private void AppCommandTheme_Executed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ICommandSource source = sender as ICommandSource;

            if (source.CommandParameter is string)
                eStyle style = (eStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(eStyle), source.CommandParameter.ToString());
                // Using StyleManager change the style and color tinting
                if (style == eStyle.Metro)
                    StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters.DarkBlue;

                    StyleManager.Style = eStyle.Metro; // BOOM
                    // If previous style was Metro we need to update other properties as well

                    StyleManager.ChangeStyle(style, Color.Empty);
            else if (source.CommandParameter is Color)
                if (StyleManager.Style == eStyle.Metro)
                    StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = new DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters(Color.White, (Color)source.CommandParameter);
                    StyleManager.ColorTint = (Color)source.CommandParameter;
Beispiel #2
        //this constructor is used only for DBm_Image and DBm_Document table trees
        public Column(Column c,SQLTable DBm_owner_Table,List<SQLTable> lTable)
            obj = SetObject(c.obj);
            nulltype = c.nulltype;
            Style = c.Style;
            flags = c.flags;
            IsIdentity = c.IsIdentity;
            ownerTable = c.ownerTable;
            Name = c.Name;
            //            Value = c.Value;

            //SetType = c.SetType;
            if (c.fKey != null)
                fKey = new ForeignKey(c.fKey, DBm_owner_Table, lTable);
            Name_in_language = c.Name_in_language;
            //Name_in_language = new ltext();
            //int iCount = c.Name_in_language.sText.Length;

            //for (int i = 0; i < iCount;i++)
            //    Name_in_language.sText(i) = c.Name_in_language.sText(i);
Beispiel #3
        void sti_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            eStyle es = (eStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(eStyle), ((ButtonItem)sender).Text);

            StyleMgr.ManagerStyle = es;
            SunCreate.Common.ConfigHelper.SetConfigValue("SysStyle", es.ToString());
        private void cbStyle_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            KeyValuePair <string, eStyle> item = (KeyValuePair <string, eStyle>)cbStyle.SelectedItem;

            this.m_Style = item.Value;
Beispiel #5
 private void SetMainFormStyle(eStyle estyle, eTabStripStyle etabStripStyle, eDotNetBarStyle edotNetBarStyle)
     this.styleManager.ManagerStyle = estyle;
     this.tabControlMain.Style = etabStripStyle;
     this.navigationBar.Style = edotNetBarStyle;
     this.dotNetBarManager.Style = edotNetBarStyle;
Beispiel #6
 public void Copy(GridLayer acopy)
     enabled   = acopy.enabled;
     spacing   = acopy.spacing;
     minSize   = acopy.minSize;
     gridStyle = acopy.gridStyle;
     color     = acopy.color;
Beispiel #7
 public void Copy(GridLayer acopy)
     m_enabled   = acopy.m_enabled;
     m_spacing   = acopy.m_spacing;
     m_minSize   = acopy.m_minSize;
     m_gridStyle = acopy.m_gridStyle;
     m_color     = acopy.m_color;
Beispiel #8
            private _IButton PositionAndCreateButton(Vector2 pos, float border_padding, float spacing,
                                                     float button_size_y, eStyle button_style, int button_num, String text)
                Vector2 button_pos = pos;

                button_pos.X += border_padding;
                button_pos.Y += border_padding + (spacing + button_size_y) * button_num;
                return(XUI.Instance()._CreateRectangularButton(button_pos, text, button_style));
Beispiel #9
        public _ISelector CreateSelector(_Position pos, String title, eStyle style, eStyle button_style, eStyle title_style,
                                         String[] texts)
            _ISelector selector = new Selector(pos, title, style, button_style, title_style, NextUID(),

            mSelectors.Add(selector.GetID(), selector);
Beispiel #10
        private void AppCommandTheme_Executed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ICommandSource source = sender as ICommandSource;

            if (source.CommandParameter is string)
                eStyle style = (eStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(eStyle), source.CommandParameter.ToString());
                // Using StyleManager change the style and color tinting
                if (style == eStyle.Metro)
                    foreach (BaseItem item in RibbonControl.Items)
                        // Ribbon Control may contain items other than tabs so that needs to be taken in account
                        RibbonTabItem tab = item as RibbonTabItem;
                        if (tab != null)
                            tab.Text = tab.Text.ToUpper();

                    ribbonControl1.RibbonStripFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 9.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));

                    StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters.DarkBlue;

                    // Adjust size of switch button to match Metro styling
                    switchButtonItem1.SwitchWidth  = 12;
                    switchButtonItem1.ButtonWidth  = 42;
                    switchButtonItem1.ButtonHeight = 19;

                    StyleManager.Style = eStyle.Metro; // BOOM
                    // If previous style was Metro we need to update other properties as well
                    if (StyleManager.Style == eStyle.Metro)
                        ribbonControl1.RibbonStripFont = null;
                        foreach (BaseItem item in RibbonControl.Items)
                            // Ribbon Control may contain items other than tabs so that needs to be taken in account
                            RibbonTabItem tab = item as RibbonTabItem;
                            if (tab != null)
                                tab.Text = ToTitleCase(tab.Text);
                        // Adjust size of switch button to match Office styling
                        switchButtonItem1.SwitchWidth  = 28;
                        switchButtonItem1.ButtonWidth  = 62;
                        switchButtonItem1.ButtonHeight = 20;

                    StyleManager.ChangeStyle(style, Color.Empty);
Beispiel #11
        private void AppCommandTheme_Executed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ICommandSource source = sender as ICommandSource;

            if (source.CommandParameter is string)
                eStyle style = (eStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(eStyle), source.CommandParameter.ToString());
                // Using StyleManager change the style and color tinting
                if (StyleManager.IsMetro(style))
                    ribbonControl1.RibbonStripFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 9.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
                    if (style == eStyle.Metro)
                        StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters.DarkBlue;

                    // Adjust size of switch button to match Metro styling
                    switchButtonItem1.SwitchWidth  = 12;
                    switchButtonItem1.ButtonWidth  = 42;
                    switchButtonItem1.ButtonHeight = 19;

                    // Adjust tab strip style
                    tabStrip1.Style = eTabStripStyle.Metro;

                    StyleManager.Style = style; // BOOM
                    // If previous style was Metro we need to update other properties as well
                    if (StyleManager.IsMetro(StyleManager.Style))
                        ribbonControl1.RibbonStripFont = null;

                        // Adjust size of switch button to match Office styling
                        switchButtonItem1.SwitchWidth  = 28;
                        switchButtonItem1.ButtonWidth  = 62;
                        switchButtonItem1.ButtonHeight = 20;
                    // Adjust tab strip style
                    tabStrip1.Style = eTabStripStyle.Office2007Document;
                    StyleManager.ChangeStyle(style, Color.Empty);
            else if (source.CommandParameter is Color)
                if (StyleManager.IsMetro(StyleManager.Style))
                    StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = new DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters(Color.White, (Color)source.CommandParameter);
                    StyleManager.ColorTint = (Color)source.CommandParameter;
Beispiel #12
            public Style(eStyle enum_value, eFont normal, Color text, Color background, Color border,
                         float button_padding_scalar, float placement_padding_scalar)
                mEnumValue       = enum_value;
                mNormalFont      = normal;
                mTextColor       = text;
                mBackgroundColor = background;
                mBorderColor     = border;

                CalcPadding(button_padding_scalar, placement_padding_scalar);
 private void selectStyleCb(eStyle i_Style)
     foreach (KeyValuePair <string, eStyle> item in cbStyle.Items)
         if (item.Value == i_Style)
             cbStyle.SelectedItem = item;
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// 改变UI风格。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uiStyle"></param>
 protected virtual void ChangeUIStyle(eStyle uiStyle)
     if (StyleManager.IsMetro(uiStyle))
         StyleManager.Style = uiStyle;
         StyleManager.ChangeStyle(uiStyle, Color.Empty);
Beispiel #15
        public _IButton _CreateRectangularButton(Vector2 pos,
                                                 String text,
                                                 eStyle style)
            Style s = XUI.Instance().GetStyle(style);

            XFontDraw.FontInfo info      = XFontDraw.Instance().GetFontInfo(s.mNormalFont);
            Vector2            font_size = info.mSize;
            _IButton           button    = new _RectangularButton(pos, text, s, NextUID(), font_size);

            _mButtons.Add(button.GetID(), button);
Beispiel #16
        private void comboBoxEx1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (comboBoxEx1.SelectedItem == null)
            eStyle style = (eStyle)comboBoxEx1.SelectedItem;

            if (styleManager1.ManagerStyle != style)
                styleManager1.ManagerStyle = style;
Beispiel #17
        public FrmLogin()
            Login = this;
            this.lbVersion.Text = "版本:v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

            cbRememberUser.Checked = SunCreate.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigBool("RememberUser");
            if (cbRememberUser.Checked)
                this.tbUserName.Text = SunCreate.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("LastLoginUser");
            cbRememberPwd.Checked = SunCreate.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigBool("RememberPwd");
            if (cbRememberPwd.Checked)
                string pwd = SunCreate.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("LastLoginPwd");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pwd))
                        this.tbPwd.Text = EncryptUtils.DESDecrypt(pwd, "yjdd@@!!", "djifd##c");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        log.Error("加载密码失败:", ex);

            string style = SunCreate.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("SysStyle");
            eStyle es    = eStyle.Office2010Black;

            Enum.TryParse <eStyle>(style, out es);
            styleManager.ManagerStyle = es;
            string logo = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Images\\登陆背景.png");

            if (File.Exists(logo))
                    this.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(logo);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Error("登陆背景加载失败!", ex);
 private void buttonStyleCustom_ExpandChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (buttonStyleCustom.Expanded)
         // Remember the starting color scheme to apply if no color is selected during live-preview
         m_ColorSelected = false;
         m_BaseStyle     = StyleManager.Style;
         if (!m_ColorSelected)
             StyleManager.ChangeStyle(m_BaseStyle, Color.Empty);
Beispiel #19
        private void comboBoxEx1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (comboBoxEx1.SelectedItem == null)
            eStyle style = (eStyle)(10 + comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex);

            if (styleManager1.ManagerStyle != style)
                styleManager1.ManagerStyle = style;
            if (comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex != Settings.Default.Diseño)
                Settings.Default.Diseño = comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex;
                MessageBoxEx.Show("Te recomendamos reiniciar el programa para aplicar los cambios completamente", "Cambio de estilo");
Beispiel #20
 public Settings(IntPtr Handle)
     this.Category           = new Category();
     this.FirstRun           = true;
     this.Location           = new Point(0, 0);
     this.ManagerStyle       = eStyle.Metro;
     this.ManagerColorTint   = Color.White;
     this.ButtonCheckedIndex = 0;
     this.LoadPlugin         = true;
     this.DoubleClickRun     = false;
     this.LinkDragRemove     = true;
     this.TopMost            = true;
     this.LCID             = 0;
     this.HotKey           = new HotKey();
     this.HotKey.Modifiers = WinHotKey.KeyModifiers.Alt;
     this.HotKey.Key       = Keys.D1;
     this.WinHotKey        = new WinHotKey(Handle);
     this.MainPanelItems = new List <ItemSubInfo>();
        private void AppCommandTheme_Executed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ICommandSource source = sender as ICommandSource;

            if (source.CommandParameter is string)
                SystemInfo.CurrentStyle = source.CommandParameter.ToString();
                eStyle style = (eStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(eStyle), SystemInfo.CurrentStyle);
                // Using StyleManager change the style and color tinting
                StyleManager.ChangeStyle(style, Color.Empty);
                //if (style == eStyle.Office2007Black || style == eStyle.Office2007Blue || style == eStyle.Office2007Silver || style == eStyle.Office2007VistaGlass)
                //    buttonFile.BackstageTabEnabled = false;
                //    buttonFile.BackstageTabEnabled = true;
            else if (source.CommandParameter is Color)
                StyleManager.ColorTint = (Color)source.CommandParameter;
Beispiel #22
        private void ThemeChanged(string param)
            switch (param)
            case "Metro":
                StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters.DarkBlue;
                StyleManager.Style = eStyle.Metro;     // BOOM

            case "Office2007Blue":
            case "Office2007Silver":
            case "Office2007Black":
            case "Office2007VistaGlass":
            case "Office2010Silver":
            case "Office2010Blue":
            case "Office2010Black":
            case "Windows7Blue":
            case "VisualStudio2010Blue":
                eStyle style = (eStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(eStyle), param);
                StyleManager.ChangeStyle(style, Color.Empty);

                if (param.StartsWith("#"))
                    string colorstr            = param.TrimStart('#');
                    System.Drawing.Color color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(colorstr, 16));
                    if (StyleManager.Style == eStyle.Metro)
                        StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = new DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters(Color.White, color);
                        StyleManager.ColorTint = color;
Beispiel #23
 private void buttonStyleCustom_ExpandChange(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (buttonStyleCustom.Expanded)
         // Remember the starting color scheme to apply if no color is selected during live-preview
         m_ColorSelected = false;
         m_BaseStyle     = StyleManager.Style;
         if (!m_ColorSelected)
             if (StyleManager.IsMetro(StyleManager.Style))
                 StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters.Default;
                 StyleManager.ChangeStyle(m_BaseStyle, Color.Empty);
Beispiel #24
            private void PositionAndCreateButtons(String[] strings, _IButton[] dest, float border_padding, float spacing,
                                                  float button_size_y, eStyle style, int offset)
                String       spacer             = XUI.Instance().GetSpacerString();
                const String spacer_replacement = " ";

                for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; ++i)
                    bool is_spacer = spacer == strings[i];

                    if (is_spacer)
                        dest[i] = PositionAndCreateButton(mPos, border_padding, spacing, button_size_y,
                                                          style, i + offset, spacer_replacement);

                        dest[i] = PositionAndCreateButton(mPos, border_padding, spacing, button_size_y,
                                                          style, i + offset, strings[i]);
Beispiel #25
 private void SetMainFormStyle(eStyle estyle, eTabStripStyle etabStripStyle, eDotNetBarStyle edotNetBarStyle)
     this.styleManager.ManagerStyle = estyle;
     this.tabControlMain.Style = etabStripStyle;
     this.navigationBar.Style = edotNetBarStyle;
     this.dotNetBarManager.Style = edotNetBarStyle;
Beispiel #26
 private void buttonStyleCustom_ExpandChange(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (buttonStyleCustom.Expanded)
         // Remember the starting color scheme to apply if no color is selected during live-preview
         m_ColorSelected = false;
         m_BaseStyle = StyleManager.Style;
         if (!m_ColorSelected)
             if (StyleManager.IsMetro(StyleManager.Style))
                 StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters.Default;
                 StyleManager.ChangeStyle(m_BaseStyle, Color.Empty);
Beispiel #27
 public void ChangeStyle(eStyle style)
     styleManager1.ManagerStyle = style;
Beispiel #28
        private static eDotNetBarStyle DotNetBarStyleFromStyle(eStyle value)
            if (value == eStyle.Windows7Blue)
                return eDotNetBarStyle.Windows7;
            else if (value == eStyle.Office2010Silver || value == eStyle.Office2010Blue || value == eStyle.Office2010Black || value == eStyle.VisualStudio2010Blue)
                return eDotNetBarStyle.Office2010;
            else if (value == eStyle.Metro)
                return eDotNetBarStyle.Metro;

            return eDotNetBarStyle.Office2007;
Beispiel #29
 public void ChangeStyle(eStyle style)
     styleManager1.ManagerStyle = style;
Beispiel #30
            public Selector(_Position pos, String title, eStyle style, eStyle button_style, eStyle title_style,
                            long id, String[] texts)
                mRenderEnabled   = true;
                mID              = id;
                mPos             = pos.GetPosition();
                mPosition        = pos;
                mTitle           = title;
                mStyle           = style;
                mButtonStyle     = button_style;
                mTitleStyle      = title_style;
                this.mSelections = new _IButton[texts.Length];

                // create a default button to see how big it is vertically
                // size and position border accordingly, factoring in width of largest button including title
                // destroy that button
                // create all the proper buttons in the right spot
                // create title 'button' as disabled button
                XUI xui_inst = XUI.Instance();

                _IButton test          = xui_inst._CreateRectangularButton(Vector2.Zero, "Test", style);
                xAABB2   button_size   = test.GetAABB();
                float    button_size_y = button_size.GetSize().Y;


                const float k_border_padding_scalar = 0.5f;
                float       border_padding          = k_border_padding_scalar * button_size_y;

                const float k_spacing_scalar = 0.2f;
                float       spacing          = k_spacing_scalar * button_size_y;

                // pad out the text strings so the buttons can be wide if the text is small
                int longest = GetLongestString(texts);

                PadButtonTexts(texts, longest);

                // create buttons
                PositionAndCreateButtons(texts, mSelections, border_padding, spacing, button_size_y, button_style, 0);

                // track largest
                float largest_x = GetWidest(mSelections);

                // create title button (non-functional) and see if it's the largest
                Vector2 title_pos = mPos + new Vector2(border_padding, border_padding);

                mTitleButton = xui_inst._CreateRectangularButton(title_pos, title, title_style);
                largest_x = Math.Max(largest_x, mTitleButton.GetAABB().GetSize().X);

                // calculate aabb
                const float title_padding_scalar = 4.0f;
                float       title_padding        = border_padding * title_padding_scalar;
                Vector2     title_padding_v      = new Vector2(0, title_padding);
                float       full_width           = largest_x + 2 * border_padding;

                float full_height = button_size_y * (mSelections.Length) +
                                    (mSelections.Length - 1) * spacing +
                                    2 * border_padding +

                mAABB.Set(mPos, mPos + new Vector2(full_width, full_height));

                // translate each button to be centered, and account for title
                CenterButtons(mSelections, largest_x, title_padding);
                CenterButton(mTitleButton, largest_x, 0);

                // if the selector has a non-trivial Position, fix it
                if (mPosition.IsCentered())
                    // see where it is now, figure out where it should be, translate.
                    // apply to aabb for selector plus translate all the buttons
                    xCoord  screen_dim     = XRenderManager.Instance().GetScreenDim();
                    Vector2 span           = mAABB.GetSize();
                    Vector2 screen_dim_vec = new Vector2(screen_dim.x, screen_dim.y);
                    Vector2 edge           = 0.5f * (screen_dim_vec - span);
Beispiel #31
 private static void setStyle(StyleManager oStyleManager, eStyle oStyle)
     oStyleManager.ManagerStyle = oStyle;
Beispiel #32
 private static eOffice2007ColorScheme ColorSchemeFromStyle(eStyle style)
     eOffice2007ColorScheme colorScheme = eOffice2007ColorScheme.Blue;
     if (style == eStyle.Office2007Silver)
         colorScheme = eOffice2007ColorScheme.Silver;
     else if (style == eStyle.Office2007Black)
         colorScheme = eOffice2007ColorScheme.Black;
     else if (style == eStyle.Office2007VistaGlass)
         colorScheme = eOffice2007ColorScheme.VistaGlass;
     return colorScheme;
Beispiel #33
 private static void OnStyleChanged(eStyle oldValue, eStyle newValue)
     ChangeColorTable(newValue, !_ColorTint.IsEmpty);
Beispiel #34
        private static void ChangeColorTable(eStyle style, bool colorBlendChanged)
            if (style == eStyle.Office2010Silver)
                // Ensure that proper color table is selected.
                if (GlobalManager.Renderer is Office2007Renderer)
                    Office2007Renderer renderer = (Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer;
                    if (colorBlendChanged || !(renderer.ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable) ||
                        renderer.ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable && ((Office2010ColorTable)renderer.ColorTable).ColorScheme != eOffice2010ColorScheme.Silver)
                        ((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable = new Office2010ColorTable(eOffice2010ColorScheme.Silver, _ColorTint);
            else if (style == eStyle.Office2010Blue)
                // Ensure that proper color table is selected.
                if (GlobalManager.Renderer is Office2007Renderer)
                    Office2007Renderer renderer = (Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer;
                    if (colorBlendChanged || !(renderer.ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable) ||
                        renderer.ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable && ((Office2010ColorTable)renderer.ColorTable).ColorScheme != eOffice2010ColorScheme.Blue)
                        ((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable = new Office2010ColorTable(eOffice2010ColorScheme.Blue, _ColorTint);
            else if (style == eStyle.Office2010Black)
                // Ensure that proper color table is selected.
                if (GlobalManager.Renderer is Office2007Renderer)
                    Office2007Renderer renderer = (Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer;
                    if (colorBlendChanged || !(renderer.ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable) ||
                        renderer.ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable && ((Office2010ColorTable)renderer.ColorTable).ColorScheme != eOffice2010ColorScheme.Black)
                        ((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable = new Office2010ColorTable(eOffice2010ColorScheme.Black, _ColorTint);
            else if (style == eStyle.VisualStudio2010Blue)
                // Ensure that proper color table is selected.
                if (GlobalManager.Renderer is Office2007Renderer)
                    Office2007Renderer renderer = (Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer;
                    if (colorBlendChanged || !(renderer.ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable) ||
                        renderer.ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable && ((Office2010ColorTable)renderer.ColorTable).ColorScheme != eOffice2010ColorScheme.VS2010)
                        ((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable = new Office2010ColorTable(eOffice2010ColorScheme.VS2010, _ColorTint);
            else if (style == eStyle.Windows7Blue)
                // Ensure that proper color table is selected.
                if (GlobalManager.Renderer is Office2007Renderer)
                    if (colorBlendChanged || !(((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable is Windows7ColorTable))
                        ((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable = new Windows7ColorTable(eWindows7ColorScheme.Blue, _ColorTint);

            else if (style == eStyle.Office2007Blue || style == eStyle.Office2007Silver || style == eStyle.Office2007Black || style == eStyle.Office2007VistaGlass)
                // Ensure that proper color table is selected.
                if (GlobalManager.Renderer is Office2007Renderer)
                    if (colorBlendChanged || (((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable is Office2010ColorTable) ||
                        (((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable is Windows7ColorTable) ||
                        (((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable.InitialColorScheme != ColorSchemeFromStyle(style)) || _PreviousStyle != style)
                        ((Office2007Renderer)GlobalManager.Renderer).ColorTable = new Office2007ColorTable(ColorSchemeFromStyle(style), _ColorTint);

            else if (style == eStyle.Metro)
Beispiel #35
 private static void ChangeColorTable(eStyle style)
     ChangeColorTable(style, false);
Beispiel #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the StyleManager style and color tint in one step. Use this method if you need to change style and color tint simultaneously in single step for better performance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newStyle">New style.</param>
 /// <param name="colorTint">Color tint for the style.</param>
 public static void ChangeStyle(eStyle newStyle, Color colorTint)
     _ColorTint = colorTint;
     Style = newStyle;
Beispiel #37
        private void AppCommandTheme_Executed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ICommandSource source = sender as ICommandSource;

            if (source.CommandParameter is string)
                eStyle style = (eStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(eStyle), source.CommandParameter.ToString());
                // Using StyleManager change the style and color tinting
                if (StyleManager.IsMetro(style))
                    // More customization is needed for Metro
                    // Capitalize App Button and tab
                    buttonFile.Text = buttonFile.Text.ToUpper();
                    foreach (BaseItem item in RibbonControl.Items)
                        // Ribbon Control may contain items other than tabs so that needs to be taken in account
                        RibbonTabItem tab = item as RibbonTabItem;
                        if (tab != null)
                            tab.Text = tab.Text.ToUpper();

                    buttonFile.BackstageTabEnabled = true; // Use Backstage for Metro

                    ribbonControl1.RibbonStripFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 9.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
                    if (style == eStyle.Metro)
                        StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters.DarkBlue;

                    // Adjust size of switch button to match Metro styling
                    switchButtonItem1.SwitchWidth  = 16;
                    switchButtonItem1.ButtonWidth  = 48;
                    switchButtonItem1.ButtonHeight = 19;

                    // Adjust tab strip style
                    //tabStrip1.Style = eTabStripStyle.Metro;

                    StyleManager.Style = style; // BOOM
                    // If previous style was Metro we need to update other properties as well
                    if (StyleManager.IsMetro(StyleManager.Style))
                        ribbonControl1.RibbonStripFont = null;
                        // Fix capitalization App Button and tab
                        buttonFile.Text = ToTitleCase(buttonFile.Text);
                        foreach (BaseItem item in RibbonControl.Items)
                            // Ribbon Control may contain items other than tabs so that needs to be taken in account
                            RibbonTabItem tab = item as RibbonTabItem;
                            if (tab != null)
                                tab.Text = ToTitleCase(tab.Text);
                        // Adjust size of switch button to match Office styling
                        switchButtonItem1.SwitchWidth  = 28;
                        switchButtonItem1.ButtonWidth  = 62;
                        switchButtonItem1.ButtonHeight = 20;
                    // Adjust tab strip style
                    // tabStrip1.Style = eTabStripStyle.Office2007Document;
                    StyleManager.ChangeStyle(style, Color.Empty);
                    if (style == eStyle.Office2007Black || style == eStyle.Office2007Blue || style == eStyle.Office2007Silver || style == eStyle.Office2007VistaGlass)
                        buttonFile.BackstageTabEnabled = false;
                        buttonFile.BackstageTabEnabled = true;
            else if (source.CommandParameter is Color)
                if (StyleManager.IsMetro(StyleManager.Style))
                    StyleManager.MetroColorGeneratorParameters = new DevComponents.DotNetBar.Metro.ColorTables.MetroColorGeneratorParameters(Color.White, (Color)source.CommandParameter);
                    StyleManager.ColorTint = (Color)source.CommandParameter;
Beispiel #38
        public static void setStyle(StyleManager oStyleManager, String strStyleName)
            eStyle oStyle = EnumUtils.getEnumByKey <eStyle>(strStyleName);

            setStyle(oStyleManager, oStyle);
Beispiel #39
        private void cb_themes_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            eStyle style = (eStyle)(cb_themes.SelectedValue);

Beispiel #40
 public void Copy(GridLayer acopy)
     m_enabled = acopy.m_enabled;
     m_spacing = acopy.m_spacing;
     m_minSize = acopy.m_minSize;
     m_gridStyle = acopy.m_gridStyle;
     m_color = acopy.m_color;
Beispiel #41
 /// <summary>
 /// 改变界面风格前的准备工作。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uiStyle"></param>
 protected virtual void PrepareBeforeChangeUIStyle(eStyle uiStyle)
Beispiel #42
        public Column(SQLTable owner,Object xObj, nullTYPE xType, Flags xflags, eStyle styl, ltext Name_in_lang)
            Style = styl;
            fKey = null;
            obj = xObj;
            nulltype = xType;
            flags = xflags;
               // int i = 0;
            int iCount = Name_in_lang.sText_Length;
            this.ownerTable = owner;

            Name = StaticLib.Func.GetNameFromObjectType(obj);
            if (obj.GetType() == typeof(ID))
                IsIdentity = true;

            Name_in_language = Name_in_lang;
            //Name_in_language = new ltext();

            //for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
            //    Name_in_language.sText(i)=Name_in_lang.sText(i);