Beispiel #1
 private static void FillPoints(eTypeOFImage typeOfImage, ref MeshHolder[] meshpoints)
     string[] s1MeshFiles;
     s1MeshFiles = Directory.GetFiles(dictPaths[typeOfImage], "*.txt");
     meshpoints  = new MeshHolder[s1MeshFiles.Length];
     for (int jj = 0; jj < s1MeshFiles.Length; jj++)
         meshpoints[jj]          = new MeshHolder();
         meshpoints[jj].meshList = new List <PointOnGrid>();
         meshpoints[jj].FileName = s1MeshFiles[jj];
         LoadMeshFile(s1MeshFiles[jj], ref meshpoints[jj].meshList);
Beispiel #2
        private void SaveToImage(eTypeOFImage typeofimage, ref ushort[,] InputEOSArray, string FileNum)
            string       localPath      = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            string       resultsRawPath = localPath + "Results_" + TimeOfRun + "\\Raw" + Settings.ImagePaths[typeofimage];
            Bitmap       bmp;
            BitmapSource bmpSourceGray;

            if (!Directory.Exists(resultsRawPath))

            string resultsBMPPath = localPath + "\\Results_" + TimeOfRun + "\\Bmp" + Settings.ImagePaths[typeofimage];

            if (!Directory.Exists(resultsBMPPath))

            string resultsPNGPath = localPath + "\\Results_" + TimeOfRun + "\\PNG" + Settings.ImagePaths[typeofimage];

            if (!Directory.Exists(resultsPNGPath))

            int Width  = InputEOSArray.GetLength(1);
            int Height = InputEOSArray.GetLength(0);

            bmpSourceGray = Utils.ArrayToGrayBitmap(EOSArray);
            bmpSourceGray.SaveTo16bPNG(resultsPNGPath + "img_" + FileNum + ".png");

            bmp = Utils.ArrayToBitmap(EOSArray, palette);
            bmp.Save(resultsBMPPath + "img_" + FileNum + ".bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);

            byte[] by1EOSArray = new byte[EOSArray.Length * sizeof(ushort)];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(EOSArray, 0, by1EOSArray, 0, by1EOSArray.Length);
            File.WriteAllBytes(resultsRawPath + Width + "x" + Height + "_img_" + FileNum + ".raw", by1EOSArray);
Beispiel #3
        private void GenerateShape(ref int GlobalFrmCnt, int ii, eTypeOFImage eType)
            string           sConsoleMessage    = null;
            baseShape        shape              = null;
            List <LabelData> localLabelsList    = null;
            string           sOriginaleFileName = "na";
            MeshHolder       meshHolder;
            double           ratio = 1;

            switch (eType)
            case eTypeOFImage.TestEng:
                sConsoleMessage = "Created Engine for Test image ";
                //shape = new Cylinder(Settings.Geometries.GetEngRandomH(), Settings.Geometries.GetEngRandomW());
                meshHolder         = Settings.TestEngMeshPoints.RandomIndex();
                shape              = new ComplexShape(meshHolder.meshList, Settings.Temperatures.EngTemp, eShape.Engine);
                sOriginaleFileName = meshHolder.FileName;
                localLabelsList    = lstLabelsTest;
                ratio              = (1 - Settings.TrainValidateRatio);

            case eTypeOFImage.TestRV:
                sConsoleMessage    = "Created RV for Test image ";
                meshHolder         = Settings.TestRVMeshPoints.RandomIndex();
                shape              = new ComplexShape(meshHolder.meshList, Settings.Temperatures.RvTemp, eShape.RV);
                sOriginaleFileName = meshHolder.FileName;
                localLabelsList    = lstLabelsTest;
                ratio              = (1 - Settings.TrainValidateRatio);

            case eTypeOFImage.TrainingEng:
                sConsoleMessage = "Created Engine for Training image ";
                meshHolder      = Settings.TrainEngMeshPoints.RandomIndex();
                shape           = new ComplexShape(meshHolder.meshList, Settings.Temperatures.EngTemp, eShape.Engine);
                //shape = new Cylinder(Settings.Geometries.GetEngRandomH(), Settings.Geometries.GetEngRandomW());
                sOriginaleFileName = meshHolder.FileName;
                localLabelsList    = lstLabelsTraining;
                ratio = Settings.TrainValidateRatio;

            case eTypeOFImage.TrainingRV:
                sConsoleMessage = "Created RV for Training image ";
                //shape = new Conus(Settings.Geometries.GetRVRandomH(), Settings.Geometries.GetRVRandomW());
                meshHolder         = Settings.TrainRVMeshPoints.RandomIndex();
                shape              = new ComplexShape(Settings.TrainRVMeshPoints.RandomIndex().meshList, Settings.Temperatures.RvTemp, eShape.RV);
                sOriginaleFileName = meshHolder.FileName;
                localLabelsList    = lstLabelsTraining;
                ratio              = Settings.TrainValidateRatio;

            case eTypeOFImage.ValidationEng:
                sConsoleMessage = "Created Engine for Validation image ";
                //shape = new Cylinder(Settings.Geometries.GetEngRandomH(), Settings.Geometries.GetEngRandomW());
                meshHolder         = Settings.ValidateEngMeshPoints.RandomIndex();
                shape              = new ComplexShape(meshHolder.meshList, Settings.Temperatures.EngTemp, eShape.Engine);
                sOriginaleFileName = meshHolder.FileName;
                localLabelsList    = lstLabelsTraining;
                ratio              = (1 - Settings.TrainValidateRatio);

            case eTypeOFImage.ValidationRV:
                sConsoleMessage = "Created RV for Validation image ";
                //shape = new Conus(Settings.Geometries.GetRVRandomH(), Settings.Geometries.GetRVRandomW());
                meshHolder         = Settings.ValidateRVMeshPoints.RandomIndex();
                shape              = new ComplexShape(meshHolder.meshList, Settings.Temperatures.RvTemp, eShape.RV);
                sOriginaleFileName = meshHolder.FileName;
                localLabelsList    = lstLabelsTraining;
                ratio              = (1 - Settings.TrainValidateRatio);

            if (shape != null && sConsoleMessage != null)
                Random rnd = new Random(DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond);

                shape.Scale(Settings.ScaleFactors.Scale * rnd.NextDouble() + Settings.ScaleFactors.Offset);
                //dirty hack, i rely on the fact that only ComplexShape implements 2 arguments
                shape.Rotate(rnd.Next(1, 359), rnd.Next(1, 359));
                shape.Shift(rnd.Next(-5, 5), rnd.Next(-5, 5));

                RectangleF rect = RectangleF.Empty;
                EOSArray = new ushort[Height, Width];

                //Choose random background (both real and generated)
                if (rnd.Next(0, 3) > 0)
                    AddRealBackGround(ref EOSArray);
                    AddRandomBackGround(ref EOSArray);

                shape.Render(ref EOSArray, ref rect);
                DEP        dep       = new DEP();
                RectangleF dummyRect = RectangleF.Empty;
                dep.Render(ref EOSArray, ref dummyRect);

                if (rect != RectangleF.Empty)
                    CreateLabel(GlobalFrmCnt, shape.GetShapeID(), rect, shape.area, localLabelsList, sOriginaleFileName);
                    SaveToImage(eType, ref EOSArray, GlobalFrmCnt.ToString("0000"));
                    Console.WriteLine(sConsoleMessage + ii + " out of " + ratio * NumberOfTotalImages);
                    GenerateShape(ref GlobalFrmCnt, ii, eType);