Beispiel #1
        internal fsMetaProperty(fsConfig config, FieldInfo field) {
            _memberInfo = field;
            StorageType = field.FieldType;
            MemberName = field.Name;
            IsPublic = field.IsPublic;
            CanRead = true;
            CanWrite = true;

Beispiel #2
        private void CommonInitialize(fsConfig config) {
            var attr = fsPortableReflection.GetAttribute<fsPropertyAttribute>(_memberInfo);
            if (attr != null) {
                JsonName = attr.Name;
                OverrideConverterType = attr.Converter;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonName)) {
                JsonName = config.GetJsonNameFromMemberName(MemberName, _memberInfo);
Beispiel #3
        internal fsMetaProperty(fsConfig config, PropertyInfo property) {
            _memberInfo = property;
            StorageType = property.PropertyType;
            MemberName = property.Name;
            IsPublic = (property.GetGetMethod() != null && property.GetGetMethod().IsPublic) &&
                       (property.GetSetMethod() != null && property.GetSetMethod().IsPublic);
            CanRead = property.CanRead;
            CanWrite = property.CanWrite;

    public fsSerializer()
        _cachedConverterTypeInstances = new Dictionary <Type, fsBaseConverter>();
        _cachedConverters             = new Dictionary <Type, fsBaseConverter>();
        _cachedProcessors             = new Dictionary <Type, List <fsObjectProcessor> >();

        _references          = new fsCyclicReferenceManager();
        _lazyReferenceWriter = new fsLazyCycleDefinitionWriter();

        // note: The order here is important. Items at the beginning of this
        //       list will be used before converters at the end. Converters
        //       added via AddConverter() are added to the front of the list.
        _availableConverters = new List <fsConverter> {
            new fsNullableConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsGuidConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsTypeConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsDateConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsEnumConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsPrimitiveConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsArrayConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsDictionaryConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsIEnumerableConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsKeyValuePairConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsWeakReferenceConverter {
                Serializer = this
            new fsReflectedConverter {
                Serializer = this
        _availableDirectConverters = new Dictionary <Type, fsDirectConverter>();

        _processors = new List <fsObjectProcessor>();

         *          _processors = new List<fsObjectProcessor>() {
         *              new fsSerializationCallbackProcessor()
         *          };
         #if !NO_UNITY
         *          _processors.Add(new fsSerializationCallbackReceiverProcessor());
        Context = new fsContext();
        Config  = new fsConfig();

        // Register the converters from the registrar
        foreach (var converterType in fsConverterRegistrar.Converters)
Beispiel #5
    private static void CollectProperties(fsConfig config, List <fsMetaProperty> properties, Type reflectedType)
        // do we require a [SerializeField] or [fsProperty] attribute?
        bool requireOptIn  = config.DefaultMemberSerialization == fsMemberSerialization.OptIn;
        bool requireOptOut = config.DefaultMemberSerialization == fsMemberSerialization.OptOut;

        fsObjectAttribute attr = fsPortableReflection.GetAttribute <fsObjectAttribute>(reflectedType);

        if (attr != null)
            requireOptIn  = attr.MemberSerialization == fsMemberSerialization.OptIn;
            requireOptOut = attr.MemberSerialization == fsMemberSerialization.OptOut;

        MemberInfo[] members = reflectedType.GetDeclaredMembers();
        foreach (var member in members)
            // We don't serialize members annotated with any of the ignore serialize attributes
            if (config.IgnoreSerializeAttributes.Any(t => fsPortableReflection.HasAttribute(member, t)))

            PropertyInfo property = member as PropertyInfo;
            FieldInfo    field    = member as FieldInfo;

            // Early out if it's neither a field or a property, since we don't serialize anything else.
            if (property == null && field == null)

            // If an opt-in annotation is required, then skip the property if it doesn't have one
            // of the serialize attributes
            if (requireOptIn &&
                !config.SerializeAttributes.Any(t => fsPortableReflection.HasAttribute(member, t)))

            // If an opt-out annotation is required, then skip the property *only if* it has one of
            // the not serialize attributes
            if (requireOptOut &&
                config.IgnoreSerializeAttributes.Any(t => fsPortableReflection.HasAttribute(member, t)))

            if (property != null)
                if (CanSerializeProperty(config, property, members, requireOptOut))
                    properties.Add(new fsMetaProperty(config, property));
            else if (field != null)
                if (CanSerializeField(config, field, requireOptOut))
                    properties.Add(new fsMetaProperty(config, field));

        if (reflectedType.Resolve().BaseType != null)
            CollectProperties(config, properties, reflectedType.Resolve().BaseType);