private void onData(int ConnectionId, int channelId, int recHostId, nMsg msg) { switch (msg.OP) //Server Recieves much data than the client { case NetOP.None: Debug.Log("Incorrect initialisation"); break; case NetOP.Position: n_Position Decode = (n_Position)msg; //Player.NetworkInstance.ObjectID = (int)Decode.Position.x; //Player.ID = (int)Decode.Position.x; //checkMoving.PlayerID = Player.ID; //Test.transform.position = ((n_Position)msg).Position+OffsetDistance; break; case NetOP.SyncSceneObjects: Debug.Log("SceneObjects"); UpdatedObjectContainer temp = (UpdatedObjectContainer)msg; checkMoving.SyncObjects(temp.SceneObjects); break; case NetOP.NewPlayer: nPlayerNew PlayerType = (nPlayerNew)msg; // spawn.Spawn(true, PlayerType.ID); break; case NetOP.Action: nAction ActionToggle = (nAction)msg; crystalize.crystalize(); break; } }
void CheckTestObject() { if (TestObject != Test.transform.position) { n_Position pos = new n_Position(); TestObject = Test.transform.position; pos.Position = TestObject; SendServer(pos); } }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { //&& !CollidedThisLife if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player") { if (collision.gameObject == owner) { throwScript.jumpOffBoomerang(); if (!check.Hosting) { n_Position Pos = new n_Position(); Pos.OP = NetOP.Position; Pos.Position = throwScript.tempStander.transform.position; check.Cli.SendServer(Pos); } rigidBody.velocity =; transform.position = new Vector3(300, 300, 0); isActive = false; //GameObject.Destroy(instantiatedPrefab); throwScript.canThrow = true; } else { isReturning = true; Physics.IgnoreCollision(owner.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(), bmCollider, false); } } else { isReturning = true; Physics.IgnoreCollision(owner.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(), bmCollider, false); } }
public void UpdateMessagePump() { if (!Started) //Don't do this stuff if you don't need to { return; } int recHostId; //Host ID int connectionId; //User ID int channelId; //Which lane is this occuring through byte[] recBuffer = new byte[ByteSize]; //recieving buffer int dataSize; //byte error; //Decode incoming data NetworkEventType type = NetworkTransport.Receive(out recHostId, out connectionId, out channelId, recBuffer, ByteSize, out dataSize, out error); switch (type) { case NetworkEventType.Nothing: break; case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent: Debug.Log(string.Format("User {0} has connected from host {1}", connectionId, recHostId)); ClientID = connectionId; Clients.Add(ClientID); rechost = recHostId; //player.Spawn(true,connectionId); n_Position SendID = new n_Position(); SendID.Position = new SerialVector3(connectionId, 0, 0); SendClient(rechost, connectionId, SendID); nPlayerNew playerNew = new nPlayerNew(); playerNew.ID = connectionId; SendClients(playerNew); //nPlayerNew playerNew = new nPlayerNew(); //Connect = true; // Connection.text = "Client Connected"; // ConnectionConfig cc = new ConnectionConfig(); //ReliableChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.UnreliableSequenced); break; case NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent: Debug.Log(string.Format("User {0} has disconnected", connectionId)); // Connection.text = "Client Disconnected"; // Connect = false; break; case NetworkEventType.DataEvent: BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(recBuffer); //designate memory from ram to load this into msg nMsg msg = (nMsg)formatter.Deserialize(ms); //Decode this data and deserialise it into something recognisable onData(connectionId, channelId, recHostId, msg); break; default: case NetworkEventType.BroadcastEvent: Debug.Log("Unexpected network event type"); break; } }