Beispiel #1
 public SetVariable(
     ILog log,
     string variableName,
     fOperand <int> operand) : base(log)
     m_VariableName = variableName;
     m_Operand      = operand;
Beispiel #2
 // Functions arn't intended to be mutable. The recommended useage is that they are initialised prior to parsing
 // by using the InitRunState callback.
 public void SetFunction <T>(
     string funcName,
     fOperand <T> func
     // Have to convert the function to one which returns an object unfortunately
     Functions[funcName] = (int pos, string str, RunState runState) => func(pos, str, runState);
 public StringOffsetComparison(
     ILog log,
     Options options,
     fOperand <int> length,
     fOperand <int> offset,
     bool reverse,             /* Do a reverse string match */
     string name = null,
     UserOnMatch fUserOnMatch = null) : base(log, options, fUserOnMatch)
     Name      = name;
     m_Length  = length;
     m_Offset  = offset;
     m_Reverse = reverse;
Beispiel #4
 public Advance(
     ILog log,
     fOperand <int> pos) : base(log)
     m_Pos = pos;