Beispiel #1
 public half4(half x, half y, half z, half w)
     this.x = x;
     this.y = y;
     this.z = z;
     this.w = w;
Beispiel #2
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref EnemyComponent enemy)
     results = 0;
     if ( <= 0)
         results = 1;
         entityCommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Beispiel #3
    private void Update()
        if (tt >= maxt)
            tt = 0f;

        tt += Time.deltaTime;
Beispiel #4
 public DebuggerProxy(half8 v)
     x0 = v.x0;
     x1 = v.x1;
     x2 = v.x2;
     x3 = v.x3;
     x4 = v.x4;
     x5 = v.x5;
     x6 = v.x6;
     x7 = v.x7;
Beispiel #5
 public void ChangeHealth(half changeValue)
     healthValue += changeValue;
     if (healthValue < 0)
         healthValue = 0;
     if (healthValue > 2)
         healthValue = 2;
Beispiel #6
 public float9(half v)
     r0 = v;
     r1 = v;
     r2 = v;
     r3 = v;
     r4 = v;
     r5 = v;
     r6 = v;
     r7 = v;
     r8 = v;
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Conversion of variance to a side int
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>This is essentially performing the same function as the <see cref="SplineSide"/> enum</remarks>
 /// <param name="variance">variance to convert</param>
 /// <returns>int code for the spline</returns>
 private static int VarianceToSide(half variance)
     if (variance > 0)
         return(2);             // Right
     if (variance < 0)
         return(1); // Left
     return(0);     // Center
Beispiel #8
            public void Execute(int index)
                half distance = math.distance(bombPosition, position[index].Value);

                if (distance < 4)
                    float3 force = math_experimental.normalizeSafe(position[index].Value - bombPosition);
                    force.y = 5f;
                    force   = force * (4 - distance);
                    velocityBarrier.AddComponent(dummies[index], new Velocity {
                        Value = force
                    velocityBarrier.AddComponent(dummies[index], default(GravityType));
                    velocityBarrier.RemoveComponent <MoveForward>(dummies[index]);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that actually calculates the bezier spline with variance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">progress X for center spline, Y for side spline</param>
        /// <param name="spline1">center spline index</param>
        /// <param name="spline2">side spline index</param>
        /// <param name="variance">deviation from center</param>
        /// <returns>final cubic variance position</returns>
        private float2 CubicBezierPoint(float2 t, int spline1, int spline2, half variance)
            //center spline
            float2x4 a = new float2x4(
                Spline.Points[spline1 * 9 + 0],
                Spline.Points[spline1 * 9 + 3],
                Spline.Points[(spline1 + 1) * 9 - 3],
                Spline.Points[(spline1 + 1) * 9 + 0]);

            float2x4 b;

            if (variance > 0)
                // Right spline
                b = new float2x4(
                    Spline.Points[spline2 * 9 + 2],
                    Spline.Points[spline2 * 9 + 5],
                    Spline.Points[(spline2 + 1) * 9 - 1],
                    Spline.Points[(spline2 + 1) * 9 + 2]);
                // Left spline
                b = new float2x4(
                    Spline.Points[spline2 * 9 + 1],
                    Spline.Points[spline2 * 9 + 4],
                    Spline.Points[(spline2 + 1) * 9 - 2],
                    Spline.Points[(spline2 + 1) * 9 + 1]);

            float2 oneMinusT = 1f - t;

                       (oneMinusT.x * oneMinusT.x * oneMinusT.x * a.c0) +
                       (3f * oneMinusT.x * oneMinusT.x * t.x * a.c1) +
                       (3f * oneMinusT.x * t.x * t.x * a.c2) +
                       (t.x * t.x * t.x * a.c3),
                       (oneMinusT.y * oneMinusT.y * oneMinusT.y * b.c0) +
                       (3f * oneMinusT.y * oneMinusT.y * t.y * b.c1) +
                       (3f * oneMinusT.y * t.y * t.y * b.c2) +
                       (t.y * t.y * t.y * b.c3), math.abs(variance)));
Beispiel #10
 public void Combine(ref half curr, ref half value)
     curr += value;
Beispiel #11
 public static bool toboolsafe(half a)
     return((float)a != 0f);
Beispiel #12
 public void GetIdentity(out half identity)
     identity = (half)0;
Beispiel #13
 public static bool isnan(half h)
     return((h.value & 0x7FFF) > 0x7C00);
Beispiel #14
		public static bool IsPositiveInfinity(half half)
			return (half.value == 0x7c00);
Beispiel #15
 public half8(half x0, half x1, half x2, half x3, half x4, half x5, half x6, half x7)
     this = maxmath.ashalf(new ushort8(x0.value, x1.value, x2.value, x3.value, x4.value, x5.value, x6.value, x7.value));
Beispiel #16
        public static void half_from_double_explicit_conversion()
            half h = (half)123.4;

            TestUtils.AreEqual(0x57B6, h.value);
        public static float Float3Half(float a)
            var h = new half(a);

            return(Vectors.ConvertToFloat((float3) new float3(h).x));
Beispiel #18
 public half2(half x, half y)
     this.x = x;
     this.y = y;
Beispiel #19
		public static half Abs(half half)
			return half.ToHalf((ushort)(half.value & 0x7fff));
        public static double Double2Half(double a)
            var h = new half(a);

            return(Vectors.ConvertToDouble((double2) new double2(h).x));
Beispiel #21
 public static ushort asushort(half x)
Beispiel #22
 public static short asshort(half x)
Beispiel #23
 public static bool isinf(half h)
     return((h.value & 0x7FFF) == 0x7C00);
            // The code actually running on the job
            public void Execute(int i)
                if (i >= offsetLength.x && i < offsetLength.y - offsetLength.x)
                    var    waveCountMulti = 1f / waveData.Length;
                    float3 wavePos        = new float3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                    float3 waveNorm       = new float3(0f, 0f, 0f);

                    for (var wave = 0; wave < waveData.Length; wave++) // for each wave
                        // Wave data vars
                        float2 pos = position[i].xz;

                        var    amplitude  = waveData[wave].amplitude;
                        var    direction  = waveData[wave].direction;
                        var    wavelength = waveData[wave].wavelength;
                        float2 omniPos    = waveData[wave].origin;
                        ////////////////////////////////wave value calculations//////////////////////////
                        half w      = 6.28318f / wavelength; // 2pi over wavelength(hardcoded)
                        half wSpeed = math.sqrt(9.8f * w);   // frequency of the wave based off wavelength
                        half peak   = 0.8f;                  // peak value, 1 is the sharpest peaks
                        half qi     = peak / (amplitude * w * waveData.Length);

                        float2 windDir = new float2(0f, 0f);
                        float  dir     = 0;

                        direction = math.radians(direction);                                                                       // convert the incoming degrees to radians
                        half2 windDirInput  = new float2(math.sin(direction), math.cos(direction)) * (1 - waveData[wave].onmiDir); // calculate wind direction - TODO - currently radians
                        half2 windOmniInput = (pos - omniPos) * waveData[wave].onmiDir;

                        windDir += windDirInput;
                        windDir += windOmniInput;
                        windDir  = math.normalize(windDir);
                        dir      =, pos - (omniPos * waveData[wave].onmiDir)); // calculate a gradient along the wind direction

                        ////////////////////////////position output calculations/////////////////////////
                        float calc    = dir * w + -time * wSpeed; // the wave calculation
                        float cosCalc = math.cos(calc);           // cosine version(used for horizontal undulation)
                        float sinCalc = math.sin(calc);           // sin version(used for vertical undulation)

                        // calculate the offsets for the current point
                        wavePos.x += qi * amplitude * windDir.x * cosCalc;
                        wavePos.z += qi * amplitude * windDir.y * cosCalc;
                        wavePos.y += ((sinCalc * amplitude)) * waveCountMulti; // the height is divided by the number of waves

                        if (normal == 1)
                            ////////////////////////////normal output calculations/////////////////////////
                            half wa = w * amplitude;
                            // normal vector
                            float3 norm = new float3(-(windDir.xy * wa * cosCalc),
                                                     1 - (qi * wa * sinCalc));
                            waveNorm += (norm * waveCountMulti) * amplitude;
                    outPosition[i] = wavePos;
                    if (normal == 1)
                        outNormal[i] = math.normalize(waveNorm.xzy);
Beispiel #25
        public static void half_maxvalue()
            half max = new half(half.MaxValue);

            TestUtils.AreEqual(0x7bff, max.value);
Beispiel #26
		public static half Negate(half half)
			return half.ToHalf((ushort)(half.value ^ 0x8000));
Beispiel #27
		public static bool IsNegativeInfinity(half half)
			return (half.value == 0xfc00);
Beispiel #28
 public half8(half x0x8)
     this = maxmath.ashalf(new ushort8(x0x8.value));
Beispiel #29
		public static bool IsInfinity(half half)
			return ((half.value & 0x7fff) == 0x7c00);
Beispiel #30
        public static void half_minvalue()
            half min = new half(half.MinValue);

            TestUtils.AreEqual(0xfbff, min.value);
Beispiel #31
 public static bool isfinite(half h)
     return((h.value & 0x7FFF) < 0x7C00);
Beispiel #32
		public static float HalfToSingle(half half)
			UintFloatUnion u;
			u.b = 0;
			u.a = mantissaTable[offsetTable[half.value >> 10] + (half.value & 0x3ff)] + exponentTable[half.value >> 10];
			return u.b;
Beispiel #33
 public void GetIdentity(out half identity)
     identity = half.MinValue;
Beispiel #34
        public void Execute(int index)
            index = dirty_indices[index];

            var data = build_trans_data[index];
            // 顶点索引偏移
            int    valid_quad_count = data.valid_quad;
            int    base_index       = data.index * quad_count * 4;
            int    per_quad_index   = data.per_quad_index;
            float3 position         = data.local_position;
            bool   is_text          = data.is_text == 1;
            float  is_text_flag     = is_text ? 1 : 0;
            half   progress         = data.extend.x;
            var    gscale           = data.gscale;
            var    scale            = data.local_scale * HUDBatch.default_unit / 2 * gscale;
            float2 sdf_scale        = new float2(is_text_flag, scale.y);

            float left_x = position.x;

            for (int i = 0; i < valid_quad_count; ++i)
                int vertex_offset = base_index + i * 4;
                var quad_data     = build_quad_data[per_quad_index + i];
                var half_size     = quad_data.size / 2;

                Vertex v0 = vertices[vertex_offset + 0];
                Vertex v1 = vertices[vertex_offset + 1];
                Vertex v2 = vertices[vertex_offset + 2];
                Vertex v3 = vertices[vertex_offset + 3];

                if ((data.flag & DirtyFlag.ETransform) != DirtyFlag.ENone)
                    var p = position;
                    p.z = 0;

                    var tparams = quad_data.tparams;
                    if (is_text)
                        // lt
                        p.x         = position.x + (tparams.z - font_uv_padding) * scale.x;
                        p.y         = position.y + (tparams.w + font_uv_padding) * scale.y;
                        v1.position = p;

                        // record top y
                        float ty = p.y;

                        // lb
                        //p.x = p.x;
                        p.y         = p.y - ((tparams.y + font_uv_padding * 2) * scale.y);
                        v0.position = p;

                        // record bottom y
                        float by = p.y;

                        // rt
                        p.x         = p.x + ((tparams.x + font_uv_padding * 2) * scale.x);
                        p.y         = ty;
                        v2.position = p;

                        // rb
                        //p.x = p.x;
                        p.y         = by;
                        v3.position = p;

                        position.x = p.x + data.spacing;
                        float lx = position.x;
                        float rx = position.x + scale.x * half_size.x * 2;

                        p.x         = lx;
                        p.y         = position.y - scale.y * half_size.y;
                        v0.position = p;

                        p.y         = position.y + scale.y * half_size.y;
                        v1.position = p;

                        p.x = lx + (rx - lx) * progress;
                        p.y         = position.y + scale.y * half_size.y;
                        v2.position = p;

                        p.y         = position.y - scale.y * half_size.y;
                        v3.position = p;

                        position.x += rx + data.spacing;

                    v1.uv1 = v2.uv1 = v3.uv1 = v0.uv1 = sdf_scale;

                if ((data.flag & DirtyFlag.EQuad) != DirtyFlag.ENone)
                    v0.color = v1.color = v2.color = v3.color = quad_data.color;

                    // uv0 // uv1 pack 到uv0
                    float2 uv_0 =;
                    float4 rect = quad_data.uv0;
                    float  xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
                    if (is_text)
                        xmin = (rect.x - font_uv_padding) / fontAltas_width;
                        xmax = (rect.x + font_uv_padding + rect.z) / fontAltas_width;
                        ymin = (rect.y - font_uv_padding) / fontAltas_height;
                        ymax = (rect.y + font_uv_padding + rect.w) / fontAltas_height;
                        xmin = (rect.x);
                        xmax = (rect.x + rect.z);
                        ymin = (rect.y);
                        ymax = (rect.y + rect.w);

                    uv_0.x = xmin;
                    uv_0.y = ymin;
                    v0.uv0 = uv_0;

                    uv_0.y = ymax;
                    v1.uv0 = uv_0;

                    uv_0.x = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * progress;
                    v2.uv0 = uv_0;

                    uv_0.y = ymin;
                    v3.uv0 = uv_0;

                vertices[vertex_offset + 0] = v0;
                vertices[vertex_offset + 1] = v1;
                vertices[vertex_offset + 2] = v2;
                vertices[vertex_offset + 3] = v3;

            float h_size = (position.x - left_x - data.spacing) / 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < valid_quad_count; ++i)
                int    vertex_offset = base_index + i * 4;
                Vertex v0            = vertices[vertex_offset + 0];
                Vertex v1            = vertices[vertex_offset + 1];
                Vertex v2            = vertices[vertex_offset + 2];
                Vertex v3            = vertices[vertex_offset + 3];
                v0.position.x -= h_size;
                v1.position.x -= h_size;
                v2.position.x -= h_size;
                v3.position.x -= h_size;
                vertices[vertex_offset + 0] = v0;
                vertices[vertex_offset + 1] = v1;
                vertices[vertex_offset + 2] = v2;
                vertices[vertex_offset + 3] = v3;

            data.flag = DirtyFlag.ENone;
            build_trans_data[index] = data;
Beispiel #35
		public static bool IsNaN(half half)
			return ((half.value & 0x7fff) > 0x7c00);
Beispiel #36
 public half3(half x, half y, half z)
     this.x = x;
     this.y = y;
     this.z = z;
Beispiel #37
 public void Combine(ref half curr, ref half value)
     curr = value > curr ? value : curr;