/// <summary> /// Loads a file from disk /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the file</typeparam> /// <param name="fileName"> Name of the file</param> /// <param name="fileType">The file exstention Type</param> /// <param name="outputData">A ref for the file that will be loaded</param> /// <returns>if the loading was succesfull. Needed because a save file can be non existant</returns> public static bool Load <T>(string fileName, fileTypes fileType, ref T outputData) { string saveFile = SaveLocation(fileType); saveFile += GetFileType(fileName, fileType); bool returnval = false; if (!File.Exists(saveFile)) { outputData = default(T); returnval = false; } else { IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream stream = new FileStream(saveFile, FileMode.Open); T data = (T)formatter.Deserialize(stream); outputData = data; returnval = true; stream.Close(); } return(returnval); }
/// <summary> /// Save file to disk /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the file</typeparam> /// <param name="fileName">File name with out exstentions</param> /// <param name="fileType">The type of file</param> /// <param name="data">The actual data fo the file</param> public static void Save <T>(string fileName, fileTypes fileType, T data) { string saveFile = SaveLocation(fileType); saveFile += GetFileType(fileName, fileType); try { IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); Stream stream = new FileStream(saveFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); formatter.Serialize(stream, data); stream.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { PlatformSafeMessage("Failed to Save: " + e.Message); } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer) { SyncFiles(); } Debug.Log(System.DateTime.Now + " Saved file: " + saveFile); }
/// <summary> /// Import XML data into this camera path overwriting the current data /// </summary> /// <param name="XMLPath">An XML file path</param> public void FromXML(string XMLPath) { Debug.Log("Import Track BuildR Track XML " + XMLPath); Clear(); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(XMLPath)) { xml.LoadXml(sr.ReadToEnd()); } XmlNode trackNode = xml.SelectNodes("trackbuildr")[0]; version = float.Parse(trackNode["version"].FirstChild.Value); if (trackNode["name"] != null) { name = trackNode["name"].FirstChild.Value; } if (trackNode["fileType"] != null) { fileType = (fileTypes)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(fileTypes), trackNode["fileType"].FirstChild.Value); exportFilename = trackNode["exportFilename"].FirstChild.Value; copyTexturesIntoExportFolder = bool.Parse(trackNode["copyTexturesIntoExportFolder"].FirstChild.Value); exportCollider = bool.Parse(trackNode["exportCollider"].FirstChild.Value); createPrefabOnExport = bool.Parse(trackNode["createPrefabOnExport"].FirstChild.Value); } //send data to track track.FromXML(trackNode.SelectSingleNode("track")); }
public static void Save <T>(string fileName, fileTypes fileType, T token) { string saveFile = SaveLocation(fileType); saveFile += GetFileType(fileName, fileType); IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); Stream stream = new FileStream(saveFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); formatter.Serialize(stream, token); stream.Close(); Debug.Log("Saved file: " + saveFile + " At " + System.DateTime.Now); }
public bool SaveFile(fileTypes type, string applicationID, string id, byte[] fileContent, string SID, string hash) { EnsureValidHash(SID, hash); User user = NullSaveGetUser(SID); int appID = 0; if (int.TryParse(applicationID, out appID) == false) { return(false); } if (type == fileTypes.References) { int referenceID = 0; if (int.TryParse(id, out referenceID) == false) { return(false); } return(UploadReferences(referenceID, fileContent)); } else if (type == fileTypes.Publications) { return(UploadPublications(appID, fileContent)); } else if (type == fileTypes.Other) { int fileTypeID = 0; if (int.TryParse(id, out fileTypeID) == false) { return(false); } return(UploadFiles(appID, fileTypeID, fileContent)); } else { return(false); } }
public static string SaveLocation(fileTypes fileType) { string saveLocation; if (Application.isEditor) { saveLocation = Application.dataPath + "/" + saveFolderName + "/" + FileLocations[fileType] + "/"; } else { saveLocation = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + saveFolderName + "/" + FileLocations[fileType] + "/"; } if (!Directory.Exists(saveLocation)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveLocation); } return(saveLocation); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a string for where the file is located /// </summary> /// <param name="fileType">The type of file can matter for directory</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string SaveLocation(fileTypes fileType) { string saveLocation = Application.dataPath; if (!Application.isEditor) { saveLocation += "/.."; } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer) { saveLocation = Application.persistentDataPath; } saveLocation += "/" + saveFolderName + "/" + FileLocations[fileType] + "/"; if (!Directory.Exists(saveLocation)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveLocation); } return(saveLocation); }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileUploadHolder.Attributes["class"] = this.cssClass; Imageholder.Visible = this.showImage; MyImage.AlternateText = this.alternativeText; if (this.imageUrl.Contains("http://")) { MyImage.ImageUrl = this.imageUrl; } else { if (imageUrl == "") { imageUrl = Value; } MyImage.ImageUrl = siteDefaults.SiteUrl + "/" + this.imageUrl.Replace("../", ""); } MyTextBoxHolderClass.Visible = this.showTextBox; if (fileTypeList != "") { this.types = fileTypes.Other; } switch (this.types) { case fileTypes.Image: fileExt = "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png"; fileDesc = "image files"; SendedParameters = "'filetype':'image'"; if (dimension != "") { SendedParameters += ",'dimension':'" + dimension + "'"; } break; case fileTypes.Music: fileExt = "*.mp3;*.wav"; fileDesc = "music files"; SendedParameters = "'filetype':'music'"; break; case fileTypes.Text: fileExt = "*.pdf;*.doc"; fileDesc = "text files"; SendedParameters = "'filetype':'text'"; break; case fileTypes.Video: fileExt = "*.flv"; fileDesc = "video files"; SendedParameters = "'filetype':'video'"; break; case fileTypes.ALL: fileExt = "*.7z;*.aiff;*.asf;*.avi;*.bmp;*.csv;*.doc;*.docx;*.fla;*.flv;*.gif;*.gz;*.gzip;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.mid;*.mov;*.mp3;*.mp4;*.mpc;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.ods;*.odt;*.pdf;*.png;*.ppt;*.pptx;*.pxd;*.qt;*.ram;*.rar;*.rm;*.rmi;*.rmvb;*.rtf;*.sdc;*.sitd;*.swf;*.sxc;*.sxw;*.tar;*.tgz;*.tif;*.tiff;*.txt;*.vsd;*.wav;*.wma;*.wmv;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.zip"; fileDesc = "All files"; SendedParameters = "'filetype':'all'"; break; case fileTypes.Other: default: fileExt = this.fileTypeList; fileDesc = "user files"; SendedParameters = "'filetype':'others'"; break; } CropButton.Visible = hasCrop; if (HasCrop) { string _jscrop = ""; _jscrop += "var jcrop_api;"; _jscrop += "$(document).ready(function () { mycrop();});"; _jscrop += "function mycrop(){"; _jscrop += "$('#" + MyImage.ClientID + "').Jcrop({"; _jscrop += "onSelect: updateCoords"; _jscrop += "}"; _jscrop += ",function(){"; _jscrop += " jcrop_api = this;"; _jscrop += " });"; _jscrop += "};"; _jscrop += "function updateCoords(c) {"; _jscrop += "$('#" + X.ClientID + "').val(c.x);"; _jscrop += " $('#" + Y.ClientID + "').val(c.y);"; _jscrop += " $('#" + W.ClientID + "').val(c.w);"; _jscrop += " $('#" + H.ClientID + "').val(c.h);"; _jscrop += "};"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "_jscrop" + W.ClientID, _jscrop, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns file type with name attached /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file</param> /// <param name="fileType">The type of file</param> /// <returns>Name + Type </returns> private static string GetFileType(string fileName, fileTypes fileType) { return(fileName + fileExstentions[fileType]); }
public bool SaveFile(fileTypes type, string applicationID, string id, byte[] fileContent, string SID, string hash) { EnsureValidHash(SID, hash); User user = NullSaveGetUser(SID); int appID = 0; if (int.TryParse(applicationID, out appID) == false) return false; if (type == fileTypes.References) { int referenceID = 0; if (int.TryParse(id, out referenceID) == false) return false; return UploadReferences(referenceID, fileContent); } else if (type == fileTypes.Publications) { return UploadPublications(appID, fileContent); } else if (type == fileTypes.Other) { int fileTypeID = 0; if (int.TryParse(id, out fileTypeID) == false) return false; return UploadFiles(appID, fileTypeID, fileContent); } else { return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Import XML data into this camera path overwriting the current data /// </summary> /// <param name="XMLPath">An XML file path</param> public void FromXML(string XMLPath) { Debug.Log("Import Track BuildR Track XML " + XMLPath); Clear(); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(XMLPath)) { xml.LoadXml(sr.ReadToEnd()); } XmlNode trackNode = xml.SelectNodes("trackbuildr")[0]; version = float.Parse(trackNode["version"].FirstChild.Value); if (trackNode["name"] != null) name = trackNode["name"].FirstChild.Value; if(trackNode["fileType"] != null) { fileType = (fileTypes)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(fileTypes), trackNode["fileType"].FirstChild.Value); exportFilename = trackNode["exportFilename"].FirstChild.Value; copyTexturesIntoExportFolder = bool.Parse(trackNode["copyTexturesIntoExportFolder"].FirstChild.Value); exportCollider = bool.Parse(trackNode["exportCollider"].FirstChild.Value); createPrefabOnExport = bool.Parse(trackNode["createPrefabOnExport"].FirstChild.Value); } //send data to track track.FromXML(trackNode.SelectSingleNode("track")); }