Beispiel #1
        } //GetTableElement

        /// <summary>
        /// Get selected or parent table
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>null if not found</returns>
        public HtmlTable GetTableElement()
            // define the table and row elements and obtain there values
            HtmlTable     table = null;
            HtmlTextRange range = SelectionHelper.GetTextRange(Document);

            // first see if the table element is selected
            table = SelectionHelper.GetFirstControl(Document) as HtmlTable;
            // if table not selected then parse up the selection tree
            if (table == null && range != null)
                HtmlElement element = (HtmlElement)range.parentElement();
                // parse up the tree until the table element is found
                while (element != null && table == null)
                    if (element is HtmlTable)
                        table = (HtmlTable)element;
                    element = (HtmlElement)element.parentElement;

            // return the defined table element
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler of the NavigateComplete2 event.
        /// </summary>
        public void NavigateComplete2Handler()
            mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theIHTMLTxtRange = null;

            htmlDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)webBrowserUserControl.Document.DomDocument;
            htmlBody     = (mshtml.HTMLBody)htmlDocument.body;

            // Determine if errors exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = htmlBody.createTextRange();
            if (theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                containsErrors = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(ERROR, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, FIND_MATCH_CASE | FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            // Determine if warnings exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = htmlBody.createTextRange();
            if (theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                containsWarnings = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(WARNING, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, FIND_MATCH_CASE | FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            findRemainingText = htmlBody.createTextRange();
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler of the NavigateComplete2 event.
        /// </summary>
        public void NavigateComplete2Handler()
            mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theIHTMLTxtRange = null;

            if (_webBrowser.Document == null)

            _HTMLDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)_webBrowser.Document.DomDocument;
            _HTMLBody     = (mshtml.HTMLBody)_HTMLDocument.body;

            // Determine if errors exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
            if (theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                _ContainsErrors = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(_ERROR, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, _FIND_MATCH_CASE | _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            // Determine if warnings exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
            if (theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                _ContainsWarnings = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(_WARNING, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, _FIND_MATCH_CASE | _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            _FindRemainingText = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">image source / url</param>
        /// <param name="alt">alternate text for image</param>
        public void InsertImage(string src, string alt)
                using (new UndoUnit(Document, "Insert Image"))
                    // obtain a reference to the body node
                    HtmlDomNode bodyNode = (HtmlDomNode)Document.body;

                    HtmlImageElement img = (HtmlImageElement)Document.createElement("IMG");
                    img.src = src;
                    img.alt = alt;

                    // table processing all complete so insert into the DOM
                    HtmlSelection selection = Document.selection;
                    HtmlTextRange textRange = SelectionHelper.GetTextRange(Document);

                    if (textRange != null)
                        textRange.pasteHTML(((HtmlElement)img).outerHTML);//"<img src=\"" + src + "\" alt=\"" + alt + "\">");
                        HtmlControlRange controlRange = SelectionHelper.GetAllControls(Document);
                        if (controlRange != null)
                            // overwrite any controls the user has selected
                                // clear the selection and insert the table
                                // only valid if multiple selection is enabled
                                for (int idx = 1; idx < controlRange.length; idx++)
                                controlRange.item(0).outerHTML = ((HtmlElement)img).outerHTML;
                                // this should work with initial count set to zero
                                // controlRange.add((HtmlControlElement)table);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new HtmlEditorException("Cannot Delete all previously Controls selected.", "InsertImage", ex);
                            // insert the table at the end of the HTML
                            HtmlDomNode imgNode = (HtmlDomNode)img;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new HtmlEditorException("Unable to insert image.", "InsertImage", ex);
Beispiel #5

        private void CreateHyperlinkFromSelection()
            if (webBrowser1.Document != null)
                mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 iDoc = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)webBrowser1.Document.DomDocument;

                if (iDoc != null)
                    mshtml.IHTMLSelectionObject iSelect = iDoc.selection;
                    if (iSelect == null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select some text before using this command.");

                    mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange txtRange = (mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange)iSelect.createRange();

                    // Create the link.
                    if (txtRange.queryCommandEnabled("CreateLink"))
                        Object o = null;
                        txtRange.execCommand("CreateLink", true, o);
Beispiel #6
        public static bool ParsePlaceholder(mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange rng, out string placeholderText, bool atomic = false)
            placeholderText = String.Empty;

            if (!IsPlaceholder(rng, atomic))

            return(ParsePlaceholder(rng.text, out placeholderText));
Beispiel #7
        public static bool ParsePlaceholder(mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange rng, out string placeholderText, out int level, bool atomic = false)
            placeholderText = string.Empty;
            level           = -1;

            string placeholder;

            if (!ParsePlaceholder(rng, out placeholder, atomic))

            return(ParsePlaceholder(placeholder, out placeholderText, out level));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Public method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theText"></param>
        /// <param name="mustMatchWholeWord"></param>
        /// <param name="mustMatchCase"></param>
        public void FindNextText(string theText, bool mustMatchWholeWord, bool mustMatchCase)
            // define the search options
            int theSearchOption = 0;

            if (mustMatchWholeWord)
                theSearchOption += FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD;

            if (mustMatchCase)
                theSearchOption += FIND_MATCH_CASE;

            if ((findRemainingText == null) || (findRemainingText.text == null))
                // Sanity check.
                // perform the search operation
                if (findRemainingText.findText(theText, findRemainingText.text.Length, theSearchOption))
                // String has been found.
                    // Select the found text within the document

                    // Limit the new find range to be from the newly found text
                    mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theFoundRange = (mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange)htmlDocument.selection.createRange();
                    findRemainingText = (mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange)htmlBody.createTextRange();
                    findRemainingText.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", theFoundRange);
                    // Reset the find ranges
                    findRemainingText = htmlBody.createTextRange();

                    MessageBox.Show("Finished searching the document", string.Format("Find text \"{0}\"", theText), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Beispiel #9
        // determine if the current selection is a table
        // return the table element
        private void GetTableElement(out HtmlTable table, out HtmlTableRow row, out HtmlTableCell cell)
            table = null;
            row   = null;
            cell  = null;
            HtmlTextRange range = SelectionHelper.GetTextRange(Document);

                // first see if the table element is selected
                table = SelectionHelper.GetFirstControl(Document) as HtmlTable;
                // if table not selected then parse up the selection tree
                if (table == null && range != null)
                    HtmlElement element = (HtmlElement)range.parentElement();
                    // parse up the tree until the table element is found
                    while (element != null && table == null)
                        if (element is HtmlTable)
                            table = (HtmlTable)element;
                        else if (element is HtmlTableRow)
                            row = (HtmlTableRow)element;
                        else if (element is HtmlTableCell)
                            cell = (HtmlTableCell)element;
                        element = (HtmlElement)element.parentElement;
            catch (Exception)
                // have unknown error so set return to null
                table = null;
                row   = null;
                cell  = null;
        } //GetTableElement
Beispiel #10
        public static bool IsPlaceholder(mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange rng, bool atomic = false)
            if (rng == null)

            string unused;

            if (!ParsePlaceholder(rng.text, out unused))

            if (!atomic)

            return(IsPlaceholder(rng.parentElement(), atomic));
Beispiel #11
        private void SelectCell(HtmlTableCell cell)
            HtmlElement cellElement = cell as HtmlElement;

            MsHtmlWrap.MshtmlMarkupServices markupServices = new MsHtmlWrap.MshtmlMarkupServices((MsHtmlWrap.IMarkupServicesRaw)Document);

            if (cellElement.document == Document)
            // move the selection to the beginning of the cell
            MsHtmlWrap.MarkupRange markupRange = markupServices.CreateMarkupRange(cellElement);

            //  if the cell is empty then collapse the selection
            if (cellElement.innerHTML == null)

            HtmlTextRange textRange = markupRange.ToTextRange();

Beispiel #12
        // get the selected range object
        public static HtmlTextRange GetTextRange(HtmlDocument document)
            // define the selected range object
            HtmlSelection selection;
            HtmlTextRange range = null;

                // calculate the text range based on user selection
                selection = document.selection;
                if (selection.type.Equals("text", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || selection.type.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    range = selection.createRange() as HtmlTextRange;
            catch (Exception)
                // have unknown error so set return to null
                range = null;

        public void FindNextText(string theText, bool mustMatchWholeWord, bool mustMatchCase)
            // define the search options
            int theSearchOption = 0;

            if (mustMatchWholeWord)
                theSearchOption += _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD;

            if (mustMatchCase)
                theSearchOption += _FIND_MATCH_CASE;

            if ( (_FindRemainingText == null) || (_FindRemainingText.text == null) )
                // Sanity check.

                // perform the search operation
                if (_FindRemainingText.findText(theText, _FindRemainingText.text.Length, theSearchOption))
                    // String has been found.
                    // Select the found text within the document

                    // Limit the new find range to be from the newly found text
                    mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theFoundRange = (mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange)_HTMLDocument.selection.createRange();
                    _FindRemainingText = (mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange)_HTMLBody.createTextRange();
                    _FindRemainingText.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", theFoundRange);
                    // Reset the find ranges
                    _FindRemainingText = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();

                    MessageBox.Show("Finished searching the document", string.Format("Find text \"{0}\"", theText), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the current font selected is Underline when given a range
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="range"></param>
 private bool IsFontUnderline(mshtmlTextRange range)
     // determine the UNDERLINE property
     object currentUnderline = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_UNDERLINE);
     return (currentUnderline is System.Boolean) ? (bool)currentUnderline : _bodyFont.Underline;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the value of the command
        /// </summary>
        private object QueryCommandRange(mshtmlTextRange range, string command)
            object retValue = null;
            if (range != null)
                    // ensure command is a valid command and then enabled for the selection
                    if (range.queryCommandSupported(command))
                        if (range.queryCommandEnabled(command))
                            retValue = range.queryCommandValue(command);
                catch (Exception)
                    // have unknown error so set return to null
                    retValue = null;

            // return the obtained value
            return retValue;
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the current font selected is Strikeout when given a range
 /// </summary>
 private bool IsFontStrikeout(mshtmlTextRange range)
     // determine the STRIKEOUT property
     object currentStrikeout = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_STRIKE_THROUGH);
     return (currentStrikeout is System.Boolean) ? (bool)currentStrikeout : _bodyFont.Strikeout;
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the current font selected is Superscript when given a range
 /// </summary>
 private bool IsFontSuperscript(mshtmlTextRange range)
     // determine the SUPERSCRIPT property
     object currentSuperscript = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_SUPERSCRIPT);
     return (currentSuperscript is System.Boolean) ? (bool)currentSuperscript : false;
Beispiel #18
        } // QueryCommandRange

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the value of the command
        /// </summary>
        private object QueryCommandRange(mshtmlTextRange range, string command)
            object retValue = null;
                if (!range.IsNull() && !range.text.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    // ensure command is a valid command and then enabled for the selection
                    if (range.queryCommandSupported(command))
                        if (range.queryCommandEnabled(command))
                            retValue = range.queryCommandValue(command);
                    retValue = QueryCommandDocument(command);
            catch (Exception)
                // have unknown error so set return to null
                retValue = null;
            // return the obtained value
            return retValue;

        } //QueryCommandRange
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the current font selected is Italic when given a range
 /// </summary>
 private bool IsFontItalic(mshtmlTextRange range)
     // determine the ITALIC property
     object currentItalic = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_ITALIC);
     return (currentItalic is System.Boolean) ? (bool)currentItalic : _bodyFont.Italic;
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes the execCommand on the selected range (given the range)
 /// </summary>
 private void ExecuteCommandRange(mshtmlTextRange range, string command, object data)
         if (range != null)
             // ensure command is a valid command and then enabled for the selection
             if (range.queryCommandSupported(command))
                 if (range.queryCommandEnabled(command))
                     // mark the selection with the appropriate tag
                     range.execCommand(command, false, data);
     catch (Exception ex)
         // Unknown error so inform user
         throw new HtmlEditorException("Unknown MSHTML Error.", command, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to perform the actual find of the given text
        /// </summary>
        private mshtmlTextRange FindText(string findText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase)
            // define the search options
            int searchOptions = 0;
            if (matchWhole) searchOptions = searchOptions + 2;
            if (matchCase) searchOptions = searchOptions + 4;

            // perform the search operation
            if (_findRange.findText(findText, _findRange.text.Length, searchOptions))
                // select the found text within the document
                // limit the new find range to be from the newly found text
                mshtmlTextRange foundRange = (mshtmlTextRange)document.selection.createRange();
                _findRange = (mshtmlTextRange)body.createTextRange();
                _findRange.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", foundRange);
                // text found so return this selection
                return foundRange;
                // reset the find ranges
                // no text found so return null range
                return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to reset the find and replace options to initialize a new search
 /// </summary>
 public void FindReplaceReset()
     // reset the range being worked with
     _findRange = (mshtmlTextRange)body.createTextRange();
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the queryCommandState on the selected range (given the range)
        /// </summary>
        private bool ExecuteCommandQuery(mshtmlTextRange range, string command)
            // set the initial state as false
            bool retValue = false;

                if (range != null)
                    // ensure command is a valid command and then enabled for the selection
                    if (range.queryCommandSupported(command))
                        if (range.queryCommandEnabled(command))
                            // mark the selection with the appropriate tag
                            retValue = range.queryCommandState(command);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Unknown error so inform user
                throw new HtmlEditorException("Unknown MSHTML Error.", command, ex);

            // return the value
            return retValue;
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler of the NavigateComplete2 event.
        /// </summary>
        public void NavigateComplete2Handler()
            mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theIHTMLTxtRange = null;

            htmlDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)webBrowserUserControl.Document.DomDocument;
            htmlBody = (mshtml.HTMLBody)htmlDocument.body;

            // Determine if errors exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = htmlBody.createTextRange();
            if(theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                containsErrors = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(ERROR, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, FIND_MATCH_CASE | FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            // Determine if warnings exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = htmlBody.createTextRange();
            if(theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                containsWarnings= theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(WARNING, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, FIND_MATCH_CASE | FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            findRemainingText = htmlBody.createTextRange();
Beispiel #25
 // reset the find and replace options to initialize a new search
 public void FindReset()
     // reset the range being worked with
     this.find_range = (HtmlTextRange)this.document_body.createTextRange();
Beispiel #26
        // function to insert a basic table
        // will honour the existing table if passed in
        private void ProcessTable(HtmlTable table, HtmlTableProperty tableProperties)
                using (new UndoUnit(Document, "Table add/modify"))
                    // obtain a reference to the body node and indicate table present
                    HtmlDomNode bodyNode     = (HtmlDomNode)Document.body;
                    bool        tableCreated = false;

                    MsHtmlWrap.MarkupRange targetMarkupRange = null;

                    // ensure a table node has been defined to work with
                    if (table == null)
                        // create the table and indicate it was created
                        table        = (HtmlTable)Document.createElement("TABLE");
                        tableCreated = true;

                        //markup range for selecting first cell after table creation
                        targetMarkupRange = GetMarkupRange();

                    // define the table border, width, cell padding and spacing
                    table.border = tableProperties.BorderSize;
                    if (tableProperties.TableWidth > 0)
                        table.width = (tableProperties.TableWidthMeasurement == MeasurementOption.Pixel) ? string.Format("{0}", tableProperties.TableWidth) : string.Format("{0}%", tableProperties.TableWidth);
                        table.width = string.Empty;
                    if (tableProperties.TableAlignment != HorizontalAlignOption.Default)
                        table.align = tableProperties.TableAlignment.ToString().ToLower();
                        table.align = string.Empty;
                    table.cellPadding = tableProperties.CellPadding.ToString();
                    table.cellSpacing = tableProperties.CellSpacing.ToString();

                    // define the given table caption and alignment
                    string           caption      = tableProperties.CaptionText;
                    HtmlTableCaption tableCaption = table.caption;
                    if (caption != null && caption != string.Empty)
                        // ensure table caption correctly defined
                        if (tableCaption == null)
                            tableCaption = table.createCaption();
                        ((HtmlElement)tableCaption).innerText = caption;
                        if (tableProperties.CaptionAlignment != HorizontalAlignOption.Default)
                            tableCaption.align = tableProperties.CaptionAlignment.ToString().ToLower();
                        if (tableProperties.CaptionLocation != VerticalAlignOption.Default)
                            tableCaption.vAlign = tableProperties.CaptionLocation.ToString().ToLower();
                        // if no caption specified remove the existing one
                        if (tableCaption != null)
                            // prior to deleting the caption the contents must be cleared
                            ((HtmlElement)tableCaption).innerText = null;

                    // determine the number of rows one has to insert
                    int numberRows, numberCols;
                    if (tableCreated)
                        numberRows = Math.Max((int)tableProperties.TableRows, 1);
                        numberRows = Math.Max((int)tableProperties.TableRows, 1) - (int)table.rows.length;

                    // layout the table structure in terms of rows and columns
                    table.cols = (int)tableProperties.TableColumns;
                    if (tableCreated)
                        // this section is an optimization based on creating a new table
                        // the section below works but not as efficiently
                        numberCols = Math.Max((int)tableProperties.TableColumns, 1);
                        // insert the appropriate number of rows
                        HtmlTableRow tableRow;
                        for (int idxRow = 0; idxRow < numberRows; idxRow++)
                            tableRow = table.insertRow(-1) as HtmlTableRow;
                            // add the new columns to the end of each row
                            for (int idxCol = 0; idxCol < numberCols; idxCol++)
                        // if the number of rows is increasing insert the decrepency
                        if (numberRows > 0)
                            // insert the appropriate number of rows
                            for (int idxRow = 0; idxRow < numberRows; idxRow++)
                            // remove the extra rows from the table
                            for (int idxRow = numberRows; idxRow < 0; idxRow++)
                                table.deleteRow(table.rows.length - 1);
                        // have the rows constructed
                        // now ensure the columns are correctly defined for each row
                        HtmlElementCollection rows = table.rows;
                        foreach (HtmlTableRow tableRow in rows)
                            numberCols = Math.Max((int)tableProperties.TableColumns, 1) - (int)tableRow.cells.length;
                            if (numberCols > 0)
                                // add the new column to the end of each row
                                for (int idxCol = 0; idxCol < numberCols; idxCol++)
                                // reduce the number of cells in the given row
                                // remove the extra rows from the table
                                for (int idxCol = numberCols; idxCol < 0; idxCol++)
                                    tableRow.deleteCell(tableRow.cells.length - 1);

                    // if the table was created then it requires insertion into the DOM
                    // otherwise property changes are sufficient
                    if (tableCreated)
                        // table processing all complete so insert into the DOM
                        HtmlDomNode   tableNode    = (HtmlDomNode)table;
                        HtmlElement   tableElement = (HtmlElement)table;
                        HtmlSelection selection    = Document.selection;
                        HtmlTextRange textRange    = SelectionHelper.GetTextRange(Document);
                        // final insert dependant on what user has selected
                        if (textRange != null)
                            // text range selected so overwrite with a table
                                string selectedText = textRange.text;
                                if (selectedText != null)
                                    // place selected text into first cell
                                    HtmlTableRow tableRow = table.rows.item(0, null) as HtmlTableRow;
                                    (tableRow.cells.item(0, null) as HtmlElement).innerText = selectedText;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new HtmlEditorException("Invalid Text selection for the Insertion of a Table.", "ProcessTable", ex);
                            HtmlControlRange controlRange = SelectionHelper.GetAllControls(Document);
                            if (controlRange != null)
                                // overwrite any controls the user has selected
                                    // clear the selection and insert the table
                                    // only valid if multiple selection is enabled
                                    for (int idx = 1; idx < controlRange.length; idx++)
                                    controlRange.item(0).outerHTML = tableElement.outerHTML;
                                    // this should work with initial count set to zero
                                    // controlRange.add((HtmlControlElement)table);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    throw new HtmlEditorException("Cannot Delete all previously Controls selected.", "ProcessTable", ex);
                                // insert the table at the end of the HTML
                        // table has been correctly defined as being the first selected item
                        // need to remove other selected items
                        HtmlControlRange controlRange = SelectionHelper.GetAllControls(Document);
                        if (controlRange != null)
                            // clear the controls selected other than than the first table
                            // only valid if multiple selection is enabled
                            for (int idx = 1; idx < controlRange.length; idx++)

                    //if table created, then focus the first cell
                    if (tableCreated)
                            HtmlElement cell = targetMarkupRange.GetFirstElement(e => e is HtmlTableCell, true);
                            if (cell != null)
                                SelectCell(cell as HtmlTableCell);
                        catch (Exception e)
            catch (Exception ex)
                // throw an exception indicating table structure change error
                throw new HtmlEditorException("Unable to modify Html Table properties.", "ProcessTable", ex);
        } //ProcessTable
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler of the NavigateComplete2 event.
        /// </summary>
        public void NavigateComplete2Handler()
            mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theIHTMLTxtRange = null;

            _HTMLDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)_AxWebBrowser.Document;
            _HTMLBody = (mshtml.HTMLBody)_HTMLDocument.body;

            // Determine if errors exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
            _ContainsErrors = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(_ERROR, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, _FIND_MATCH_CASE | _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            // Determine if warnings exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
            _ContainsWarnings= theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(_WARNING, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, _FIND_MATCH_CASE | _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            _FindRemainingText = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
 /// <summary>
 /// DetermineS if the current font selected is bold when given a range
 /// </summary>
 private bool IsFontBold(mshtmlTextRange range)
     // determine the BOLD property
     object currentBold = QueryCommandRange(range, HTML_COMMAND_BOLD);
     return (currentBold is System.Boolean) ? (bool)currentBold : _bodyFont.Bold;
Beispiel #29
        // function to perform the actual find of the given text
        private HtmlTextRange FindText(string find_text, bool match_whole, bool match_case)
            // define the search options
            int search_options = 0;
            if (match_whole)
                search_options += 2;

            if (match_case)
                search_options += 4;

            // Sanity checks
            if ((this.find_range == null) ||
                (this.find_range.text == null))
                // reset the find ranges
                // no text found so return null range
                return null;

            // perform the search operation
            if (this.find_range.findText(find_text, this.find_range.text.Length, search_options))
                // select the found text within the document
                // limit the new find range to be from the newly found text
                HtmlTextRange found_range = (HtmlTextRange)this.document.selection.createRange();
                this.find_range = (HtmlTextRange)this.document_body.createTextRange();
                this.find_range.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", found_range);
                // text found so return this selection
                return found_range;
                // reset the find ranges
                // no text found so return null range
                return null;
Beispiel #30
        } //FindReplacePrompt

        /// <summary>
        /// Method to reset the find and replace options to initialize a new search
        /// </summary>
        public void FindReplaceReset()
            // reset the range being worked with
            _findRange = body.createTextRange();

        } //FindReplaceReset