Beispiel #1
    static public void Main()
        //create points with the swig doubleArray proxy
        doubleArray p = new doubleArray(12); //column major

        p.setitem(0, 0.0); p.setitem(3, 0.5); p.setitem(6, 0.5); p.setitem(9, 0.0);
        p.setitem(1, 0.0); p.setitem(4, 0.0); p.setitem(7, 1.0); p.setitem(10, 1.0);
        p.setitem(2, 0.0); p.setitem(5, 1.0); p.setitem(8, 0.0); p.setitem(11, 1.0);
        System.Console.WriteLine("Input points:");
        printArray(p, 4);
        SWIGTYPE_p_ShapeOpSolver s = shapeopCSharp.shapeop_create();

        shapeopCSharp.shapeop_setPoints(s, p.cast(), 4);
        double weight = 1.0;
        //add a plane constraint to all the vertices.
        intArray ids = new intArray(4);

        ids.setitem(0, 0); ids.setitem(1, 1); ids.setitem(2, 2); ids.setitem(3, 3);
        shapeopCSharp.shapeop_addPlaneConstraint(s, ids.cast(), 4, weight);
        //add a closeness constraint to the 1st vertex.
        shapeopCSharp.shapeop_addClosenessConstraint(s, 0, weight);
        //add a closeness constraint to the 4th vertex.
        shapeopCSharp.shapeop_addClosenessConstraint(s, 3, weight);
        shapeopCSharp.shapeop_solve(s, 10);
        shapeopCSharp.shapeop_getPoints(s, p.cast(), 4);
        System.Console.WriteLine("Output points:");
        printArray(p, 4);
Beispiel #2
    public static intArray frompointer(SWIGTYPE_p_int t)
        global::System.IntPtr cPtr = IsarMaincsPINVOKE.intArray_frompointer(SWIGTYPE_p_int.getCPtr(t));
        intArray ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new intArray(cPtr, false);

Beispiel #3
        public static intArray frompointer(SWIGTYPE_p_int t)
            global::System.IntPtr cPtr = ompl_basePINVOKE.intArray_frompointer(SWIGTYPE_p_int.getCPtr(t));
            intArray ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new intArray(cPtr, false);

            if (ompl_basePINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw ompl_basePINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Beispiel #4
    // Test Driver
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Call initialize function to set up any necessary state
        System.Console.WriteLine("Calling initialize");

        // 2-by-3 input
        int m = 2;
        int n = 3;

        using (intArray dims = new intArray(2))                                                   // Size vector
            using (doubleArray data = new doubleArray(6))                                         // Data
                using (emxArray_real_T x = timestwocs.emxCreateWrapper_real_T(data.cast(), m, n)) // Input
                    using (emxArray_real_T y = timestwocs.emxCreate_real_T(0, 0)) {               // Output
                        // 2-by-3 input
                        dims.setitem(0, m);
                        dims.setitem(1, n);

                        // Data
                        int numel = m * n;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numel; i++)
                            data.setitem(i, i);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Initial data");
                        timestwoMain.printArray(data, numel);
                        // Call entry-point
                        timestwocs.timestwo(x, y);

                        // Gather returned data
                        doubleArray output      = doubleArray.frompointer(;
                        int         outputND    = y.numDimensions;
                        intArray    outputSize  = intArray.frompointer(y.size);
                        int         outputNumel = 1;
                        for (int dim = 0; dim < outputND; dim++)
                            outputNumel *= outputSize.getitem(dim);
                        timestwoMain.printArray(output, outputNumel);

                        // Call terminate function to perform any necessary clean up
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Calling terminate");

                        // No need to clean up emxArray variables as destructors are
                        // automatically called and have the call to emxDestroy_real_T
                        // injected in them
Beispiel #5
        private void InternalCallback(uint number, uint inputCount, uint outputCount, global::System.IntPtr inputs, global::System.IntPtr outputs)
            int[] callbackInput  = new int[inputCount];
            int[] callbackOutput = new int[outputCount];

            Callback(number, inputCount, outputCount, callbackInput, callbackOutput);

            using (intArray inputArray = new intArray(inputs, false))
                using (intArray outputArray = new intArray(outputs, false))
                    for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                        inputArray.setitem(i, callbackInput[i]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < outputCount; i++)
                        outputArray.setitem(i, callbackOutput[i]);
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Variables
            // ************* Variables *************** //

            //Create a variable of type int called id. Initialize it to 75.
            int id = 75;
            //Create a variable of type string called name. Initialize it to your full name.
            string name = "Dylan Abeyta";
            //Create a variable of type bool called isValid. Initialize it to true.
            bool isValid = true;
            //Create a variable of type int called userID. Don't initialize this value. (In C#, ints default to 0)
            int userID;
            //Create a variable of type string called state. Don't initialize this value. (In C#, strings default to null)
            string state;
            //Create a variable of type bool called hasRan. Don't initialize this value. (In C#, booleans default to false)
            bool hasRan;
            //Create a variable of type char called myCharacter. Initialize this value to "a".
            char myCharacter = 'a';
            //Create a variable of type double called myDouble. Initialize this value to 3.14
            double myDouble = 3.14;
            //Create a variable of type float called myFloat. Initialize this value to 3.14 (cannot convert double to float, check 1.0 slides)
            float myFloat = 3.14f;
            //Create a variable of type Random called rand. Initialize it to a new Random Object.
            Random rand = new Random();

            #region Conditionals
            // ************ Conditionals ************* //

            //Create a variable of type bool called isValid. Initialize it to true.
            bool isValid = true;
            //if isValid is true, then console writeline "isValid is true"
            if (isValid == true)
                Console.WriteLine("isValid is True");
            //else if isValid is not true, then console writeline "isValid is not true"
            else if (isValid != true)
                Console.WriteLine("isValid is not true");

            //Create a variable of type int called x. Initialize it to 75.
            int x = 75;
            //Create a variable of type int called y. Initialize it to 100.
            int y = 100;
            //If x is greater than y, then console writeline "X is Greater than Y"
            if (x > y)
                Console.WriteLine("x is greater than y");
            //else if x is equal to y, then console writeline "X is equal to Y"
            else if (x == y)
                Console.WriteLine("x is equal to y");
            //else, then console writeline "X is less than Y"
                Cosnole.WriteLine("x is less than y");
            //Create a variable of type string called country. Initialize it to "Mexico".
            string country = "Mexico";
            //Create a variable of type int called age. Initialize it to 18.
            int age = 18;
            //If country is "Mexico" and age is greater than or equal to 18 then console writeline "You can legally drive"
            if (country == "Mexico" && age >= 18)
                Console.WriteLine("you can legally drive");
            //else if country is not "Mexico" and age is greater than or equal to 16 then console writeline "You can legally drive"
            else if (country != "Mexico" && age >= 16)
                Console.WriteLine("you can legally drive");
            //else console writeline "you cannot legally drive"
                Console.WriteLine("you cannot legally drive");

            #region Loops
            // **************** Loops **************** //

            //for loop starting at i = 0 and continue while i < 10, incrementing by 1. Console writeline the value of i each time.
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //for loop starting at i = 0 and continue while i < 30, incrementing by 2. Console writeline the value of i each time.
            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i += 2)
            //for loop starting at i = 30 and continue while i >= 0, decrementing by 1. Console writeline the value of i each time.
            for (int i = 30; i >= 0; i--)
            //for loop starting at i = 30 and continue while i > 0, decrementing by 3. Console writeline the value of i each time.
            for (int i = 30; i > 0; i -= 3)
            //Create an int variable called index, initialize it to 0.
            int index = 0;
            //while index < 10 Console writeline index.
            while (index < 10)
            //reset index variable to 0
            int index = 0;
            //while index < 0 console writeline index
            while (index < 0)
            //Reset index variable to 0
            int index = 0;
            //do-while index < 10 console writeline index.
            } while (index < 10);
            //reset index variable to 0
            int index = 0;
            //do-while index < 0 console writeline index
            } while (index < 0);
            //Create an int variable called input, initialize to 0
            int input = 0;
            //Accept user input with Console.ReadLine and parse it into an integer with int.Parse. Store in input variable.
            input = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            //do-while input does not equal -1, console writeline "Input -1 to end program, input any other number to continue"
                Console.WriteLine("input -1 to end program, input any other nuumber to continue");
            } while (input != -1);
            #region Arrays
            // *************** Arrays **************** //

            //Create an array of type int and of size 10 called intArray. Don't initialize any data. (Remember, ints default to 0 so you now have an array of 10 0's.)
            int[] intArray = new int[10];
            //Create an array of type string and of size 5 called stringArray. Don't initialize any data.
            string[] stringArray = new string[5];
            //For the following, change each index individually. Do not use a loop or assignment on declaration
            intArray[0] = 0;
            intArray[1] = 1;
            intArray[2] = 2;
            intArray[3] = 3;
            intArray[4] = 4;
            intArray[5] = 5;
            intArray[6] = 6;
            intArray[7] = 7;
            intArray[8] = 8;
            intArray[9] = 9;

            //Populate intArray with data following the formula: data = index * 3. IE the 3rd element of intArray will equal 9.
            intArray[0] *= 3;
            intArray[1] *= 3;
            intArray[2] *= 3;
            intArray[3] *= 3;
            intArray[4] *= 3;
            intArray[5] *= 3;
            intArray[6] *= 3;
            intArray[7] *= 3;
            intArray[8] *= 3;
            intArray[9] *= 3;

            //Populate stringArray with the following data: firstName, lastName, city, state, country
            stringArray[0] = "firstName";
            stringArray[1] = "lastName";
            stringArray[2] = "City";
            stringArray[3] = "state";
            stringArray[4] = "Country";

            //for the following use a loop to assign the data into the arrays.

            //set each index data of intArray using the following formula: data = index * 2 + 1. IE the 3rd element will equal 7
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                intArray[i] = i * 2 + 1;
            //set each index data of stringArray to "The current index is i" where i is the actual value of i

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                stringArray[i] = ("the current is " + i);
            //reset intArray to be a new int array of size 5. In the same line (hint, use { }) set the values to 0,1,2,3,4.
            int[] intArray = new intArray[5] {
                0, 1, 2, 3, 4
            //reset stringArray to be a new string array of size 3. In the same line (hint, use { }) set the values to "buddy", "guy", "Friend"
            string[] stringArray = new stringArray[3] {
                "buddy", "guy", "Friend"
            //for int i = 0, continue for the length of intArray, and increment i + 1, console writeline the value of intArray
            for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Length; i++)
            //for int i = 0, continue for the length of stringArray, and increment i + 1, console writeline the value of stringArray
            for (int i = 0; stringArray.Length; i++)
            //iterate over (AKA use a for loop) intArray similarly to what you did above, but do it backwards. Print the last index first, and the 0th index last.
            for (int i = intArray.Length; i > 0; i--)
            //iterate over (AKA use a for loop) stringArray similarly to what you did above, but do it backwards. Print the last index first, and the 0th index last.
            for (int i = stringArray.Length; i > 0; i--)
Beispiel #7
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(intArray obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);