// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            AutoResetEvent         completion = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            PythonEvaluationResult result     = null;

            TaskHelpers.RunSynchronouslyOnUIThread(ct => _frame.StackFrame.ExecuteTextAsync(_expression, (obj) => {
                result = obj;
            }, ct));

            while (!_frame.StackFrame.Thread.Process.HasExited && !completion.WaitOne(Math.Min((int)dwTimeout, 100)))
                if (dwTimeout <= 100)
                dwTimeout -= 100;

            if (_frame.StackFrame.Thread.Process.HasExited || result == null)
                ppResult = null;
            else if (result == null)
                ppResult = null;
            ppResult = new AD7Property(_frame, result, _writable);

Beispiel #2
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(
     enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags,
     IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
     // For now, no async evaluation supported.

        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS evaluateFlags, uint timeout, IDebugEventCallback2 eventCallback, out IDebugProperty2 result)
            // Evaluate the expression synchronously.


                CLangDebuggeeStackFrame stackFrame = m_stackFrame as CLangDebuggeeStackFrame;

                result = stackFrame.EvaluateCustomExpression(evaluateFlags, m_expression, m_radix);

                if (result == null)

            catch (Exception e)

                result = null;

 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(
   enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, 
   IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
   // For now, no async evaluation supported.
   return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
        // This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
        // This method should return immediately after it has started the expression evaluation. 
        // When the expression is successfully evaluated, an IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2 
        // must be sent to the IDebugEventCallback2 event callback
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback) {
            _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _frame.StackFrame.ExecuteTextAsync(_expression, _tokenSource.Token)
                .ContinueWith(p => {
                    try {
                        IDebugProperty2 property;
                        if (p.Exception != null && p.Exception.InnerException != null) {
                            property = new AD7EvalErrorProperty(p.Exception.InnerException.Message);
                        } else if (p.IsCanceled) {
                            property = new AD7EvalErrorProperty("Evaluation canceled");
                        } else if (p.IsFaulted || p.Result == null) {
                            property = new AD7EvalErrorProperty("Error");
                        } else {
                            property = new AD7Property(_frame, p.Result);

                            new AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(this, property),
                    } finally {
                        _tokenSource = null;
                }, _tokenSource.Token);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #6
        // This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
        // This method should return immediately after it has started the expression evaluation.
        // When the expression is successfully evaluated, an IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2
        // must be sent to the IDebugEventCallback2 event callback
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
            if (pExprCallback == null)

            if (_asyncEval == null || _asyncEval.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.Running)
                _asyncEval = new System.Threading.Thread(() =>
                    uint attributes;
                    Guid riidEvent = new Guid(XamarinExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent.IID);
                    IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2 evnt = new XamarinExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(this, new XamarinProperty(_var));
                    IDebugEvent2 eventObject = evnt as IDebugEvent2;
                    if (eventObject.GetAttributes(out attributes) != VisualStudioExtensionConstants.S_OK)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create and register a thread. The event object failed to get its attributes");
                    if (pExprCallback.Event(_engine.MonoEngine, null, _engine.ActiveProgram, _thread, eventObject, ref riidEvent, attributes) != VisualStudioExtensionConstants.S_OK)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create and register a thread. The event has not been sent succesfully");
Beispiel #7
        public override async Task<Results> VarCreate(string expression, int threadId, uint frameLevel, enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, ResultClass resultClass = ResultClass.done)
            string command = string.Format("-var-create - - \"{0}\"", expression);  // use '-' to indicate that "--frame" should be used to determine the frame number
            Results results = await ThreadFrameCmdAsync(command, resultClass, threadId, frameLevel);

            return results;
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult) {
            AutoResetEvent completion = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            PythonEvaluationResult result = null;
            _frame.StackFrame.ExecuteText(_expression, (obj) => {
                result = obj;
            while (!_frame.StackFrame.Thread.Process.HasExited && !completion.WaitOne(Math.Min((int)dwTimeout, 100))) {
                if (dwTimeout <= 100) {
                dwTimeout -= 100;

            if (_frame.StackFrame.Thread.Process.HasExited || result == null) {
                ppResult = null;
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
            } else if (result == null) {
                ppResult = null;
                return DebuggerConstants.E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT;
            ppResult = new AD7Property(_frame, result, _writable);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #9
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            var res = TaskExtensions.RunSynchronouslyOnUIThread(ct => StackFrame.StackFrame.EvaluateAsync(_expression, AD7Property.PrefetchedFields, AD7Property.ReprMaxLength, ct));

            ppResult = new AD7Property(StackFrame, res);
            // Token: 0x06000201 RID: 513 RVA: 0x00006FC0 File Offset: 0x000051C0
            int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
                EvaluationOptions defaultOptions = StackFrame.DefaultOptions;

                defaultOptions.EvaluationTimeout       = (int)dwTimeout;
                defaultOptions.MemberEvaluationTimeout = (int)dwTimeout;
                defaultOptions.EllipsizeStrings        = false;
                defaultOptions.IntegerDisplayFormat    = this.Frame.Session.EvaluationOptions.IntegerDisplayFormat;
                if ((dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOFUNCEVAL) != 0)
                    defaultOptions.AllowMethodEvaluation = false;
                    defaultOptions.AllowTargetInvoke     = false;
                ObjectValue expressionValue = this.Frame.Frame.GetExpressionValue(this.Text, defaultOptions);

                if (expressionValue == null)
                    ppResult = null;
                if (!expressionValue.WaitHandle.WaitOne((int)dwTimeout))
                    ppResult = null;
                if (expressionValue.IsError)
                    ppResult = null;
                expressionValue.Name = this.Text;
                ppResult             = new StackFrame.Property(this.Frame, expressionValue);
Beispiel #11
 public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
                         out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     if (property != null)
         ppResult = property;
         property = frame.Engine.DebuggedProcess.Resolve(frame, exp, dwTimeout) as ILProperty;
         ppResult = property;
         if (property != null)
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Name))
                 property.Name = oriExp;
 public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
                         out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     ppResult = ScriptPropertyFactory.MakeProperty(_debugger, _var, string.Empty); // no parent path
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            //bool hex = SquirrelDebuggerEngine.SquirrelDebuggerEnginePackage.HexDisplayMode;

            ppResult = new AD7Property(var);
Beispiel #14
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            var timeout     = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(dwTimeout);
            var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout);

            ppResult = null;

            NodeEvaluationResult result;

                result = this._frame.StackFrame.ExecuteTextAsync(this._expression, tokenSource.Token).WaitAsync(timeout, tokenSource.Token).WaitAndUnwrapExceptions();
            catch (DebuggerCommandException ex)
                ppResult = new AD7EvalErrorProperty(ex.Message);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)

            if (result == null)

            ppResult = new AD7Property(this._frame, result);
Beispiel #15
        // This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
        // This method should return immediately after it has started the expression evaluation.
        // When the expression is successfully evaluated, an IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2
        // must be sent to the IDebugEventCallback2 event callback
        // This is primarily used for the immediate window which this engine does not currently support.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
            Thread m_processingThread;
            m_processingThread = new Thread(evaluatingAsync);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb146982.aspx)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags"> A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation. </param>
        /// <param name="dwTimeout"> Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait
        /// indefinitely. </param>
        /// <param name="pExprCallback"> This parameter is always a null value. </param>
        /// <param name="ppResult"> Returns the IDebugProperty2 object that contains the result of the expression evaluation. </param>
        /// <returns> VSConstants.S_OK. </returns>
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            VariableInfo vi = VariableInfo.get(exp, m_eventDispatcher, m_frame);

            ppResult = new AD7Property(vi);
            m_frame._lastEvaluatedExpression = vi;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
            out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;
            int idx = _index;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_castExpr))
                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync().Await((int) dwTimeout)
                                     .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == _registerType + _index);
                if (reg != null)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg, null, _stackFrame);
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;
                var tag = GetTagFromString(_castExpr);

                if (!tag.IsPrimitive() && (dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOSIDEEFFECTS) != 0)
                    // this evaluation has "side effects" in that it might crash the VM
                    // if the cast is to "object" or "string", but the register does not 
                    // hold an object or string.
                    ppResult = new DebugConstProperty(_expression, "(this cast might crash the VM if the register is not of the casted type)", _castExpr, null)
                                                     { HasSideEffects = true };
                    return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

                var isParam = _registerType == "p";

                if (isParam)
                    var loc = _stackFrame.GetDocumentLocationAsync().Await((int) dwTimeout);
                    if (loc == null)
                        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
                    var methodDiss = _stackFrame.Thread.Program.DisassemblyProvider.GetFromLocation(loc);
                    if (methodDiss == null)
                        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
                    idx += methodDiss.Method.Body.Registers.Count - methodDiss.Method.Body.IncomingArguments;

                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync(false, tag, idx).Await((int) dwTimeout);

                if (reg != null && reg.Count > 0)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg[0], null, _stackFrame, _expression)
                        HasSideEffects = !tag.IsPrimitive()
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;

            return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
 /// <summary>
 /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dwFlags">A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation.</param>
 /// <param name="dwTimeout">Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait indefinitely.</param>
 /// <param name="pExprCallback">This parameter is always a null value.</param>
 /// <param name="ppResult">Returns the IDebugProperty2 object that contains the result of the expression evaluation.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns an error code. Some typical error codes are:
 /// Error                               Description
 /// E_EVALUATE_BUSY_WITH_EVALUATION     Another expression is currently being evaluated, and simultaneous expression evaluation is not supported.
 /// E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT                  Evaluation timed out.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>For synchronous evaluation, it is not necessary to send an event back to Visual Studio upon completion of the evaluation.</remarks>
 public int EvaluateSync( enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags,
     uint dwTimeout,
     IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
     out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     Logger.Debug( string.Empty );
     ppResult = null;
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
Beispiel #19
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS flags, uint timeout, IDebugEventCallback2 callback,
                                out IDebugProperty2 result)
            EvaluationResult evalResult = taskExecutor
                                          .Run(async() => await asyncEvaluator.EvaluateExpressionAsync());

            result = evalResult.Result;
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dwFlags">A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation.</param>
 /// <param name="dwTimeout">Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait indefinitely.</param>
 /// <param name="pExprCallback">This parameter is always a null value.</param>
 /// <param name="ppResult">Returns the IDebugProperty2 object that contains the result of the expression evaluation.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns an error code. Some typical error codes are:
 /// Error                               Description
 /// E_EVALUATE_BUSY_WITH_EVALUATION     Another expression is currently being evaluated, and simultaneous expression evaluation is not supported.
 /// E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT                  Evaluation timed out.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>For synchronous evaluation, it is not necessary to send an event back to Visual Studio upon completion of the evaluation.</remarks>
 public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags,
                         uint dwTimeout,
                         IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
                         out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     ppResult = null;
Beispiel #21
        public void SyncEval(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags = 0)
            Task eval = Task.Run(async() =>
                await Eval(dwFlags);

        public int EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
            // don't use pExprCallback!

            IDebugEventCallback2 callback = _context.StackFrame.Thread.Program.Callback;
            Task<IDebugProperty2> evaluateTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => EvaluateImpl(dwFlags)).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();
            Task successCompletionTask = evaluateTask.ContinueWith(task => SendEvaluationCompleteEvent(task, callback), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();
            Task failureCompletionTask = evaluateTask.ContinueWith(task => SendEvaluationCompleteEvent(null, callback), TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnRanToCompletion).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
        /// This is primarily used for the immediate window. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb146752.aspx)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags"> A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation. </param>
        /// <param name="pExprCallback"> This parameter is always a null value. </param>
        /// <returns> VSConstants.S_OK. </returns>
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
            // Creating a thread to evaluate the expression asynchronously.
            Thread m_processingThread;

            m_processingThread = new Thread(evaluatingAsync);

 // This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
 // This method should return immediately after it has started the expression evaluation. 
 // When the expression is successfully evaluated, an IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2 
 // must be sent to the IDebugEventCallback2 event callback
 // This is primarily used for the immediate window which this engine does not currently support.
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback) {
     _frame.StackFrame.ExecuteText(_expression, (obj) => {
             new AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(this, new AD7Property(_frame, obj, _writable)), 
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
 // This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
 // This method should return immediately after it has started the expression evaluation.
 // When the expression is successfully evaluated, an IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2
 // must be sent to the IDebugEventCallback2 event callback
 // This is primarily used for the immediate window which this engine does not currently support.
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
     TaskHelpers.RunSynchronouslyOnUIThread(ct => _frame.StackFrame.ExecuteTextAsync(_expression, (obj) => {
             new AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(this, new AD7Property(_frame, obj, _writable)),
     }, ct));
        public int EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
            // don't use pExprCallback!

            IDebugEventCallback2   callback     = _context.StackFrame.Thread.Program.Callback;
            Task <IDebugProperty2> evaluateTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => EvaluateImpl(dwFlags)).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();
            Task successCompletionTask          = evaluateTask.ContinueWith(task => SendEvaluationCompleteEvent(task, callback), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();
            Task failureCompletionTask          = evaluateTask.ContinueWith(task => SendEvaluationCompleteEvent(null, callback), TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnRanToCompletion).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();

        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
                                out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_castExpr))
                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync().Await((int)dwTimeout)
                          .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == _registerType + _index);
                if (reg != null)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg, null, _stackFrame);
                var tag = GetTagFromString(_castExpr);

                if (!tag.IsPrimitive() && (dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOSIDEEFFECTS) != 0)
                    // this evaluation has "side effects" in that it might crash the VM
                    // if the cast is to "object" or "string", but the register does not
                    // hold an object or string.
                    ppResult = new DebugConstProperty(_expression, "(this cast might crash a DalvikVM if the register is not of the casted type)", _castExpr, null)
                        HasSideEffects = true

                var regNames = _stackFrame.GetRegisterNamesAsync().Await((int)dwTimeout);
                var vmIdx    = regNames.GetVmIndex(_registerType == "p", _index);

                if (vmIdx < 0)

                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync(false, tag, vmIdx).Await((int)dwTimeout);

                if (reg != null && reg.Count > 0)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg[0], null, _stackFrame, _expression)
                        HasSideEffects = !tag.IsPrimitive()

            // Token: 0x060001FF RID: 511 RVA: 0x00006F1C File Offset: 0x0000511C
            int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
                EvaluationOptions defaultOptions = StackFrame.DefaultOptions;

                defaultOptions.EvaluationTimeout       = -1;
                defaultOptions.MemberEvaluationTimeout = -1;
                defaultOptions.EllipsizeStrings        = false;
                defaultOptions.IntegerDisplayFormat    = this.Frame.Session.EvaluationOptions.IntegerDisplayFormat;
                ObjectValue value = this.Frame.Frame.GetExpressionValue(this.Text, defaultOptions);

                value.ValueChanged += (o, e) => SendResult(new StackFrame.Property(this.Frame, value));
Beispiel #29
        public int EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS flags, IDebugEventCallback2 callback)
            Func <Task> evaluationTask = () => taskExecutor.SubmitAsync(async() =>
                EvaluationResult evalResult = await asyncEvaluator.EvaluateExpressionAsync();
                debugEngineHandler.OnEvaluationComplete(Self, evalResult.Result, program, thread);
            }, CancellationToken.None, nameof(EvaluateAsync), typeof(DebugExpression));

                                                  "EvaluateAsync: error evaluating expression asynchronously");

        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags">[in] A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation.</param>
        /// <param name="dwTimeout">[in] Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait indefinitely.</param>
        /// <param name="pExprCallback">[in]This parameter is always a null value.</param>
        /// <param name="ppResult">[out] Returns the IDebugProperty2 object that contains the result of the expression evaluation.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns an error code. Some typical error codes are:
        ///  * E_EVALUATE_BUSY_WITH_EVALUATION  Another expression is currently being evaluated, and simultaneous
        ///                                     expression evaluation is not supported.
        ///  * E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT               Evaluation timed out.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For synchronous evaluation, it is not necessary to send an event back to Visual Studio upon completion of the evaluation.
        /// </remarks>
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;

            Task<IDebugProperty2> task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => EvaluateImpl(dwFlags)).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();
            if (!task.Wait((int)dwTimeout))
                return AD7Constants.E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT;

            if (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion || task.Result == null)
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

            ppResult = task.Result;
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #31
 public int EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS flags, IDebugEventCallback2 callback)
     cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
         () =>
         IDebugProperty2 result;
         EvaluateSync(flags, uint.MaxValue, callback, out result);
         callback = new MonoCallbackWrapper(callback ?? engine.Callback);
         callback.Send(engine, new MonoExpressionCompleteEvent(engine, thread, value, Expression), MonoExpressionCompleteEvent.IID, thread);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
            out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_castExpr))
                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync().Await((int) dwTimeout)
                                     .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == _registerType + _index);
                if (reg != null)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg, null, _stackFrame);
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;
                var tag = GetTagFromString(_castExpr);

                if (!tag.IsPrimitive() && (dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOSIDEEFFECTS) != 0)
                    // this evaluation has "side effects" in that it might crash the VM
                    // if the cast is to "object" or "string", but the register does not
                    // hold an object or string.
                    ppResult = new DebugConstProperty(_expression, "(this cast might crash a DalvikVM if the register is not of the casted type)", _castExpr, null)
                                                     { HasSideEffects = true };
                    return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

                var regNames = _stackFrame.GetRegisterNamesAsync().Await((int)dwTimeout);
                var vmIdx = regNames.GetVmIndex(_registerType == "p", _index);

                if (vmIdx < 0)
                    return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync(false, tag, vmIdx).Await((int)dwTimeout);

                if (reg != null && reg.Count > 0)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg[0], null, _stackFrame, _expression)
                        HasSideEffects = !tag.IsPrimitive()
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;

            return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
Beispiel #33
 public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
                         out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     if (property != null || resolved)
         ppResult = property;
         ppResult = property;
Beispiel #34
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback) {
     _cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
     Task.Run(async () => {
         try {
             var res = await StackFrame.StackFrame.EvaluateAsync(_expression, reprMaxLength: AD7Property.ReprMaxLength);
             var prop = new AD7Property(StackFrame, res);
             StackFrame.Engine.Send(new AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(this, prop), AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent.IID);
         } catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.IsCriticalException()) {
             StackFrame.Engine.Send(new AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(ex), AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent.IID);
         } finally {
             _cts = null;
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public async Task Eval(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags = (enum_EVALFLAGS)0)
            var variable = _engine.DebuggedProcess.ThreadCache.GetVariable(Client.Id, Name);

            var val = String.Empty;

            if (variable != null && !variable.Value.Contains("roAssociativeArray"))
                val = variable.Value;
                val = await _engine.DebuggedProcess.CommandFactory.Print(FullName());

            foreach (var node in mapper)
                if (val.StartsWith(node.Key))
                    VariableNodeType = node.Value;

                    val = val.Replace(node.Key, "").Trim();

            Value = val;

            switch (VariableNodeType)
            case NodeType.Field:
                var parts = val.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' });
                foreach (var part in parts)
                    if (part.Contains(":"))
                        var vals = part.Split(':');
                        Children.Add(new VariableInformation(vals[0].Trim(), this));

Beispiel #36
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
     _cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
     Task.Run(async() => {
         try {
             var res = await StackFrame.StackFrame.EvaluateAsync(_expression, AD7Property.PrefetchedFields, AD7Property.ReprMaxLength);
             var prop = new AD7Property(StackFrame, res);
             StackFrame.Engine.Send(new AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(this, prop), AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent.IID);
         } catch (Exception ex) when(!ex.IsCriticalException())
             StackFrame.Engine.Send(new AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(ex), AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent.IID);
         } finally {
             _cts = null;
Beispiel #37
        // This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
        // This method should return immediately after it has started the expression evaluation.
        // When the expression is successfully evaluated, an IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2
        // must be sent to the IDebugEventCallback2 event callback
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
            this._tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            this._frame.StackFrame.ExecuteTextAsync(this._expression, this._tokenSource.Token)
            .ContinueWith(p =>
                    IDebugProperty2 property;
                    if (p.Exception != null && p.Exception.InnerException != null)
                        property = new AD7EvalErrorProperty(p.Exception.InnerException.Message);
                    else if (p.IsCanceled)
                        property = new AD7EvalErrorProperty("Evaluation canceled");
                    else if (p.IsFaulted || p.Result == null)
                        property = new AD7EvalErrorProperty("Error");
                        property = new AD7Property(this._frame, p.Result);

                        new AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(this, property),
                    this._tokenSource = null;
            }, this._tokenSource.Token);

Beispiel #38
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(
            enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags,
            IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
            _ = Task.Run(() =>
                var value = Debugger.Evaluate(StackFrame.FrameNumber, ExpressionString);
                if (value != null)
                    value.Name = ExpressionString;


                DebugEvent.Send(new ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(
                                    pExprCallback, this, Property.Create(StackFrame, 0, value)));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags">[in] A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation.</param>
        /// <param name="dwTimeout">[in] Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait indefinitely.</param>
        /// <param name="pExprCallback">[in]This parameter is always a null value.</param>
        /// <param name="ppResult">[out] Returns the IDebugProperty2 object that contains the result of the expression evaluation.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns an error code. Some typical error codes are:
        ///  * E_EVALUATE_BUSY_WITH_EVALUATION  Another expression is currently being evaluated, and simultaneous
        ///                                     expression evaluation is not supported.
        ///  * E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT               Evaluation timed out.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For synchronous evaluation, it is not necessary to send an event back to Visual Studio upon completion of the evaluation.
        /// </remarks>
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;

            Task <IDebugProperty2> task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => EvaluateImpl(dwFlags)).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();

            if (!task.Wait((int)dwTimeout))

            if (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion || task.Result == null)

            ppResult = task.Result;
Beispiel #40
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(
            enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags,
            uint dwTimeout,
            IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
            out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;
            var value = Debugger.Evaluate(StackFrame.FrameNumber, ExpressionString);

            if (value == null || value is JsError)


            value.Name = ExpressionString;
            ppResult   = Property.Create(StackFrame, 0, value);
Beispiel #41
        public void GetAndCheckChildValue(string caller_trace, string ExpectedResult, string variable,
                                          int childIndex, bool setEvalFlags, enum_EVALFLAGS evalFlags)
            var res = MIDebugger.Request("-var-create - * " +
                                         "\"" + variable + "\"" +
                                         (setEvalFlags ? (" --evalFlags " + (int)evalFlags) : ""));

            Assert.Equal(MIResultClass.Done, res.Class, @"__FILE__:__LINE__" + "\n" + caller_trace);

            string struct2 = ((MIConst)res["name"]).CString;

            res = MIDebugger.Request("-var-list-children --simple-values " +
                                     "\"" + struct2 + "\"");
            Assert.Equal(MIResultClass.Done, res.Class, @"__FILE__:__LINE__" + "\n" + caller_trace);

            var children = (MIList)res["children"];
            var child    = (MITuple)((MIResult)children[childIndex]).Value;

            Assert.Equal(ExpectedResult, ((MIConst)child["value"]).CString, @"__FILE__:__LINE__" + "\n" + caller_trace);
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(
   enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, 
   uint dwTimeout, 
   IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, 
   out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
   if (MySql.Debugger.Debugger.GetTagHashCode(_stackFrame._rs.OwningRoutine.SourceCode) !=
     // This should never happen.
     ppResult = null;
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
   AD7Property prop = new AD7Property( _expr,_stackFrame.Node, _stackFrame._rs );
   ppResult = prop;
   // Send evaluation complete event
     _stackFrame.Node, ( IDebugExpression2 )this, ( IDebugProperty2 )prop );
   return VSConstants.S_OK;

    #region IDebugExpression2 Members


    public int EvaluateAsync (enum_EVALFLAGS evaluateFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 eventCallback)
      // Evaluate the expression asynchronously.
      // Method should return immediately after starting the expression evaluation, when completed successfully
      // a 'IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2' event should be sent to the provided IDebugEventCallback2 callback.

      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate (object state)
            IDebugProperty2 result;

            IDebugThread2 thread;

            LoggingUtils.RequireOk (m_stackFrame.GetThread (out thread));

            LoggingUtils.RequireOk (EvaluateSync (evaluateFlags, 0, eventCallback, out result));

            m_debugEngine.Broadcast (eventCallback, new DebugEngineEvent.ExpressionEvaluationComplete (this, result), m_debugEngine.Program, thread);
          catch (Exception e)
            LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return Constants.S_OK;
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return Constants.E_FAIL;

        #region IDebugExpression2 Members


        public int EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS evaluateFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 eventCallback)
            // Evaluate the expression asynchronously.
            // Method should return immediately after starting the expression evaluation, when completed successfully
            // a 'IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2' event should be sent to the provided IDebugEventCallback2 callback.


                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state)
                        IDebugProperty2 result;

                        IDebugThread2 thread;

                        LoggingUtils.RequireOk(m_stackFrame.GetThread(out thread));

                        LoggingUtils.RequireOk(EvaluateSync(evaluateFlags, 0, eventCallback, out result));

                        m_debugEngine.Broadcast(eventCallback, new DebugEngineEvent.ExpressionEvaluationComplete(this, result), m_debugEngine.Program, thread);
                    catch (Exception e)

            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #45
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;
            if ((dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOSIDEEFFECTS) != 0 && _var.IsVisualized)
                IVariableInformation variable = DebuggedProcess.g_Process.Natvis.Cache.Lookup(_var);
                if (variable == null)
                    ppResult = new AD7ErrorProperty(_var.Name, ResourceStrings.NoSideEffectsVisualizerMessage);
                    _var = variable;
                    ppResult = new AD7Property(_var);
                return Constants.S_OK;

            ppResult = new AD7Property(_var);
            return Constants.S_OK;
Beispiel #46
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            NodeEvaluationResult result;
            ppResult = null;

                result = _frame.StackFrame.EvaluateExpressionAsync(_expression).Result;
            catch (Exception)
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
            if (result == null)
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

            ppResult = new AD7Property(result);
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        private IDebugProperty2 EvaluateImpl(enum_EVALFLAGS flags)
            ITreeNodeStream input = new CommonTreeNodeStream(_expression);
            DebugExpressionEvaluatorWalker walker = new DebugExpressionEvaluatorWalker(input, _context.StackFrame.StackFrame);
            EvaluatedExpression evaluatedExpression = walker.standaloneExpression();

            // make sure the Name and FullName of the evaluated expression match what the user typed
            evaluatedExpression = new EvaluatedExpression(

            return new JavaDebugProperty(null, evaluatedExpression);
Beispiel #48
 // This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
 // This method should return immediately after it has started the expression evaluation.
 // When the expression is successfully evaluated, an IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2
 // must be sent to the IDebugEventCallback2 event callback
 // This is primarily used for the immediate window
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
     if (((dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOSIDEEFFECTS) != 0 && (dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_ALLOWBPS) == 0) && _var.IsVisualized)
         IVariableInformation variable = DebuggedProcess.g_Process.Natvis.Cache.Lookup(_var);
         if (variable == null)
             _var.AsyncError(pExprCallback, new AD7ErrorProperty(_var.Name, ResourceStrings.NoSideEffectsVisualizerMessage));
             _var = variable;    // use the old value
             Task.Run(() =>
                 new EngineCallback(DebuggedProcess.g_Process.Engine, pExprCallback).OnExpressionEvaluationComplete(variable);
     return Constants.S_OK;
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult) {
            TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(dwTimeout);
            var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout);
            ppResult = null;

            NodeEvaluationResult result;
            try {
                result = _frame.StackFrame.ExecuteTextAsync(_expression, tokenSource.Token).WaitAsync(timeout, tokenSource.Token).WaitAndUnwrapExceptions();
            } catch (DebuggerCommandException ex) {
                ppResult = new AD7EvalErrorProperty(ex.Message);
                return VSConstants.S_OK;
            } catch (OperationCanceledException) {
                return DebuggerConstants.E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT;

            if (result == null) {
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

            ppResult = new AD7Property(_frame, result);
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #50
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult) {
     var res = TaskExtensions.RunSynchronouslyOnUIThread(ct => StackFrame.StackFrame.TryEvaluateAndDescribeAsync(_expression, AD7Property.PrefetchedProperties, AD7Property.Repr, ct));
     ppResult = new AD7Property(StackFrame, res);
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #51
        public virtual async Task<Results> VarCreate(string expression, int threadId, uint frameLevel, enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, ResultClass resultClass = ResultClass.done)
            string quoteEscapedExpression = EscapeQuotes(expression);
            string command = string.Format("-var-create - * \"{0}\"", quoteEscapedExpression);
            Results results = await ThreadFrameCmdAsync(command, resultClass, threadId, frameLevel);

            return results;
Beispiel #52
 // This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
 // This method should return immediately after it has started the expression evaluation.
 // When the expression is successfully evaluated, an IDebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent2
 // must be sent to the IDebugEventCallback2 event callback
 // This is primarily used for the immediate window which this engine does not currently support.
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #53
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult) {
     var res = TaskExtensions.RunSynchronouslyOnUIThread(ct => StackFrame.StackFrame.EvaluateAsync(_expression, reprMaxLength: AD7Property.ReprMaxLength, cancellationToken:ct));
     ppResult = new AD7Property(StackFrame, res);
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #54
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression asynchronously.
        /// This is primarily used for the immediate window. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb146752.aspx)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags"> A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation. </param>
        /// <param name="pExprCallback"> This parameter is always a null value. </param>
        /// <returns> VSConstants.S_OK. </returns>
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
            // Creating a thread to evaluate the expression asynchronously.
            Thread m_processingThread;
            m_processingThread = new Thread(evaluatingAsync);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
 public int EvaluateAsync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback)
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
 public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
     out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     ppResult = _monoProperty;
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #57
        public override async Task<Results> VarCreate(string expression, int threadId, uint frameLevel, enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, ResultClass resultClass = ResultClass.done)
            string command = string.Format("-var-create - * \"{0}\" --evalFlags {1}", expression, (uint)dwFlags);
            Results results = await ThreadFrameCmdAsync(command, resultClass, threadId, frameLevel);

            return results;
Beispiel #58
 public void SyncEval(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags)
Beispiel #59
 // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     ppResult = this;
     return Constants.S_OK;
Beispiel #60
 /// <summary>
 /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb146982.aspx)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dwFlags"> A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation. </param>
 /// <param name="dwTimeout"> Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait 
 /// indefinitely. </param>
 /// <param name="pExprCallback"> This parameter is always a null value. </param>
 /// <param name="ppResult"> Returns the IDebugProperty2 object that contains the result of the expression evaluation. </param>
 /// <returns> VSConstants.S_OK. </returns>
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     VariableInfo vi = VariableInfo.get(exp, m_eventDispatcher, m_frame);
     ppResult = new AD7Property(vi);
     m_frame._lastEvaluatedExpression = vi;
     return VSConstants.S_OK;