/// <summary>
 /// Obtains the set of target formats with the encoding specified supported by
 /// the format converter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Obtains the set of target formats with the encoding specified supported by
 /// the format converter. If no target formats with the specified encoding are
 /// supported for this source format, an array of length 0 is returned.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="targetEncoding">desired encoding of the outgoing data.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceFormat">format of the incoming data.</param>
 /// <returns>array of supported target formats.</returns>
 public override javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] getTargetFormats(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding
     targetEncoding, javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat sourceFormat)
     if (sourceFormat.getEncoding().Equals(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED
         ) && targetEncoding is org.xiph.speex.spi.SpeexEncoding)
         if (sourceFormat.getChannels() > 2 || sourceFormat.getChannels() <= 0 || sourceFormat
             javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] formats = new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[]
                  {  };
             return formats;
             javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] formats = new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[]
                  { new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat(targetEncoding, sourceFormat.getSampleRate
                 (), -1, sourceFormat.getChannels(), -1, -1, false) };
             // sample size in bits
             // frame size
             // frame rate
             // little endian
             return formats;
         if (sourceFormat.getEncoding() is org.xiph.speex.spi.SpeexEncoding && targetEncoding
             javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] formats = new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[]
                  { new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat(sourceFormat.getSampleRate(), 16, sourceFormat
                 .getChannels(), true, false) };
             // sample size in bits
             // signed
             // little endian (for PCM wav)
             return formats;
             javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] formats = new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[]
                  {  };
             return formats;
 /// <summary>Return the AudioFileFormat from the given InputStream.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Return the AudioFileFormat from the given InputStream. Implementation.</remarks>
 /// <param name="bitStream"></param>
 /// <param name="baos"></param>
 /// <param name="mediaLength"></param>
 /// <returns>
 /// an AudioInputStream object based on the audio file data contained
 /// in the input stream.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception>
 /// UnsupportedAudioFileException
 /// if the File does not point to
 /// a valid audio file data recognized by the system.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception>
 /// IOException
 /// if an I/O exception occurs.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException"></exception>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 protected virtual javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat getAudioFileFormat(java.io.InputStream
     bitStream, java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream baos, int mediaLength)
     javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat format;
         // If we can't read the format of this stream, we must restore stream to
         // beginning so other providers can attempt to read the stream.
         if (bitStream.markSupported())
             // maximum number of bytes to determine the stream encoding:
             // Size of 1st Ogg Packet (Speex header) = OGG_HEADERSIZE + SPEEX_HEADERSIZE + 1
             // Size of 2nd Ogg Packet (Comment)      = OGG_HEADERSIZE + comment_size + 1
             // Size of 3rd Ogg Header (First data)   = OGG_HEADERSIZE + number_of_frames
             // where number_of_frames < 256 and comment_size < 256 (if within 1 frame)
             bitStream.mark(3 * OGG_HEADERSIZE + SPEEX_HEADERSIZE + 256 + 256 + 2);
         int mode = -1;
         int sampleRate = 0;
         int channels = 0;
         int frameSize = javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
         float frameRate = javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED;
         byte[] header = new byte[128];
         int segments = 0;
         int bodybytes = 0;
         java.io.DataInputStream dis = new java.io.DataInputStream(bitStream);
         if (baos == null)
             baos = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(128);
         int origchksum;
         int chksum;
         // read the OGG header
         dis.readFully(header, 0, OGG_HEADERSIZE);
         baos.write(header, 0, OGG_HEADERSIZE);
         origchksum = readInt(header, 22);
         header[22] = 0;
         header[23] = 0;
         header[24] = 0;
         header[25] = 0;
         chksum = org.xiph.speex.OggCrc.checksum(0, header, 0, OGG_HEADERSIZE);
         // make sure its a OGG header
         if (!OGGID.Equals(cspeex.StringUtil.getStringForBytes(header, 0, 4)))
             throw new javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException("missing ogg id!");
         // how many segments are there?
         segments = header[SEGOFFSET] & unchecked((int)(0xFF));
         if (segments > 1)
             throw new javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException("Corrupt Speex Header: more than 1 segments"
         dis.readFully(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE, segments);
         baos.write(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE, segments);
         chksum = org.xiph.speex.OggCrc.checksum(chksum, header, OGG_HEADERSIZE, segments);
         // get the number of bytes in the segment
         bodybytes = header[OGG_HEADERSIZE] & unchecked((int)(0xFF));
         if (bodybytes != SPEEX_HEADERSIZE)
             throw new javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException("Corrupt Speex Header: size="
                  + bodybytes);
         // read the Speex header
         dis.readFully(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1, bodybytes);
         baos.write(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1, bodybytes);
         chksum = org.xiph.speex.OggCrc.checksum(chksum, header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1, bodybytes
         // make sure its a Speex header
         if (!SPEEXID.Equals(cspeex.StringUtil.getStringForBytes(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1,
             throw new javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException("Corrupt Speex Header: missing Speex ID"
         mode = readInt(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1 + 40);
         sampleRate = readInt(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1 + 36);
         channels = readInt(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1 + 48);
         int nframes = readInt(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1 + 64);
         bool vbr = readInt(header, OGG_HEADERSIZE + 1 + 60) == 1;
         // Checksum
         if (chksum != origchksum)
             throw new System.IO.IOException("Ogg CheckSums do not match");
         // Calculate frameSize
         if (!vbr)
         // Frames size is a constant so:
         // Read Comment Packet the Ogg Header of 1st data packet;
         // the array table_segment repeats the frame size over and over.
         // Calculate frameRate
         if (mode >= 0 && mode <= 2 && nframes > 0)
             frameRate = ((float)sampleRate) / ((mode == 0 ? 160f : (mode == 1 ? 320f : 640f))
                  * ((float)nframes));
         format = new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat(org.xiph.speex.spi.SpeexEncoding.SPEEX
             , (float)sampleRate, javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, channels, frameSize
             , frameRate, false);
     catch (javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException e)
         // reset the stream for other providers
         if (bitStream.markSupported())
         // just rethrow this exception
     catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
         // reset the stream for other providers
         if (bitStream.markSupported())
         throw new javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException(ioe.Message);
     return new javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat(org.xiph.speex.spi.SpeexFileFormatType
         .SPEEX, format, javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED);