Beispiel #1
        public void Skip()
            var buffer = new byte[BlobSerializedSize + VariableValesSerializedSize];

            // Concatenate the blob and fixed values serialized buffers.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BlobSerialized, 0, buffer, 0, BlobSerializedSize);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(VariableValesSerialized, 0, buffer, BlobSerializedSize, VariableValesSerializedSize);

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
                using (var reader = new global::WireType.WireTypeReader(stream))
                    // Assert that the first message is the blob.
                    Assert.Equal(global::WireType.TypeKind.ExplicitSize, reader.Current.Kind);

                    // Assert that skipping the blob works, and skips the number of bytes
                    // expected plus one for the next header read.
                    Assert.Equal(BlobSerializedSize + 1, reader.TotalRead);

                    // Assert the first fixed value is the message after skipping.
                    Assert.Equal(global::WireType.TypeKind.ImplicitSize, reader.Current.Kind);
                    int i32;
                    Assert.True(reader.Read(out i32));
                    Assert.Equal(i32ExpectedValue, i32);
Beispiel #2
        public void ReadVariable()
            int   i32 = 0;
            long  i64 = 0;
            uint  u32 = 0;
            ulong u64 = 0;

            var dataSource = VariableValesSerialized;

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(dataSource))
                using (var reader = new global::WireType.WireTypeReader(stream))
                    Assert.Equal(global::WireType.TypeKind.ImplicitSize, reader.Current.Kind);

                    Assert.True(reader.Read(out i32));
                    Assert.Equal(i32ExpectedValue, i32);

                    Assert.Equal(global::WireType.TypeKind.ImplicitSize, reader.Current.Kind);

                    Assert.True(reader.Read(out i64));
                    Assert.Equal(i64ExpectedValue, i64);

                    Assert.Equal(global::WireType.TypeKind.ImplicitSize, reader.Current.Kind);

                    Assert.True(reader.Read(out u32));
                    Assert.Equal(u32ExpectedValue, u32);

                    Assert.Equal(global::WireType.TypeKind.ImplicitSize, reader.Current.Kind);

                    Assert.True(reader.Read(out u64));
                    Assert.Equal(u64ExpectedValue, u64);
Beispiel #3
        public void ReadBlob()
            var expectedBlob = BlobDeserialized;
            var buffer       = new byte[BlobSerializedSize];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(BlobSerialized, 0, buffer, 0, BlobSerializedSize);

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(buffer, false))
                using (var reader = new global::WireType.WireTypeReader(stream))
                    byte[] blob;

                    // Assert that the reader can read the blob, with the correct size
                    Assert.True(reader.Read(out blob));
                    Assert.Equal(BlobSerializedSize, reader.TotalRead);
                    Assert.Equal(BlobDeserializedSize, blob.Length);

                    AssertValues(expectedBlob, blob);