Beispiel #1
        private static readonly double LM_USERTOL = 30*LM_MACHEP;  /* users are recommened to require this */

        /* If the above values do not work, the following seem good for an x86:
         LM_MACHEP     .555e-16
         LM_DWARF      9.9e-324        
         LM_SQRT_DWARF 1.0e-160   
         LM_SQRT_GIANT 1.0e150 
         LM_USER_TOL   1.0e-14
           The following values should work on any machine:
         LM_MACHEP     1.02e-16
         LM_DWARF      1.00e-38
         LM_SQRT_DWARF 3.834e-20
         LM_SQRT_GIANT 1.0304e19
         LM_USER_TOL   1.0e-14

        public static void lm_initialize_control( lm_control_type control )
            control.maxcall = 100;
            control.epsilon = LM_USERTOL;
            control.stepbound = 100;
            control.ftol = LM_USERTOL;
            control.xtol = LM_USERTOL;
            control.gtol = LM_USERTOL;
Beispiel #2
        public static void lm_minimize( int m_dat, int n_par, double[] par,
            evaluate_delegate evaluate, printout_delegate printout,
            object data, lm_control_type control )

        /*** allocate work space. ***/

            double[] fvec, diag, fjac, qtf, wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4;
            int []ipvt;

            int n = n_par;
            int m = m_dat;

            fvec = new double[m];
            diag = new double[n];
            qtf  = new double[n];
            fjac = new double[n*m];
            wa1  = new double[n];
            wa2  = new double[n];
            wa3  = new double[n];
            wa4  = new double[m];
            ipvt = new int[m];

        /*** perform fit. ***/

   = 0;
            control.nfev = 0;

            /* this goes through the modified legacy interface: */
            lm_lmdif( m, n, par, fvec, control.ftol, control.xtol, control.gtol,
                      control.maxcall * (n + 1), control.epsilon, diag, 1,
                      control.stepbound, ref,
                      ref control.nfev, fjac, ipvt, qtf, wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4,
                      evaluate, printout, data );

            if ( printout != null )
                printout(n, par, m, fvec, data, -1, 0, control.nfev);
            control.fnorm = lm_enorm(m, fvec);
            if ( < 0 )
       = 10;

        /*** clean up. ***/

        } /*** lm_minimize. ***/
Beispiel #3
        public static void demo()
            // data and pameter arrays:

            int m_dat = 15;
            int n_p = 3;

            double[] t = { .07, .13, .19, .26, .32, .38, .44, .51,
                .57, .63, .69, .76, .82, .88, .94
            double[] y = { .24, .35, .43, .49, .55, .61, .66, .71,
                .75, .79, .83, .87, .90, .94, .97
            double[] p = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };  // use any starting value, but not { 0,0,0 }

            // auxiliary settings:

            lm_control_type control = new lm_control_type();
            lm_data_type_default data = new lm_data_type_default();

            lm_initialize_control( control );

            data.f = my_fit_function;
            data.tvec = t;
            data.yvec = y;

            // perform the fit:

            Console.Write( "modify or replace lm_print_default for less verbous fitting\n" );

            lm_minimize( m_dat, n_p, p, lm_evaluate_default, lm_print_default,
                data, control );

            // print results:

            Console.Write( "status: {0} after {1} evaluations\n",
                lm_shortmsg[], control.nfev );