Beispiel #1
        public static void visualizeLane(lane laneViz)
            LaneArray wpLaneArray2 = new LaneArray();

            lane[] laneArraViz2 = new lane[1];
            laneArraViz2[0]   = laneViz;
            wpLaneArray2.lane = laneArraViz2;
            rosSocket.Publish(publish_laneArray, wpLaneArray2);
Beispiel #2
        public static lane[] laneMsgDataSplit(float[] xs, float[] ys, float[] zs, float[] vels, float[] yaws, int seqCounter, int countOfWp)
            lane lane1 = new lane();
            lane lane2 = new lane();

            waypoint[] wps1 = new waypoint[countOfWp / 2];
            waypoint[] wps2 = new waypoint[countOfWp / 2];
            lane1.header.frame_id = "/map";
            lane2.header.frame_id = "/map";
            for (int j = 0; j < countOfWp; j++)
                waypoint wp = new waypoint();

                wp.pose.pose.position.x = xs[j];
                wp.pose.pose.position.y = ys[j];
                wp.pose.pose.position.z = zs[j];
                if (isTimeNegative)
                    wp.twist.twist.linear.x = 0;
                    wp.twist.twist.linear.x = vels[j];

                wp.twist.twist.linear.y = 0f;
                wp.twist.twist.linear.z = 0f;
                Quaternion         quaternionYaw = new Quaternion();
                GeometryQuaternion rot           = new GeometryQuaternion();
                quaternionYaw            = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaws[j], 0, 0);
                rot.w                    = quaternionYaw.W;
                rot.x                    = quaternionYaw.X;
                rot.y                    = quaternionYaw.Y;
                rot.z                    = quaternionYaw.Z;
                wp.pose.pose.orientation = rot;
                if (j < (countOfWp / 2))
                    wps1[j] = wp;
                    wps2[j - (countOfWp / 2)] = wp;

            lane1.header.seq = seqCounter;
            seqCounter       = seqCounter + 1;
            lane2.header.seq = seqCounter;
            Console.WriteLine("Seq {0}", lane2.header.seq);

            lane1.waypoints = wps1;
            lane2.waypoints = wps2;
            lane[] laneArra = new lane[2];
            laneArra[0] = lane1;
            laneArra[1] = lane2;
Beispiel #3
    private void SpawnUnit(bool left)
        float random       = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3);
        var   spawnedEnemy = Instantiate(_enemyPrefab, new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, random), Quaternion.identity);

        spawnedEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyBase>()._left = left;
        spawnedEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyBase>().gate  = gate;
        _lane            = (lane)random;
        spawnedEnemy.tag = Enum.GetName(typeof(lane), _lane);
Beispiel #4
        public static int calculateTimeTravelingBetweenWaypoints(lane laneIn, waypoint currenWaypoint)
            double timeToTravel = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < laneIn.waypoints.Length - 1; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    timeToTravel = timeToTravel + calculateTravelingTimeToNextWaypoint(currenWaypoint, laneIn.waypoints[i], laneIn.waypoints[i].twist.twist.linear.x);
                    timeToTravel = timeToTravel + calculateTravelingTimeToNextWaypoint(laneIn.waypoints[i], laneIn.waypoints[i + 1], laneIn.waypoints[i].twist.twist.linear.x);

Beispiel #5
        public static lane laneMsgData(float[] xs, float[] ys, float[] zs, float[] vels, float[] yaws, int seqCounter, int countOfWp)
            lane lane = new lane();

            waypoint[] wps = new waypoint[countOfWp];
            lane.header.frame_id = "/map";
            for (int j = 0; j < countOfWp; j++)
                waypoint wp = new waypoint();

                wp.pose.pose.position.x = xs[j];
                wp.pose.pose.position.y = ys[j];
                wp.pose.pose.position.z = zs[j];

                wp.twist.twist.linear.x = vels[j];

                wp.twist.twist.linear.y = 0f;
                wp.twist.twist.linear.z = 0f;
                Quaternion         quaternionYaw = new Quaternion();
                GeometryQuaternion rot           = new GeometryQuaternion();
                quaternionYaw            = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaws[j], 0, 0);
                rot.w                    = quaternionYaw.W;
                rot.x                    = quaternionYaw.X;
                rot.y                    = quaternionYaw.Y;
                rot.z                    = quaternionYaw.Z;
                wp.pose.pose.orientation = rot;
                wps[j]                   = wp;

            lane.header.seq = seqCounter;
            Console.WriteLine("Seq {0}", lane.header.seq);

            lane.waypoints = wps;

Beispiel #6
     * ChangeLanes will:
     * 1. Check to see if left and/or right lanes are open for changing (i.e.
     * 2.
     * 2.
    void RandomlyChangeLanes()
        List <bool> lanesClearList = lanesClear();
        bool        leftClear      = lanesClearList[0];
        bool        rightClear     = lanesClearList[1];

        //Debug.Log ("left: " + lanesClearList[0] + ", right: " + lanesClearList[1]);
        Vector3 pos = transform.position;

        switch (aLane)
        case lane.inside:         //lane before is inside, can only change to middle (this is allowed to happen ANYTIME, unlike middle and outside

            if (leftClear)
                if (((pos.x == 5.5 || pos.x == 31.5) && pos.z > 3.5 && pos.z < 16.5) ||
                    ((pos.z == 3.5 || pos.z == 17.5) && pos.x > 6.5 && pos.x < 30.5))
                    aLane = lane.middle;
                    transform.Translate(transform.right * -1, Space.World);                     //does actual shift
                    //Debug.Log ("Inside works: before =  " + pos + ", after" + transform.position);
                //else Debug.Log ("inside fail: " + pos.x + ", " + pos.z);
            //Debug.Log("insidefail: " + pos.x + ", " + pos.z);

        case lane.middle:                                                         //lane before is middle
            if (((pos.x == 4.5 || pos.x == 32.5) && pos.z > 3.5 && pos.z < 16.5) ||
                ((pos.z == 2.5 || pos.z == 18.5) && pos.x > 6.5 && pos.x < 30.5)) //this code checks to make sure
                if (leftClear && !rightClear)                                     //go to the left!
                    aLane = lane.outside;
                    transform.Translate(-1 * transform.right, Space.World);
                else if (!leftClear && rightClear)                 //go to the right!
                    aLane = lane.inside;
                    transform.Translate(transform.right, Space.World);
                else if (leftClear && rightClear)                 //randomly pick whether to go to the left or right
                    int rand = Random.Range(0, 2);                //if rand is 0 go left, else go right

                    if (rand == 0)
                        aLane = lane.outside;
                        transform.Translate(-1 * transform.right, Space.World);
                        aLane = lane.inside;
                        transform.Translate(transform.right, Space.World);
                else if (!leftClear && !rightClear)                 //do nothing, can't change lanes because another zombie is blocking!
                    //Debug.Log ("Cant change lanes, target lane(s) occupied by zombies!");

                //Debug.Log ("Mid works: before =  " + pos + ", after" + transform.position + " and lane is: " + aLane);
            //else Debug.Log ("middle fail: " + pos.x + ", " + pos.z);

        case lane.outside:         //lane before is outside, so can only go to the middle
            //Debug.Log ("test outside: pos.x = " + pos.x + ", pos.z = " + pos.z);

            if (((pos.x == 3.5 || pos.x == 33.5) && pos.z > 3.5 && pos.z < 16.5) ||
                ((pos.z == 1.5 || pos.z == 19.5) && pos.x > 6.5 && pos.x < 30.5))               //this code checks to make sure

            //if((((Mathf.Abs(pos.z - 3.5f) < .01) || (Mathf.Abs(pos.z - 33.5f) < .01)) && pos.z > 3.5 && pos.z < 16.5)
            //|| (((Mathf.Abs(pos.z - 1.5f) < .01) || (Mathf.Abs(pos.z - 19.5f) < .01)) && pos.x > 6.5 && pos.x < 30.5)) //this code checks to make sure
            //if((Mathf.Abs(pos.z - 1.5f) < .01) && (pos.x > 6.5f) && (pos.x < 30.5f) )
                if (rightClear)
                    aLane = lane.middle;
                    transform.Translate(transform.right, Space.World);                     //does actual shift
                    //Debug.Log ("Outside works: before =  " + pos + ", after" + transform.position);
                //else Debug.Log ("right clear is false");
            //	else Debug.Log ("outside fail: pos.x is: " + pos.x + ", pos.z is: " + pos.z);
Beispiel #7
        public CompoundTerm DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
            switch (action.Name)
            case ("Tests"): return(null);

            case ("StartPosition"):
                Console.WriteLine("Väärtused ");
                //Publish first waypoint so the car could start moving with second waypoint

                /*   float[] xs1 = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[0]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                 * float[] ys1 = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[1]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                 * float[] zs1 = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[2]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                 * float[] vels1 = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[3]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                 * float[] yaws1 = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[4]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                 * lane laneToPub4 = laneMsgData(xs1, ys1, zs1, vels1, yaws1, seqCounter, (int)action[5]);
                 * Console.WriteLine("Start");
                 * seqCounter = seqCounter + 1;
                 * /* LaneArray wpLaneArray = new LaneArray();
                 *  visualizeLane(laneToPub4);  */
                //   rosSocket.Publish(publish_waypoint, laneToPub4);


            case ("MoveCar"):

                float[] xs   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[0]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] ys   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[1]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] zs   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[2]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] vels = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[3]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] yaws = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[4]).Split(','), float.Parse);

                float[] txs   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[6]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] tys   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[7]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] tzs   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[8]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] tvels = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[9]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] tyaws = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[10]).Split(','), float.Parse);

                lane lane     = laneMsgData(xs, ys, zs, vels, yaws, seqCounter, (int)action[5]);
                lane tempLane = laneMsgData(txs, tys, tzs, tvels, tyaws, seqCounter, (int)action[5]);
                // visualizeLane(lane[1]);
                int countOfWps = (int)action[5] - 1;

                //Calculate the time that will take to travel from last passedwaypoint to next waypoint
                arrivalTime = calculateTimeTravelingBetweenWaypoints(lane, currentPosition);
                // arrivalTime = (int)calculateTravelingTimeToNextWaypoint(currentPosition, lane.waypoints[(int)action[5] / 2 - 1], lane[0].waypoints[(int)action[5] / 2 - 1].twist.twist.linear.x);

                nextWaypoint     = lane.waypoints[countOfWps];
                nextTempWaypoint = tempLane.waypoints[countOfWps];

                Console.WriteLine("Crash 5");

                if (yaws[(countOfWps / 2)] > -0.5 || yaws[(countOfWps / 2)] > 0.5)

                    Console.WriteLine("Publish ");
                    rosSocket.Publish(publish_tempWaypoint, tempLane);
                    rosSocket.Publish(publish_waypoint, lane);


                //Maybe it can be done NModel.Terms.Action.Create("timeoutAction", arrivalTime.ToString ());

            case ("didReacheWaypoint_Start"):

                if (arrivalTime == 0)
                    arrivalTime = 10000;
                Console.WriteLine("Wait for event");
                Console.WriteLine("Arrival time {0} {1}", arrivalTime, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.x);
                someEvent += new MyDelegate(Result);
                bool result = wait.WaitOne(arrivalTime * 4);
                if (result)
                    return(NModel.Terms.Action.Create("didNotReachWaypoint", nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.x, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.y, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.z));

            // return NModel.Terms.Action.Create("didNotReachWaypoint", nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.x, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.y, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.z);
            //   return NModel.Terms.Action.Create("didNotReachWaypoint", nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.x, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.y, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.z);

            //return t.Result;

            case ("Goal"):
                //return NModel.Terms.Action.Create("Goal_Finish");

            default: throw new Exception("Unexpected action " + action);
Beispiel #8
        public CompoundTerm DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
            switch (action.Name)
            case ("Tests"): return(null);

            case ("StartPosition"):
                Console.WriteLine("Väärtused ");
                //Algpunkti publitseerimine
                float[] xs1   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[0]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] ys1   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[1]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] zs1   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[2]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] vels1 = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[3]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] yaws1 = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[4]).Split(','), float.Parse);

                lane laneToPub4 = laneMsgData(xs1, ys1, zs1, vels1, yaws1, seqCounter, (int)action[5]);
                seqCounter = seqCounter + 1;
                rosSocket.Publish(publish_waypoint, laneToPub4);


            case ("MoveCar"):
                //Auto liigutamine määratud teekonnapunktide abil
                float[] xs   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[0]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] ys   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[1]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] zs   = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[2]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] vels = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[3]).Split(','), float.Parse);
                float[] yaws = Array.ConvertAll(((string)action[4]).Split(','), float.Parse);

                lane lane = laneMsgData(xs, ys, zs, vels, yaws, seqCounter, (int)action[5]);
                int countOfWps = (int)action[5] - 1;

                arrivalTime  = calculateTimeTravelingBetweenWaypoints(lane, currentPosition);
                nextWaypoint = lane.waypoints[countOfWps];


                Console.WriteLine("Publish ");

                rosSocket.Publish(publish_waypoint, lane);


            case ("didReacheWaypoint_Start"):
                //Teekonnapunkti jõudmise kontrollimine
                if (arrivalTime <= 0)
                    arrivalTime = 10000;
                    arrivalTime = arrivalTime * konstant;
                Console.WriteLine("Wait for event");
                Console.WriteLine("Arrival time {0} {1}", arrivalTime, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.x);
                Console.WriteLine("Velocity {0} ", nextWaypoint.twist.twist.linear.x);
                someEvent += new CarArrivedDelegate(Result);
                bool result = wait.WaitOne(arrivalTime * konstant);

                if (result)
                    return(NModel.Terms.Action.Create("didNotReachWaypoint", nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.x, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.y, nextWaypoint.pose.pose.position.z));

            case ("Goal"):
                //Kogu teekond on läbitud

            default: throw new Exception("Unexpected action " + action);