Beispiel #1
        public static bool fcnCashLinqRepeatSale(long _lngCTID, long _lngRecordID, decimal _decAmt, string _strPNRefIn, ref string _strReturnedPNRef, ref string _strAuthNumber)
            string strCQUserID = "";
            string strUserType = "";
            string strUserKey = "";

            bool blnRes = false;

            string strCustomQWSUserName = "";
            string strCustomQWSPW = "";
            string strCustomQMerchantID = "";

            strCustomQWSUserName = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQUser;
            strCustomQWSPW = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQPW;
            strCustomQMerchantID = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQMerchantID;

            string strResXML = "";

            using (wsCashLinq.CQ wsCLCQ = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsCashLinq.CQ())
                //login to service
                using (DataSet dsLoginRes = new DataSet())
                    strResXML = wsCLCQ.MerchLogin(strCustomQWSUserName, strCustomQWSPW, strCustomQMerchantID);

                    dsLoginRes.ReadXml(new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strResXML)));

                        strCQUserID = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UID"].ToString();
                        strUserType = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UType"].ToString();
                        strUserKey = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserKey"].ToString();
                        strCQUserID = "";
                        strUserType = "";
                        strUserKey = "";

                wsCashLinq.Response wsCLResponse = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsCashLinq.Response();

                wsCLResponse = wsCLCQ.RepeatSale(Convert.ToInt64(strCQUserID), Convert.ToByte(strUserType), strUserKey, Convert.ToInt32(_strPNRefIn), _decAmt, DateTime.Now);

                string strRespMsg = "";

                strRespMsg = wsCLResponse.RespMSG;
                _strReturnedPNRef = wsCLResponse.PNRef;
                _strAuthNumber = wsCLResponse.AuthCode;

                if (strRespMsg.ToUpper() != "Approved".ToUpper())
                    blnRes = false;
                    blnRes = true;

            return blnRes;
        private bool fcnGetCashLinqTrans(DateTime _dteStart, DateTime _dteEnd)
            bool blnRes = false;

                string strCQUserID = "";
                string strUserType = "";
                string strUserKey = "";

                //need to be looked up from db
                string strCustomQWSUserName = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQUser;
                string strCustomQWSPW = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQPW;
                string strCustomQMerchantID = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQMerchantID;

                string strResXML = "";

                using (wsCashLinq.CQ wsCLCQ = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsCashLinq.CQ())
                    //login to get cquserid
                    using (DataSet dsLoginRes = new DataSet())
                        strResXML = wsCLCQ.MerchLogin(strCustomQWSUserName, strCustomQWSPW, strCustomQMerchantID);

                        try { dsLoginRes.ReadXml(new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strResXML))); }
                        catch { }

                            strCQUserID = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UID"].ToString();
                            strUserType = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UType"].ToString();
                            strUserKey = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserKey"].ToString();
                            strCQUserID = "";
                            strUserType = "";
                            strUserKey = "";

                    wsCashLinq.Response wsCLResp = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsCashLinq.Response();

                    string strPageName = "";
                    string strRes = "";

                    if (radAllCTTrans.Checked || radUnmatched.Checked || radCTWeb.Checked)
                        if (clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID == 876299671)
                            strPageName = "CTPmtPageAlt_" + clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID.ToString();
                            strPageName = "CTPmtPage_" + clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID.ToString();

                        strRes = wsCLCQ.GetReconciled(Convert.ToInt64(strCQUserID), Convert.ToByte(strUserType), strUserKey, strPageName, _dteStart, _dteEnd);

                        if (strRes == "Invalid Login")
                            MessageBox.Show("Invalid CashLinq credentials.\nIn CampTrak select Administration-->Set Defaults to update your CashLinq CustomQ user name and password.");
                            return false;

                        blnRes = fcnAddCashLinqTrans(strRes, "Web Module");

                    if (blnRes || radCTLocal.Checked)
                        if (clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID == 876299671)
                            strPageName = "LocalTranAlt_" + clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID.ToString();
                            strPageName = "LocalTran_" + clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID.ToString();

                        strRes = wsCLCQ.GetReconciled(Convert.ToInt64(strCQUserID), Convert.ToByte(strUserType), strUserKey, strPageName, _dteStart, _dteEnd);

                        blnRes = fcnAddCashLinqTrans(strRes, "Local App");


                    //eliminate matched transactions from data set if needed
                    if (radUnmatched.Checked)
                        string strSQL = "";

                        using (OleDbConnection conDB = new OleDbConnection(clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCTConn))

                            strSQL = "DROP VIEW qryMerchantTransSummary";

                            using (OleDbCommand cmdDB = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, conDB))
                                try { cmdDB.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
                                catch { }

                                strSQL = "DROP VIEW qryMerchantGiftSummary";

                                cmdDB.CommandText = strSQL;

                                try { cmdDB.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
                                catch { }

                                strSQL = "CREATE VIEW qryMerchantTransSummary AS " +
                                            "SELECT Count(tblTransactions.lngTransactionID) AS CountOflngTransactionID, " +
                                                "Sum(tblTransactions.curPayment) AS curTotAmt, " +
                                                "Min(tblTransactions.dteDateAdded) AS dteDateAdded, " +
                                                "tblTransactions.strPNRef " +
                                            "FROM tblTransactions " +
                                            "WHERE IIf([tblTransactions].[strPNRef] Is Null, '', [tblTransactions].[strPNRef]) <>'' AND " +
                                                "DateDiff('d', #" + _dteStart.ToShortDateString() + "#, [tblTransactions].[dteDateAdded]) >= 0 AND " +
                                                "DateDiff('d', [tblTransactions].[dteDateAdded], #" + _dteEnd.ToShortDateString() + "#) >=0 " +
                                            "GROUP BY tblTransactions.strPNRef";

                                cmdDB.CommandText = strSQL;

                                try { cmdDB.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
                                catch { }

                                strSQL = "CREATE VIEW qryMerchantGiftSummary AS " +
                                            "SELECT Count(tblGift.lngGiftID) AS CountOflngGiftID, " +
                                                "Sum(tblGift.curAmount) AS curTotAmt, " +
                                                "Min(tblGift.dteGiftDate) AS dteGiftDate, " +
                                                "tblGift.strPNRef " +
                                            "FROM tblGift " +
                                            "WHERE DateDiff('d', #" + _dteStart.ToShortDateString() + "#, [tblGift].[dteGiftDate]) >=0 AND " +
                                                "DateDiff('d', [tblGift].[dteGiftDate], #" + _dteEnd.ToShortDateString() + "#) >= 0 AND " +
                                                "IIf([tblGift].[strPNRef] Is Null, '', [tblGift].[strPNRef]) <> '' " +
                                            "GROUP BY tblGift.strPNRef";

                                cmdDB.CommandText = strSQL;

                                try { cmdDB.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
                                catch { }

                                strSQL = "DELETE tblMerchantGatewayTrans.* " +
                                        "FROM tblMerchantGatewayTrans " +
                                        "WHERE tblMerchantGatewayTrans.lngGWTransID In " +
                                            "(" +
                                                "SELECT tblMerchantGatewayTrans.lngGWTransID " +
                                                "FROM (tblMerchantGatewayTrans " +
                                                    "LEFT JOIN qryMerchantGiftSummary ON (tblMerchantGatewayTrans.strMerchantRef = qryMerchantGiftSummary.strPNRef) AND " +
                                                        "(tblMerchantGatewayTrans.decAmount = qryMerchantGiftSummary.curTotAmt)) " +
                                                    "LEFT JOIN qryMerchantTransSummary ON (tblMerchantGatewayTrans.decAmount = qryMerchantTransSummary.curTotAmt) AND " +
                                                        "(tblMerchantGatewayTrans.strMerchantRef = qryMerchantTransSummary.strPNRef) " +
                                                "WHERE qryMerchantGiftSummary.CountOflngGiftID Is Not Null OR " +
                                                    "qryMerchantTransSummary.CountOflngTransactionID Is Not Null " +

                                cmdDB.CommandText = strSQL;

                                try { cmdDB.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
                                catch { }

            catch (Exception ex)
                blnRes = false;

            return blnRes;
Beispiel #3
        public static void subProcessRefundCashLinqCC(decimal _decAmt, string _strPNRef)
                Int64 lngTransID = Convert.ToInt64(_strPNRef);
                decimal decAmt = _decAmt;
                string strReason = "Reg Cancelled";

                string strCQUserID = "";
                string strUserType = "";
                string strUserKey = "";

                //need to be looked up from db
                string strCustomQWSUserName = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQUser;
                string strCustomQWSPW = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQPW;
                string strCustomQMerchantID = clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCashLinqCQMerchantID;

                string strResXML = "";

                using (wsCashLinq.CQ wsCLCQ = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsCashLinq.CQ())
                    //login to get cquserid
                    using (DataSet dsLoginRes = new DataSet())
                        strResXML = wsCLCQ.MerchLogin(strCustomQWSUserName, strCustomQWSPW, strCustomQMerchantID);

                        dsLoginRes.ReadXml(new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strResXML)));

                            strCQUserID = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UID"].ToString();
                            strUserType = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UType"].ToString();
                            strUserKey = dsLoginRes.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserKey"].ToString();
                            strCQUserID = "";
                            strUserType = "";
                            strUserKey = "";

                    wsCashLinq.Response wsCLResp = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsCashLinq.Response();

                    wsCLResp = wsCLCQ.Refund(Convert.ToInt64(strCQUserID), Convert.ToByte(strUserType), strUserKey, lngTransID, decAmt, strReason);

                    if (wsCLResp.RespMSG.ToUpper() != "Approved".ToUpper())
                        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There was an error processing the refund: " + wsCLResp.RespMSG);
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
