static void fetchChangelog(string apiResult)
            gitAPI git = JsonUtility.FromJson <gitAPI>(apiResult);

            publishdate  = git.published_at;
            curVer       = git.tag_name;
            changelog    = git.body;
            downloadLink = git.zipball_url;
            //oldChangelog =

            // Debug.Log(git.body);
            // Debug.Log(apiResult);
            // Debug.Log(git.tag_name);
            // Debug.Log(git.html_url);
            // Debug.Log(git.published_at);
            // Debug.Log(git.zipball_url);
            // Debug.Log(git.body);
        static void updateHandler(string apiResult)
            gitAPI git    = JsonUtility.FromJson <gitAPI>(apiResult);
            bool   option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("XSToon: Updater",
                                                        "You are on version: \nv" + XSStyles.ver + "\n\nThe latest version is: \n" + git.tag_name + "\n\n You can view the changelog either on my Discord, or at the Github page for this release." + "\n\nWould you like to update?",
                                                        "Download", "Cancel");

            switch (option)
            case true:

            case false:
                Debug.Log("Cancelled Update.");
            //  Debug.Log(apiResult);