protected void btnNuevaBusqueda_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pnlAsignar.Visible = false; ddlArea.SelectedValue = ""; ddlTS.SelectedValue = ""; pnlBuscar.Visible = true; //iniciarElementos(); mst.redir("~/TS/AsignacionTSGrupo.aspx"); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////--FUNCIONES Y PROCEDIMIENTOS--//////////////////////////////////////////// protected void accionar(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (numAccion) { case 1: mst.redir("BusquedaPadrinosAPAD.aspx"); break; case 2: try { string nombre = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(lblVnombre.Text.Replace(dic.nombre + " : ", "")); string sql = "SELECT MemberId miembro FROM dbo.Member WHERE RecordStatus=' ' AND FirstNames+' '+LastNames =@nombre"; DataTable tabledata = new DataTable(); SqlConnection conexion = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString); conexion.Open(); SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(sql, conexion); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nombre", nombre); SqlDataAdapter adaptador = new SqlDataAdapter(); adaptador.SelectCommand = comando; adaptador.Fill(tabledata); conexion.Close(); string conteo = tabledata.Rows[0]["miembro"].ToString(); string sql2 = "INSERT dbo.SponsorMemberVisit SELECT Project,SponsorId,MemberId,VisitDateTime,GETDATE() CreationDateTime,'H' RecordStatus,'" + U + "' UserId,GETDATE() ExpirationDateTime, Notes FROM dbo.SponsorMemberVisit WHERE RecordStatus=' ' AND SponsorId='" + P + "' AND MemberId='" + conteo + "' AND CONVERT(VARCHAR,VisitDateTime,120)='" + txtfechav.Text + "' AND Notes='" + lblvalornotas.Text + "'"; string actualizar = "UPDATE dbo.SponsorMemberVisit SET RecordStatus='H', ExpirationDateTime=GETDATE() WHERE RecordStatus=' ' AND SponsorId='" + P + "' AND MemberId='" + conteo + "' AND CONVERT(VARCHAR,VisitDateTime,120)='" + txtfechav.Text + "' AND Notes='" + lblvalornotas.Text + "'"; SqlCommand cmd3 = null; cmd3 = new SqlCommand(actualizar, con); SqlCommand cmd4 = null; cmd4 = new SqlCommand(sql2, con); con.Open(); int fil = cmd4.ExecuteNonQuery(); int fil2 = cmd3.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (fil < 0) { mst.mostrarMsjAdvNtf("errorsql2"); } if (fil2 < 0) { mst.mostrarMsjAdvNtf("erroractualizar"); } limpiarCampos(); llenarhistorial(); traducir(); mst.mostrarMsjNtf(dic.msjSeHaEliminado); } catch (Exception ex) { mst.mostrarMsjAdvNtf(dic.msjNoSeRealizoExcp + ex.Message.ToString() + "."); } break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { U = mast.U; L = mast.L; S = mast.S; if (S.Equals("E") || S.Equals("A")) { mst.redir("MISC/Buscar.aspx"); } bdGEN = new BDGEN(); dic = new Diccionario(L, S); colocarNombres(); } mst = (mast)Master; }