Beispiel #1
        public void Payment_Order(int employeeid, decimal total, List <ShoppingCart> info)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                Invoice products = new Invoice();

                SalesCartItem cartItem = new SalesCartItem();

                SalesCartItem exists = (from x in context.SalesCartItems
                                        .Where(x => x.EmployeeID.Equals(employeeid))
                                        select x).FirstOrDefault();

                var controller = new ShoppingCartController();

                var totalCalculate = controller.ShoppingCart_OrderList();

                products.InvoiceID   = products.InvoiceID;
                products.EmployeeID  = employeeid;
                products.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now;
                products.SubTotal    = decimal.Parse(totalCalculate.Sum(x => x.Amount).ToString());
                products.GST         = decimal.Parse(totalCalculate.Sum(t => t.Quantity * t.Price * decimal.Parse(0.05.ToString())).ToString());
                products.Total       = total;

                products = context.Invoices.Add(products);

                //InvoiceDetail infoInvoice = new InvoiceDetail();
                var invoiceDetails = context.InvoiceDetails.Add(new InvoiceDetail());

                foreach (var item in info)
                    invoiceDetails.InvoiceID = products.InvoiceID;
                    var productfind = context.SalesCartItems.Where(x => x.Product.ProductID == item.ProductID).Single();
                    productfind.Product.QuantityOnHand = productfind.Product.QuantityOnHand - item.Quantity;

                    invoiceDetails.InvoiceDetailID = invoiceDetails.InvoiceDetailID++;
                    invoiceDetails.ProductID       = productfind.ProductID;
                    invoiceDetails.Price           = productfind.Product.ItemPrice;
                    invoiceDetails.Quantity        = item.Quantity;

                    invoiceDetails = context.InvoiceDetails.Add(invoiceDetails);
        public int Pay_ForCart(NewInvoice invoice)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                Invoice newitem = new Invoice();
                newitem.EmployeeID  = invoice.EmployeeID;
                newitem.InvoiceDate = invoice.InvoiceDate;
                newitem.SubTotal    = invoice.Subtotal;
                newitem.GST         = invoice.GST;
                newitem.Total       = invoice.Total;

                newitem = context.Invoices.Add(newitem);

                InvoiceDetail newDetail = null;
                foreach (var item in invoice.NewDetails)
                    newDetail           = new InvoiceDetail();
                    newDetail.ProductID = item.ProductID;
                    newDetail.Quantity  = item.Quantity;
                    newDetail.Price     = item.Price;

                    var product = (from x in context.Products
                                   where x.ProductID == item.ProductID
                                   select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    product.QuantityOnHand -= newDetail.Quantity;
                    context.Entry(product).Property(y => y.QuantityOnHand).IsModified = true;

Beispiel #3
        public void AddItemToCart(int productID, int quantity, int EmployeeId)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var exists = (from item in context.SalesCartItems where item.EmployeeID == EmployeeId && item.ProductID == productID select item).FirstOrDefault();

                if (exists == null)
                    SalesCartItem inCart = new SalesCartItem();

                    inCart.EmployeeID = EmployeeId;
                    inCart.ProductID  = productID;
                    inCart.Quantity   = quantity;
                    var newQty = context.SalesCartItems.Where(x => x.EmployeeID == EmployeeId && x.ProductID == productID).FirstOrDefault();

                    newQty.Quantity += quantity;

        public void ForceCloseOrder(ForceCloseDetails order)
        { /* command modify Products, Order and OrderDeatails */
          // Validation

            List <Exception> errors = new List <Exception>();

            if (order == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(order), $"No {nameof(ForceCloseDetails)} was supplied for an existing PO.");
                if (order.Comment.Trim().Equals(null))
                    throw new Exception("Please give a reason in the comment box for why the order is being closed.");

            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var given = context.Orders.Find(order.OrderID);
                if (given == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The given order id of {order.OrderID} does not exist in the database.");

                given.Comment = order.Comment;
                given.Closed  = true;

                var existingOrder = context.Entry(given);

                existingOrder.Property(nameof(given.Comment)).IsModified = true;
                existingOrder.Property(nameof(given.Closed)).IsModified  = true;

                foreach (var item in order.Items)
                    var givenOrder   = context.OrderDetails.Find(item.ProductID);
                    var givenProduct = context.Products.Find(givenOrder.ProductID);

                    if (givenProduct == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"The given product id of {item.ProductID} does not exist in the database.");

                    givenProduct.QuantityOnOrder = givenProduct.QuantityOnOrder - item.QuantityOutstanding;

                    if (givenProduct.QuantityOnOrder < 0)
                        givenProduct.QuantityOnOrder = 0;

                    var existingProduct = context.Entry(givenProduct);

                    existingProduct.Property(nameof(givenProduct.QuantityOnOrder)).IsModified = true;

        public void Force_Closure(int orderid, string comment)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var ForceClosure = from x in context.OrderDetails
                                   where x.OrderID == orderid
                                   //select x;
                                   select x.OrderDetailID;

                //var OrderDetail = context.OrderDetails.Find(orderid);
                //var OrderDetailQuantity = OrderDetail.Quantity;

                //var results = (from x in context.ReceiveOrderItems
                //               where x.OrderDetail.OrderID == orderid
                //               select x.OrderDetailID).ToList();

                //foreach (var order in orderlist)
                //    var quantityzero = from x in context.OrderDetails
                //                       where

                var commitClosure = context.Orders.Find(orderid);
                commitClosure.Comment = comment;
                commitClosure.Closed  = true;

                context.Entry(commitClosure).State = EntityState.Modified;
Beispiel #6
        public void Add_ItemToCart(int employeid, int productid, int qty)
            if (qty < 0)
                throw new Exception("Quantity cannot be zero");
                //var buyItem = context.SalesCartItems.Add(new SalesCartItem());
                //buyItem.ProductID = productid;
                //buyItem.EmployeeID = employeid;
                //buyItem.Quantity = qty;
                using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                    Product newProduct = null;
                    int     product    = 0;
                    Product products   = new Product();

                    Product prdct = (from x in context.Products
                                     .Where(x => x.ProductID.Equals(productid))
                                     select x).FirstOrDefault();

                    SalesCartItem exists = (from x in context.SalesCartItems
                                            .Where(x => x.EmployeeID.Equals(employeid) && x.ProductID.Equals(productid))
                                            select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (exists == null)
                        exists            = new SalesCartItem();
                        exists.EmployeeID = employeid;
                        exists.ProductID  = productid;
                        exists.UnitPrice  = prdct.ItemPrice;
                        exists.Quantity   = qty;

                        exists  = context.SalesCartItems.Add(exists);
                        product = 1;
                        newProduct = exists.Product.Category.Products.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == productid);

                        if (newProduct == null)
                            product = exists.Product.Category.Products.Count() + 1;
                            product = exists.Quantity++;

        }//end of Add_ItemToCart
Beispiel #7
 public void ClearCart(int employeeID, int productID)
     using (var context = new eRaceContext())
         var result = context.SalesCartItems.Find(employeeID, productID);
 public void DeleteUnorderedItem(UnorderedInfo item)
     using (var context = new eRaceContext())
         var existing = context.UnOrderedItems.Find(item.ItemID);
Beispiel #9
        public int ProcessRefund(List <Refund> returns, int employeeId, decimal total, int orderID)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                if (total == 0)
                    throw new Exception("There are no returns on this order.");

                List <int> returned = (from item in context.StoreRefunds where item.OriginalInvoiceID == orderID select item.ProductID).ToList();

                var invoice = new Invoice
                    EmployeeID  = employeeId,
                    InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now,
                    SubTotal    = total,
                    GST         = Math.Round(total * (decimal)0.05, 2),
                    Total       = Math.Round(total * (decimal)1.05, 2)

                foreach (var item in returns)
                    bool alreadyReturned = returned.Contains(item.ProductID);

                    if (alreadyReturned == false)
                        if (item.Reason != "")
                            invoice.StoreRefunds.Add(new StoreRefund
                                InvoiceID         = invoice.InvoiceID,
                                ProductID         = item.ProductID,
                                OriginalInvoiceID = orderID,
                                Reason            = item.Reason
                            var newQOH = context.Products.Where(x => x.ProductID == item.ProductID).FirstOrDefault();

                            newQOH.QuantityOnHand += item.Quantity;
                            throw new Exception($"{item.ItemName} requires a return reason.");
                        throw new Exception($"{item.ItemName} has already been returned");


Beispiel #10
 public int Driver_Update(RaceDetail driver)
     using (var context = new eRaceContext())
         context.Entry(driver).State =
Beispiel #11
        public void RemoveCartItem(int productID, int employeeID)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var result = context.SalesCartItems.Where(x => x.ProductID == productID && x.EmployeeID == employeeID).FirstOrDefault();

        public int Insert_ReturnItems(UnOrderedItem item)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())

Beispiel #13
 public int Driver_Add(RaceDetail driver)
     using (var context = new eRaceContext())
         //yet to develop the business logic and error handling
         context.RaceDetails.Add(driver); //staging
         context.SaveChanges();           //committed
         return(driver.RaceDetailID);     //return new id value
Beispiel #14
        }//end of Add_ItemToCart

        public void Delete_ProductItem(int employeeid, int productid)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                SalesCartItem exists = (from x in context.SalesCartItems
                                        .Where(x => x.EmployeeID.Equals(employeeid) && x.ProductID.Equals(productid))
                                        select x).FirstOrDefault();

                var findItem = context.SalesCartItems.Where(x => x.ProductID == productid).FirstOrDefault();
                context.Entry(findItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;
        }//end of Delete_ProductItem
Beispiel #15
        public void AddingNewRecieveOrder(int orderid, int employeeid)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var addrecieveorder = context.ReceiveOrders.Add(new ReceiveOrder());

                addrecieveorder.OrderID     = orderid;
                addrecieveorder.ReceiveDate = DateTime.Now;
                addrecieveorder.EmployeeID  = employeeid;

        }//end of Delete_ProductItem

        public void Delete_Order(int OrderID)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                OrderDetail exists = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                      .Where(x => x.OrderID.Equals(OrderID))
                                      select x).FirstOrDefault();

                var findItem = context.OrderDetails.Where(x => x.OrderDetailID == OrderID).FirstOrDefault();
                context.Entry(findItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;
        }//end of Delete_ProductItem
 public void Quantity_Refresh(int orderDetailID, int quantity, decimal unitCost)
     using (var context = new eRaceContext())
         OrderDetail exists = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                               .Where(x => x.OrderDetailID.Equals(orderDetailID))
                               select x).FirstOrDefault();
         exists.OrderDetailID        = orderDetailID;
         exists.Quantity             = quantity;
         exists.Cost                 = unitCost;
         context.Entry(exists).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
 }//End of Quantity_Refresh
        public void Remove_UnorderedItems()
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var removeunordereditems = (from x in context.UnOrderedItems
                                            select x).ToList();

                foreach (var removeitem in removeunordereditems)
                    var RemovingItem   = context.UnOrderedItems.Find(removeitem.ItemID);
                    var letsremoveitem = context.UnOrderedItems.Remove(RemovingItem);
        public void AddUnorderedItem(UnorderedInfo item)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var newItem = new UnOrderedItem
                    ItemName        = item.ItemName,
                    VendorProductID = item.VendorID,
                    Quantity        = item.Quantity

        public void ClearUnOrderedItems()
        { /* use CRUD to delete all items in table (Try .Clear()) */
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var results = from item in context.UnOrderedItems
                              select item;

                foreach (var detail in results)

        public void CreateRefund(RefundRequired request)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                foreach (var item in request.RequiredInvoice)
                    var newinvoice = new Invoice
                        EmployeeID  = item.EmployeeID,
                        InvoiceDate = item.InvoiceDate,
                        SubTotal    = item.SubTotal,
                        GST         = item.GST,
                        Total       = item.Total

                foreach (var item in request.ReuquiredDetail)
                    var newdetail = new InvoiceDetail
                        ProductID = item.ProductID,
                        Quantity  = item.Quantity

                    var product = (from x in context.Products
                                   where x.ProductID == item.ProductID
                                   select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    product.QuantityOnHand += newdetail.Quantity;
                    context.Entry(product).Property(y => y.QuantityOnHand).IsModified = true;

                foreach (var item in request.RequiredStore)
                    var newstore = new StoreRefund
                        OriginalInvoiceID = item.OriginalInvoiceID,
                        ProductID         = item.ProductID,
                        Reason            = item.Reason,
Beispiel #22
        public void ClearButton_Shopping(int employeeid)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                SalesCartItem exists = (from x in context.SalesCartItems
                                        .Where(x => x.EmployeeID.Equals(employeeid))
                                        select x).FirstOrDefault();

                var clearCart = context.SalesCartItems.Where(x => x.EmployeeID == employeeid).ToList();
                foreach (var item in clearCart)
                    context.Entry(item).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;
                context.Entry(exists).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;
        public void DeleteOrder(OrderInfo a)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var order = context.Orders.Find(a.OrderID);

                foreach (var x in a.OrderDetails)
                    var orderitem = context.OrderDetails.Find(x.OrderDetailID);


Beispiel #24
        }//end of Delete_ProductItem

        public void Quantity_Refresh(int employeeid, int productid, int quantity)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                SalesCartItem exists = (from x in context.SalesCartItems
                                        .Where(x => x.EmployeeID.Equals(employeeid) && x.ProductID.Equals(productid))
                                        select x).FirstOrDefault();

                exists.EmployeeID = employeeid;
                exists.ProductID  = productid;
                exists.Quantity   = quantity;

                context.Entry(exists).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
        }//End of Quantity_Refresh
        public int UnorderedItem_Delete(int itemid)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var existing = context.UnOrderedItems.Find(itemid);

                if (existing == null)
                    throw new Exception("Item does not exist. No Delete required");

Beispiel #26
        public void Add_DriverToRaceAndGenerateInvoice(int raceid, int memberid, int carid, int employeeid, decimal racefee, decimal rentalfee)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                List <string> reasons = new List <string>();
                RaceDetail    exists  = (from x in context.RaceDetails
                                         where x.MemberID == memberid
                                         select x).FirstOrDefault();

                if (exists == null)
                    exists           = new RaceDetail();
                    exists.RaceID    = raceid;
                    exists.MemberID  = memberid;
                    exists.RaceFee   = racefee;
                    exists.RentalFee = rentalfee;
                    exists.CarID     = carid;

                    exists = context.RaceDetails.Add(exists);
                    reasons.Add("Driver already registered for this race");

                if (reasons.Count() > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Adding driver to race", reasons);
                    Invoice newInvoice = new Invoice();
                    newInvoice.EmployeeID  = employeeid;
                    newInvoice.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Today;
                    newInvoice.SubTotal    = racefee + rentalfee;

Beispiel #27
        public int ProcessSale(List <CartItems> cartItems, int EmployeeID, decimal total)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                if (cartItems == null)
                    throw new Exception("There are no items in the cart.");

                var invoice = new Invoice
                    EmployeeID  = EmployeeID,
                    InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now,
                    SubTotal    = total,
                    GST         = Math.Round(total * (decimal)0.05, 2),
                    Total       = Math.Round(total * (decimal)1.05, 2)

                foreach (var item in cartItems)
                    invoice.InvoiceDetails.Add(new InvoiceDetail
                        ProductID = item.ProductID,
                        Quantity  = item.Quantity,
                        Price     = item.ItemPrice

                    var newQOH = context.Products.Where(x => x.ProductID == item.ProductID).FirstOrDefault();

                    newQOH.QuantityOnHand -= item.Quantity;

                    ClearCart(EmployeeID, item.ProductID);



        public void PlaceOrder(UpdatedOrder item)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                if (item.OrderID == 0)
                { // adding a new order
                    var order = new Order();

                    order.TaxGST    = item.Tax;
                    order.SubTotal  = item.SubTotal;
                    order.VendorID  = item.VendorID;
                    order.Comment   = item.VendorComment;
                    order.Closed    = false;
                    order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
                    var list = (from a in context.Orders
                                where a.OrderNumber != null
                                select a.OrderNumber);
                    order.OrderNumber = int.Parse(list.Max().ToString()) + 1;
                    order.EmployeeID  = 1;

                    foreach (var y in item.UpdatedOrderDetails)
                        var additem = new OrderDetail
                            ProductID     = y.ProductID,
                            Quantity      = y.OrderQty,
                            Cost          = y.UnitCost,
                            OrderUnitSize = y.UnitSize
                        var product = context.Products.Find(additem.ProductID);
                        product.QuantityOnOrder     += additem.Quantity * additem.OrderUnitSize;
                        context.Entry(product).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                else // updating an pending order
                    var order        = context.Orders.Find(item.OrderID);
                    var orderdetails = context.OrderDetails.Where(x => x.OrderID == order.OrderID).ToList();

                    order.OrderID   = item.OrderID;
                    order.TaxGST    = item.Tax;
                    order.SubTotal  = item.SubTotal;
                    order.VendorID  = item.VendorID;
                    order.Comment   = item.VendorComment;
                    order.Closed    = false;
                    order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
                    var list = (from a in context.Orders
                                where a.OrderNumber != null
                                select a.OrderNumber);
                    order.OrderNumber = int.Parse(list.Max().ToString()) + 1;
                    order.EmployeeID  = 1;

                    foreach (var a in orderdetails)
                        var existingitem = item.UpdatedOrderDetails.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == a.ProductID);

                        if (existingitem == null)
                            context.Entry(a).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;
                            a.Cost                 = existingitem.UnitCost;
                            a.Quantity             = existingitem.OrderQty;
                            context.Entry(a).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                            var product = context.Products.Find(a.ProductID);
                            product.QuantityOnOrder     += existingitem.OrderQty * existingitem.UnitSize;
                            context.Entry(product).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                    foreach (var y in item.UpdatedOrderDetails)
                        var newproduct = !orderdetails.Any(x => x.ProductID == y.ProductID);
                        if (newproduct == true)
                            var additem = new OrderDetail
                                ProductID     = y.ProductID,
                                OrderID       = item.OrderID,
                                Quantity      = y.OrderQty,
                                Cost          = y.UnitCost,
                                OrderUnitSize = y.UnitSize
                            var product = context.Products.Find(additem.ProductID);
                            product.QuantityOnOrder     += additem.Quantity * additem.OrderUnitSize;
                            context.Entry(product).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                    context.Entry(order).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
        public void SaveOrder(UpdatedOrder item, int?EmployeeID)
            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                if (item.OrderID == 0)   // adding a new order
                    var order = new Order();

                    order.TaxGST      = item.Tax;
                    order.SubTotal    = item.SubTotal;
                    order.VendorID    = item.VendorID;
                    order.Comment     = item.VendorComment;
                    order.Closed      = false;
                    order.OrderDate   = null;
                    order.OrderNumber = null;
                    order.EmployeeID  = EmployeeID.Value;

                    foreach (var y in item.UpdatedOrderDetails)
                        var addskill = new OrderDetail
                            ProductID = y.ProductID,

                            Quantity      = y.OrderQty,
                            Cost          = y.UnitCost,
                            OrderUnitSize = y.UnitSize
                else // updating an existing order
                    var order        = context.Orders.Find(item.OrderID);
                    var orderdetails = context.OrderDetails.Where(x => x.OrderID == order.OrderID).ToList();

                    order.OrderID     = item.OrderID;
                    order.TaxGST      = item.Tax;
                    order.SubTotal    = item.SubTotal;
                    order.VendorID    = item.VendorID;
                    order.Comment     = item.VendorComment;
                    order.Closed      = false;
                    order.OrderDate   = null;
                    order.OrderNumber = null;
                    order.EmployeeID  = 1;

                    foreach (var a in orderdetails)
                        var existingitem = item.UpdatedOrderDetails.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == a.ProductID);
                        if (existingitem == null)
                            context.Entry(a).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;
                            a.Cost                 = existingitem.UnitCost;
                            a.Quantity             = existingitem.OrderQty;
                            context.Entry(a).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                    foreach (var y in item.UpdatedOrderDetails)
                        var newproduct = !orderdetails.Any(x => x.ProductID == y.ProductID);
                        if (newproduct == true)
                            var addskill = new OrderDetail
                                ProductID     = y.ProductID,
                                OrderID       = item.OrderID,
                                Quantity      = y.OrderQty,
                                Cost          = y.UnitCost,
                                OrderUnitSize = y.UnitSize
                    context.Entry(order).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
        public void ReceiveShimpmentOrder(ReceivedOrderDetails order)
        { /* command modify Products, ReceiveOrders, ReceiveOrderItems and ReturnOrderItems */
            List <Exception> errors = new List <Exception>();

            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var existing = context.Orders.Find(order.OrderID);

                if (order == null)
                    errors.Add(new ArgumentNullException(nameof(order), $"No {nameof(order)} was supplied for "));
                    if (existing.Closed == true)
                        errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <bool>("The order you are accessing is already closed.", nameof(existing.Closed), existing.Closed));
                    if (order.OrderID == 0)
                        errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The OrderID is required.", nameof(order.OrderID), order.OrderID));
                    if (order.ReceivedOrder.OrderID == 0)
                        errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The OrderID is required.", nameof(order.ReceivedOrder.OrderID), order.ReceivedOrder.OrderID));
                    if (order.ReceivedOrder.EmployeeID == 0)
                        errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The Employee ID is required.", nameof(order.ReceivedOrder.EmployeeID), order.ReceivedOrder.EmployeeID));

                    foreach (var item in order.ReceiveOrderItems)
                        var existingOrderDetail = context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID);
                        var itemsize            = context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).OrderUnitSize;
                        if (existingOrderDetail == null)
                            errors.Add(new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item.OrderDetailID), $"There is no Order Detail with the ID given."));
                        if (item.ItemQuantity < 1)
                            errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The item quantity must be greater than 0", nameof(item.ItemQuantity), item.ItemQuantity));
                        if (item.ItemQuantity / itemsize >= context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).Quantity + 1)
                            errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The total amount received cannot exceed the amount ordered by 1 package.", nameof(item.ItemQuantity), item.ItemQuantity));

                    foreach (var item in order.Products)
                        if (item.QuantityReceived < 1)
                            errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The number of received items must be postive. ", nameof(item.QuantityReceived), item.QuantityReceived));

                    foreach (var item in order.ReturnOrderItems)
                        if (item.ItemQuantity < 1)
                            errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The number of returned items is required.", nameof(item.ItemQuantity), item.ItemQuantity));

                if (errors.Any())
                    throw new BusinessRuleCollectionException("Unable to receive shipment.", errors);

                // ReceiveOrder
                var newReceiveOrder = new ReceiveOrder
                    OrderID     = order.ReceivedOrder.OrderID,
                    ReceiveDate = order.ReceivedOrder.ReceiveDate,
                    EmployeeID  = order.ReceivedOrder.EmployeeID

                int id = newReceiveOrder.ReceiveOrderID;

                // ReceiveOrderItems
                foreach (var item in order.ReceiveOrderItems)
                    var newReceiveOrderItem = new ReceiveOrderItem
                        ReceiveOrderID = id,
                        OrderDetailID  = item.OrderDetailID,
                        ItemQuantity   = item.ItemQuantity

                // ReturnOrderItems
                foreach (var item in order.ReturnOrderItems)
                    var newReturnOrderItem = new ReturnOrderItem
                        ReceiveOrderID  = id,
                        OrderDetailID   = item.OrderDetailID,
                        ItemQuantity    = item.ItemQuantity,
                        Comment         = item.Comment,
                        UnOrderedItem   = item.UnOrderedItem,
                        VendorProductID = item.VendorProductID

                // Products
                foreach (var item in order.Products)
                    var given = context.Products.Find(context.OrderDetails.Find(item.ProductID).ProductID);

                    if (given == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"The given product id of {item.ProductID} does not exist in the database.", nameof(item.ProductID));

                    given.QuantityOnHand  = given.QuantityOnHand + item.QuantityReceived;
                    given.QuantityOnOrder = given.QuantityOnOrder - item.QuantityReceived;

                    if (given.QuantityOnOrder < 0)
                        given.QuantityOnOrder = 0;

                    var existingProduct = context.Entry(given);

                    existingProduct.Property(nameof(given.QuantityOnHand)).IsModified  = true;
                    existingProduct.Property(nameof(given.QuantityOnOrder)).IsModified = true;

                // Check if the order has been filled
                var outstanding = context.Orders.Find(order.OrderID).OrderDetails;
                var num         = 0;
                foreach (var item in outstanding)
                    if (context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).Quantity *context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).OrderUnitSize - (context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).ReceiveOrderItems.Select(x => x.ItemQuantity)).FirstOrDefault() == 0)
                if (num == outstanding.Count)
                    var givenOrder = context.Orders.Find(order.OrderID);

                    givenOrder.Closed  = true;
                    givenOrder.Comment = "Order Complete";

                    var existingOrder = context.Entry(givenOrder);

                    existingOrder.Property(nameof(givenOrder.Comment)).IsModified = true;
                    existingOrder.Property(nameof(givenOrder.Closed)).IsModified  = true;
