Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This either adds the new value to an already existing composite (list of several values),
        /// or it changes the current non composite variable to be a composite,
        /// by adding the current value as the first member to the list, and then adding the new value;
        /// ToString will concatenate the values, but ToDecimal, ToBoolean etc will only convert the first value in the composite
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public void Add(TVariant value, String AFormatString, Boolean AConcatenateStrings)
            TVariant lastValue;


            if (TypeVariant == eVariantTypes.eComposite)
                if ((value.TypeVariant == eVariantTypes.eComposite) && (value.CompositeValue.Count == 1))
                    // if there is only one element in the other composite, reduce to the element
                    value = (TVariant)value.CompositeValue[0];

                // try to concatenate strings
                if ((AConcatenateStrings == true) && (value.TypeVariant == eVariantTypes.eString) && (CompositeValue.Count > 0))
                    lastValue = (TVariant)CompositeValue[CompositeValue.Count - 1];

                    if (lastValue.TypeVariant == eVariantTypes.eString)
                        // don't create a new value in the list, but add the string to the last element
                        lastValue.StringValue = lastValue.StringValue + value.StringValue;
                if ((!IsNil()))
                    if ((AConcatenateStrings == true) && (value.TypeVariant == eVariantTypes.eString) && (this.TypeVariant == eVariantTypes.eString))
                        // don't create a new value in the list, but add the string to the last element
                        this.StringValue = this.StringValue + value.StringValue;
                        CompositeValue = new ArrayList();

                        // if this has already a value, then move the value over into the arraylist
                        CompositeValue.Add(new TVariant(this));
                        TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eComposite;
                        Add(value, AFormatString, AConcatenateStrings);

                        // recursive call so that we only need to code once for adding the strings directly
                    // don't create a list at the moment, just copy the value
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// copy the value to the current object instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">value to be copied</param>
        public void Assign(TVariant value)
            TypeVariant = value.TypeVariant;
            EmptyValue = value.EmptyValue;
            DateValue = value.DateValue;
            DecimalValue = value.DecimalValue;
            FormatString = value.FormatString;
            IntegerValue = value.IntegerValue;
            Int64Value = value.Int64Value;
            StringValue = value.StringValue;
            BooleanValue = value.BooleanValue;
            CompositeValue = new ArrayList();

            if (value.CompositeValue != null)
                foreach (TVariant v in value.CompositeValue)
                    CompositeValue.Add(new TVariant(v));
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for string
 /// if you want the content to be kept as a string, and not converted to int (e.g. cost centre: 0200)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <param name="ExplicitString"></param>
 public TVariant(String value, bool ExplicitString) : this(value, "")
     if (ExplicitString)
         TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eString;
         StringValue = value;
         FormatString = "text";
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for boolean
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">boolean value</param>
 public TVariant(bool value)
     TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eBoolean;
     BooleanValue = value;
     FormatString = "";
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor for long integer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">long integer value</param>
        public TVariant(System.Int64 value)
            if (value < System.Int32.MaxValue)
                TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eInteger;
                IntegerValue = (int)value;
                TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eInt64;
                Int64Value = value;

            FormatString = "";
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor for string
        /// will look at the content of the string and generate a typed representation
        /// if you want to force a string value, use the other overloaded constructor below
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">string value</param>
        /// <param name="AFormat">requested format</param>
        public TVariant(String value, String AFormat)
            FormatString = AFormat;

            if (value == null)
                TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eEmpty;

            TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eString;
            StringValue = value;

            if (this.ToBool().ToString() == StringValue)
                BooleanValue = this.ToBool();
                TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eBoolean;

            if (this.ToDate() != DateTime.MinValue)
                // this is needed for SQLite, which returns date values as a string
                DateValue = this.ToDate();
                TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eDateTime;
            else if ((value.Length > 0)
                     && ((value[0] == '-')
                         || ((value[0] >= '0')
                             && (value[0] <= '9')))
                     && (((this.ToInt64() ==
                               -1)) && (this.ToInt64() != -1) && (this.ToInt64() == 0)) || (this.ToInt64().ToString() == StringValue)))
                // prevent unnecessary Exceptions from TryStrToInt
                // we cannot do the following (convert in both directions to catch numbers with leading zeros, e.g. Partnerkey)
                // this would cause trouble with eg. Account codes that should start with 0
                // I will limit it to just zeros, which would catch an empty partner key to become a zero
                // will create Int32 if the value is small enough
                Int64Value = this.ToInt64();
                IntegerValue = this.ToInt();
                TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eInt64;

                if (Int64Value == IntegerValue)
                    TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eInteger;
            else if (this.ToDecimal().ToString() == StripDecimalAndZeros(StringValue))
                // has to work for 0.0 as well!
                DecimalValue = this.ToDecimal();
                TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eDecimal;
            else if ((StringValue.Length == 10) && (StringValue[0] == '#') && (StringValue[9] == '#'))
                DateValue =
                    new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(StringValue.Substring(1,
                                4)), Convert.ToInt32(StringValue.Substring(5, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(StringValue.Substring(7, 2)));
                TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eDateTime;
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for double (will be converted to decimal)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">double value</param>
 public TVariant(double value)
     TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eDecimal;
     DecimalValue = (decimal)value;
     FormatString = "";
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for integer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">integer value</param>
 public TVariant(System.Int32 value)
     TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eInteger;
     IntegerValue = value;
     FormatString = "";
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for decimal
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">decimal value</param>
 /// <param name="AFormat">requested format</param>
 public TVariant(decimal value, String AFormat)
     TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eCurrency;
     DecimalValue = value;
     FormatString = AFormat;
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for dates
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">date time value</param>
 /// <param name="AFormat">can be dayofyear (for birthdays)</param>
 /// <returns>void</returns>
 public TVariant(System.DateTime value, String AFormat)
     TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eDateTime;
     DateValue = value;
     FormatString = AFormat;
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// copy constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 public TVariant(TVariant value)
     if (value != null)
         TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eEmpty;
         EmptyValue = null;
         FormatString = "";
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// default constructor
 /// </summary>
 public TVariant()
     TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eEmpty;
     EmptyValue = null;
     FormatString = "";
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// apply the string format to the current variable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AFormatString">format to be used</param>
        public void ApplyFormatString(String AFormatString)
            String columnformat;
            int Counter;

            columnformat = AFormatString.ToLower();;

            if (columnformat.IndexOf("csvlistslash") == 0)
                StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref columnformat, ":");

                // this will leave the last element in columnFormat
                // if there is only one element in the list, we don't want to overwrite the format of that element
                // but we need to apply the format to each member of the list
                if (this.TypeVariant == eVariantTypes.eComposite)
                    FormatString = "csvlistslash";

                    for (Counter = 0; Counter <= this.CompositeValue.Count - 1; Counter += 1)
                        ((TVariant) this.CompositeValue[Counter]).ApplyFormatString(columnformat);

                    // don't proceed, it might only cause trouble, e.g. with partnerkey being assigned to the composite
            else if (columnformat.IndexOf("quotes") == 0)
                // apply the quotes immediately
                this.StringValue = "'" + this.ToFormattedString() + "'";
                this.TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eString;
                this.FormatString = "text";

            if (this.ToFormattedString(columnformat).Length == 0)
                // e.g. empty partnerkey should print 0000000000
                this.TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eEmpty;

                if (columnformat != "")
                    this.FormatString = columnformat;
                if (columnformat == "partnerkey")
                    // this value comes from the database as a decimal, and therefore is treated like a currency;
                    // that is not good for csv file export; so we convert it to Int64
                    this.Int64Value = ToInt64();
                    this.TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eInt64;
                    this.FormatString = columnformat;
                else if (columnformat == "text")
                    // this value comes from the database as some type, but should really be treated as a text string, without formatting
                    // so we convert it to String
                    this.StringValue = ToString();
                    this.TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eString;
                    this.FormatString = columnformat;
                else if (columnformat.StartsWith("numberformat"))
                    this.StringValue = this.DecimalValue.ToString(columnformat.Substring(12));
                    this.TypeVariant = eVariantTypes.eString;
                    this.FormatString = columnformat;
                else if (StringHelper.GetFormatString(columnformat, "").Length > 0)
                    // this should filter out 'row', etc.
                    this.FormatString = columnformat;