public void TestPostLegalEntityCreateRequestManualReview()
            request = new legalEntityCreateRequest
                legalEntityName          = "Legal Entity Name",
                legalEntityType          = legalEntityType.CORPORATION,
                legalEntityOwnershipType = legalEntityOwnershipType.PUBLIC,
                doingBusinessAs          = "Alternate Business Name",
                taxId        = "123456720",
                contactPhone = "7817659800",
                annualCreditCardSalesVolume = "80000000",
                hasAcceptedCreditCards      = true,
                address = new address
                    streetAddress1 = "Street Address 1",
                    streetAddress2 = "Street Address 2",
                    city           = "Boston",
                    stateProvince  = "MA",
                    postalCode     = "01730",
                    countryCode    = "USA"
                principal = new legalEntityPrincipal
                    title          = "Chief Financial Officer",
                    firstName      = "p first",
                    lastName       = "p last",
                    emailAddress   = "*****@*****.**",
                    ssn            = "123459876",
                    contactPhone   = "7817659800",
                    dateOfBirth    = new DateTime(1980, 10, 12),
                    driversLicense = "892327409832",
                    address        = new principalAddress
                        streetAddress1 = "p street address 1",
                        streetAddress2 = "p street address 2",
                        city           = "Boston",
                        stateProvince  = "MA",
                        postalCode     = "01890",
                        countryCode    = "USA"
                    stakePercent = 33
                yearsInBusiness = "12"

            response = request.PostLegalEntityCreateRequest();
            Assert.AreEqual(20, response.responseCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("Manual Review", response.responseDescription);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestPostLegalEntityCreateRequest()
            var xmlReq = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" +
                         "<legalEntityCreateRequest xmlns=\"\">" +
                         "<legalEntityName>Legal Entity Name</legalEntityName>" +
                         "<legalEntityType>CORPORATION</legalEntityType>" +
                         "<legalEntityOwnershipType>PUBLIC</legalEntityOwnershipType>" +
                         "<doingBusinessAs>Alternate Business Name</doingBusinessAs>" +
                         "<taxId>123456789</taxId>" +
                         "<contactPhone>7817659800</contactPhone>" +
                         "<annualCreditCardSalesVolume>80000000</annualCreditCardSalesVolume>" +
                         "<hasAcceptedCreditCards>true</hasAcceptedCreditCards>" +
                         "<address>" +
                         "<streetAddress1>Street Address 1</streetAddress1>" +
                         "<streetAddress2>Street Address 2</streetAddress2>" +
                         "<city>Boston</city>" +
                         "<stateProvince>MA</stateProvince>" +
                         "<postalCode>01730</postalCode>" +
                         "<countryCode>USA</countryCode>" +
                         "</address>" +
                         "<principal>" +
                         "<title>Chief Financial Officer</title>" +
                         "<firstName>p first</firstName>" +
                         "<lastName>p last</lastName>" +
                         "<emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>" +
                         "<ssn>123459876</ssn>" +
                         "<contactPhone>7817659800</contactPhone>" +
                         "<dateOfBirth>1980-10-12</dateOfBirth>" +
                         "<driversLicense>892327409832</driversLicense>" +
                         "<address>" +
                         "<streetAddress1>p street address 1</streetAddress1>" +
                         "<streetAddress2>p street address 2</streetAddress2>" +
                         "<city>Boston</city>" +
                         "<stateProvince>MA</stateProvince>" +
                         "<postalCode>01890</postalCode>" +
                         "<countryCode>USA</countryCode>" +
                         "</address>" +
                         "<stakePercent>33</stakePercent>" +
                         "</principal>" +
                         "<yearsInBusiness>12</yearsInBusiness>" +
                         "<sdkVersion>" + Versions.SDK_VERSION + "</sdkVersion>" +
                         "<language>" + Versions.LANGUAGE + "</language>" +

            string expectedResposne = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" +
                                      "<legalEntityCreateResponse xmlns=\"\">" +
                                      "    <transactionId>2985335872</transactionId>" +
                                      "    <legalEntityId>21201</legalEntityId>" +
                                      "    <responseCode>10</responseCode>" +
                                      "    <responseDescription>Approved</responseDescription>" +
                                      "    <backgroundCheckResults>" +
                                      "        <business>" +
                                      "            <verificationResult>" +
                                      "                <overallScore>" +
                                      "                    <score>40</score>" +
                                      "                    <description>Business identity is confirmed at the input address</description>" +
                                      "                </overallScore>" +
                                      "                <nameAddressTaxIdAssociation>" +
                                      "                    <code>NAME_ADDRESS_TAX_ID</code>" +
                                      "                    <description>Name, address, and Tax Id verified.</description>" +
                                      "                </nameAddressTaxIdAssociation>" +
                                      "                <nameAddressPhoneAssociation>" +
                                      "                    <code>NAME_ADDRESS_PHONE</code>" +
                                      "                    <description>Name, address, and phone verified.</description>" +
                                      "                </nameAddressPhoneAssociation>" +
                                      "                <verificationIndicators>" +
                                      "                    <nameVerified>true</nameVerified>" +
                                      "                    <addressVerified>true</addressVerified>" +
                                      "                    <cityVerified>true</cityVerified>" +
                                      "                    <stateVerified>true</stateVerified>" +
                                      "                    <zipVerified>true</zipVerified>" +
                                      "                    <phoneVerified>true</phoneVerified>" +
                                      "                    <taxIdVerified>true</taxIdVerified>" +
                                      "                </verificationIndicators>" +
                                      "                <riskIndicators>" +
                                      "                    <riskIndicator>" +
                                      "                        <code>PHONE_NUMBER_MOBILE</code>" +
                                      "                        <description>The submitted phone number is a mobile number.</description>" +
                                      "                    </riskIndicator>" +
                                      "                    <riskIndicator>" +
                                      "                        <code>PHONE_NUMBER_MOBILE</code>" +
                                      "                        <description>The submitted phone number is a mobile number.</description>" +
                                      "                    </riskIndicator>" +
                                      "                </riskIndicators>" +
                                      "            </verificationResult>" +
                                      "        </business>" +
                                      "        <principal>" +
                                      "            <verificationResult>" +
                                      "                <overallScore>" +
                                      "                    <score>50</score>" +
                                      "                    <description>Full name, address, phone, and SSN verified.</description>" +
                                      "                </overallScore>" +
                                      "                <nameAddressSsnAssociation>" +
                                      "                    <code>FIRST_LAST_ADDRESS_SSN</code>" +
                                      "                    <description>First name, last name, address, and SSN verified.</description>" +
                                      "                </nameAddressSsnAssociation>" +
                                      "                <nameAddressPhoneAssociation>" +
                                      "                    <code>LAST_ADDRESS_PHONE</code>" +
                                      "                    <description>Last name, address, and phone number verified.</description>" +
                                      "                </nameAddressPhoneAssociation>" +
                                      "                <verificationIndicators>" +
                                      "                    <nameVerified>true</nameVerified>" +
                                      "                    <addressVerified>true</addressVerified>" +
                                      "                    <phoneVerified>true</phoneVerified>" +
                                      "                    <ssnVerified>true</ssnVerified>" +
                                      "                    <dobVerified>true</dobVerified>" +
                                      "                </verificationIndicators>" +
                                      "                <riskIndicators>" +
                                      "                    <riskIndicator>" +
                                      "                        <code>PHONE_NUMBER_MOBILE</code>" +
                                      "                        <description>The submitted phone number is a mobile number.</description>" +
                                      "                    </riskIndicator>" +
                                      "                    <riskIndicator>" +
                                      "                        <code>PHONE_NUMBER_MOBILE</code>" +
                                      "                        <description>The submitted phone number is a mobile number.</description>" +
                                      "                    </riskIndicator>" +
                                      "                </riskIndicators>" +
                                      "            </verificationResult>" +
                                      "        </principal>" +
                                      "        <businessToPrincipalAssociation>" +
                                      "            <score>20</score>" +
                                      "            <description>Principal’s verified address matches input Business address.</description>" +
                                      "        </businessToPrincipalAssociation>" +
                                      "        <backgroundCheckDecisionNotes>M45UhpWmualMjGMx3PZH</backgroundCheckDecisionNotes>" +
                                      "        <bankruptcyData>" +
                                      "            <bankruptcyType>XrVwb</bankruptcyType>" +
                                      "            <bankruptcyCount>5</bankruptcyCount>" +
                                      "            <companyName>Company Name</companyName>" +
                                      "            <streetAddress1>100 Main Street</streetAddress1>" +
                                      "            <streetAddress2>Suite 2</streetAddress2>" +
                                      "            <city>Boston</city>" +
                                      "            <state>MA</state>" +
                                      "            <zip>01150</zip>" +
                                      "            <zip4>2202</zip4>" +
                                      "            <filingDate>2018-08-27</filingDate>" +
                                      "        </bankruptcyData>" +
                                      "        <lienResult>" +
                                      "            <lienType>0jQyxTbIErx3JmJ</lienType>" +
                                      "            <releasedCount>7</releasedCount>" +
                                      "            <unreleasedCount>3</unreleasedCount>" +
                                      "            <companyName>Company Name</companyName>" +
                                      "            <streetAddress1>100 Main Street</streetAddress1>" +
                                      "            <streetAddress2>Suite 2</streetAddress2>" +
                                      "            <city>Boston</city>" +
                                      "            <state>MA</state>" +
                                      "            <zip>01150</zip>" +
                                      "            <zip4>2202</zip4>" +
                                      "            <filingDate>2018-08-27</filingDate>" +
                                      "        </lienResult>" +
                                      "    </backgroundCheckResults>" +
                                      "    <principal>" +
                                      "        <principalId>59217</principalId>" +
                                      "        <firstName>p_first</firstName>" +
                                      "        <lastName>p_last</lastName>" +
                                      "    </principal>" +

            var mock = new Mock <Communication>();

            mock.Setup(Communication => Communication.Post("/legalentity", xmlReq)).Returns(expectedResposne);
            Communication communicationMock = mock.Object;

            request.Communication = communicationMock;
            response = request.PostLegalEntityCreateRequest();
Beispiel #3
        public void test1()
            legalEntityCreateRequest.address.streetAddress1 = streetAdrss1ForTest1;
            legalEntityCreateRequest.taxId = (rand.NextDouble() * 9000000000) + 100000000 + "";

            legalEntityCreateResponse response = legalEntityCreateRequest.PostLegalEntityCreateRequest();

            Assert.AreEqual(10, response.responseCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("Approved", response.responseDescription);