Beispiel #1
    void Update()
        // is this the server? send out position updates every 1/10 second
        if (Network.isServer)
            updateTimer += Time.deltaTime;
            if (updateTimer >= 0.1f)
                updateTimer = 0f;
                networkView.RPC("netUpdate", RPCMode.Others, transform.position);

        if (networkView.isMine)
            return;                              // don't run interpolation on the local object
        if (stateCount == 0)
            return;                           // no states to interpolate
        double currentTime       = Network.time;
        double interpolationTime = currentTime - InterpolationBackTime;

        // the latest packet is newer than interpolation time - we have enough packets to interpolate
        if (stateBuffer[0].Timestamp > interpolationTime)
            for (int i = 0; i < stateCount; i++)
                // find the closest state that matches network time, or use oldest state
                if (stateBuffer[i].Timestamp <= interpolationTime || i == stateCount - 1)
                    // the state closest to network time
                    networkState lhs = stateBuffer[i];

                    // the state one slot newer
                    networkState rhs = stateBuffer[Mathf.Max(i - 1, 0)];

                    // use time between lhs and rhs to interpolate
                    double length = rhs.Timestamp - lhs.Timestamp;
                    float  t      = 0f;
                    if (length > 0.0001)
                        t = (float)((interpolationTime - lhs.Timestamp) / length);

                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(lhs.Position, rhs.Position, t);
    int stateCount = 0; //how many states have been recorded

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    //save new state to buffer
    void BufferState(networkState state)
        //shift buffer contents to accomodate new state
        for (int i = stateBuffer.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
            stateBuffer[i] = stateBuffer[i - 1];

        //save state to slot 0
        stateBuffer[0] = state;

        //increment state count (up to buffer size)
        stateCount = Mathf.Min(stateCount + 1, stateBuffer.Length);
Beispiel #3
    //save new state to buffer
    void BufferState(networkState state)
        //shift buffer contents to accomodate new state
        for (int i = stateBuffer.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
            stateBuffer[i] = stateBuffer[i - 1];

        //save state to slot 0
        stateBuffer[0] = state;

        //increment state count (up to buffer size)
        stateCount = Mathf.Min(stateCount + 1, stateBuffer.Length);
Beispiel #4
    int stateCount = 0;     //how many states have been recorded

    void Update()
        if (networkView.isMine)         // don't run interpolation on local object

        if (stateCount == 0)         // no states to interpolate

        double currentTime       = Network.time;
        double interpolationTime = currentTime - interpolationBackTime;

        //if the latest packet is newer than interpolation time:
        //we have enough packets to interpolate
        if (stateBuffer[0].timeStamp > interpolationTime)
            for (int i = 0; i < stateCount; i++)
                //find the closest state that matches network time
                //or use oldest state
                if (stateBuffer[i].timeStamp <= interpolationTime ||
                    i == stateCount - 1)
                    //the state closest to network time
                    networkState lhs = stateBuffer[i];

                    //the state one slot newer
                    networkState rhs = stateBuffer[Mathf.Max(i - 1, 0)];

                    //use time between lhs and rhs to interpolate
                    double length = rhs.timeStamp - lhs.timeStamp;
                    float  t      = 0f;
                    if (length > 0.0001)
                        t = (float)((interpolationTime - lhs.timeStamp) / length);

                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(
Beispiel #5
    void bufferState(networkState state)
        // shift states
        // the state at index 0 moves to index 1, 1 moves to 2, etc
        // the state at index 20 is deleted
        for (int i = stateBuffer.Length – 1; i > 0; i--)
            stateBuffer[i] = stateBuffer[i - 1];

        // insert newest state at 0
        stateBuffer[0] = state;

        // increment state count, up to a maximum of 20
        stateCount = Mathf.Max(stateBuffer.Length, stateCount + 1);
Beispiel #6
    void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info)
        if (stream.isWriting)
            // serialize position and rotation
            Vector3    position    = transform.position;
            Quaternion rotation    = transform.rotation;
            Quaternion camRotation = camTransform.localRotation;

            stream.Serialize(ref position);
            stream.Serialize(ref rotation);
            stream.Serialize(ref camRotation);
            // deserialize position and rotation
            Vector3    position    =;
            Quaternion rotation    = Quaternion.identity;
            Quaternion camRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            stream.Serialize(ref position);
            stream.Serialize(ref rotation);
            stream.Serialize(ref camRotation);

            // store values to be interpolated towards
            lastReceivedPos    = position;
            lastReceivedRot    = rotation;
            lastReceivedCamRot = camRotation;

            // buffer network state
            networkState state = new networkState();
            state.Position    = position;
            state.Rotation    = rotation;
            state.CamRotation = camRotation;
            state.Timestamp   = info.timestamp;
