Beispiel #1
        //this method returns the customerID number by passing a purchase request REQUESTID number
        public int getCustomerID(int tPRID)
            int tCID = 0;
            dsPurchaseRequest tempPRDataSet = myDataLayer.findPurchaseRequest(tPRID);

            tCID = tempPRDataSet.PurchaseRequest[0].customerID;
Beispiel #2
        //this method returns the employeeID number by passing a purchase request REQUESTID number
        public int getEmployeeID(int tPRID)
            int tEID = 0;
            dsPurchaseRequest tempPRDataSet = myDataLayer.findPurchaseRequest(tPRID);

            tEID = tempPRDataSet.PurchaseRequest[0].employeeID;
Beispiel #3
        //this method returns the vehicleID number by passing a purchase requestion REQUESTID number
        public int getVehicleID(int tPRID)
            int tVID = 0;
            dsPurchaseRequest tempPRDataSet = myDataLayer.findPurchaseRequest(tPRID);

            tVID = tempPRDataSet.PurchaseRequest[0].vehicleID;
Beispiel #4
        //populates a dataset with information from the PurchaseRequest Table
        public dsPurchaseRequest findPurchaseRequest(int purchaseRequestID)
            //the SQL statement filters the search by searching for a specific requestID
            string           sqlStmt        = "select * from PurchaseRequest where requestID like '" + purchaseRequestID + "'";
            OleDbDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlStmt, dbConnection);

            //fills the data to a temporary data set
            dsPurchaseRequest tempDataSet = new dsPurchaseRequest();


            //returns the resulting data set -- should be only 1 line because the requestID is Primary Key (Unique)
Beispiel #5
        //populates a dropDownMenu with all Purchase Requests from the PurchaseRequest Table
        public dsPurchaseRequest dsPurchaseRequestDropDown()
            //This SQL statement only finds REQUESTIDs for all Purchase Request
            //(Future TO DO): Include more information in the DropDownMenu so it makes it easier to lookup a customer
            //(Future TO DO): Only include Purchase Requests that have not been finalized/Sale Completed
            string           sqlStmt        = "Select requestID FROM PurchaseRequest";
            OleDbDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlStmt, dbConnection);

            dsPurchaseRequest tempDataSet = new dsPurchaseRequest();


            //returns a resulting data set with only one colum -- this list should be expected to have multiple rows
Beispiel #6
        //this method populates the dropdown menu from PurchaseRequests
        public void populateDropDownList(int sValue)
                dsPurchaseRequest dsPopulate   = new dsPurchaseRequest();
                string            tempPath     = Server.MapPath("~/HTVDatabase1.mdb");
                clsDataLayer      dataLayerObj = new HTV.clsDataLayer(tempPath);
                dsPopulate = dataLayerObj.dsPurchaseRequestDropDown();

                //The drop down menu is populated with information from the Purchase Request Table.
                //TO DO:  Make the Purchase ID more user friendly.  Right now, it only shows numbers.  This could show Names and Vehicles
                ddlPurchaseRequestID.DataSource     = dsPopulate;
                ddlPurchaseRequestID.DataTextField  = "requestID";
                ddlPurchaseRequestID.DataValueField = "requestID";

                //this line makes sure the last thing selected in the dropdown menu is selected again by default.
                ddlPurchaseRequestID.SelectedValue = sValue.ToString();
            catch (Exception error)
                Warnings.Text = "Critical Error: " + error;