Beispiel #1
 public static void SetDataChanges(ScriptableObject scriptable, data_changes_enum new_data_changes)
     if (scriptable is IntVariable int_var)
         int_var.data_changes = new_data_changes;
     else if (scriptable is StringVariable string_var)
         string_var.data_changes = new_data_changes;
     else if (scriptable is BoolVariable bool_var)
         bool_var.data_changes = new_data_changes;
     else if (scriptable is FloatVariable float_var)
         float_var.data_changes = new_data_changes;
     else if (scriptable is SODict sodict)
         sodict.data_changes = new_data_changes;
     else if (scriptable is SOList solist)
         solist.data_changes = new_data_changes;
         throw new Exception( + " is not supported type!");
Beispiel #2
 public MetaData(string guid, string type_string, data_changes_enum data_changes, created_type_enum created_type)
     this.guid         = guid;
     this.type_string  = type_string;
     this.data_changes = data_changes;
     this.created_type = created_type;
Beispiel #3
    // Start data for non-persistent stuff
    public static ScriptableObject CreateSOD(string type_string, data_changes_enum data_changes, object start_value)
        string guid = NewGUID();

        ScriptableObject new_scriptable = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(type_string);

        SetDataChanges(new_scriptable, data_changes);
        SetCreatedType(new_scriptable, created_type_enum.code_created);
        root_data.Add(guid, new_scriptable);

        SetStartValue(new_scriptable, start_value);

        // Make sure that we save new_scriptable on disk

Beispiel #4
    public static ScriptableObject LoadSOD(string type_string, string guid, data_changes_enum data_changes)
        if (!ES3.KeyExists(guid, main_data_path))

        ScriptableObject new_scriptable = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(type_string);

        SetDataChanges(new_scriptable, data_changes);
        SetCreatedType(new_scriptable, created_type_enum.code_created);
        root_data.Add(guid, new_scriptable);


Beispiel #5
    private static MetaData GetMetadataFromSOD(ScriptableObject scriptable)
        string            type_string     = scriptable.GetType().ToString();
        string            scriptable_guid = GetFirstGUIDByScriptable(root_data, scriptable);
        data_changes_enum data_changes    = GetDataChanges(scriptable);
        created_type_enum created_type    = GetCreatedType(scriptable);

        if (scriptable_guid == "")
            // It should not happen under any circumstances, because
            // editor_created stuff is always in root_data / or it goes through CreateCustomSOD
            // code_created stuff goes through CreateSOD
            // and so all data inside SODict is added in root_data before this method

            Debug.LogError( + " scriptable does not exist in root_data!");

        return(new MetaData(scriptable_guid, type_string, data_changes, created_type));
Beispiel #6
    private void SetEditorDataChanges(data_changes_enum new_data_changes)
        List <ScriptableObject> scrtipables = GetAllScriptables(scriptables_path);

        for (int i = 0; i < scrtipables.Count; i++)
            ScriptableObject scriptable = scrtipables[i];

            if (scriptable is IntVariable int_var)
                int_var.editor_data_changes = new_data_changes;
            else if (scriptable is StringVariable string_var)
                string_var.editor_data_changes = new_data_changes;
            else if (scriptable is BoolVariable bool_var)
                bool_var.editor_data_changes = new_data_changes;
            else if (scriptable is FloatVariable float_var)
                float_var.editor_data_changes = new_data_changes;
            else if (scriptable is SODict sodict)
                sodict.editor_data_changes = new_data_changes;
            else if (scriptable is SOList solist)
                solist.editor_data_changes = new_data_changes;
                throw new Exception( + " is not supported type!");