/// <summary>
    /// Initializes the target object for the page
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Many pages have "target" objects that the page operates on. For instance, when viewing
    /// an event, the target object is an event. When looking up a directory, that's the target
    /// object. This method is intended to be overriden to initialize the target object for
    /// each page that needs it.</remarks>
    protected override void InitializeTargetObject()

        targetCommittee = LoadObjectFromAPI <msCommittee>(ContextID);
        if (targetCommittee == null || !targetCommittee.ShowInPortal)
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsValid)


        targetCommittee = SaveObject(targetCommittee).ConvertTo <msCommittee>();

        QueueBannerMessage("Committee information was updated successfully.");

        GoTo(string.Format("~/committees/ViewCommittee.aspx?contextID={0}", ContextID));