Beispiel #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddBar([FromBody] databaseInputBars objBars)
            // Checks if the model is valid from the body and returns that this is incorrect
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(new JsonResult("Error While Creating New Bar"));
            Bars b = new Bars();

            b.bar_name    = objBars.barName;
            b.street_num  = objBars.street_num;
            b.street_name = objBars.street_name;
            b.suburb      = objBars.suburb;
            // Adds the bar to the database if this is correct.
            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            Bars     bar = _db.bars.Find(b.barId);
            int      id  = b.barId;
            barScore bs  = new barScore();

            bs.bar_id      = id;
            bs.craft_slide = objBars.craftSlide;
            bs.complexity  = objBars.complexity;
            bs.lqBeer      = objBars.lqBeer;
            bs.lqMeal      = objBars.lqMeal;
            bs.uqBeer      = objBars.uqBeer;
            bs.uqMeal      = objBars.uqMeal;
            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            barCheck bc = new barCheck();

            bc.bar_id = id;
     = objBars.wineCheck;
     = objBars.beerCheck;
            bc.spirit = objBars.spiritCheck;
            // Waits and checks that the changes are saved within the database.
            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Returns that the Bar has been inserted into the database.
            return(new JsonResult("Bar inserted successfully"));
Beispiel #2
 public IActionResult getPrefBar([FromRoute] int id)
     if (_db.users.Find(id) != null)
         K_Nearest_Neighbour knn = new K_Nearest_Neighbour();
         Users             u     = _db.users.Find(id);
         userPref          up    = _db.user_pref.Find(id);
         userCheck         uc    = _db.user_check.Find(id);
         databaseInputUser user  = new databaseInputUser();
         user.craftSlide  = up.craft_slide;
         user.Complexity  = up.complexity;
         user.PriceRange  = up.price_range;
         user.WineCheck   =;
         user.BeerCheck   =;
         user.SpiritCheck = uc.spirit;
         int bbid = 0;
         foreach (Bars b in _db.bars.ToArray())
             int               currentID = b.barId;
             barScore          bs        = _db.bar_score.Find(currentID);
             barCheck          bc        = _db.bar_check.Find(currentID);
             databaseInputBars db        = new databaseInputBars();
             db.bar_id      = b.barId;
             db.craftSlide  = bs.craft_slide;
             db.complexity  = bs.complexity;
             db.lqBeer      = (int)bs.lqBeer;
             db.lqMeal      = (int)bs.lqMeal;
             db.uqBeer      = (int)bs.uqBeer;
             db.uqMeal      = (int)bs.uqMeal;
             db.beerCheck   =;
             db.wineCheck   =;
             db.spiritCheck = bc.spirit;
             bbid           = knn.testing(user, db);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateBar([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] databaseInputBars objBars)
            if (objBars == null || _db.bars.Find(id) != null)
                return(new JsonResult("This Bar cannot be updated"));
                Bars b = new Bars();
                b.barId = id;
                barScore bs = new barScore();
                barCheck bc = new barCheck();
                b.bar_name     = objBars.barName;
                b.street_num   = objBars.street_num;
                b.street_name  = objBars.street_name;
                b.suburb       = objBars.suburb;
                bs.bar_id      = id;
                bs.craft_slide = objBars.craftSlide;
                bs.complexity  = objBars.complexity;
                bs.lqBeer      = objBars.lqBeer;
                bs.lqMeal      = objBars.lqMeal;
                bs.uqBeer      = objBars.uqBeer;
                bs.uqMeal      = objBars.uqMeal;
                bc.bar_id      = id;
              = objBars.beerCheck;
              = objBars.wineCheck;
                bc.spirit      = objBars.spiritCheck;
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(new JsonResult("Bar has been updated"));
        // Passes both the users preferences and the bar
        // a comparison between the two is then made, and then
        public int testing(databaseInputUser u, databaseInputBars b)
            double priceRange = 100.0;
            int    craftScore = u.craftSlide - b.craftSlide;

            if (craftScore < 0)
                craftScore *= -1;
            int compScore = u.Complexity - b.complexity;

            if (compScore < 0)
                compScore *= -1;
            int wineCheck = 0;

            if (!u.WineCheck.Equals(b.wineCheck))
                wineCheck += 5;
            int beerCheck = 0;

            if (!u.BeerCheck.Equals(b.beerCheck))
                beerCheck += 5;
            int spiritCheck = 0;

            if (!u.SpiritCheck.Equals(b.spiritCheck))
                spiritCheck += 5;
            double price = u.PriceRange - b.lqMeal;

            if (price < 0)
                price *= -1;
            if (price < priceRange)
                priceRange = price;
            price = u.PriceRange + b.lqBeer;
            if (price < 0)
                price *= -1;
            if (price < priceRange)
                priceRange = price;
            price = u.PriceRange + b.uqMeal;
            if (price < 0)
                price *= -1;
            if (price < priceRange)
                priceRange = price;
            price = u.PriceRange + b.uqBeer;
            if (price < 0)
                price *= -1;
            if (price < priceRange)
                priceRange = price;
            double totalScore = craftScore + compScore + wineCheck + beerCheck + spiritCheck + priceRange;

            // sets the current best bar based on the score, the smaller the value then the closer to the preferences of the user.
            if (best_bar_score > totalScore)
                best_bar_id    = b.bar_id;
                best_bar_score = totalScore;
            // returns the id of the best bar each time so the final result is that of the best bar for the user preferences.