//main screen play button
    public void Startfromlv1()
        //main camera white in
        //determin which level
        current_level     = 1;
        currentlevel_data = worlds.allworlds[current_world].level1;

        //refresh normal level group
        foreach (leveldata _leveldata in worlds.allworlds[current_world].Leveldatapacks[current_level / worlds.allworlds[current_world].supply_in_every_th_except_boss].levels)
        //get a list of bosses
        foreach (leveldata _leveldata in worlds.allworlds[current_world].bosses)
        //get a list of supplies levels
        foreach (leveldata _leveldata in worlds.allworlds[current_world].supplies)
    //called when player enters next level portal
    public void Enternextlevelportal()
        //iterate current level
        current_level = current_level + 1;

        //determin which level
        if (current_level == worlds.allworlds[current_world].level_total + 1)//means player cleared this world
            //iterate world number event      //if already unlocked do nothing if not pop prompt
            //exit to main menu
            if (current_level % worlds.allworlds[current_world].boss_in_every_th == 0) //means the next level: boss level
                //get leveldata
                currentlevel_data = _unusedbosslevels[Random.Range(0, _unusedbosslevels.Count)];
                //refresh normal level group
                foreach (leveldata _leveldata in worlds.allworlds[current_world].Leveldatapacks[current_level / worlds.allworlds[current_world].supply_in_every_th_except_boss].levels)
            else //the next level: not boss level
                if (current_level % worlds.allworlds[current_world].supply_in_every_th_except_boss == 0)//means the next level: supply level
                    //get leveldata
                    currentlevel_data = _unusedsupplylevels[Random.Range(0, _unusedsupplylevels.Count)];
                    //refresh normal level group
                    foreach (leveldata _leveldata in worlds.allworlds[current_world].Leveldatapacks[current_level / worlds.allworlds[current_world].supply_in_every_th_except_boss].levels)
                else //the next level: normal level
                    //get leveldata
                    currentlevel_data = _unusednormallevels[Random.Range(0, _unusednormallevels.Count)];
            //populate level
Beispiel #3
    IEnumerator blackFadeIn()
        if (curIndex > -1)
            //blacked.GetComponent<Image>().color = new Color32(0,0,0,0);
            Player.GetComponent <playerMovement>().enabled = false;
            Player.GetComponent <Animator>().SetFloat("Speed", 0);
            byte alpha = 0;
            while (alpha < 255)
                blacked.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, alpha);
                alpha += 1;
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.005f));
            blacked.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
        GameObject prev = GameObject.FindWithTag("level");

        if (prev != null)
        if (curIndex == 51)
        leveldata levelToLoad = dict[progression[curIndex]];

        if (!levelToLoad.isSpecialLevel)
            GameObject  curlevel = Instantiate(levels[levelToLoad.levelIndex], instPos);
            LevelScript lvlsc    = curlevel.GetComponent <LevelScript>();
            Player.transform.position = lvlsc.spawns[levelToLoad.spawn].position;
            lvlsc.interactibles[levelToLoad.interactibleIndex].GetComponent <InteractibleObject>().interactible = true;
        day.text       = "DAY " + progression[curIndex].f;
        time.text      = progression[curIndex].s + ":00";
        objective.text = levelToLoad.curObjective;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

        auso.clip = levelToLoad.audio;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(levelToLoad.audio.length));

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

Beispiel #4
    IEnumerator blackFadeOut()
        leveldata levelToLoad = dict[progression[curIndex]];

        if (levelToLoad.isSpecialLevel)
            Player.GetComponent <playerMovement>().enabled = true;
            GameObject curlevel = Instantiate(levels[levelToLoad.levelIndex], instPos);
            blacked.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 0);
            yield return(null);
            byte alpha = 255;
            while (alpha > 0)
                blacked.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, alpha);
                alpha -= 1;
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.005f));
            Player.GetComponent <playerMovement>().enabled = true;
Beispiel #5
    void LoadData()
        leveldata lvl = new leveldata();

        //---------------- PROGRESSION DATA ----------------
        progression[0].f  = 1; progression[0].s = 6;
        progression[1].f  = 1; progression[1].s = 7;
        progression[2].f  = 1; progression[2].s = 8;
        progression[3].f  = 1; progression[3].s = 9;
        progression[4].f  = 1; progression[4].s = 10;
        progression[5].f  = 1; progression[5].s = 11;
        progression[6].f  = 1; progression[6].s = 12;
        progression[7].f  = 1; progression[7].s = 13;
        progression[8].f  = 1; progression[8].s = 14;
        progression[9].f  = 1; progression[9].s = 15;
        progression[10].f = 1; progression[10].s = 16;
        progression[11].f = 1; progression[11].s = 17;
        progression[12].f = 1; progression[12].s = 18;
        progression[13].f = 1; progression[13].s = 19;
        progression[14].f = 1; progression[14].s = 20;
        progression[15].f = 1; progression[15].s = 21;
        progression[16].f = 1; progression[16].s = 22;

        progression[17].f = 2; progression[17].s = 6;
        progression[18].f = 2; progression[18].s = 7;
        progression[19].f = 2; progression[19].s = 8;
        progression[20].f = 2; progression[20].s = 9;
        progression[21].f = 2; progression[21].s = 10;
        progression[22].f = 2; progression[22].s = 11;
        progression[23].f = 2; progression[23].s = 12;
        progression[24].f = 2; progression[24].s = 13;
        progression[25].f = 2; progression[25].s = 14;
        progression[26].f = 2; progression[26].s = 15;
        progression[27].f = 2; progression[27].s = 16;
        progression[28].f = 2; progression[28].s = 17;
        progression[29].f = 2; progression[29].s = 18;
        progression[30].f = 2; progression[30].s = 19;
        progression[31].f = 2; progression[31].s = 20;
        progression[32].f = 2; progression[32].s = 21;
        progression[33].f = 2; progression[33].s = 22;

        progression[34].f = 3; progression[34].s = 6;
        progression[35].f = 3; progression[35].s = 7;
        progression[36].f = 3; progression[36].s = 8;
        progression[37].f = 3; progression[37].s = 9;
        progression[38].f = 3; progression[38].s = 10;
        progression[39].f = 3; progression[39].s = 11;
        progression[40].f = 3; progression[40].s = 12;
        progression[41].f = 3; progression[41].s = 13;
        progression[42].f = 3; progression[42].s = 14;
        progression[43].f = 3; progression[43].s = 15;
        progression[44].f = 3; progression[44].s = 16;
        progression[45].f = 3; progression[45].s = 17;
        progression[46].f = 3; progression[46].s = 18;
        progression[47].f = 3; progression[47].s = 19;
        progression[48].f = 3; progression[48].s = 20;
        progression[49].f = 3; progression[49].s = 21;
        progression[50].f = 3; progression[50].s = 22;

        //-------------------------------------- LEVEL DATA ----------------------------------------------
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 6; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[0];
        dict.Add(progression[0], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[1], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[2], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0; lvl.curObjective = "Take a Bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[3];
        dict.Add(progression[3], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0; lvl.curObjective = "Take a Bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[4], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 6; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Take a bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[5], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 2; lvl.interactibleIndex = 2;  lvl.curObjective = "Eat something"; lvl.audio = audioclips[4];
        dict.Add(progression[6], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 3;  lvl.curObjective = "Watch TV"; lvl.audio = audioclips[8];
        dict.Add(progression[7], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = true; lvl.levelIndex = 3; lvl.curObjective = ""; lvl.audio = audioclips[5];
        dict.Add(progression[8], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 7; lvl.interactibleIndex = 6;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[6];
        dict.Add(progression[9], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[10], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 2;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[11], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 4; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[12], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 4; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[9];
        dict.Add(progression[13], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 2; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[14], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[15], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 6; lvl.interactibleIndex = 7;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[16], lvl);

        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 6; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[0];
        dict.Add(progression[17], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[18], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[19], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0; lvl.curObjective = "Take a Bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[3];
        dict.Add(progression[20], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0; lvl.curObjective = "Take a Bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[21], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 6; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Take a bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[22], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 2; lvl.interactibleIndex = 2;  lvl.curObjective = "Eat something"; lvl.audio = audioclips[4];
        dict.Add(progression[23], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 4;  lvl.curObjective = "Read a book"; lvl.audio = audioclips[8];
        dict.Add(progression[24], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = true; lvl.levelIndex = 5; lvl.curObjective = ""; lvl.audio = audioclips[10];
        dict.Add(progression[25], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 4; lvl.interactibleIndex = 6;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[6];
        dict.Add(progression[26], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[27], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 2;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[28], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 4; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[29], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 4; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[9];
        dict.Add(progression[30], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 2; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[31], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[32], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 6; lvl.interactibleIndex = 7;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[33], lvl);

        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 6; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[0];
        dict.Add(progression[34], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[35], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1; lvl.curObjective = "Hit the Gym"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[36], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0; lvl.curObjective = "Take a Bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[3];
        dict.Add(progression[37], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0; lvl.curObjective = "Take a Bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[38], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 6; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Take a bath"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[39], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 2; lvl.interactibleIndex = 2;  lvl.curObjective = "Eat something"; lvl.audio = audioclips[4];
        dict.Add(progression[40], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 5;  lvl.curObjective = "Browse the internet"; lvl.audio = audioclips[8];
        dict.Add(progression[41], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = true; lvl.levelIndex = 6; lvl.curObjective = ""; lvl.audio = audioclips[5];
        dict.Add(progression[42], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 3; lvl.interactibleIndex = 6;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[6];
        dict.Add(progression[43], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[44], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 2;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[45], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 4; lvl.spawn = 0; lvl.interactibleIndex = 1;  lvl.curObjective = "Get some food from the store"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[46], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 4; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[9];
        dict.Add(progression[47], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 2; lvl.spawn = 2; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[48], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 1; lvl.spawn = 1; lvl.interactibleIndex = 0;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[2];
        dict.Add(progression[49], lvl);
        lvl.isSpecialLevel = false; lvl.levelIndex = 0; lvl.spawn = 6; lvl.interactibleIndex = 7;  lvl.curObjective = "Go to bed"; lvl.audio = audioclips[1];
        dict.Add(progression[50], lvl);

    //level loader
    public void PopulateLevel(leveldata data)
        //spawn obstacles
        //clean former obstacles
        foreach (GameObject obstacle_former in obstacles)
        //read: obstacles
        foreach (obstacles_leveldata obstacle_data in data.obstacles)
            GameObject obstacle_new = GetPooledObject("obstacle");
            obstacle_new.transform.position = obstacle_data.position;
            obstacle_new.transform.rotation = obstacle_data.rotation;
            foreach (Transform child in obstacle_new.transform)
            //GameObject obstacle_new = Instantiate(obstacle_prefab, obstacle_data.position, obstacle_data.rotation);

        //spawn enemies
        //clean former enemies
        foreach (GameObject enemy_former in enemies)
        //read: enemies
        foreach (enemies_leveldata enemy_data in data.enemies)
            GameObject enemy_new = GetPooledObject("enemy");
            enemy_new.transform.position = enemy_data.position;
            enemy_new.transform.rotation = enemy_data.rotation;
            foreach (Transform child in enemy_new.transform)
            //GameObject obstacle_new = Instantiate(obstacle_prefab, obstacle_data.position, obstacle_data.rotation);

        if (background_inscene != null) //actually background_inscene is never null
            foreach (Transform child in background_inscene.transform)
            background_inscene.transform.position = data.background.parent_position;
            Debug.Log("background scene pos = " + background_inscene.transform.position);
            Debug.Log("background data pos = " + data.background.parent_position);
        if (background_upperobjects != null)
            background_upperobjects.transform.position = data.background.upperobj_pos;
            Debug.Log("background_upper scene pos = " + background_upperobjects.transform.position);
            Debug.Log("background_upper data pos = " + data.background.upperobj_pos);
        if (background_bottomobjects != null)
            background_bottomobjects.transform.position = data.background.bottomobj_pos;
            Debug.Log("background_bottom scene pos = " + background_bottomobjects.transform.position);
            Debug.Log("background_bottom data pos = " + data.background.bottomobj_pos);

        //if this level's NEXT is boss level, mark on door and other things(rewards etc).
        if ((current_level % worlds.allworlds[current_world].boss_in_every_th) == (worlds.allworlds[current_world].boss_in_every_th - 1))
            //mark on door or something, modify background_upper or something because the next level to this level is BOSS
            if (current_level % worlds.allworlds[current_world].supply_in_every_th_except_boss == 0)//the level is supply level, don't give health-generating monster
            else //the level is not supply level, give a special health-generating monster because the next level to this level is BOSS

        //reset player//reset camera//UI white in //invoked as a GAME EVENT

        //check for enemy if there is any enemy
        checkforenemy = true;