Beispiel #1
        internal void SendResetEmail(Login_DTO_Create dto, string token)
            Resources.BBCode bbc = new Resources.BBCode();

            using (eMail email = new eMail())
                string Body          = "";
                string Subject       = "";
                string InvitationUrl = "";

                Body          = Label.Get("email.body.account-reset", dto.LngIsoCode);
                Subject       = Label.Get("email.subject.account-reset", dto.LngIsoCode);
                InvitationUrl = "[url=" + Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "url.application") + Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_COOKIELINK_INVITATION_1FA") + '/' + dto.CcnUsername + '/' + token + "]" + "[/url]";

                Body = Body + Environment.NewLine + InvitationUrl;
                Body = bbc.Transform(Body, true);

                email.Body    = Body;
                email.Subject = Subject;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Send mails for a workflow
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        private void sendMail(eMail email, string title, string subject, string body)
            BBCode bbc = new BBCode();

            body = bbc.Transform(body);
            var listToParse = new List <eMail_KeyValuePair>();

            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{title}", value = title
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{subject}", value = subject
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_name}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("title")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_url}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("url.application")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{body}", value = body

            email.Subject = subject;
            email.Body    = email.ParseTemplate(Properties.Resources.template_NotifyWorkflow, listToParse);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Send mails for a workflow
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        private void sendMail(eMail email, string title, string subject, string body)
            var listToParse = new List <eMail_KeyValuePair>();

            List <string> grpCodes = new List <string>();

            grpCodes = DTO.GroupCodes.Select(s => (string)s.GrpCode).ToList();

            string grouplist = grpCodes.Any() ? String.Join(", ", grpCodes) : Label.Get("static.all-groups");

            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{title}", value = title
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{subject}", value = subject
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{body}", value = body
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{received-by}", value = string.Format(Label.Get("label.timezone", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code")), grouplist)
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_name}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "title")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_url}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "url.application")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{image_source}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "url.logo")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{datetime_label}", value = Label.Get("", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{date_format}", value = Label.Get("", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{timezone}", value = Label.Get("label.timezone", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))

            email.Subject = subject;
            email.Body    = email.ParseTemplate(Properties.Resources.template_GroupMessage, listToParse);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Send mails for a workflow
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        private void sendMail(eMail email, string title, string subject, string body)
            BBCode bbc = new BBCode();

            body = bbc.Transform(body, true);
            var listToParse = new List <eMail_KeyValuePair>();

            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{title}", value = title
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{subject}", value = subject
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_name}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "title")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_url}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "url.application")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{body}", value = body
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{image_source}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "url.logo")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{datetime_label}", value = Label.Get("", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{date_format}", value = Label.Get("", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{timezone}", value = Label.Get("label.timezone", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{reason}", value = Label.Get("workflow.reason", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))

            email.Subject = subject;
            email.Body    = email.ParseTemplate(Properties.Resources.template_NotifyWorkflow, listToParse);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds an email based on the template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        /// <param name="salutationRecipient"></param>
        private bool sendMail(eMail email, string title, string subject, string body, string salutationRecipient)
            var listToParse = new List <eMail_KeyValuePair>();

            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{title}", value = title
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{subject}", value = subject
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{salutation}", value = salutationRecipient
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{body}", value = body
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_name}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "title")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_url}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "url.application")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{image_source}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "url.logo")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{datetime_label}", value = Label.Get("", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{date_format}", value = Label.Get("", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{timezone}", value = Label.Get("label.timezone", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "language.iso.code"))

            email.Subject = subject;
            email.Body    = email.ParseTemplate(Properties.Resources.template_NotifyChannelSubscription, listToParse);
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            if (Common.FirebaseId == null && SamAccountName == null)
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.authentication");

            using (eMail email = new eMail())
                string Body    = "";
                string Subject = "";

                Body          = Label.Get("email.body.subscription-notification", DTO.LngIsoCode);
                Subject       = Label.Get("email.subject.subscription-notification", DTO.LngIsoCode);
                email.Body    = Body;
                email.Subject = Subject;

                // Get user from FirebaseId
                Subscriber_BSO sbso = new Subscriber_BSO();
                var            user = sbso.GetSubscribers(Ado, Common.FirebaseId);

                if (user.FirstOrDefault() == null)
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Cannot send notification because email address is null");
                    Response.error = Label.Get("error.notification");

                // Get email address from user
                string emailAddress = user.FirstOrDefault().CcnEmail;
                Log.Instance.Debug($"Send notification to {emailAddress}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Send mails for a workflow
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        private void sendMail(eMail email, string title, string subject, string body)
            var listToParse = new List <eMail_KeyValuePair>();

            List <string> grpCodes = new List <string>();

            grpCodes = DTO.GroupCodes.Select(s => (string)s.GrpCode).ToList();

            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{title}", value = title
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{subject}", value = subject
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{body}", value = body
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{grouplist}", value = grpCodes.Any() ? String.Join(", ", grpCodes) : Label.Get("static.all-groups")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_name}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("title")
            listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                key = "{website_url}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("url.application")

            email.Subject = subject;
            email.Body    = email.ParseTemplate(Properties.Resources.template_GroupMessage, listToParse);
Beispiel #8
        internal static void SendLoginTemplateEmail(string subject, List <string> addressTo, string header, string content, string footer, string subHeader, string lngIsoCode, List <string> addressCc = null, List <string> addressBcc = null)
            using (eMail email = new eMail())
                email.Subject = subject;
                foreach (string to in addressTo)
                if (addressCc != null)
                    foreach (string cc in addressCc)
                if (addressBcc != null)
                    foreach (string bcc in addressBcc)

                var listToParse = new List <eMail_KeyValuePair>();

                string body = header + Environment.NewLine + content + Environment.NewLine + footer;

                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{header}", value = header
                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{sub_header}", value = subHeader
                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{content}", value = content
                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{footer}", value = footer
                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{subject}", value = subject
                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{image_source}", value = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(, "url.logo")
                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{datetime_label}", value = Label.Get("", lngIsoCode)
                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{date_format}", value = Label.Get("", lngIsoCode)
                listToParse.Add(new eMail_KeyValuePair()
                    key = "{timezone}", value = Label.Get("label.timezone", lngIsoCode)

                email.Body = email.ParseTemplate(Properties.Resources.template_Login, listToParse);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Instance.Error("Email failure: " + ex.Message);