/** * 添加AssetBundle的Item对象 * */ private void addABHandler(object target) { menuParams m = (menuParams)target; AssetsItem asset = new AssetsItem(); asset.AssetBundleName = m.name; asset.VariantName = 0; Parent.list.list.Add(asset); Parent.regsList = null; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { mP = GameObject.Find("menuParams").GetComponent <menuParams>(); C = Camera.main.GetComponent <ctrl>(); if (type == Type.builder) { GameObject F = new GameObject("MAP"); // hex = Resources.Load <GameObject>("hex"); bool final = (saveFile == "FINAL"); if (!final) { GenHex(F); } else { C.Ff.SetActive(true); } // Set the right demensions F.transform.localScale = (Vector3.one * 5) + (Vector3.up * 2); // if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "course") { GameObject stSp = GameObject.Find("StartSphere"); if (!final) { stSp.transform.position = new Vector3(startPt.x, 0, startPt.z); stSp.transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.up * (startPt.w + ((reverse) ? 180 : 0)); } else { stSp.transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.up * (((reverse) ? 180 : 0)); } C.NewDay(); } } }
// void Start() { // Set the appropriate version number on the top left of screen vT.text = "v" + Application.version; menuParams.Check4MenuParam(); // reference to our menu params mP = GameObject.Find("menuParams").GetComponent <menuParams>(); mP.Reset(); mP.adCount.x++; // if (Application.isMobilePlatform && mP.adCount.x >= mP.adCount.y) { //Advertisement.Show(); mP.adCount.x = 0; } // coursesButts = GameObject.Find("Levels").GetComponentsInChildren <Button>(); // forrestsButts = GameObject.Find("Forrests").GetComponentsInChildren <Button>(); // Now entirely sure what I have to do this to make Campaign work, too lazy to investigate in depth. >_> ToggleListing(); ToggleListing(); menuLoad = LoadMenuData(); sB.value = Mathf.Round(int.Parse(menuLoad[0])); cO.value = Mathf.Round(int.Parse(menuLoad[1])); sel.value = Mathf.Round(int.Parse(menuLoad[2])); smT.isOn = bool.Parse(menuLoad[3]); rT.isOn = bool.Parse(menuLoad[4]); rcT.isOn = bool.Parse(menuLoad[5]); lS.value = int.Parse(menuLoad[6]); aS.value = int.Parse(menuLoad[7]); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { menuParams.Check4MenuParam(); Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; campAdd = true; // if (GameObject.Find("menuParams")) { mP = GameObject.Find("menuParams").GetComponent <menuParams>(); if (mP.sesh) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "sesh.txt")); string[] load = sr.ReadToEnd().Split('\n'); sr.Close(); mP.seshMark.y = load.Length; if (mP.seshMark.x > mP.seshMark.y) { Application.Quit(); if (Application.isEditor) { GoToMenu(); } } string[] load2 = load[(int)mP.seshMark.x - 1].Split(','); // laps, days, course, CO, Mode, attempts, ini mP.laps = int.Parse(load2[0]); mP.maxDays = int.Parse(load2[1]); mP.lvlName = load2[2]; mP.lvlData = menu.ReturnLvlData(load2[2]); mP.CO = (COMode)int.Parse(load2[3]); mP.mode = (GameMode)int.Parse(load2[4]); mP.attempts = int.Parse(load2[5]); mP.randomizeWeights = bool.Parse(load2[6]); mP.storedName = load2[7]; } mode = mP.mode; CrossOver = mP.CO; selMode = mP.SEL; randomizeIniWeights = mP.randomizeWeights; attempt.y = mP.attempts; mLaps = mP.laps; slowMode = mP.slowMode; // if (mode == GameMode.Test) { attempt.y = mP.brains.Count; } else if (mode == GameMode.Campaign) { attempt.y = 1; } // if (mP.brains.Count > 0) { // for (int i = 0; i < mP.brains.Count; i++) { loadedBrains.Add(mP.brains[i].Split('\n')[1]); } } // lvlBuilder lb = gameObject.AddComponent <lvlBuilder>(); // if (mode == GameMode.Test || mode == GameMode.Train) { lb.saveFile = mP.lvlData; lb.reverse = mP.reverse; } else { mP.lvlName = "Campaign Course #" + (mP.campaignProgress + 1); lb.saveFile = (mP.campaignProgress < 4) ? mP.campaign[(int)Mathf.Floor(mP.campaignProgress)] : "FINAL"; lb.reverse = (mP.campaignProgress % 1) != 0; } } // graphs[0] = GameObject.Find("FitnessGraph"); graphs[1] = GameObject.Find("AverageGraph"); // This will disable the UI if in race mode rT[0].gameObject.SetActive(mode == GameMode.Test || mode == GameMode.Campaign); rT[1].gameObject.SetActive(mode == GameMode.Train); // Set the appropriate version number on the top left of screen vT.text = "v" + Application.version; // Set all of the input texts to "?" instead of the default "New Text" :) for (int i = 0; i < inp.Length; i++) { inp[i].text = "?"; } // This will hide the starting marker startSp.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; // This grabs a ref to the camera's starting position & rotation camStarts[0] = Camera.main.transform.position; camStarts[1] = Camera.main.transform.eulerAngles; // This sets the text for the control & camera mode buttons //ctButt.text = intelli.ToString(); camButt.text = Camy.ToString(); // attIniData is Attempt Initializer, we first need to define how many brains this ini will hold, it will hold our max attempt count attIniData = new float[(int)attempt.y][]; // attIniString = new string[(int)attempt.y]; // then every brian will hold 29 values, in our case floats, so we'll loop through every brain & set their value size to hold 29 floats, which will be a fully randomized brain for (int i = 0; i < attIniData.Length; i++) { attIniData[i] = new float[29]; } // if (loadedBrains == null || loadedBrains.Count < 1) { // if (randomizeIniWeights) { RandomizeWholeDay(); } } else { SetWholeDay(); } }