Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the cell for the specified cell path using the given root as the
        /// root of the path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">Root cell of the path to be resolved.</param>
        /// <param name="path">String that defines the path.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the cell that is defined by the path.</returns>
        public static mxICell Resolve(mxICell root, string path)
            mxICell parent = root;
            string[] tokens = path.Split(PATH_SEPARATOR);

            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                parent = parent.GetChildAt(int.Parse(tokens[i]));

            return parent;
Beispiel #2
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.RemoveEdge(mxICell, bool)
        public mxICell RemoveEdge(mxICell edge, bool isOutgoing)
            if (edge != null)
                if (edge.GetTerminal(!isOutgoing) != this &&
                    edges != null)

                edge.SetTerminal(null, isOutgoing);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Encoding of cell hierarchies is built-into the core, but is a
        /// higher-level function that needs to be explicitely used by the
        /// respective object encoders (eg. mxModelCodec, mxChildChangeCodec
        /// and mxRootChangeCodec). This implementation writes the given cell
        /// and its children as a (flat) sequence into the given node. The
        /// children are not encoded if the optional includeChildren is false.
        /// The function is in charge of adding the result into the given node
        /// and has no return value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">mxCell to be encoded.</param>
        /// <param name="node">Parent XML node to add the encoded cell into.</param>
        /// <param name="includeChildren">Boolean indicating if the method should
        /// include all descendents</param>
        public void EncodeCell(mxICell cell, XmlNode node, bool includeChildren)

            if (includeChildren)
                int childCount = cell.ChildCount();

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    EncodeCell(cell.GetChildAt(i), node, includeChildren);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the cells into the graph model. All cells are children of the root
        /// element in the node.
        /// </summary>
        public override XmlNode BeforeDecode(mxCodec dec, XmlNode node, Object into)
            if (node is XmlElement)
                XmlElement   elt   = (XmlElement)node;
                mxGraphModel model = null;

                if (into is mxGraphModel)
                    model = (mxGraphModel)into;
                    model = new mxGraphModel();

                // Reads the cells into the graph model. All cells
                // are children of the root element in the node.
                XmlNode root     = elt.GetElementsByTagName("root")[0];
                mxICell rootCell = null;

                if (root != null)
                    XmlNode tmp = root.FirstChild;

                    while (tmp != null)
                        mxICell cell = dec.DecodeCell(tmp, true);

                        if (cell != null && cell.Parent == null)
                            rootCell = cell;

                        tmp = tmp.NextSibling;


                // Sets the root on the model if one has been decoded
                if (rootCell != null)
                    model.Root = rootCell;

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the cell path for the given cell. The cell path is a
        /// concatenation of the indices of all cells on the (finite) path to
        /// the root, eg. "".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Cell whose path should be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the string that represents the path.</returns>
        public static string Create(mxICell cell)
            string  result = "";
            mxICell parent = cell.Parent;

            while (parent != null)
                int index = parent.GetIndex(cell);
                result = index.ToString() + mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR + result;

                cell   = parent;
                parent = cell.Parent;

            return((result.Length > 1) ? result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1)
                    : "");
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the cell path for the given cell. The cell path is a
        /// concatenation of the indices of all cells on the (finite) path to
        /// the root, eg. "".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Cell whose path should be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the string that represents the path.</returns>
        public static string Create(mxICell cell)
            string result = "";
            mxICell parent = cell.Parent;

            while (parent != null)
                int index = parent.GetIndex(cell);
                result = index.ToString() + mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR + result;

                cell = parent;
                parent = cell.Parent;

            return (result.Length > 1) ? result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1)
                    : "";
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes cells that have been encoded using inversion, ie. where the
        /// user object is the enclosing node in the XML, and restores the group
        /// and graph structure in the cells. Returns a new mxCell instance
        /// that represents the given node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">XML node that contains the cell data.</param>
        /// <param name="restoreStructures">Boolean indicating whether the graph
        /// structure should be restored by calling insert and insertEdge on the
        /// parent and terminals, respectively.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Graph cell that represents the given node.</returns>
        public mxICell DecodeCell(XmlNode node, bool restoreStructures)
            mxICell cell = null;

            if (node != null &&
                node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                // Tries to find a codec for the given node name. If that does
                // not return a codec then the node is the user object (an XML node
                // that contains the mxCell, aka inversion).
                mxObjectCodec decoder = mxCodecRegistry.GetCodec(node.Name);

                // Tries to find the codec for the cell inside the user object.
                // This assumes all node names inside the user object are either
                // not registered or they correspond to a class for cells.
                if (decoder == null)
                    XmlNode child = node.FirstChild;

                    while (child != null &&
                           !(decoder is mxCellCodec))
                        decoder = mxCodecRegistry.GetCodec(child.Name);
                        child   = child.NextSibling;

                if (!(decoder is mxCellCodec))
                    decoder = mxCodecRegistry.GetCodec("mxCell");

                cell = (mxICell)decoder.Decode(this, node);

                if (restoreStructures)

Beispiel #8
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.Insert(mxICell, int)
        public mxICell Insert(mxICell child, int index)
            if (child != null)
                child.Parent = this;

                if (children == null)
                    children = new List <mxICell>();
                    children.Insert(index, child);

Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked after a cell has been removed from the model. This recursively
        /// removes the cell from its terminals and removes the mapping from the Id
        /// to the cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Cell that has been removed.</param>
        protected void CellRemoved(Object cell)
            if (cell is mxICell)
                mxICell mxc        = (mxICell)cell;
                int     childCount = mxc.ChildCount();

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)


                if (cells != null && mxc.Id != null)
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones the children of the source cell into the given target cell in
        /// this model and adds an entry to the mapping that maps from the source
        /// cell to the target cell with the same id or the clone of the source cell
        /// that was inserted into this model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="cloneAllEdges"></param>
        /// <param name="mapping"></param>
        protected void MergeChildrenImpl(mxICell from, mxICell to, bool cloneAllEdges, Dictionary <Object, Object> mapping)
                int childCount = from.ChildCount();

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    mxICell cell   = from.GetChildAt(i);
                    String  id     = cell.Id;
                    mxICell target = (mxICell)((id != null && (!IsEdge(cell) || !cloneAllEdges)) ? GetCell(id)
                                                    : null);

                    // Clones and adds the child if no cell exists for the id
                    if (target == null)
                        mxCell clone = (mxCell)cell.Clone();
                        clone.Id = id;

                        // Do *NOT* use model.add as this will move the edge away
                        // from the parent in updateEdgeParent if maintainEdgeParent
                        // is enabled in the target model
                        target = to.Insert(clone);

                    // Stores the mapping for later reconnecting edges
                    mapping[cell] = target;

                    // Recurses
                    MergeChildrenImpl(cell, target, cloneAllEdges, mapping);
Beispiel #11
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.InsertEdge(mxICell, bool)
        public mxICell InsertEdge(mxICell edge, bool isOutgoing)
            if (edge != null)
                edge.SetTerminal(this, isOutgoing);

                if (edges == null ||
                    edge.GetTerminal(!isOutgoing) != this ||
                    if (edges == null)
                        edges = new List <mxICell>();


        /// <summary>
        /// Inner helper method for cloning cells recursively.
        /// </summary>
        protected Object CloneCell(Object cell, Hashtable mapping, bool includeChildren)
            if (cell is mxICell)
                mxICell mxc = (mxICell)((mxICell)cell).Clone();
                mapping[cell] = mxc;

                if (includeChildren)
                    int childCount = GetChildCount(cell);

                    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                        Object clone = CloneCell(GetChildAt(cell, i), mapping, true);


Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the children of the given cell into the given target cell inside
        /// this model. All cells are cloned unless there is a corresponding cell in
        /// the model with the same id, in which case the source cell is ignored and
        /// all edges are connected to the corresponding cell in this model. Edges
        /// are considered to have no identity and are always cloned unless the
        /// cloneAllEdges flag is set to false, in which case edges with the same
        /// id in the target model are reconnected to reflect the terminals of the
        /// source edges.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="cloneAllEdges"></param>
        public void MergeChildren(mxICell from, mxICell to, bool cloneAllEdges)
                Dictionary <Object, Object> mapping = new Dictionary <Object, Object>();
                MergeChildrenImpl(from, to, cloneAllEdges, mapping);

                // Post-processes all edges in the mapping and
                // reconnects the terminals to the corresponding
                // cells in the target model
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Object, Object> kvp in mapping)
                    Object edge     = kvp.Key;
                    Object cell     = kvp.Value;
                    Object terminal = GetTerminal(edge, true);

                    if (terminal != null)
                        terminal = mapping[terminal];
                        SetTerminal(cell, terminal, true);

                    terminal = GetTerminal(edge, false);

                    if (terminal != null)
                        terminal = mapping[terminal];
                        SetTerminal(cell, terminal, false);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Inner helper method for restoring the connections in
        /// a network of cloned cells.
        /// </summary>
        protected void RestoreClone(Object clone, Object cell, Hashtable mapping)
            if (clone is mxICell)
                mxICell mxc    = (mxICell)clone;
                Object  source = GetTerminal(cell, true);

                if (source is mxICell)
                    mxICell tmp = (mxICell)mapping[source];

                    if (tmp != null)
                        tmp.InsertEdge(mxc, true);

                Object target = GetTerminal(cell, false);

                if (target is mxICell)
                    mxICell tmp = (mxICell)mapping[target];

                    if (tmp != null)
                        tmp.InsertEdge(mxc, false);

            int childCount = GetChildCount(clone);

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                RestoreClone(GetChildAt(clone, i), GetChildAt(cell, i), mapping);
Beispiel #15
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.Insert(mxICell, int)
        public mxICell Insert(mxICell child, int index)
            if (child != null)
                child.Parent = this;

                if (children == null)
                    children = new List<mxICell>();
                    children.Insert(index, child);

            return child;
Beispiel #16
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.Insert(mxICell)
        public mxICell Insert(mxICell child)
            int index = ChildCount();

            if (child.Parent == this)

            return Insert(child, index);
Beispiel #17
 /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
  * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.GetIndex(mxICell)
 public int GetIndex(mxICell child)
     return (children != null) ? children.IndexOf(child) : -1;
Beispiel #18
 /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
  * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.GetEdgeIndex(mxICell)
 public int GetEdgeIndex(mxICell edge)
     return (edges != null) ? edges.IndexOf(edge) : -1;
Beispiel #19
 /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
  * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.GetEdgeIndex(mxICell)
 public int GetEdgeIndex(mxICell edge)
     return((edges != null) ? edges.IndexOf(edge) : -1);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the given cell into its parent and terminal cells.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell"></param>
        public void InsertIntoGraph(mxICell cell)
            mxICell parent = cell.Parent;
            mxICell source = cell.GetTerminal(true);
            mxICell target = cell.GetTerminal(false);

            // Fixes possible inconsistencies during insert into graph
            cell.SetTerminal(null, false);
            cell.SetTerminal(null, true);
            cell.Parent = null;

            if (parent != null)

            if (source != null)
                source.InsertEdge(cell, true);

            if (target != null)
                target.InsertEdge(cell, false);
Beispiel #21
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.RemoveEdge(mxICell, bool)
        public mxICell RemoveEdge(mxICell edge, bool isOutgoing)
            if (edge != null)
                if (edge.GetTerminal(!isOutgoing) != this &&
                    edges != null)

                edge.SetTerminal(null, isOutgoing);
            return edge;
Beispiel #22
 /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
  * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.GetIndex(mxICell)
 public int GetIndex(mxICell child)
     return((children != null) ? children.IndexOf(child) : -1);
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the children of the given cell into the given target cell inside
        /// this model. All cells are cloned unless there is a corresponding cell in
        /// the model with the same id, in which case the source cell is ignored and
        /// all edges are connected to the corresponding cell in this model. Edges
        /// are considered to have no identity and are always cloned unless the
        /// cloneAllEdges flag is set to false, in which case edges with the same
        /// id in the target model are reconnected to reflect the terminals of the
        /// source edges.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="cloneAllEdges"></param>
        public void MergeChildren(mxICell from, mxICell to, bool cloneAllEdges)
                Dictionary<Object, Object> mapping = new Dictionary<Object, Object>();
                MergeChildrenImpl(from, to, cloneAllEdges, mapping);

                // Post-processes all edges in the mapping and
                // reconnects the terminals to the corresponding
                // cells in the target model
                foreach (KeyValuePair<Object, Object> kvp in mapping)
                    Object edge = kvp.Key;
                    Object cell = kvp.Value;
                    Object terminal = GetTerminal(edge, true);

                    if (terminal != null)
                        terminal = mapping[terminal];
                        SetTerminal(cell, terminal, true);

                    terminal = GetTerminal(edge, false);

                    if (terminal != null)
                        terminal = mapping[terminal];
                        SetTerminal(cell, terminal, false);
Beispiel #24
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.InsertEdge(mxICell, bool)
        public mxICell InsertEdge(mxICell edge, bool isOutgoing)
            if (edge != null)
                edge.SetTerminal(this, isOutgoing);

                if (edges == null ||
                    edge.GetTerminal(!isOutgoing) != this ||
                    if (edges == null)
                        edges = new List<mxICell>();


            return edge;
Beispiel #25
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.Remove(mxICell)
        public mxICell Remove(mxICell child)
            if (child != null && children != null)
                child.Parent = null;

            return child;
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones the children of the source cell into the given target cell in
        /// this model and adds an entry to the mapping that maps from the source
        /// cell to the target cell with the same id or the clone of the source cell
        /// that was inserted into this model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="cloneAllEdges"></param>
        /// <param name="mapping"></param>
        protected void MergeChildrenImpl(mxICell from, mxICell to, bool cloneAllEdges, Dictionary<Object, Object> mapping)
                int childCount = from.ChildCount();

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    mxICell cell = from.GetChildAt(i);
                    String id = cell.Id;
                    mxICell target = (mxICell) ((id != null && (!IsEdge(cell) || !cloneAllEdges)) ? GetCell(id)
                            : null);

                    // Clones and adds the child if no cell exists for the id
                    if (target == null)
                        mxCell clone = (mxCell) cell.Clone();
                        clone.Id = id;

                        // Do *NOT* use model.add as this will move the edge away
                        // from the parent in updateEdgeParent if maintainEdgeParent
                        // is enabled in the target model
                        target = to.Insert(clone);

                    // Stores the mapping for later reconnecting edges
                    mapping[cell] = target;

                    // Recurses
                    MergeChildrenImpl(cell, target, cloneAllEdges, mapping);
Beispiel #27
        /* (non-Dotnetdoc)
         * see com.mxgraph.mxICell.SetTerminal(mxICell, bool)
        public mxICell SetTerminal(mxICell terminal, bool isSource)
            if (isSource)
                Source = terminal;
                Target = terminal;

            return terminal;
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Encoding of cell hierarchies is built-into the core, but is a
        /// higher-level function that needs to be explicitely used by the
        /// respective object encoders (eg. mxModelCodec, mxChildChangeCodec
        /// and mxRootChangeCodec). This implementation writes the given cell
        /// and its children as a (flat) sequence into the given node. The
        /// children are not encoded if the optional includeChildren is false.
        /// The function is in charge of adding the result into the given node
        /// and has no return value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">mxCell to be encoded.</param>
        /// <param name="node">Parent XML node to add the encoded cell into.</param>
        /// <param name="includeChildren">Boolean indicating if the method should
        /// include all descendents</param>
        public void EncodeCell(mxICell cell, XmlNode node, bool includeChildren)

            if (includeChildren)
                int childCount = cell.ChildCount();

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    EncodeCell(cell.GetChildAt(i), node, includeChildren);