Beispiel #1
        public async Task GetWayPoints(IDrone drone, ISerialTelemetryLink link)
            var req = new mavlink_mission_request_list_t();

            req.target_system    = drone.SystemId;
            req.target_component = drone.ComponentId;

            var result = await link.RequestDataAsync <mavlink_mission_count_t>(drone, MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_REQUEST_LIST, req, MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_COUNT, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1000));

            if (result.Successful)
                for (ushort idx = 0; idx < result.Result.count; ++idx)
                    var reqf = new mavlink_mission_request_int_t();

                    reqf.target_system    = drone.SystemId;
                    reqf.target_component = drone.ComponentId;

                    reqf.seq = idx;
                    var wpResult = await link.RequestDataAsync <mavlink_mission_item_t>(drone, MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_REQUEST_INT, reqf, MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_ITEM, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1000));

                    if (wpResult.Successful)
                        Debug.WriteLine(wpResult.Result.x + " " + wpResult.Result.y + " " + wpResult.Result.z);
                        Debug.WriteLine($"No joy on {idx}");

                Debug.WriteLine($"Get go our response {result.Result.count}");
                Debug.WriteLine($"No joy");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns WP count
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ushort getWPCount()
            giveComport = true;
            MAVLinkMessage buffer;
            mavlink_mission_request_list_t req = new mavlink_mission_request_list_t();

            req.target_system = MAV.sysid;
            req.target_component = MAV.compid;

            // request list
            generatePacket((byte) MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_REQUEST_LIST, req);

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            int retrys = 6;

            while (true)
                if (!(start.AddMilliseconds(700) > DateTime.Now))
                    if (retrys > 0)
                        log.Info("getWPCount Retry " + retrys + " - giv com " + giveComport);
                        generatePacket((byte) MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_REQUEST_LIST, req);
                        start = DateTime.Now;
                    giveComport = false;
                    //return (byte)int.Parse(param["WP_TOTAL"].ToString());
                    throw new TimeoutException("Timeout on read - getWPCount");

                buffer = readPacket();
                if (buffer.Length > 5)
                    if (buffer.msgid == (byte) MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_COUNT)
                        var count = buffer.ToStructure<mavlink_mission_count_t>();

                        log.Info("wpcount: " + count.count);
                        giveComport = false;
                        return count.count; // should be ushort, but apm has limited wp count < byte
                        log.Info(DateTime.Now + " PC wpcount " + buffer.msgid + " need " + MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_COUNT);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns WP count
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte getWPCount()
            MainV2.giveComport = true;
            byte[] buffer;
            mavlink_mission_request_list_t req = new mavlink_mission_request_list_t();

            req.target_system = sysid;
            req.target_component = compid;

            // request list
            generatePacket(MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_REQUEST_LIST, req);

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            int retrys = 6;

            while (true)
                if (!(start.AddMilliseconds(500) > DateTime.Now))
                    if (retrys > 0)
                        log.Info("getWPCount Retry " + retrys + " - giv com " + MainV2.giveComport);
                        generatePacket(MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_REQUEST_LIST, req);
                        start = DateTime.Now;
                    MainV2.giveComport = false;
                    //return (byte)int.Parse(param["WP_TOTAL"].ToString());
                    throw new Exception("Timeout on read - getWPCount");

                buffer = readPacket();
                if (buffer.Length > 5)
                    if (buffer[5] == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_COUNT)

                        var count = buffer.ByteArrayToStructure<mavlink_mission_count_t>(6);

                        log.Info("wpcount: " + count.count);
                        MainV2.giveComport = false;
                        return (byte)count.count; // should be ushort, but apm has limited wp count < byte
                        log.Info(DateTime.Now + " PC wpcount " + buffer[5] + " need " + MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_COUNT);

            mavlink_waypoint_request_list_t req = new mavlink_waypoint_request_list_t();

            req.target_system = sysid;
            req.target_component = compid;

            // request list
            generatePacket(MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_REQUEST_LIST, req);

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            int retrys = 6;

            while (true)
                if (!(start.AddMilliseconds(500) > DateTime.Now))
                    if (retrys > 0)
                        log.Info("getWPCount Retry " + retrys + " - giv com " + MainV2.giveComport);
                        generatePacket(MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_REQUEST_LIST, req);
                        start = DateTime.Now;
                    MainV2.giveComport = false;
                    //return (byte)int.Parse(param["WP_TOTAL"].ToString());
                    throw new Exception("Timeout on read - getWPCount");

                buffer = readPacket();
                if (buffer.Length > 5)
                    if (buffer[5] == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_COUNT)

                        log.Info("wpcount: " + buffer[9]);
                        MainV2.giveComport = false;
                        return buffer[9]; // should be ushort, but apm has limited wp count < byte
                        log.Info(DateTime.Now + " PC wpcount " + buffer[5] + " need " + MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_COUNT + " " + this.BaseStream.BytesToRead);
