Beispiel #1
 static c000073()
     bool flag = false;
     Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
     StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx(executingAssembly.Location, true, ref flag);
     if (!flag || !executingAssembly.FullName.EndsWith("3db2fda49ca9adff"))
         throw new SecurityException("Assembly has been tampered");
     f000031 = 0f;
     f000033 = 0f;
     f000035 = 0f;
     f000037 = 0f;
     f0000a4 = 0f;
     f0000a5 = 2f;
     f0000a6 = 0f;
     f0000a7 = 0f;
     f0000a8 = 0f;
     f0000a9 = 0f;
     f0000aa = 0f;
     f000001 = enum078.f000001;
     f00005b = new List<float>();
     f000039 = new c000043<c0000a6>();
     f00003a = new c000043<c0000a6>();
     f00008f = new ReadOnlyCollection<c0000a6>(f00003a);
     f0000a3 = new VertexPositionColorTexture[6];
Beispiel #2
 public ListBoxBase(c000069 p0)
     : base(p0)
     this.f00005b = new List<c000112>();
     this.f000078 = new List<c000112>();
     this.f000001 = enum078.f000001;
     this.f00088a = new c000043<c00006c>();
     this.f000056 = false;
     this.f000057 = false;
     this.f00000f = -1;
     this.f0000a0 = false;
     this.f0000a1 = false;
     this.f000156 = Sorting.f000156;
     this.f0000f1 = 1.4f;
     this.f0000f2 = -1f;
     this.f0000a2 = true;
     this.f00088b = new List<Keys>();
     this.f000038 = new c000075();
     this.f000038.m000143(base.m00014b() - (0.0001f * c000076.f000066.Z));
     this.f000017 = new c00007c(base.f000029);
Beispiel #3
 public static int m0000ca(float p0, string p1, float p2, int p3, c000128 p4, enum078 p5)
     float num3;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p1))
         return 0;
     if (p4 == null)
         if (f00008e == null)
             throw new ArgumentNullException("No bitmapFont passed as an argument and the TextManager does not have its DefaultFont set");
         p4 = f00008e;
     float num = 0f;
     int num2 = 0;
     if (p5 == enum078.f000001)
         for (num2 = 0; (num2 + p3) < p1.Length; num2++)
             num3 = p4.m00021a(p1[num2 + p3]) * p2;
             if ((num + num3) > p0)
                 return num2;
             num += num3;
         return num2;
     if (p5 == enum078.f000043)
         num2 = 0;
         while ((p3 - num2) > -1)
             num3 = p4.m00021a(p1[p3 - num2]) * p2;
             if ((num + num3) > p0)
                 return num2;
             num += num3;
         return num2;
     int num4 = p1.Length / 2;
     int num5 = num4;
     int num6 = num4 + 1;
     while ((num5 > -1) || (num6 < p1.Length))
         if (num5 > -1)
             num3 = p4.m00021a(p1[num5]) * p2;
             if ((num + num3) > p0)
                 return num2;
             num += num3;
         if (num6 < p1.Length)
             num3 = p4.m00021a(p1[num6]) * p2;
             if ((num + num3) > p0)
                 return num2;
             num += num3;
     return num2;
Beispiel #4
 public static void m000097(c00014b p0)
     int num = 0;
     float num2 = p0.f0000a7 / 2f;
     float num3 = -num2 * 1.5f;
     if (p0.f00000a)
         f000031 = (p0.f000035 + c000052.m00009f().m000178()) + 1f;
         f000033 = (p0.f000031 - (num2 * 1.5f)) + c000052.m00009f().m000179();
         f000035 = p0.f0000a6 + c000052.m00009f().m00017a();
     else if (p0.f000028 != null)
         f000031 = (((-c000052.m00009f().m000162() + p0.f000028.m000178()) - p0.f000028.m00008e()) + p0.f000035) + 1f;
         f000033 = ((c000052.m00009f().m000163() - p0.f000028.m000179()) + p0.f000028.m00008f()) + p0.f000031;
         f000035 = c000052.m00009f().m00017a() - 100f;
         f000031 = p0.f000035 + 1f;
         f000033 = p0.f000031 - (num2 * 1.5f);
         f000035 = p0.f0000a6;
     f000001 = enum078.f000001;
     f0000a4 = f000037 = p0.f0000a7 / 2f;
     f0000a8 = p0.m000024();
     f0000a9 = p0.m000028();
     f0000aa = p0.m00002c();
     f0000a7 = p0.m000038();
     if (p0.f00005b.Count == 0)
     for (int i = 0; i < p0.f00005b.Count; i++)
         string str = p0.f00005b[i];
         m00007f(ref str);
         f000033 -= f0000a5;