Beispiel #1
            public bool Equals(map_edge other_edge)
                bool is_equal = false;

                if ((index_0 == other_edge.index_0 && index_1 == other_edge.index_1) || (index_0 == other_edge.index_1 && index_1 == other_edge.index_0))
                    is_equal = true;

Beispiel #2
            public bool is_connected_to(map_edge other_edge)
                bool is_connected = false;

                if (index_0 == other_edge.index_0 || index_0 == other_edge.index_1 || index_1 == other_edge.index_0 || index_1 == other_edge.index_1)
                    is_connected = true;

Beispiel #3
            public bool compare_slope(map_edge e1, map_edge e2)
                bool is_equal = false;
                //double eps = 0.0000001; // precision for comparison

                double slope_e1 = (all_nodes[e1.index_1].y - all_nodes[e1.index_0].y) / (all_nodes[e1.index_1].x - all_nodes[e1.index_0].x); // slope of edge 1
                double slope_e2 = (all_nodes[e2.index_1].y - all_nodes[e2.index_0].y) / (all_nodes[e2.index_1].x - all_nodes[e2.index_0].x); // slope of edge 2

                if ((slope_e1) == (slope_e2))
                    is_equal = true;

Beispiel #4
            public bool compare_slope1(map_edge e1, map_edge e2)
                bool   is_equal = false;
                double eps      = 0.00001;                                                                              // precision for comparison

                Tuple <double, double, double> e1_eqn = compute_line_eqn(all_nodes[e1.index_0], all_nodes[e1.index_1]); // Line equation of edge 1
                Tuple <double, double, double> e2_eqn = compute_line_eqn(all_nodes[e2.index_0], all_nodes[e2.index_1]); // Line equation of edge 2

                if (Math.Abs(e1_eqn.Item1 - e2_eqn.Item1) < eps &&
                    Math.Abs(e1_eqn.Item2 - e2_eqn.Item2) < eps &&
                    Math.Abs(e1_eqn.Item3 - e2_eqn.Item3) < eps)
                    is_equal = true;

Beispiel #5
        public void detect_surfaces(ref List <pslg_datastructure.surface_store> set_surfaces)
            // Find the closed loop which are not self intersecting
            // transfer to temporary nodes and temporary edges
            // List<map_node> temp_border_nodes = new List<map_node>();
            List <map_edge> temp_border_edges = new List <map_edge>();

            //temp_border_nodes = the_squaregrid.border_nodes;

            //bool is_closed = false;
            //int i, j;
            // temporary surfaces
            List <pslg_datastructure.surface_store> temp_surfaces = new List <pslg_datastructure.surface_store>();

            while (temp_border_edges.Count > 0)                              // loop until all the border edges are visited
                List <map_edge> temp_border_edges_1 = new List <map_edge>(); // border edge sublist 1
                temp_border_edges_1.AddRange(temp_border_edges);             // add the main list to sublist 1
                temp_border_edges_1.RemoveAt(0);                             // remove the first edge

                List <map_edge> temp_border_edges_2 = new List <map_edge>(); // border edge sublist 2
                temp_border_edges_2.Add(temp_border_edges[0]);               // add only the first edge frpm mail list
                int current_edge_end_node = temp_border_edges_2[0].index_1;  // only one object is at the list

                while (temp_border_edges_1.Count > 0)
                    map_edge connected_edge = temp_border_edges_1.Find(obj => obj.index_0 == current_edge_end_node || obj.index_1 == current_edge_end_node); // find the connected edge
                    if (connected_edge != null)
                        if (connected_edge.index_1 == current_edge_end_node) // if the edge end
                            // then the orientation is towards this point so reverse orientation

                        current_edge_end_node = connected_edge.index_1;                                                         // index 0 is connected
                        temp_border_edges_2.Add(connected_edge);                                                                // add to the sub list
                        temp_border_edges_1.RemoveAt(temp_border_edges_1.FindIndex(obj => obj.Equals(connected_edge) == true)); //remove from the sub list 1
                        break; // exit because there is no edge connected to the current edge end node
                if (temp_border_edges_2[0].index_0 == current_edge_end_node) // we started with index_0 so check whether index_1 is connected to the last in the list
                    // pslg_datastructure Edges and Points
                    List <pslg_datastructure.edge2d>  surf_edges  = new List <pslg_datastructure.edge2d>();
                    List <pslg_datastructure.point2d> surf_points = new List <pslg_datastructure.point2d>();

                    // closed boundary is confirmed
                    List <map_node> temp_border_nodes = new List <map_node>();
                    foreach (map_edge edg in temp_border_edges_2)
                        map_node the_node_1 = the_squaregrid.all_nodes[edg.index_0];
                        map_node the_node_2 = the_squaregrid.all_nodes[edg.index_1];

                        //pslg_datastructure.point2d pt1,pt2;

                        // Add first node
                        if (temp_border_nodes.Exists(obj => obj.Equals(the_node_1) == true) == false)
                            //pslg_datastructure.point2d pt1 = new pslg_datastructure.point2d(surf_points.Count, the_node_1.x, the_node_1.y);
                            surf_points.Add(new pslg_datastructure.point2d(surf_points.Count, the_node_1.x, the_node_1.y));

                        // Add second node
                        if (temp_border_nodes.Exists(obj => obj.Equals(the_node_2) == true) == false)
                            //pslg_datastructure.point2d pt2 = new pslg_datastructure.point2d(surf_points.Count, the_node_2.x, the_node_2.y);
                            surf_points.Add(new pslg_datastructure.point2d(surf_points.Count, the_node_2.x, the_node_2.y));

                        // Add the edges
                        pslg_datastructure.point2d pt1 = surf_points.Find(obj => obj.Equals(new pslg_datastructure.point2d(-1, the_node_1.x, the_node_1.y)) == true);
                        pslg_datastructure.point2d pt2 = surf_points.Find(obj => obj.Equals(new pslg_datastructure.point2d(-1, the_node_2.x, the_node_2.y)) == true);

                        surf_edges.Add(new pslg_datastructure.edge2d(surf_edges.Count, pt1, pt2));

                    // check the surface orientation
                    pslg_datastructure.surface_store t_surf = new pslg_datastructure.surface_store(temp_surfaces.Count, surf_points, surf_edges, temp_surfaces.Count);

                    if (t_surf.SignedPolygonArea() < 0)// check whether the outter surface is oriented anti clockwise (negative area = clockwise)
                        // clockwise orientation detected so reverse the orientation to be anti-clockwise


                foreach (map_edge edg in temp_border_edges_2)
                    //remove from the main edge
                    temp_border_edges.RemoveAt(temp_border_edges.FindIndex(obj => obj.Equals(edg) == true));

            // sort the surfaces with surface area
            temp_surfaces = temp_surfaces.OrderBy(obj => obj.surface_area).ToList();
            // Set the polygon inside polygon
            List <int> skip_index = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 1; i < temp_surfaces.Count; i++)
                List <int> inner_surface_index = new List <int>(); // variable to store the index of surface which is inside the i_th surface

                for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)                   // cycle through all the other surface except this one
                    if (skip_index.Contains(j) == true)
                        continue; // skip the nested surfaces

                    bool is_contain = true;                                                   // variable to store the point is inside true or false
                    foreach (pslg_datastructure.point2d pt in temp_surfaces[j].surface_nodes) // cycle thro all the point of j_th polygon
                        if (temp_surfaces[i].PointInPolygon(pt.x, pt.y) == false)             // check whether outter polygon contains the inner polygon
                            is_contain = false;

                    if (is_contain == true)
                        skip_index.Add(j); // skip index is used to avoid adding nested surfaces

                List <pslg_datastructure.surface_store> temp_inner_surface = new List <pslg_datastructure.surface_store>();
                foreach (int k in inner_surface_index)
                    // reversed k surface

                    temp_inner_surface.Add(temp_surfaces[k]); // add the found inner surfaces to temporary inner surfaces

                // innersurface count not = 0
                if (inner_surface_index.Count != 0)

            // Surface detection complete add to the main list
            set_surfaces = new List <pslg_datastructure.surface_store>();