Beispiel #1
         *  Required input: Patient.CaseID, Patient.Account.AccountID
         *  This method is used on patient desk to show notes added across specialties for a patient
        public List <gbmodel.patient.SpecialtyNote> SelectSpecialtyNote(gbmodel.patient.Patient p_oPatient)
            DataSet       ds         = null;
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(DBUtil.ConnectionString);
            //ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
            List <gbmodel.patient.SpecialtyNote> oList = new List <gbmodel.patient.SpecialtyNote>();

            gbmodel.patient.SpecialtyNote sNote = new gbmodel.patient.SpecialtyNote();
                SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand("sp_select_pdesk_specialty_note", connection);
                selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_case_id", p_oPatient.CaseID);
                selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_company_id", p_oPatient.Account.ID);
                selectCommand.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                selectCommand.CommandTimeout = 0;
                ds = new DataSet();
                new SqlDataAdapter(selectCommand).Fill(ds);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        sNote            = new gbmodel.patient.SpecialtyNote();
                        sNote.Speciality = new gbmodel.speciality.Speciality();
                        sNote.Patient    = new gbmodel.patient.Patient();
                        sNote.Account    = new gbmodel.account.Account();
                        sNote.CreatedBy  = new gbmodel.user.User();
                        sNote.UpdatedBy  = new gbmodel.user.User();

                        sNote.Text           = dr["Text"].ToString();
                        sNote.Speciality.ID  = dr["SpecialtyID"].ToString();
                        sNote.Patient.CaseID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CaseID"]);
                        sNote.CreatedBy.ID   = dr["CreatedBy"].ToString();
                        sNote.Account.ID     = dr["CompanyID"].ToString();
                        sNote.UpdatedBy.ID   = dr["UpdatedBy"].ToString();
                        sNote.Created        = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Created"]);
                        //sNote.Updated = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Updated"]);
                if (connection != null)
                    if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                    connection = null;

             *  call procedure sp_select_pdesk_specialty_note and pass @i_case_id and @sz_company_id
             *  from the returned result set all fields of SpecialtyNote and return the list
             *  write code between try and finally block. dont catch error. we will do it after we implement logging
Beispiel #2
         *  Required input: gbmodel.patient.SpecialtyNote
         *  This method is used on patient desk to create notes added on a specialty for a patient
        public int CreateSpecialtyNote(gbmodel.patient.SpecialtyNote p_oSpecialty)
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(DBUtil.ConnectionString);

            int iRowsAffected = 0;

                SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand("sp_create_pdesk_specialty_note", connection);
                Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@s_text", p_oSpecialty.Text);
                Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_specialty_id", p_oSpecialty.Speciality.ID);
                Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_case_id", p_oSpecialty.Patient.CaseID);
                Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_user_id", p_oSpecialty.CreatedBy.ID);
                Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_company_id", p_oSpecialty.Account.ID);
                Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_updated_by", p_oSpecialty.UpdatedBy.ID);
                Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dt_updated", p_oSpecialty.Updated);
                Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                iRowsAffected       = Command.ExecuteNonQuery();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Specialty ID or Case ID missing");
                if (connection != null)
                    if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                    connection = null;

             *  Call procedure sp_create_pdesk_specialty_note and pass all fields for SpecialtyNote
             *  write code between try and finally block. dont catch error. we will do it after we implement logging
             *  return the count of affected rows
             *  parameter required by the procedure
             *      @s_text NVARCHAR(500),
             *      @sz_specialty_id NVARCHAR(20),
             *      @i_case_id INT,
             *      @sz_user_id NVARCHAR(20),
             *      @sz_company_id NVARCHAR(20),
             *      @sz_updated_by NVARCHAR(20),
             *      @dt_updated DATETIME