genome.mutationRates[line] = Mod_Convert.StringToDouble(file[x++]); line = file[x++]; } int numGenes = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(file[x++]); for (int k = 0; k < numGenes; k++) //GENE { newGene gene = new newGene(); genome.genes.Add(gene); string[] split = file[x++].Split(' '); gene.into = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(split[0]); gene.output = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(split[1]); gene.weight = Mod_Convert.StringToDouble(split[2]); gene.innovation = Mod_Convert.StringToInteger(split[3]); gene.enabled = Mod_Convert.ObjectToBool(split[4]); } } } //FITNESS ALREADY MEASURED while (fitnessAlreadyMeasured()) { nextGenome(); } initializeRun(); //UPDATE LEARN PANEL NetMain.RoundFinished(0); //END LOADING UniLoad.loadingEnd(); }