public myTestClass deepCopy()
                myTestClass tempObject = new myTestClass();             //composes a new instance of object from myTestClass

                tempObject.irTestVal     = this.irTestVal;              //value type
                tempObject.srName        = this.srName;                 //immutable
                tempObject.srLocation    = this.srLocation;             //immutable
                tempObject.lstCollection = this.lstCollection.ToList(); //i am making a deep copy here with ToList method call

        private void btnShallowCloning_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            List <int> lstSecondList = lstMyMainList;

            lstSecondList[2] = 400;

            //the below foreaches are equal, therefore they will throw error
            //collection is modified during enumaration error

            //foreach (var vrSecondList in lstSecondList)
            //    lstMyMainList.Add(vrSecondList);

            //foreach (var vrSecondList in lstMyMainList)
            //    lstMyMainList.Add(vrSecondList);

            //when assign reference type objects it just copies their address
            //any changes on them modified the same data

            myTestClass test = new myTestClass();

            test.irTestVal = 100;

            myTestClass test2 = test;

            test2.irTestVal = 200;

            //now both test and test2 irTestVal is 200

            int ir1 = 100;
            int ir2 = ir1;

            ir1 = 200;
            //now ir1 = 200 and ir2= 100 because these are value types

            string sr1 = "hello world";
            string sr2 = sr1;

            sr1 = "hello home";
            //now sr1 is hello home and sr2 is hello world
            //string is only exception of shallow copy of class type
            //Strings in C# are immutable; that means they cannot change. When you say s = "hello home" you are creating a new string and assigning its reference to sr1; this does not affect the reference saved to sr2 which still points to the original string.

            //since string is immutable, whenever you concatenate  a string, it composes a new string. therefore, for long strings you should use stringbuilder
        private void btnDeepCopy_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            List <int> lstSecondList = lstMyMainList.ToList();

            lstSecondList[2] = 400;

            //this will work since they are different lists now
            foreach (var vrSecondList in lstSecondList)

            myTestClass myDefaultTestClass = new myTestClass();
            myTestClass myTest2            = new myTestClass
                irTestVal     = 250,
                lstCollection = new List <int> {
                    500, 1000, 10
                srLocation = "Turkey",
                srName     = "Toros University"

            //how can i make a deep copy of myTest2 into myDefaultTestClass??

            myDefaultTestClass = myTest2;// how it copies? this is only shallow cloning

            myDefaultTestClass.lstCollection[2] = 1;
            myTest2.lstCollection[1]            = 3;
            myDefaultTestClass.srLocation       = "default location of myDefaultTestClass";
            myTest2.srLocation = "default location of myTest2";

            myDefaultTestClass = myTest2.deepCopy();

            myDefaultTestClass.lstCollection[2] = 800;
            myTest2.lstCollection[1]            = 5000;
            myDefaultTestClass.srLocation       = "new location of myDefaultTestClass";
            myTest2.srLocation = "great location of myTest2";

            myTestClass test3 = myTest2.DeepClone();

            myTest2.lstCollection[2] = 1800;
            test3.lstCollection[1]   = 15000;
            myTest2.srLocation       = "awesome location of myDefaultTestClass";
            myTest2.srLocation       = "super location of myTest2";