protected void gvPhoneNumbers_OnRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        msPhoneNumberType pt = (msPhoneNumberType)e.Row.DataItem;

        if (Page.IsPostBack)
            return;                             // only do this if there's a postback - otherwise, preserve ViewState
        switch (e.Row.RowType)
        case DataControlRowType.Header:

        case DataControlRowType.Footer:

        case DataControlRowType.DataRow:
            Label   lblPhoneNumberType = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblPhoneNumberType");
            TextBox tbPhoneNumber      = (TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("tbPhoneNumber");
            var     lRadioButtonMarkup = (Literal)e.Row.FindControl("lRadioButtonMarkup");

            lblPhoneNumberType.Text = pt.Name;

            /* We need to extract the phone number from the underlying MemberSuiteObject
             * phone numbers are flattened, and they are in the format of <Code>_PhoneNumber
             * where <Code> is the API Code of the phone number type*/

            tbPhoneNumber.Text = linkedOrganization.SafeGetValue <string>(pt.Code + "_PhoneNumber");

            /* We have to use a literal for our radio button due to an ASP.NET bug with radiobuttons
             *  in repeater controls

            bool isSelected = linkedOrganization.PreferredPhoneNumberType == pt.ID;
            lRadioButtonMarkup.Text = string.Format(
                @"<input type=radio name=PhoneNumberPreferredType " +
                @"id=RowSelector{0} value='{1}' {2} />", e.Row.RowIndex,
                isSelected ? "checked" : "");

    private void bindObjectToPage()
        tbName.Text = targetObject.Name;

        // now, the email
        tbEmail.Text = targetObject.EmailAddress;
        tbBillingContactName.Text        = targetObject.SafeGetValue <string>("BillingContactName");
        tbBillingContactPhoneNumber.Text = targetObject.SafeGetValue <string>("BillingContactPhoneNumber");

        // ok, we need to get all of the phone number types
        List <msPhoneNumberType> phoneNumberTypes = getPhoneNumberTypes();

        // now, let's bind them
        if (phoneNumberTypes.Count > 0)
            phPhoneNumbers.Visible      = true;
            gvPhoneNumbers.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Code" };
            gvPhoneNumbers.DataSource   = phoneNumberTypes;

        // ok, same with with the addresses
        List <msAddressType> addressTypes = getAddressTypes();

        if (addressTypes.Count > 0)
            phAddresses.Visible     = true;
            rptAddresses.DataSource = addressTypes;

            // set the preferred addresss
            ddlPreferredAddress.DataSource = addressTypes;

            ddlPreferredAddress.DataTextField  = "Name";
            ddlPreferredAddress.DataValueField = "ID";

            ListItem li = ddlPreferredAddress.Items.FindByValue(targetObject.PreferredAddressType);
            if (li != null)
                li.Selected = true; // select the preferred address